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IT'S OVER for the alliance... Or is it?
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Latest Episode:

Previous Thread:
Ah, I was about to make a thread, kek.
I'll post some webms for 76 when I'm done burning the subtitles in.
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Thank you bro. I think we don't have webms since Episode 72.
It's so over.
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i believe ive found the mystery figure for 76
cant tell if this one is the SA or another teaser for something.
i tried checking the rest of the episode for any more but it being night and rainy makes it difficult.
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this episode made me feel so bad for the toilets. first the scout toilet dying after helping the cameramen escape, then the mutant resigning.

the episode had a lot of raw emotion in general. I liked how camerawoman's head was twitching before she threw the monitor
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I REALLY hope they don't do a civil war. The Astro toilets are bad enough.
the forest scene with the Duchess Astro was straight out of a horror film, and the final shot of the Astro Mothership destroying the entire city was very bleak
you can see the fade transition that connects part 1 and 2 at 0:18
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I believe is just going to be a matter of TVmen proving themselves like Dark speakerman did when he had to let the green shirt cameramen to "die"
Cameramen should already know TVmen can only teleport so much mass though.
The fact that DaFuq walked back the harsh lines the TV-men were saying in the Part 2 tells me that, whatever plotline he was planning to make the TV-race be anything close to the villinas of the story, has either been tonned down or alright dissmised.
RIP skibidi Biden. He couldn't get his astro upgrades in time.
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>Biden dropped out of the competition
It's skibidi for real.
Dutchess Astro is really attractive
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Speaker Titan is too cold
so far that fight was the peak of the series for me, the hype behind it and the result where literally everyone ate shit was kino as fuck
i like that half life 2 is still the base for this series, assets, engine and music.
such a great game.
garysmod shitposting 4 eva!
>POV and mutant see the extraction point through the gates
>they selflessly lead the astros away frmo them, allowing for gun-brute and black jacket to escape.
The only other kino in recent years that's come close for me has been Godzilla Minus one.

I love how he's based off of the Bayformers' Ironhide. What other influences/inspirations are there? I know TV Titan has Optimus' sword but purple.
I can only think a few other options than biting the bullet and buying a music license:
• make own music and implement
• use public domain music (I can only think of using Mars by Gustav Holst)
• Contact underground bands and use them
• continue the shorts and do the restitching here

We haven't seen the speaker base yet, so I'm wondering what he'll do.
based on leaks from A FUCKING ROBLOX CHAT that came from dafuq 77 is gonna be "big", be in 3 parts, and have the titans in it
For me it's Gman beating every single fraud/jobber allegations in a single swoop. We're in the middle of the astro arc and I still think jimmy beats everyone barring juggernaut and mothership.
Dafuq has been hyping up episode 77 and episode 80 for a long time now
wow, I assumed he already had a pretty good idea of what comes further down the line in the story, but didn't know it was planned to the point of knowing what stuff will make it into what numbered episode over a dozen from now
I'm so glad there's a filter so this shit can live in it.
>episode 77
>part 1
>duchess find heavily damaged titan cameraman
>somehow manages to hang in there thanks to the magnet claw energy absorption
>duchess ultimately wins the fight
>part 2
>titan tvman teleports just in time to save titan cameraman
>KYS beam doesn't work on the duchess since she's being controlled by something stronger
>titan tvman core might not be able to absorb energy thanks to gman's green energy ball
>part 3
>the skibidi boys come to help the titans
>they manage to stall the duchess long enough for the titans to escape
Maybe I'm yapping too much, but I think this is how's going to go.
We know Boom simps for the Duchess, so it's unlikely she will be killed.
>simping for a woman's head coming out of a toilet
Now I've seen everything.
>he doesn't want to have a woman's head sticking out of his shitter.
She could clean your dick after you pee.
>can't flush your toilet, or else it kills her

