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Lolcow thread
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the classic
Cobes would love this edit, I think
Does anyone have the vid where Cobra passes out drunk on stream?
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i think cyraxx might be my fav lolcow of all time, his rages are so fucking funny
puerto rican blonde girl. okay this man is a liar. a dumb one.
The teen troon squad and idea guys sagas suck so much ass
yeah, but the peaks were good while they lasted
Damn that nigger drop was so satisfying, you can taste the hatred
where's wigger wiggle
How is this fat bastard?
Does anyone remember this one lolcow from around 2011-2014ish. He was a brony with very obvious mental illness, and he's having some kind of mental breakdown because he got in an argument with his friends. It ends with him slamming a bottle of wine against his head.
This is a Boring Freaks thread, there's no lulz heeerrr

i mean freaks can be hot and sexy and funny and interesting, but these are just the boring ones dude
Ever see Swifty? Old WoW pvper.
Blonde, blue eyed, Anglo-type pinkish skin. Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are the calico cats of humanity, a single family can consist of Aryans, mulattos, and Indios, and that's not even extended family.
How old was he in this video?
best character in this thread
He's my president
Anyone got the clip of Boogie shouting about how his mother twisted his tittles?
Damn Asmongold really let himself go
i feel like people have been sleeping on boogie, he has good potential and is stupid and funny, but there isnt much talk about him
>Hatefuck addict
Many such cases
There was a time this guy was extremely successful. I never understood why.

Why did anyone ever give this guy money?
Didnt show his true colors during gamergate and was quick and fast with any news surrounding it, evolving a bit with the bloodsports debate shit when everyone thought they were a debater.
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You anons ever had your tipples twitted?
The biggest lolcows are kiwifarms members. They just don't get the same attention. Josh is a homo btw. Lmao.
We all know fatties have man boobs why he so mad about it?? Or this is some character he was doing
Nah boogie was caught lying about having cancer and has been having a meltdown for the last two weeks now. This is just one of many clips.
i heard jersh is giving up the ghost and returning to america
delete this
March 2010, Chris was 28 years old
Booger was never abused. He's a liar.
>Josh is a homo
True. For all his moral grandstanding about lolicon that nigger was beating his dick to shotacon in the early 2010s
One thing I always enjoyed about this video is how his retarded eyes keep going all over the place as his peabrain tries to form words.
he's probably gonna go to prison for awhile though
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i wish someone would twit my tipples
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For years I argued that even though he constantly lied and used manipulation as easy as breathing, someone as fucked up as him clearly had something happen so he probably was abused. But these days it's seeming more and more likely that he really did make everything up. He used sympathy, empathy, and manipulation, as weapons to further his career. His Francis character was the TRUE him and "Boogie" was the character.
Surely he melted down multiple times during that.
I want to see.
pure kino
he did
Coincidentally everyone he's accused of abusing him is dead, he accused his sister (and possibly his brother too) but recanted it as soon as she told him to fuck off
I like the number of qualifying statements as to the girl who he's going to eventually fuck
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Yes, and he thinks radical feminists will all become based National Socialists if only problematic men would just support infinite abortion and free contraceptives. Retard with mommy issues.
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Cobra is fucking hilarious. Wish I had more webms
god and he ended up with a fucking bog hag
he is a bachelor again
Is that fucking WingsofRedemption on the bottom? top kek
You wish you were half the man as the ralphamale.
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But remember, porn and anime specifcally cause troonery. Certainly isn't autism and perversion, no no, it's the chinky cartoons
Why are fat people so nasty bros?
Holy shit this is entertaining.

