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Videos that make incels seethe
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i legitimately do not understand what the issue is here.
What's so remarkable about this video?
I like this video
other than the video itself being spammed, absolutely nothing.
What style of singing is that? It seems completely braindead.
Congrats on being a boss though, I guess.

What man doesn't like holding a baby?
What man doesn't like being called darling?
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it started with this face swap
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people are endlessly mocking these hoes, straight up bullying and humiliation
but your first thought is: "mmm incels"
get help lol
I still dont understand. What exactly is supposed to be wrong?
I've never heard the audio from this. What's she saying that made her go viral?
Lol'd at fire them all and a hoop
hahaha so they can be funny!
All of these seem reasonable except the elevator one. If someone is yielding to you, take it!
why do incels get so mad tho
You are not "people" though.
You are trash.
damn, must be hard going on expensive luxurious vacations...
Lol, nigger
She had to leave her dog behind :(
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None of these should bother any man even slightly. Granted, the very first one, I think it WOULD be a little weird if I was invited over to someone's house and they immediately gave me their kid so they could have a shower. Normally I expect most people would shower before they have guests over so they can enjoy their time with their guests. I guess she's a single mom and can't risk a shower without a temporary babysitter or something though. A cautionary tale about single parent homes.
i support choking chicks
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Depends on how well you know the guest. When my close friends visit they know I'm dumping the kids on them all I get a little respite
>her face
lol all women deserve this
She's being cringe, trying to hard and it comes off as annoying. It has nothing to do with "incels". Same with most of these videos. It's just simps who are infatuated with any and every woman cannot fathom that you can cringe at women too because they are too busy whiteknighting and gooning
for me it's because she emotes too much but it's not a big deal
How is it cringe or annoying? I dont get it. The video and the audio just sounds like the girl is a friendly bloke rather. There's nothing attractive or detractive about it other than being bit more expressive.

Are you certain the cringe isn't your own insecurity?
>None of these should bother any man even slightly.
It shouldn't, but when women play with made up scenarios like this, it means they're keeping score in a game you didn't even know you were playing. And the only 2 outcomes are they will either up the ante until it *does* bother you, or they'll stop playing with you all together.

Do you see how proud they are, how clever they are for handing you the baby?
If you don't immediately notice how clever they are, that's a mark against you. Get ready for the next round!
Damn that's a new level of spoiled rich bitch
She got wet from that
>There's nothing attractive or detractive about it other than being bit more expressive.
NTA, but that's not a "being bit more expressive", that is some really aggressive flirting.
1) Confidence
2) Eye contact
3) Full attention
4) Excessive body language
5) Inquiries
6) Compliments
That's "I wonder if I can get free stuff" level flirting.
What this proves is generation Z is spiritually the baby boomer gen and nothing more than a generation ME redux though it took them until mid-life to get to this point. Gen Z has reached their 40's/50's before their time and all the reporting of zoomers aging prematurely are true.

>What style of singing is that?
Not exactly singing. It is more of a cheer like cheerleaders do from the sidelines which kind of represents their lives. They are on the sidelines of life and realize it so they bring attention to themselves and hope to burnish their own image with these theatrics. Classic Gen ME behavior.
Im confused, why did she agree to stop and talk?
>Granted, the very first one, I think it WOULD be a little weird if I was invited over to someone's house and they immediately gave me their kid so they could have a shower.
Besides it being weird it's my favorite part because it makes it obvious that she is a single mom, like man, no way, how come?
Why are they saying "zee" and not "zed" like every other Australian?
IDK man. I live in the uk and my gf said "zee" last night...
Damn... I want to see this chick piss so bad
Siress do not redeem the toilet!
Trust me, I fucking love my fireworks, but that's actually pretty fucked up. She's clearly overwhelmed and it's not like she can do anything about it. What's she gonna do, live in her OTHER house? Fly to her OTHER apartment? She's pretty much having a meltdown and begging them to cut it out; and they're the only ones who have the capacity to end her suffering.

