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post Richard Spencer/BAP/memes and Master Morality - Christian memes not allowed!
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File: the spencer rant.webm (4.53 MB, 960x720)
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File: spencer sargon.webm (532 KB, 720x720)
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The way he flipped outs him 100% as an asset
The way he talks on social media now is like he's a liberal AI bot
>The way he talks on social media now is like he's a liberal AI bot

He was always a berniebro cocksucker.
File: what-why.gif (275 KB, 220x164)
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275 KB GIF
>The Jews prevented space flight
>the most Jewish-controlled country (USA) was the first to land on the moon.
Reformed German Nazis put America on the moon with their futuristic rocket technology.
>Richard Spencer
That faggot is a confirmed glownigger asset.
It really is too bad that they didn't leave behind notes on how to replicate that technology. It's just been lost to time.
Same with their unbelievably efficient crematoria. I wonder if we'll ever figure out how they managed to kill 110% of the Jews in Europe and vaporize the bodies so quickly.
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More like NEETschean
Oh really? How did the Russians get ahold of this super special technology? Before the US, BTW
>spick fuentes comparing shit to nu-wars
kil yourself
his mommy jew
The sickly spastic retard incel who escaped from his life of failure by writing about justifying his impotent power fantasies? Lmao what a master
File: dark side.webm (1.98 MB, 540x540)
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1.98 MB WEBM
The US was not at all Jewish-controlled back then.
Spencer is such a king.
There is no contradiction in that word
>iToddlers are supposedly based now
That nuclear apocalypse better get a move on

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