Triggered buggie is best buggie.
It's 100% fake. Boogie and these other goons literally built their whole lives around attention and the money they make from it
Never gets old.
Well, boogie didn't really build his WHOLE life around this kind of attention, he got popular initially by being friendly and positive. But then when things started to go bad for him he fell back on this.
idr if i posted about this lolcow in one of these threads, mostly cuz it's an obscure one. but i figured i'd drop @Kazuo_Yoshido again

There's a whole thread on /gif/ with all his meltdowns. Its up right now
Also this too
I live about 20 minutes from this fucking mutant.
Is he still in jail?
people watch this?
You kiwifaggots need to fuck off.
lol destiny is such a chad
while it's true lolcow dot farm, we don't care
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yeah they literally have a fucking lolcow themed podcast, watch some vids on it, its probably the biggest trainwreck of this magnitude ive seen in a while
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absolute clowns
This should be played on tv as an anti drug psa.
Who is this?
So based!
how recent is this? haven't been up to date but holy shit he ballooned outwards
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forgot to add context here:
he won before that and called his crack dealer to order some. he then lost it all but forgot to cancel the order.
>oh no no no nononono no no no duuude i forgot no i really just need 100 dollars
is a result of his dealer calling him he's arrived with the goods.

in vid related some random twitch janny hops on his chat, has no idea who he is and just makes a small joke about his door. chaos and crying ensues.
twitch janny now knows who he is
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This often gets asked and it's been a couple years and still no one knows, so whoever it is, he might have posted them on 4chan himself.
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>twitch janny now knows who he is
Think he went over to Kick and probably got Perma'd on Twitch.

They are a bunch of faggots, though.
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He'll be going through HELL atm. He is a crack head, in jail, bankrupt and kicked out of his parent's house (hopefully).
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Also, to think this faggot won 160 THOUSAND $'s the week prior to being jailed for assaulting his Mom & he lost it all...
Hell will freeze over before this fat piece of shit gets a job.
he assaulted his dad you rat
ratdad is a buzzkill anyways
he's comfy womfy at home doing crack and dodging piss tests like Neo does bullets in The Matrix
he actually got perma'd from kick lol
>he assaulted his dad you rat
Same difference
Yeah, I looked that up because I wanted more details, and it turned out his parents bailed him out soon afterwards.
It is evident that many people commenting on the matter consider that move to be a big mistake. I won't be surprised if the man himself says on stream they should have just left him there after he wastes thousands of dollars on online gambling yet again.
He is right about it though.
> it turned out his parents bailed him out
Jfc. His Parents are either Saints or make great money off of their Son's "career"..
>why do people who don't care enough about themselves to avoid becoming fat also don't care enough about themselves to shower?
They're just heavy enablers. He once made his mom drive him to get some crack.
I thought he said "I had breathing"
Some faggot who keeps posting his own clips and gets butthurt when people say it sucks
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Okay, some of these guys are funny because they only ever hurt themselves, this guy isn't. I don't know what I'd do if I had to live with someone like this. The only reason he hasn't hurt someone yet seems to be because he doesn't think he can.
This maniac uploads videos?

To what purpose?
someone needs to post the daniel larson hotel video
if it's any solace, he got arrested on like four counts of terroristic threats and was found unfit for trial. He's probably going to be institutionalized for a long ass time
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music biz marty is as fat as I thought cyrax was emaciated and a midget
world war wings
He tried to have a career in music. You need to have content for people to consume to do that. It started just "kinda weird but whatever" but it rapidly fell apart the moment someone found his pedo pinterest account (no idea why he thought THAT was a good idea).
There's a whole wiki on this guy. I haven't seen trolls this dedicated since Chris Chan, although Larson is far more psychotic and speedran his way to prison by comparison.
It's well over a year old. He fucked a swamp hag and got evicted from cobra lair II. Now he's in a trailer sucking down bacterial homemade mead. You have to put his videos to 2x so he'll sound like a normal human

To be fair, Nikki Haley's entered my mind a few times during fap sessions... it's a southern thing, you wouldn't understand

I don't give a shit about boogie, except for when Frank Hassle made him his bimbified slave on the killstream and keemstar after that... I don't need to see anything else of his, I love frank burning through all his manipulative layers to the vindictive little man inside

Fuck off kliwitroon.
Fucking lol
Holy shit
It feels like I was raped by this webm.
I found him!!
I can't wait to watch this in the morning!