If I were them, I'd honestly just be like "okay, my bad, I didn't think you'd have such a visceral reaction", and then I'd pack up my fireworks, go to some empty stretch of desert or some other reasonable area, and then go fucking nuts. That's your neighbor, you're gonna be seeing her for a long long time afterwards; why be an asshole to her just for one night of fun?
>Are you certain
I am certain. Why would I be insecure about someone being cringe? That makes no sense
If you're cringing at someone, its your own insecurity at display. The other person doesn't even know what you're thinking of them. They dont care. The fun moment for them has gone and past. While you're still reliving this rentfree and cringing yourself due to perceived wrongness that you think others are displaying.
> its your own insecurity at display
But it's just simply not
>The other person doesn't even know what you're thinking of them
>They dont care
And am I supposed to care that they don't? The act of cringing at someone isn't born out of spite or what ever you think it is. It's because she's being cringe
>The fun moment for them has gone and past. While you're still reliving this rentfree and cringing yourself due to perceived wrongness that you think others are displaying
What perceived wrongness? You have no idea what you are talking about and you are trying too hard. You're kinda cringe ngl
Why does it bother you so much that people cringe at this woman? She won't fuck you, you know
Bitch can cast Firestorm in her pajamas like it's nothing and I still can't even do a simple Ignite. Fuck this gay earth.
Why are you getting so pissy at people cringing at women lmao
Are you the one in the video or something?
I don't get it
Leftover women.
The joke is that it's a loaded question, e.g., "Do you still beat your wife?"
The question asks how many dicks she would choke on, not how many she'd suck. Because she said "none", he's implying that she sucked all 100 but didn't choke on any of them. Which would be statistically impressive.
I still can't comprehend why this video causes so much seethe. It's a little cringe sure, but people act like these women deserve to be hanged for it.
Me too
Fucking delusional holy shit
The funny thing is that it's not advise. She's just bragging about how awesome her life is and how hot she is and disguising it as advise.
I vaguely remember seeing this video get reposted a whole bunch of times around... 2 years ago? And I still don't understand why reddit and xitter went crazy over it?
>If you're cringing at someone, its your own insecurity at display.
Is this what r/cyberbullying told you when you complained about the meanies on the interwebz who make fun of you?
>While you're still reliving this rentfree and cringing yourself due to perceived wrongness that you think others are displaying.
You fucks always play the cultural relativism card when it works in your favour (deflecting criticism) but when it comes time to shit on other people, you're as objectivist as can be. If you reply with some variation of "bwuh??!" then I'll know for a fact you're the type of person I think you are.
I hope she see's this bro
you sound like a huge pussy
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>omg muh heckin wombman made a cute face
That's literally it, simps simping.
i am 35 and have never had a woman try to hand me her baby. and if one ever did, I just simply wouldn't take it. i'm not touching that thing
>>5628234 Because she wanted attention.
Are you a gay boy who doesn't like looking at cute girls??
I would still smash
The whole internet is full of cute naked women, they're ironically making you act like a faggot to protect their honor. Kys
im not protecting their honor, I just like when people post cute girls to look at.
You try so hard
show tits, femanon
Naw fuck that. Hundreds enjoying themselves and they ALL have to stop what they are doing because of one person? Why can't she fuck off to a desert, or go inside put on some earphones and draw the curtains for a few minutes? Why does everyone have to bend over backwards to accomadate a small minority's unreasonableness? Give and take works both ways.
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Yeah, but people don't freak the fuck out like that unless they're either crazy, or unless they're reaaaaaaally hanging by a single thread. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and ASSUME she's a rational, sane human being who's simply having a meltdown; and that's what makes me say "shit, fuck it, sometimes people get pushed to the edge, we've all been there, she clearly must have had enough".

I'm sure she's endured dozens of new years celebrations, 4th of july's, st patrick's days, etc. etc., and this year clearly she just couldn't deal with it and broke down. I'm not about to raise both fingers at someone who's at their lowest point simply because I wanna have fun.

Also, what if she's got work in the morning? What if she's got PTSD? What if she's in mourning, or she just got fired, or she's going through a divorce, or whatever? If someone was practically screaming, begging me for a reprieve, I don't think I could happily go back to just blasting away; I'd feel like a major asshole.

For ONE day of fun, I think I can pre-plan my shit and go to a desert or something. Plus, less cops and less liability, I think it's the smarter option in general; that's actually how I do most of my blasting and shooting as it is, so not much change for me overall.