Now what? The only ones immune to this are the larger ones, and they can't even fit in your house.
very long, but my personal prediction since "the titans" implies all three of them.
>part 1
>in the TV base
>word quickly spread about the stunt with the samples, in order to regain some trust the TVmen have allowed a cameraman to watch the upgrade and repair process for TVT
>the episode opens up on a new shoulder screen being linked to TVT, a happy emote pops up on the screen when the link finishes.
>a uniquely clothed TVman walks up to the titan
>(in reverse)
>"the camera titan. he is alive"
>a quick recording plays on his screen, TCM zooms by with some astros close behind
>(titan) "there isnt much time, we must depart now."
>(scientist) "no, the new weapons haven't been calibrated. they could backfire, or worse-"
>(titan) "WE CANT LOSE HIM!"
>TVT disappears in a cloud of smoke.
>the unique TVman shrugs and grabs the PoV, the two teleport
>part 2
>opening in a valley
>the unique TVman, cameraman, and TVT all teleport in. a few smoke clouds in the distance suggest that other TVmen have teleported other cameramen in for additional vantage points
>(unique TV) "dont stop recording. we need data."
>the TVman stands back but doesnt teleport away
>TCM appears in the distance, one of TVT's screens pop off and face the sky as a beacon
>TCM's jet runs out of fuel right as he approaches and he crash lands, before TVT can grab him the dutchess appears and the other astros catch up
>short one sided fight scene, we see TVT's upcoming weapons and abilities but the lack of calibration makes them all fail
>he tries the THX as a last resort but dutchess grabs TCM and uses him as an eye shield.
>THX drops, yellow energy pops up on TCM's head
>(unique TV) "zoom in on the titan's neck"
>the PoV zooms in, a swarm of small astros similar to the parasites are latching onto TCM
>as the PoV zooms out TCM's energy color shifts from light blue to yellow
>moments after a bunch of motherships zoom in and start charging up, all beams pointed at TVT
>the TVman grabs the cameraman and teleports back to the TV base
>appearing in the base, several cameramen are badly damaged with some TVmen burning
>TVT's core is flickering, all monitors damaged, and he's missing his sword arm.
>(scientist) "data... inconclusive. "
>(unique TV) "were the recordings not enough?"
>(scientist) "we need a sample from a mothership."
>part 3
>PoV zooms out to our first reveal of the speaker base, the feed being played above a bar.
>the PoV walks throughout the base, the base is effectively a giant mansion stuck in an eternal party.
>there is a solemn atmosphere thats taken hold over recent events and keeps the party in a low energy state.
>the PoV walks into the research bay, its a massive hangar with an open roof. it almost looks like a sport stadium.
>there TSM floats suspended by several beams, the suspension giving drones and scientists free ability to repair and enhance any part
>his legs arent fully repaired yet, but his head has been upgraded
>CCTV is also there, he was playing the feed for TSM
>just as he prepares to teleport away an alarm blares as a mothership teleports in
>a noise comes from TSM and a scientist releases the suspension
>he flies up to the same level as the mothership and lets out a noise strong enough to knock the grunts in the repair bay down
>the noise almost knocked the mothership out of the sky, but one of the suspension lasers was redirected to keep it within TSM's reach.
>within seconds TSM has riped two of the mothership's lasers off
>the mothership manages to fire off its third, but TSM shrugs it off and tears the third laser off.
>as TSM grabs the mothership to finish it off, it launches a bunch of fighters
>TSM throws the mothership to the distance and lets out another noise attack, it kills the fighters in an instant
>TSM goes back to suspension
>(CCTV) "can i take this one?", standing ontop of one of the mothership's lasers
>TSM lets out an approving noise, but also points to the second laser and then to the PoV
>(CCTV) "understood"
>the episode fades out with the PoV giving TSM a thumbs up
we are on the most autistic site on the net in a thread about a series that started from a shitpost.
what did you expect?
This skibidi is gyatt and rizz, I'm digging it. fr fr no cap. You certainly aren't paying an ohio fanam tax on this.
Skibidi scholars, what should I watch to understand the story? Or rather which documents should I read to fully understand the conflict.
You have to watch
>all 76 episodes (in individual parts, full episodes and then all 25 seasons version of the episodes)
>all of the episodes in short versions
>skibidi multiverse
>Elite Cameraman video analysis
>some pages on the skibidi wiki of your own choice for extra details
And don't forget to read every single video description on Boom's channel.
Don't binge watch skibidi toilet. You're going to get tired of the constant endless action and you're going to miss a lot of details. It doesn't affect us because we waited days/weeks for one(1) episode. Read the episodes descriptions, sometimes there are some interesting details.
>Skibidi multiverse
Shitty non-canon low quality vids.
If TSM returns, do you think Dafuq will expand or revert his jodhpurs clothing?
I miss his old drip so much. He had that leather jacket on, now it's just a shitty red t-shirt.
Which toilet stole his fucking clothes?
Just load up a compilation starting from episode 1 to the latest episode or go to booms channel directly and start there if you want to support.
Fair warning though, skibidi started as a viral shitpost boom was just smart enough to convert the meme into something greater. Personally it doesn't get going until the first toilet gets flushed around episode 6 I think.