ferris bueller's day off 2
What are the consequences of leaving a crack dealer hanging after requesting a meetup? Nothing? This happened forever ago and he never had to face the repercussions of a CRACK dealer? Those dudes skin people alive for fucking with them.
You're thinking of the cartel, American crack dealers aren't like that
Probably some vague threats and having to pay extra the next time the addict calls him for a supply run.
If the guy already snorted all the coke and then said he didn't have the money, then alright I can imagine some serious ass beating is gonna happen, but not so much over flaking.
I guess he called him a faggot and moved on.

Crack dealers work in a dynamic, highly volatile environment and I assume they're used to their clients being unreliable.
Austin's guy accepts crypto I every time he wins big his wallet gets multiple sizeable injections. With guys like Bossman all you need to do is sit back and relax, he will call you as soon as he wins.
Anyone got the clip of Ralph where he tries to go undercover to a court showing and someone asks "Hey are you Ralph?" and he replies "No, I don't know who Ethan Ralph is"?

The guy didn't even say Ethan when he walked up to him and it was funny as fuck.
chronic liberalism
I fucking love high effort shitposts
Poor guy.
>I love frank burning through all his manipulative layers to the vindictive little man inside
lol you probably suffer from long untreated mental health disorders
It's so crisp
Isn't he making videos from the care facility he's housed in?
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In the sense that he's impoverished. But he's less of a victim as he is an instigator when it comes to the various altercations that make up his miserable family life. The reality is he's phenomenally lazy, to extremes that have to be seen to be believed.
He also fakes being autistic, he's far less convincing when he's calm.
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Nice thread
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Yeah, I can see that.
Reading though the wiki it's baffling how much he's essentially gotten away with so far.

He use to run a good show, but it turned out that his co-hosts, and guest really made the show entertaining. all fatty had to do was treat his co-hosts and audience good, dont get too fucked up on stream, and minimize dumb E/IRL drama, and be able to take some ball busting jokes.
Funni thread ngl
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I hate Tom Segura so much for blowing up this retard. We had a nice small community of people who would just watch this moron deteriorate and beg for money. Now there are literal normies donating $400 a stream and buying wands then posting them on reddit. You guys ruined a good thing.
afaik it's some guy impersonating larson by reuploading videos of his where he's wearing an orange shirt which makes it look like he's recording himself in a prison uniform. funnily enough, even though it would ordinarily be obvious that they're fake because none of the videos have him acknowledge the fact that he's in a facility instead just going off on his usual schizo rants about the secret service, music fame, grace vanderwaal, ect. it's just so in character for larson to do something like that, so it still seems completely real.
cartoons aren't real. I bet you beat off to the real shit tho.
binaural beats
Anyone have some DSP webms?
seconding, nigga has been on a roll lately, nonstop milk
this was probably the last bit of evidence feds needed to put him away
>90% conviction rate
>they don't usually charge you unless they're certain those charges will stick
wanna say he'll get the help he actually needs but who even knows
Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzFsMul9K-c
Last I heard, he is in a Ward atm too unfit to stand trial.
not enough yanderedev
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is that fucking low tier god lmao
I normally hate this kinda retard rage stuff but the constant windows connect and disconnect noise while his keyboard is being turned into dust is peak comedy.
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I wanted to post a DSP clip, but the guy is so unremarkable that I couldn't find one worth watching
I'm not saying his mom deserved to get raped, but the bitch certainly had it coming with how much she enabled this shit.
Isn't she literally demented?
A really underrated one
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bumping with Dirttheif
Cartoons are NOT real you deluded kiwinigger. Follow your shota-loving leader and fuck off to whatever slavic shithole he's in.
I just watched several videos of this guy and none of it was funny or interesting. Just a sperg with lots of meltdowns in text and chatting with minors.
Only other person i could think of that i thought was fitting here
Fair, what's the craziest thing he's done? Because those videos felt milktoasty.
Was she demented back in the 2000s when she could've stopped him from going a dark path?
Imagine being a 50 year old man and still acting like this.
She was a shitty parent even before that.
My favorite thing about Bossman is how you can immediately date a clip based off the condition of his room
Who's supposed to be singing this?
he still has his TV here. wonder what happened to it
It's obviously AI
Bossman's TV. It exists in a superposition of simultaneously being thrown out after he smashed it and pawned off for a quick juice until he tells us what happened to it
I fucking know that. I want to know who the AI is supposed to be.
Idk, someone who's in on the grand conspiracy against Nick?
Did Post Malone have his face tattoos removed?