Y'know, at the VERY least, I might go up to her beforehand, get her a plate of barbecue, and be like "Shoot, I know you don't like it, but we're gonna start lighting off fireworks for the holiday. Hope you'll be alright, I got some noise cancelling headphones if you want. Here's some ribs to tide you over."

Fuck you, you wouldn't say shit face to face. I can guaran-fucking-tee it. If you wanna continue that line of dialogue, post physique. I PROMISE to post mine if you show me you're down. I almost fucking wish you would. I would fuck you up for sure.
my 4 year old had the same tantrum last newyears
I'd like to creampie that brown Asian, with her itty bitty titties
You just know she has tiny brown nips
Women love to be a bit cringe. If you don't like this you don't like women and are therefore a faggot.
why are they dressed so retardedly
This is not my new Frank Green,
this is not my sneaky link
>I vaguely remember seeing this video get reposted a whole bunch of times around... 2 years ago?
Yes, you do.
>And I still don't understand why reddit and xitter went crazy over it?
Yes, you don't.

Any more questions, faggot?
On the baby one, that reminds me of something I read a while ago.
Most mothers regard taking care of their children as work while most fathers regard it as leisure activity.
So when she comes out of the shower and the man is smiling and having fun with the baby instead of feeling worn out, I wonder how pissed she gets.
Having had two kids, I have NO fucking idea what the hell they're talking about, raising kids is hard work. It's very much a "grass is greener on the other side" type of thing. There were days when work was absolute shit; waking up at 6, huge rush orders at work, shit breaking, no time to relax, have to get home, and my wife looks at me like "don't worry, I'll wash up, help the kids with homework, tuck them in and everything, you just take a break".

Then there are days where work is chill as fuck, I'm in the zone, joking with coworkers, feeling great, and every now and then I think "damn, I wonder what my wife is doing", cause I know it's probably crazy as hell watching two kids, trying to clean up, getting chores done, paperwork done, etc. etc., and I'm just here taking it easy; so when I get home, I make sure she gets her rest, make dinner, wash up, get the kids ready for bed, and take care of whatever else needs to be taken care of.

It's not always like that though, usually on most days we both just have to pitch in. Trust me, when you have kids of your own, you gotta help out around the house and help raise the kids as much as you can. There ain't no easy shortcut, it's tiring as fuck, all the same, you do it for your wife and your children, and you confide in your wife because you two are partners in crime now.
Shut the fuck up you gay vaccinated faggot
Didn't read past the first sentence
For me it's the gen z boss and a mini.
Is this going to be the next thing? Incels vs femcels? God, we are fucked.
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Reddit spacing.



Reddit spacing
>people on 4chan use spacing to make shit easier to read
>people on 4chan use spacing to make shit easier to read
Only redditor zoomers complain about redditspacing because it's alien to them that people have posted like that for longer than Reddit's existence.
>retards on 4chan use double spacing to make shit harder to read
>retards on 4chan use double spacing to make shit harder to read
>retards from reddit post on 4chan with unintentional double spacing because they're used to reddit's markdown syntax requiring two line breaks to display a single line break.
I first saw it posted with a caption like "The HR department the morning before laying off half the engineering staff" which resulted in misplaced frustration at these perceived stacies having a good time before getting rid of people who deserve their jobs more than HR. The caption had nothing to do with the actual context of the video though. IIRC it was just a small business hyping themselves up for a day of sales.
same, she is hot af.
if she's acting that way over fireworks my guess is she has been terrorizing her neighbors by reacting completely insane over trivial shit before. These guys probably just started ignoring her years ago. They aren't even looking at her so her insane screaming must just be another monday. It's like when you see a homeless man pooping outside. The first and maybe second time you are shocked, the 100th time you are like: oh right, THAT guy.
This 90% of these videos are from australia, and there were supposed to say Zed instead of Zee.
go back
Who else thought she was referring to the car and not her skirt?
The people who complain the most about Reddit are the people most familiar with it.
No u, tourist
you need to go back to those places
Post physique, I would legit fuck you up
Perhaps so, you could be right. Truth be told, there's not enough context from just this video to be certain, which is why I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt (seeing as MOST people don't flip out unless they're legitimately at the end of their rope), but I know the type of people you're talking about too, and that's also definitely a possibility.

