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File: Mussolini.webm (5.83 MB, 1920x1080)
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ITT miscellaneous political webms, excluding nazis (zionists). Extremists of all stripes welcome.

Never back down to the racialist hordes.
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Ah, so it's a thread for Jews. Got it.
We've already caught on. Your time is over. Tolerance lost, and it's your fault for making it so insufferable.
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>Fascism is for da joos
File: HotIsraeli.webm (5.66 MB, 720x1280)
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wait, NatSoc aren't extremists?
unironically yes
they seem to be the only Western country allowed to have ethno-nationalism
Jews are always kicked out of nations because the people are tired of being financially enslaved by them. Everyone looks at what was done to the Jews, but nobody ever bothers to ask what the Jews did to bring it on. When a guy constantly has people picking fights with him, don't you wonder why everyone wants to kick his ass so bad?
Correct. NatSoc is "baby's first heterodox." It's why so many 12-20 year olds get so autistic over it before learning about stronger ideologies.
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I love how natsoc logic is that people kicked out jews for "financially enslaving" them, yet simultaneously allowed monarchs literally covered in diamonds to exist. Unless the "people" you refer to are the monarchs themselves, which *was* the case as Jews lended money to the nobility more often than not, resulting in the indebted nobility themselves leading the charge to expel them, and not the common people.
>nobody ever bothers to ask what the Jews did to bring it on.
they pissed off the nobility, do you think historians have never examined the cause of Jewish expulsion beyond xenophobia?
How many of those do you suppose we have in the general populace when Jews start crying Holocaust?
>How many of those do you suppose we have in the general populace when Jews start crying Holocaust?
Little, but what does it matter, the point still stands that historians do have a thoroughly proven explanation to Jewish expulsion contrary to the braindead thesis of "financial enslavement" and that directly answers that smug "why does everyone want to kick his ass so bad?" question.
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no it doesn't. and a people who has it in their culture to be involved in lending is disgusting enough as it is
as they've historically been involved in usury they've also been heavily involved in: prostitution, the mafia (it was actually very Jewish), funding of wars, production and legalization of porn, creating conflicts for the sake of money, and on and on and on

if you think people who profit from war and do so knowingly are the 'good guys' because they're just *following rules* and are not explicitly evil, then yeah. it's you who's wrong actually, and the Jews are clearly an immoral people merely judging by the incredibly low standards you hold them to

there are lots of people groups who have successfully migrated between countries and assimilated and integrated into new cultures but Jews have never had any such luck in almost 3000 years of history
that's actually saying quite a lot. for one, it says that they have no desire to assimilate and quit their nepotistic practices anywhere they go
right, and Jewish anthropologists have also pushed in academia the idea that HBD (human biodiversity) doesn't exist and that there is no such thing as human races

I guess we just have to take at face value whenever a Jew say something because they so obviously aren't biased or anything
>a people who has it in their culture to be involved in lending is disgusting enough as it is
If you are so disgusted by a people who makes their living off of moneylending, fund wars, manipulate money to serve their own interests, and perpetuate the system of wage-slavery, then why don't you oppose the bourgeoisie as a whole instead of the Jews just because they make a disproportionate although not whole part of the bourgeoisie. Whenever you try to get a natsoc to explain their antisemitism it almost always boils down to rebranded anti-capitalism that is then tangentially connected to the Jews.

>there are lots of people groups who have successfully migrated between countries and assimilated and integrated into new cultures but Jews have never had any such luck
Mussolini recognized that Jews could assimilate into Italian culture, it was his main criticism of Zionists that they didn't like to assimilate unlike other Jews.

>yuor evidence is jooish lies, because b-because i said so!
I'm not going to trust a self-proclaimed racist (biased) in regards to HBD over the rest of the scientific community, which despite your massive assumption based off of nothing is not entirely made up of Jews. Ultimately, i don't really care if HBD is real, not, or somewhere in between, because blacks having an average IQ of 80 or whatever doesn't automatically make me want to kill them.
File: NoAbandonedSons.webm (5.72 MB, 640x360)
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>because blacks having an average IQ of 80 or whatever doesn't automatically make me want to kill them.
strawman argument. how ironic for you to talk about anyone being biased

>Mussolini recognized that Jews could assimilate into Italian culture
even Hitler recognized that there were good Jews lol
it shouldn't be any more controversial than noting that a German and a Swede might have different loyalties, sorry your gaslighting doesn't work anymore. cope.
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Incorrect. The issue is parasitism and I'm repeated treason. You will rarely find them in working labor jobs. They care less for participating in moving matter for the pleasure of comprehending a real "partaking of the Spirit" and more for watching it all play out in front of them.

They create fake money. That alone is enough to openly decry any tolerance of their association, here... or anywhere.

We can say, "Oh, well, hey, everyone does, every culture does, and you would be right. No argument, there.

We are apprehending a brilliant revelation about our racial and cultural heritage. No need to throw YET ANOTHER RACE'S IMMORTALITY INTO OUR OWN.

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