Please. For all of healthy societies sake, and for our sake as the human race.

Or, lets just get back to Sparta.

Whichever is a faster process...
Confused straight with faggotry
The world is truly upside down
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It's over bros. Bossman has a warrant on his arrest for bond violation
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For a moment he thought cops are coming to arrest him during livestream. Turns out he just got swatted again so it's fine.
What an indominable spirit, just keeps gambling.
It's erver.
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dude has the best stories lol
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Lolcowlive is an entertainment show, it's all kayfabe. Boogie's still a liar though.
She's gonna keep showing up and he's gonna keep giving in to her.
Are southerners attracted to pajeets?
3 lolcows in one thank you
>I can't take the easy way out anymore because it's too expensive so I give up and will go back to slowly killing myself
God I wish he'd do it quietly
I fucking hate andy. People who deliberately take advantage of the hard work of medical staff deserve utmost shame and I just wish he was capable of feeling that.
Terry wasn't a lolcow. He wasn't funny. He was a genius damned by mental illness. If anything he is a tragedy and I will always hold him dear to my heart.
Destiny, Vegan Gains and then? who's the third one?
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>Terry wasn't a lolcow.
>He wasn't funny
He said very funny things. Unfortunately they were a direct result of his mental illness.
>He was a genius damned by mental illness
>If anything he is a tragedy and I will always hold him dear to my heart.
Sounds like you have a good one, anon.
>lost his appeal to Franks hearing
Oh send this cuckold judge pussy liquor.
He was a lolcow you dumb fucking cunt. People laughed at him because he was a religious schizo who said nigger a lot.
You fucking newfags holy shit.
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Balldo bros... i don't feel so good
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I also heard they are prepping him to transfer to the criminal psych ward, so he will be doped up and we will never hear from him again. There was a recent jail call kiwitapes showed in a deleted stream
lost hard
Katy Perry in the background really makes this
No one knows because she is confirmed to play it up for the camera when they beg for money. So either she doesn't have it and pretends to, or she has it and pretends it's worse than it is. Either way no one can find out.
>I never understood why.
ego, no moral spine and drugs
actually many such a cases
He's not asking how he fell off, that's obvious to anyone
He's asking how was he ever successful to begin with
Bump for the lol
beautiful omg
Does anyone know the piano song? It sounds so beautiful and I know I heard it before
Balldosisters...we lost?
I'm sure Barnes will find a solution
clair de lune
legendary stream, it felt so surrel to watch this go down in real time
out of all lolcows I feel andrew ditch would be the worst to live with.
I lost hard
Holy shit asmon went hard on that basedboy. Wtf happened to him
Harden not your heart, bro.
He was a likable lolcow
Wtf he's literally me
Calm down boogie
we're all gonna make it
Darude- Sandstorm
Darude - Clair de Lune
he needs money, man
i guess everyone out looking for sex, looking for feet, looking for people worse off than them, etc. isn't a problem
gotta do what you gotta do
another day, another dollar! that's what i always say!
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My absolute favorite lolcow of all time. Forgot his name. Does anyone have the aftermath video where he threatens to attack a school?
so is he a meth user?
i hope that's just how he is naturally
either way, he should definitely become a cop or something like that, imagine all the public services he would achieve
Money has nothing to do with it
He does it for the attention
A likecow
LMAO he got stuck in a loop after he got called nigger

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