Dont bother watching any of the bootleg series or the low effort ai analysis channels.
The real meat and potatoes of the show starts when we first see Titan Cameraman come on the scene. That's when it starts feeling like a true blue mecha show.
Your idea for the speaker base sounds baller, hopefully something similar is done in official skibidi
>it's real
I... I kneel.
Dreams come true boys.
Three threads on /v/ too, it's now or never boys.
Full confirmation from the creator.
>it actually is real
oh, well fuck.
hope dafuq doesnt make the mistake of making it live action.
I missed out on whatever happened to the titans post astro invasion. Where is this information that a killteam was hunting down the titans/a titan? Is it in a short or something? And how are you getting these translations? the tvmen are speaking in reverse right? and some astros speak with a distorted deep voice, but this scene was just full on skibidispeak.
turn closed captions on, unfortunately they usually aren't available right on release of a new episode (takes a couple hours) but they're dafuq's official transcription of what the skibidis and tvmen and whatnot are saying
>what happened to the titans
TV teleported out while grabbing Speaker because otherwise Speaker would've gone to help Camera. Camera destroyed one of the astros that assaulted the squad and then led them away off-screen leading all the astros after him.
I think it was in episode 74 towards the end.
>the translations
They added the skibidi talk translation in the full version of ep 76, it's not in the individual parts of it. You just gotta turn the captions on.
>TV reverse
You can either reverse the audio or sometimes since the past couple of episodes Dafuq started giving subtitles when they talk but don't count on that too much.
Big if true.
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'm trying to understand this line.
But no matter who is saying it, the skibidi or duchess, it make no sense in the context.
Unless it is Duchess.. but not her. There is something off about her.
She's just overreacting, classic woman
it felt like something else INSIDE her made that scream
Maybe it's like Scientist Toilet and there's a little Duchess controlling the big one
Did somebody else listen to the podcast and interview? There is some interesting info there I think.
>Titan battles on a hollywood budget
I haven't seen a movie in 10 years this might actually make me go to the cinema
What the FUCK
its probably the dutchess
>seems to be in pain while attacking the earth toilet
>feminine scream as the subtitle pops up, normal scream when the cameraman focuses on the earth toilet
>it looks like the first scientist's goal was to try and recreate astro tech (the glitch toilet, toilet striders, energy cores, attachments, the general power level of weapons, ect. mutants seem to be the exception to this rule so far, an earth skibidi signature)
>we can assume this also extends to the puppets, until confirmed otherwise.
you could probably make a "reverse" puppet that acts as a torture chamber and mind control computer, making it so that the puppet is still in control but gives that psychological damage of "oh god its all my fault" because the grunt technically controls what the puppet does.
>Women cries in pain as she strikes you
I can't think of an easier way to make people think someone is fucking psycho
Wait Dafuq sold the rights of Skibidi Toilet? That sounds bad. Well, at least with that anyone who try to false copyright strike Dafuq is going to get their shit pushed in by the Hollywood cartel.
its possible to let others use your IP without selling it entirely.
on one hand, michael bay riches beyond our wildest dreams
>the established voice rules are upheld (cameramen are incapable of vocalization with the exception of their titan (and even that might only be because of the astro arm), TVmen only in reverse, extremely powerful toilets can speak normally in a limited manner. speakermen could maybe have bumblebee-like voice mixing)
>PoV rule retained (always first person and always from a camera of some kind.)
>humans are comically rare and any found are quickly brought to safe zones to avoid brain rot.
>titan fights that look like bay pulled them right from transformers
on the other, painful and agonizing hollywood failure
>live action (it WONT work with the toilets and will look like a modern marvel abomination)
>voice rules broken
>PoV rule broken and scenes are in third person.
>humans are commonplace and immune to the song
>barely any quality increase for the titan fights.
>it turns into pathetic human drama and the object heads VS toilet people plot is a background thing
that being said, they are going to need some damn good marketing if they want it to sell well because most people are only aware of the shitpost.
and even from a regular advertisement standpoint, it'll be extremely difficult to prove to most that the movie isnt JUST an elaborate shitpost.
I think that's just some meme captions dafuq put for the toilet she was blasting, he did that before but I can't recall for what episode. Not meant to be taken seriously.
As long as they cast smoking hot women as the elite alliance ladies, no weird teen drama and have bay work his transformers magic on the fight scenes it's gonna be KINO or dare I say even LUDO.
This recurring thread is the only place on the site where we can actually discuss skibidi. Everywhere else, it just gets spammed by people saying its literally cocomelon.

