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Only kino allowed.
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>shit music
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what the fuck did i just watch. this is not kino
wtf. mods.
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Fucking groovy
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That's my webm, I downloaded the whole upscaled movie and the audio of the original low quality webm, sent it to an audio engineer friend to make it sound a little bitter, and then remade the webm from scratch. It's a dope ass webm and I wanted to see it in HD.
You should go back
Is this an ironic shitposting thread? Nothing here is a kino. Its all garbage. What am I missing here?
>Nothing here is a kino.
from my experience on WSG Kino means shit.
In suma, OP is a faggot.
holy fucking newfag leave immediately
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Serious question, when did this newfag "kino" word come into play. Quit the Internet for like half a decade, come back, and it's all over now.
According to KYM it started being used in 2014, so it's hardly new.
Kinda not /wsg
well I mean I'm pretty sure it's a word used to describe theaters in the 1920s even, but it was never popular on 4chan back when I was mainlining this site in high school
What the fuck is even the point of this thread? None of this has anything to do with Kino
Why would he be banned. There's no gore. Why would that be not "work safe" byt watching clips of scantily clad women, fights or movie violence is?
full edit where?
source on song?
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>ahead of his time
Modern rap
wow so kino, a nice animation with some low effort garbage electronic music over the top. great
can an ameriboon translate what this bix nood even said please
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what drug does this?
>person with a possible spinal injury
Extremely reckless.
Big Hero 6
how is this kino?
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Whats that song????
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What is this?
I think the idiot smoked a pepper
that will be $400.00, sir
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how does he get out without breaking all the eggs?
for what purpose
No one knows, we've been trying to find it for years. One of these days...
It is an old wood treating technique, preserves it and makes it more resistant to water.
You can find the japanese version on youtube under the name Sho Sugi Ban.
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>guy is storming towards you with gun in hand
>walk towards him with your phone shouting "GO AHEAD! GO AHEAD!"
>he actually opens fire on you
>continue marching towards him shouting "I HAVE YOU ON VIDEO!"
>get shot
>comical joe pesci style "you fucker you!"
How does this happen?
For whisky barrels?
This thread sucks.
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man, I gotta apologize about that scene in Promethius. Apparently some one is so stupid that they'll run in a straight line
yes say oh my god a bunch more times
what's the context
If I went to India this guy would probably be the only guy I buy from.
48 posts and its all shit this is just sad where are the kino
>inb4 you post them
i didn't save anything from last good kino thread
The Goys (yes thats their last name) were harassing this man who apparently recently at the time lost his wife. He obviously snapped when he had enough of their bullshit. They got what was coming to them.

I thought that the guy was simply psychotic, I was devouring my self-created delusions for the umpteenth time. Alright it's kino.
nop just a door
File: 1980.webm (5.86 MB, 480x360)
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Some Olympic KINO
Unless the car did something first the fat retard and his boyfriend are at fault and deserved more.
You can tell by his disgusting grunts the cameraman is a fat sperg.
This is why I don't send bad videos to a bug wizard
he takes the eggxit
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this website sucks anon
i believe oldfags have no place on 4chan anymore. Nothing is kino, funny, cringe, kek, kawaii. All these threads are nostalgia threads for people who still think the site is as they always knew. They still browse to /f/ without knowing flash died.
I thought it was the comfy board
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Very cool, if true
Based kino
You just know that couple were complete assholes for probably years and finally got what was coming to them.
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/wsg/ has been pretty shit lately
every thread is fucking garbage
File: I am death.webm (5.71 MB, 1152x480)
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can we salvage the thread?
The western culture is truly past it's prime, nothing is getting better
bro he could have fucked those sexy azns if he just stopped playing games *baka*
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We can but try
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DUDEWEEDLMAOS are the dumbest idiots in the world.
awww how sad :-(
Seriously fuck these autists.
Good thing they have a rope there to catch the tree or it could've ended really badly for him.
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supersize meat crayon
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>who apparently recently at the time lost his wife
That never happened, it's some bullshit rumor that someone spread online. The Goys were just annoying assholes
It's not Big Hero 6 like the other anon said

It's a Norweigian movie from the mid 70s called Flåklypa - English name is The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix. Great film tbf
what kind of a turbo fag cant Finnish a spar they started
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laughing the retard making mong noises at those boots
File: therealtornado.webm (3.62 MB, 466x720)
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shut tf up faggot
real life homer simpson
That's not a rope you daft cunt, it's tape to signal that cars shouldn't go through there at that moment
fucking idiot
he's mid
god, could they fit more animation cliches into one movie?
thanks ivan