Alright, lemme put it this way; if she's simply at a low point in her life, then ignoring her would be the equivalent of flicking off someone begging you for mercy. If she's just an instigator, then yeah, fuck it, whatever. I just don't like how people are too quick to judge; it's not particularly Christian, and you don't even have to be religious to understand that it's simply not neighborly.
Yeah imagine getting fucked by all the other white men also on expensive holidays in the same hotels, it's so unfair :(
Is this the same girl as the foodtruck girl? She's trying to suddenly become an influencer or something?
Any degree of feminism will bother me, because it's indicative of an even bigger, underlying issue. The act of handing you their baby or not isn't the issue, it's the concious decision to trust women over men that's the problem
No, she is responsible for her own feelings
>generation Z is spiritually the baby boomer gen
Or maybe the generations model is wrong and this is simply the human spirit
*Blasts music at your house at 2AM*

Just manage your feelings, bro. Just be responsible for your emotions, bro.
>What's she gonna do, live in her OTHER house?
Just go inside and close the windows, Karen. It's not like the fireworks are gonna go on for an hour
Cringe take
>Are you certain the cringe isn't your own insecurity?
Lmao I didn't know actual women posted on 4chan
The blonde is cute enough to endure her cringe.
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Nah she has a career, so she is masculine, disagreeable and generally insufferable. Feminism poisoned her mind so she will never submit to a man, don't bother trying to date her because she will still expect you to hold up your end of the traditional gender roles
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12 weeks miscarriage. Still OK with getting an abortion, roasties?
Kinda looks like that video was taken in the south, in which case lmfao, yeah man, it ain't gonna go on for an hour; but not in the way you're thinking.
>Opens a book
>Reddit spacing between paragraph
Christ almighty every time I see this, the chant just gets stuck in my head.
These girls are privileged gen z. The majority of gen z is working in amazon warehouses.
Why would this make incels seethe?
I mean, incels seethe at women in general. But what about this would be especially triggering?
The implication is that she can suck 100 dicks without choking.
This makes me wonder if the "original" was also an ai filter.
Also if those boobs are also ai filtered.
I'm not a feminist or anything, but at exactly 12 weeks (when you can no longer have the abortion), a fetus is about the size of a plum. Unless that's the spawn of two giants, this is most likely false information.
Why is women's idea of fun just a bunch of them standing somewhere expensive and going "Woooooo!" and bending their knees?
I hate women and felt nothing from this webm
Hey just so you know, we all think you're a fucking loser. That's something a 14 year old boy would say.
this is a rare actual female W

OP your videos are shit at making me seethe
if someone stops you in a crowd and puts a mic in front of you and asks you if you have a second it's pretty normal to hear the question out
then when you learn it's some clickbait tik tok bullshit you tell the pajeet to fuck off. perfectly acceptable behavior.
They die immediately upon leaving the womb, retard. Their brain is too simple to control even the few working organs they have, this is obvious bullshit.

Why anyone would want to prevent degenerates from leaving the gene pool is beyond me.
They're mad at you because you're right.
>It's not like the fireworks are gonna go on for an hour
have you not been alive for one new year's or july 4th? the fireworks go on for like 12 hours.
>m-muh murder is actually le hecking based because it kills more of le niggers and poor!!
retard. abortion will never solve "the gene pool" issue. these undesirables will just have twice as many babies and abort half. teaching this trash that abortion is always a viable option will only in the long run make them get pregnant with even less thought put into it.
"reddit spacing" became a thing during the 2015 election refugees.
apparently on reddit you have to double-tap enter.
so when the refugees saw people double-tapping enter on other sites they just assumed this must be a holdover from reddit, because in their minds everyone got used to reddit's markdown before moving on to 4chan. aside from the rare occasion, people calling out "reddit spacing" are redditors themselves to associate line breaks with reddit specifically.
Because woman don't have hobbies
I don't give a shit whether they're white, black, or blue. I'm not twelve. A shitty parent who doesn't want their kid will raise another piece of trash like themselves, that fucks us all over in the long run.

People have fucked for 200,000 years knowing they might get pregnant and ruin their lives, they're not suddenly going to stop just because "ohhh getting an abortion is not actually that easy." They can't possibly fuck even more either, so legalizing it won't make them get pregnant much more often. Plus, after a few abortions your chances of infertility skyrocket.
You really think people 200,000 years ago put as little thought into who to have sex with as some drunk club goers in 2024? Oh yeah, the sexual revolution and the inventions that came with it changed nothing, sure thing bud.

