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After all this, don't tell me you'd still vote for him?
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The black guy, Ketanji Brown.
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thanks to /ptg/
(((who))) hates White people???
who should I vote for?
who are you voting for?
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this again
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I’m happy for Trump’s safety. Sadly, however, I cannot endorse his candidacy as he appears to be a Zionist shill. He can win my support by declaring Netanyahu a war criminal and cutting ties w/ Israel.
Who is that little monkey in the picture in picture interrupting, very annoying
File: Felipe Loomered.webm (4.47 MB, 640x348)
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a delusional 'yt' supremacist
I love Laura! And a beaner being racist to Laura?! Lol cringe
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What movie is this from?
It's funny to see pol panicking at the idea of Biden dropping out of the race, they know Trump can't beat another candidate
Nobody is panicking there is nobody the democrats can pick that would even stand a chance. It doesn't even matter who wins, you either get democrats run by kikes or republicans run by kikes.
It's the same outcome regardless. You will be drafted and you will be going to die for Israel in Iran.
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>for Israel
So, people are going to renounce their citizenship for Israel and then convert to Judaism and then join the IDF to eliminate the enemy of the world, mudslimes???? Jews can’t stop winning
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>still can't answer the question
You're clearly a retard and don't understand what ZOG is, or anything else. You shouldn't vote, nor should you procreate.
File: HH.webm (1.78 MB, 886x478)
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>shabbos goy
controlled dissidence
I'm going for Trump.
I don't care. I'm going back to 2016.
There's also no America left if he doesn't get elected.
Deportations are the only option, and you have to have hope.
We will win.
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I hope you don't learn a hard lesson my friend. Though I suppose at some point we all have to learn about the world and grow the fuck up.
Thank you Brother
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>Muh war crimes
War crimes aren't real
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Grow up faggot.
Trump had "lgbt for trump" in 2016
He was always a professional grifter, you're just too buckbroken by jewish propaganda to see him for what he truly is.
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eh, neoDUMBn*zi post hands now
File: totally not genocide.webm (5.71 MB, 264x480)
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Return the hostages now, Muhammad pedophile
If Republicans were as awesome as they claimed why did they not stop any of the things they claimed they would stop?
>Trying to zest up this glorified walking tour
>Udi Levy has told BBC Panorama he advised Benjamin Netanyahu to target Hamas's finances.
>He believes this would have hampered the group's military build-up, but says the intelligence was not acted upon.
>Mr Levy - who was head of economic warfare in the Mossad, Israel's spy agency, until 2016 - says he told Mr Netanyahu many times that Israel had the means to crush Hamas, which controls Gaza, "by using only financial tools".
>The Israeli prime minister's office has not responded to the allegations.
>One specific funding stream, which Mr Levy says he raised with Mr Netanyahu in 2014, was an alleged multi-million-dollar investment portfolio which Israeli intelligence said was controlled by Hamas and managed out of Turkey.
>Mr Levy says that Mr Netanyahu chose not to act on the information.

>In 2019, Mr Netanyahu told colleagues in his ruling Likud party: "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas… This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank."


Its just old testament stuff you know the general wiping out of a people to take the land
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>2023 hearing

Fake caption, nice try neoSTUPIDn*zi fraud

>Its just old testament stuff you know the general wiping out of a people to take the land

palestine is a colonial entity, just like the rest of the 'arab' lands, none of the names are arabic but hebrew
Another grooming gang exposed, the 'community' attacks police, wot
>filename>triggered smol dick poster

Look at all the lame trolls triggered and hating on talented kids
what a fucking joke brittish cops are
File: HH.webm (5.8 MB, 720x402)
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that's a ridiculous law
does he still have the accent?
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2.7 MB GIF
thats fucking sick
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>(and some women too, Killary)
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Put me in the battle box, I will fight to bring back slavery and take away womens rights to vote
what is the problem?
Why is she grabbing herself by the puzzy?
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The untouchables
women are immediately aroused just in the presence of an ultra chad
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File: First Blood.webm (679 KB, 854x480)
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I forgot "betrayal" was Halo, not Unreal, but I was too deep to change it by that point.
Lol. At least the OP was honest.
>they know Trump can't beat another candidate
It's less "Trump won't win" and more "whoecer they pick will be even worse." Kamala, Newsome, etc.
I dpn't think it'll matter that much who is allowed to enter office. The main issue is everybody but the President: senators, congressmen, Governors, city counsilmen, etc.
Pretty obvious he's a troll.
>Fake caption
In the last several threads, you've called out webms for depicting old events, as of that's somehow debunking their relevancy, and made a big deal about "muh context" when said context changed basically nothing about the takeaway the poster or editor intended. So, I gotta give credit to you that you actually rightfully debunked something, this time. Good job and thanks.
Good for them actually playing something cool because they want to and doing it well. No rap, no BS.
And those names are hilarious, too.
Is there anything actually good about North Korea other than "no Rothschild Central Bank?" Maybe "no gays or degeneracy," but the cost for that seems way too fucking high.
Hell freaking yes. I love cool blacks.
>Traditionalism -> Modernism: Visualized
dude what the fuck is this webm, for fucking ants?
Could you not have done 480x270?