No prob, I'll be here all night droog :^)
>The Goys were just annoying assholes
We've been trying to warn you but you goys just don't listen
look at his shadow. you don't know a man from a woman and vice versa tranny faggot
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You got the one when they perform in teams and they create a human slide for one of the guys to slide off of?
That was a pepper not weed
fight thread: >>5622790
Yes, it was. Now which tool did he use to smoke the fucking pepper, you brainiac?
the cunt is a DUDEWEED. One day he was high, he had the idea of smoking chilli in the hope it would give him a spicy high.
and where is the kino in your garbage webm?
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Stupid fuck just bong-ripped CS gas
File: tank_boy_a.webm (4.21 MB, 720x404)
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>$2.3 million hypercar crashing
>dur where kino dur
^ That's you
What song is that?
you have no idea what kino means
He was and still is in the right. You cannot let weak people have their way, you have to show them the consequences of being weak.
Woman moment.
can you upload it somewhere so it's not bitcrushed to death in 5.7mb?
black people love being violent
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Something about this... Anon I think we has similar souls
He fucked up, Domino's got his address, enjoy your pizza in jail son
I first saw it used in /mu/ a long time ago
One long motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he
landed in somebody's yard. They still use the same machine, but there's a long duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.
I know I'm late, but this sounds familiar. Is that Origami Vato playing in the background?
all that gay ass pomp and then he lights the cigar with a bic lighter.
fucking asians, they just never get it.
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Dude was asking to borrow girls car. Common for black dude to not have a car, sometimes the females get there shit enough together to purchase them, thus the asking to borrow. She says no.
nigga moment
Sounds like a French version of money can't buy me love by The Beatles.

> Dude was asking to borrow girls car
> Common for black dude to not have a car
> get there shit

> nigga moment

nigger detected
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3.8 MB
it begins...
Very ballsy, very cool.
File: I speak Jive.webm (5.04 MB, 1280x720)
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> ask for translator
> get translator
What did you expect?
women get fat
women power i can go up ladder
back broken
how the white man lives
>woman shot multiple times close range with pistol
>guy comes back with a rifle
>she still manages to survive it, still moving on the snow
Jesus, what a woman
>car chase webm with a die antwoord song playing in the background didn't get posted
That is the definition of kino, sad times.
Blank rounds? No way it's live ammo.
you would be surprised at how not lethal shots to the head are, if you get shot in the heart you die, you just cannot recover without some insane immediate surgery, if you get shot in the head you can live pretty easily, you can mess up big chunks of your brain and go on living
>Neighbors told investigators that Spaide and the Goys had been engaged in a long-running feud that reached a boiling point on the snowiest day of the year.

>"The Goys were shoveling the snow from their parking spots, shoveling the snow across the road, and throwing the snow onto Spaide’s property," Salavantis and Binker said in their statement.

>Witnesses told investigators that Spaide asked the couple to stop, sparking a heated exchange of words. James Goy apparently threw a tool at Spaide that he had been using to clear snow from his car, according to the statement. When James Goy approached Spaide with a raised fist, Spaide reportedly retreated into his house and fetched a gun, the officials said.
>"The Goys proceed to yell at him, and, using expletives, the parties called each other names," Salavantis and Binker said in their statement, adding that the episode was captured on surveillance video. "Mr. Goy then threatened Spaide and is seen making obscene gestures at him. Seconds later, Spaide returns holding a handgun."
>The officials said despite seeing Spaide with a gun, James and Lisa Goy continued shouting names at him from the middle of the street.
Ignore those whores, stay focused.
Sauce on the song for this one?
is that charlie z? kek
it's interesting that the nose scratching reflex is still functioning
It was only 9mm
The rifle was also a carbine chambered in 9mm
File: leafs.webm (6 MB, 1274x716)
6 MB
hmm, door aged whisky seems nice
I wonder if son of Eggman ever got customers.
Les LIONCEAUX - je ne peux l'acheter
Other replies are retarded. 2 ingredients spawned regular use of kino. It happened when they were new.
>CoD nazi zombies
>Inglorious Bastards
Kino der toten being the map name for millions of teens to read and say over and over again, and Kino being spoken again to solidify that it's German at a time when Nazi culture was being enjoyed by some. /tv/ was having fun with it until they distilled the new meaning of kino to replace a certain feeling from media. Suck it.
Holy based Spaide. Subhumans like that only understand one thing. Glad they're dead desu. Guy should've received a medal for removing trash like that from society.
its good to know she suffered. she got to think about it all. if being a cunt was worth it
does anyone know the song name?
>Scranton Wilkes-Barre
literally zero surprise on my part, they're all hotheaded cunts there
Didn't this guy get charged with assault or something?

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