>after a few abortions your chances of infertility skyrocket.
It't not a few, it's many. Besides, it's not just about the abortees themselves, it's every woman being brought up into a culture where abortion is a viable choice, making their decision based on the information that they can always get an easy and clean government-subsidized abortion to take care of the little oopsie.

More importanty, how many women change their mind once pregnant? They got fucked by some stranger in a dingy bathroom because they knew they had access to easy abortions, but now that it's time they chicken out, and now there's one more baby nobody put any thought into making and nobody will take care of.

Retards like you spout this edgy "the bad thing is actually a good thing because it just kills the unwanted and cleans up the gene pool" not realizing that you're just acting as useful idiots and promoting everything you claim to be against.
chad vs virgin
its just a baby lmao. Not even yours so what does it matter.
Who paid for all of this? She seems too dumb to leverage rotation of sugar daddies. Her daddy probably sponsored all of this. Imagine spending small fortune so your daughter can be whore around the world.
I want to fuck she
Most artificially manufactured character archetype i have ever seen. Nobody fucking likes this. Where does this shit even come from? Tumblr?
Marriage primary has always been about preserving family estate and heritage. Gays dont produce offspring so marriage is pointless for them.
Why does faggot even care?
Nobody will ever marry these bitches lol
Rental agreement one, looping the woman back in on conversations sounds great, I don't want to have to deal with all that admin.

I wouldn't mind being called sweetie, darling, or gorgeous either..
>Neanderthal crossbreeding
>Greek orgies
>normalized prostitution
>forced marriages
>mass rape
>the multiple instances of incest that led to you
Oh yeah, human history is full of carefully considered sexual encounters. Dumbass, the only thing that made people slow down was STDs, and even then, not much. "Oh, but my pastor said..." your pastor's full of shit. "Oh, but my grandmother was a virgin and..." your granny was a whore and your grandpa was a cuck. Even George Washington married a woman who had kids with another man, get your head out of your ass.

Seems you're only anti-abortion because you want people punished for having sex. I have sore news for you, Timmy, people fuck like goddamned retards even when they're starving to death, actually, they fuck even more. Go take a quick look at birthrates by country. Abortions are highly restricted where I live and fuckers that ruined their lives with a kid usually go on to have a bunch more. In fact, pieces of shit like that are becoming the majority of the gene pool and burdening the welfare system. We could easily get rid of them, or even buy the parents time to get their shit together. No, you'd rather there be a billion more poorly raised bastards ruining society because otherwise, people are gonna have sex and enjoy it.

>the bad thing is actually good
It only becomes a bad thing in the second trimester. Taking a pill to trick your body into performing an action it just might naturally perform isn't bad. "Oh, but it's a life" it's not, you're just a pussy.
>Itty bitty titties and a bob
Actual humiliation ritual, that's like a guy going super tiny cock and buzz.
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Accurate, based, and true
Based, fuck generation psuedoscience.
Is this a pasta? You sound like a fag.
You have to be retarded and a zoomer to believe this.
Reddit adopted that format because it was already common place on the Internet for years prior to it's own creation. There are countless posts from other websites, including 4chan, that date back decades before reddit that show users manually typing like this.
I was agreeing with you, retard
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the simps of these cows are almost exclusively indian. coincidence?
we should be able to kill born babies. some fag only been alive only for 6 months why should anyone care if their life is gonna suck and shit up others lives. because bullshit social "consequences"???
You sound legit retarded.
I don't hate this as I thought I would. It's just women being silly.
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can this cringe meme die already
How do I get a gf like this?
It's just the new safe insult since 'virgin' lost its' edge and made those who employed it look like they never mentally matured past middle-school. That and it was totally demeaning to asexuals who chose not to fuck.
So now it's virgin with a pseudo intellectual veneer slapped on. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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u don't
I got warned by the moderators for posting that it wasn't incel behavior to be annoyed by women acting like clowns in the workplace, holy fuck this website is such a dumpster fire. Not allowed to say that now? That it's okay to be annoyed by women acting annoying?
It's over...
>t. predatory nigger who only goes after obviously stupid, trashy white girls

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