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File: 669cf4587c261.webm (3.48 MB, 1280x720)
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Best Anime Dances
Honestly I'd be fine if it was illegal to have this video on your device. It's literally pedophiles drawing pictures of children for the sexual gratification of pedophiles. While still being legal.
happiness is never far
File: The Stats.webm (506 KB, 1024x658)
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Uh oh, better shut the fuck up forever!
>Shit Anime Dances
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Based, keep making the pedoids seethe
>4 posts in and no caramelldansen

>nothing sexual
>immediately thinks about nude children
>>nothing sexual
why are you lying you nonse
You're gonna have to walk me through this. I watched the video, it's just a dance compilation to shitty music. I don't have pedo-vision like you.
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File: mayoi dance.webm (5.83 MB, 300x647)
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sweet, thanks anon
Caramelldansen Japan 2008 Version (SE), Japanese video, Swedish vocals
Have you considered killing yourself? Doing so will save you from this land of the lawless, while preserving valuable oxygen for someone worth it.
>serve time and get a permanent record for storing some drawings
>draw a picture for personal enjoyment, jail
authoritards should get the rope
Ayyy ive been looking for this for ages, thanks man.
I'd also be fine if beating up retards like you was legal, oh well!
you're the one sexualizing children faggot
did you know that children exist and that they're not sexual objects you fuckin creep

your first thought of seeing a child is 'sex'
you are the problem, faggot
why do you have images of my wife on your pc?
delet this!

t. Ryan Gosling
waifu: Mayoi Hachikuji from Bakemonogatari
music: this is the sauce, it was made specifically for this loop
hoped to get to find more beats but thx fren :)
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I've got a few. They are posted often so consider this just a bump.
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This is nostalgic. Thank you.
You have to know you're arguing in bad faith. That vid is obviously portraying children in a sexual manner. You KNOW this. It's not ok, you know it's not ok, so why are you denying it?
What if it's using this audio instead?
Why are people attracted to black music?
Fully clothed children dancing is only sexual in the mind of someone who finds children intrinsically attractive. How many months have you been on HRT, might I ask?
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what is that tune?
its from a vidya
i hate how every version of this posted on /f/ is always fucking out of sync, but no-one'll fucking fix it
Yuru Yuri, Eromanga, Gochuumon, Wataten. What are the other 2-3?
File: 8425 - SoyBooru.webm (1.79 MB, 480x480)
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thanks doc
File: MAXIMUM BABY ENERGY.webm (3.1 MB, 1280x720)
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Does this count
Cute and funny
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add your own 4/4 beat
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it's true it's true I love them. I love them I really do. They're the best. Way better then older women it's a known fact. Japan, korea and china produce the best little girls it's true.
This stupid image draws the faulty conclusion that more loli porn = less child rape ignoring the fact that uk is full of niggers and muhammeds and japan is an ethnostate
sexually repressed populations rape
Hey retard.
Yeah you, abject fucking retard.

You didn't contradict anybody.
So in any case you would agree that drawings are not the problem and are never going to be?
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Ya gotta love the Choobster.
Volume rape is gay and uninspired.
Go back to 2001.
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incomprehensibly based
Look here.
stay away from preschools
>said nothing against the point of the image
OP is a cringe faggot, but clogging up legal resources for the protection of fictional characters is a gross disservice to the families of real children who have actually been abused and a poor use of time and funds.

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