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File: speedrun 1st attempt.webm (4.18 MB, 640x360)
4.18 MB
4.18 MB WEBM
any% 1:00.29
File: Just that easy_.webm (2.78 MB, 300x564)
2.78 MB
2.78 MB WEBM
Guys there are so many cool videos out there that haven't been made into webms yet.
I'm speedrunning watching crazy/shocking videos to pick the best ones to post here
Blud had the "get out of prison free card"
what is the purpose of this? To box midgets?
It's a wrestling drill for takedowns
Read filename.
do russian airport securitiy guards not have guns? what the hell
great webm, 10/10, loved it
i would very much appreciate some more lore on this extraordinary event, as it is rather entertaining
>do russian airport securitiy guards not have guns? what the hell
When would have been a good time to start shooting?
Series of events went from "Don't worry, he's gonna get stuck" to "He's surrounded by civilians!" to "Don't worry, he's gonna get stuck" to "Fuck. He's gone."
Reminds me of the Gmod prison maps.
Expanding on what >>5626781 said, it's a shoot-step. It's essentially a standard gap-closing grappling technique designed to lower your center of mass and maintain a constant "lifting" stance (i.e, arms in tight, lift with legs), but on repeat.
If someone does a proper shootstep on you and you don't know how to respond, you're about to get caber tossed.
OP Here: As far as I know, it's in a court cam episode.
>And you won't believe what happens next!
>Footage of Hyde's escape was caught by CCTV cameras at Benton County Superior Court in Washington, where Hyde was in custody after being convicted of possessing methamphetamine.

>A guard was escorting Hyde out of the courtroom and into an interior hallway when they turned away from the inmate, taking their eyes off him for just long enough for him to make a run for it.

>In the footage, Hyde can be seen sneaking backwards out of the hallway before bolting through the courtroom and out into the foyer.

>>He leaves behind his shoes and strips off his jail-issued shirt as he runs, before exiting through the door of the courthouse wearing a white vest and his jail-issued pants.

>Though Hyde did successfully make it out of the courthouse, he was tracked down just a couple of hours later at a friend's apartment a couple of miles away.

>Hyde was taken back into custody, and was hit with a second-degree escape charge for his brazen actions.

>When asked about Hyde's escape, Commander Jon Law at the Benton County Sheriff’s Office said the inmate had escaped due to a 'blind spot'.

>Hyde decided to represent himself on the charge, and argued in court that he did not technically escape from a detention facility because he was in the courthouse when he ran away.

>Hyde's original methamphetamine charge did end up being dismissed, but his guilty verdict on the escape charge landed him with two years and two months in prison.

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