Democracy and propensity in the outskirts, if the propaganda images I keep encountering are to be believed.
Obviously this is stupid and I can cherry pick too.
The audio desync comes from having a variable bitrate encode on your input file. (The audio track is a single continuous stream, so the only method the output encoder has to guess where to start is to divide time over total bits. A variable bitrate undermines this method, while a constant bitrate makes it accurate.) If you save the whole input's audio source as a constant bitrate instead, the sync issue goes away when you chop it into smaller webms.
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Former mossad agent wrote a book, and he's giving a talk about it and his experiences...
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>Former mossad agent wrote a book, and he's giving a talk about it and his experiences...

Another clip, where he talks about having hundreds of thousands of jews working as spies for mossad, around the world. Gathering intel, or anything else that they needed. Even medical doctors and hollywood stars were involved
>Is there anything actually good about North Korea
It not being South Korea (both highest reported suicide rate in the developed world and lowest reported birth rate on the planet), but I guess, that's about it.
Kim Il-sung and his descendants are certainly a plague upon their people.
File: shut_it_down.webm (5.53 MB, 480x270)
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Camacho for president, 2505
HH isn't the candidate.
I tried remaking it but its 2 minutes long, thats too much for this board
av1 fucking when?
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Goyim paid $50k + benefits to slander goyim and make palestinians look bad. Getting recruited by israel, to create false narratives with actors
>2017 Aljazeera documentary
>Paid Pro Israel group vs Pro HamASS group (SJP) who smear each other

What smear? In 2023 HamASS did in fact kill kids not in strollers but in their beds while they slept. Nice try neoSHITSKINn*zi
Why would our greatest ally bomb the british embassy??
Why was his Irgun jewish terrorist group later absorbed into the IDF, to continue their terrorist attacks under the guise of state sanctioned activities?
>greatest ally bomb the british embassy

so, the embassy was on foreign soil, boohoo, kek
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1.93 MB GIF
/k/ really needs to be shut down
Ah so in fact he could not have done the higher resolution. That's unfortunate.

Ive noticed these mislabeled videos popping up recently in threads. its very strange, I don't think anyone here is editing these videos with false captions but I guess its just view farmers on social media recycling content
In fact, the only one to reply to these webms is the neodumbnazi guy >>5625359
which leads me to believe its him posting them, then replaying with his neodumbnazi debunk. I wouldnt be surprised if hes Trying to force his neodumbnazi meme through false flagging.
>Biden just dropped out
and...there goes Trump's chances of winning. It's over
And he's out, hahahahahahah, I knew this would happen, Trump is FUCKED
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Wrong schizo

What, you retards thought the DEMONRATS were ever going to halt cheating, no
that's how most countries work, it's an anti-money laundering strategy, it's also a built in friction to prevent bank runs
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>democrats grouping their staged insurrection with pearl harbor and 9/11
anyone voting for these manipulative liars deserve what they will get out of it
Probably BP requiring he install an app on his phone in order to pay.
Because covid or some thing.
To be fair, Jan 6 having 5 people killed is not nothing. Donald Trump got 5 people killed for what exactly? Because he was a whiney little bitch who couldn't accept defeat.
It's hilarious that there's always a super triggered jewish shill that posts on here >5625522. Often mass replying to multiple anons, trying to rage bait one into replying. I think that she actually does it for free, since the shilling work is extremely subpar. She unironically has schizophrenia genes based on her extreme paranoia & delusions, which in her case could either be schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or paranoid personality disorder. She always claims that all of chan is nothing but 1 single anon replying to himself. She does this all the time, and an month or two ago, she was claiming that something like 8 or 10 of the threads were posted by 1 single user (including this /pol/ thread in /wsg/, since she didn't know it was a recurring thread)

She then claimed that 100% of the posts in the all of those threads, were all from the same anon. Claiming that a /pol/ thread in /wsg/, as well as another 8-10 threads, was simply 1 anon, and not viewed by a single other person except for her. That 100% of the videos, and 100% of the replies were all that 1 single anon.
She literally has no clue how chan works, and is simply from plebbit and telegram.
The only choice dude, or are you going to waste your vote?
It's fucking on, bitch
Is this you who made this false claim here>>5625501 and when the 'anon' you pointed out, actually replied, you're still claiming it's the same anon replying to.... themselves? I think you're paranoid, buddy. Also, I can't help notice that they are not even using any 4chan extensions like chanx to hide the so called 'samefag' claim. Seek help.
>can’t debate
>pro nazi propaganda doesn’t work

>blames it on rage bait

"For some reason, we're not allowed to say theres huge migration waves going on! It's a conspiracy!"
> Ignores ongoing warfare around the world https://www.unhcr.org/emergencies/ongoing-emergencies
> Ignores improving media literacy in former third world and growing interest in moving to more affluent countries
> Literally hundreds of universities researching migration and its impact on host contries
> All kinds of debates and public exchanges going on about migration and culture clashes
"We're being silenced waaaah"

Meanwhile, the actual migrants never get interviewed, their situation is never explained and theyre actually "silenced" while Tucker and his morons have millions of listeners

Good grief, has this man ever walked among normal people
someone is being prosecuted for the migration question
They're gonna criticize her for this? Trump talks the exact same way.
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>he's not a pedo, he was set up by the police and we kicked him out!
Why'd they kick him out if he was set up by police? And they're the ones shouting paedophile protector at that guy? top kek
National Socialist
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>shabbos goy senator attempts claim of the moral high-ground by out-jewing a jew
the "great ally" mind virus sure is strong in Republicans
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2.6 MB
Did USA forget to send the money or something? Why are they crying?

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