It's weird how much hate the show gets just for being popular with kids.
There will always be people who hate watching others success. Boom is set for life thanks to a what started as a stupid meme, and that hurts them.
It is what it is. Was funny to see them lose their mind on /v/ and /tv/ with the Michael Bay news.
i think its funny how /co/ trashes on it despite half the board already being kid shows.
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>/co/ has the nerve to talk down to Skibidi Toilet chads, when they regularly have threads to host Loud House porn
Here's what the creator of Garry's Mod has to say about it.
Honestly I don't even know if I want to hear anything garry has to say. What a turbo faggot this guy turned into.
I can't open twitter for some reason. What did he say?
>If the skibidi toilet movie gets made I'll cut my cock off
Congrats on your transition, Garrina.
>garrina newoman
praying dafuq adds another special unit for the speakermen next episode, they're lacking in that regard
Come to think of it. I think we haven't seen Speakerwoman since the death of dark Speakerman.
>"brrr skibidi bop bop bop yes yes"
>the world is about to learn the meaning of "potty training"
>*cue skibidi toilets invading a city*
>starring Ben Stiller
>*ben looks down at the head in his toilet*
>"okay, I guess I'm using the downstairs bathroom"
>starring Owen Wilson
>*Owen starts beating up the skibidi toilet*
>"You gotta understand the ramifications of what you're doing, man. If people are afraid to use their own toilets, where will they go?"
>in a buddy sci-fi comedy that's full...
>*Ben crashes his car into a larger skibidi toilet*
>of toilet humor!
>"Looks like we have to save the world again. Sigh, Damnit"
>"Whoa, Ben, watch your potty mouth. Also, watch THAT potty mouth ahead!"
>*Ben runs over a port-a-potty skibidi*
>SKIBIDI TOILET: in theaters June 2025
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oc michael bay please hire me as the casting director
the female mutant is in desperate need of a redesign. as is, she's literally just a human with a large head. she has no skibidi characteristics at all.

i don't even know any changes that could be made to salvage her. she was introduced as a silent, mysterious and serious type, which is the antithesis of a toilet. perhaps she would have worked better as a regular toilet than as a mutant
I'm worried about the movie. The show itself is inseparable from SFM, and anything else would just look off. You just can't do the same kind of distorted faces in any other medium.

I don't trust anyone that's not Dafuq to do any form of writing, set design, or make any other creative decisions.

The worst part is that this is probably going to be the end of skibidi. I imagine that this is going to take up most of Dafuq's time, and we'll either get one episode a year or a sharp decline in quality.
As a result of the Bay news I binged episodes 1-74 in a compilation and now realise the originals had subs. How much have I missed out on? I'm not going to rewatch it because it's too much noise.
They only added subs for recent episodes, not the older ones.
i tried watching skibidi toilet multiverse to understand what the appeal of it is and the first thing i see is doctor kleiner frmo half life as a half-toilet cyborg in a wheelchair and his second in command is leon from resident evil but he's a skibidi toilet and an edgelord
That pretty much describes multiverse yeah.
I only watch it if it shows up in my feed, don't really look for it myself.
the only episodes so far where the subtitles have had much plot relevance is 74 and maybe 76, those are the only episodes I would rewatch with captions.
74 because that episode is very TV-Man dialogue heavy, and 76 because the dialogue with the skibidis implies TCM being alive
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I do love how the fanbase went from hating his guts to realizing he's a fucking alpha male as soon as he stopped pussying around in Episode 71.
Like the very moment he stops running from fights the moment he doesn't have the upper hand is when everyone started redacting their fraud allegations towards him.
my fear as well, as it currently stands dafuq is still doing the episodes solo. and iirc he spends almost ALL his time in SFM.
unless part of the movie deal is some helpers for the episodes then we have either
>dafuq is too far removed from the movie and it lacks the "chef's kiss" that makes ST what it is
>dafuq is very involved with the movie, but the episode rate drops and we barely get any plot progression.

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