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Damn i just noticed her nipples
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>>5628236 Dif he died?
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Interesting accent, wonder what country that foreign girl is from.
this is Cringe kino
She sounds fat.
>my ex is a loser
>yeah, I used to fuck him
Damn, she showed him
This is so stupid. First of all, they're both completely drunk (I should know, so am I). Second of all, the person who added the caption is the same fucking person that posted the vid, AKA the girlfriend, so obviously this is played up. Not cringe at all, stupid though.
>nobody has ever added a caption and reuploaded a video on the internet before
still painful after all these years
toe curling. the good stuff
Satanic christian cults use this type of advertisement to lure boomer coomers and mutts into slavery.
le *tip*
what the HELL IS EVEN THAT?!?
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Leave Dobby alone!
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What is cringe?
How do you define cringe?
Is it just a mixture of disgust and confusion?
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Sorry i didn't realize it's a screamer
Being fat = cringe
All fats should die agonizing death
the streamer manages to be cringier than the dog man
daddy, chill
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is that devan costa kek
>making lunch
For the week? How does the fat fuck actually go back to work with three pounds of food for packed into his cake hole?
It's low-class mexican accent in America
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Bet its for the same guy that laughs at you for eating fruit during lunch break
Can someone explain why this is cringe? The sounds doesn’t work for me.
There are people who pay good money to get what he's getting
one of my favorite things about this video is how she already looks out of breath by the time she's opening the donut bag. I feel bad for that kid, has it all to lose and live a life of constant exhaustion
i've seen her photos, and she is obese.
guess this is a based thread now
He said he was drunk
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I like this guy's sweater
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This is insanely retarded
Anyone who orders food let alone eats fast food is a sub-human to begin with
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind this lazy, goyslop, seed oil pump fed sub-human wore the mask and got the vaccine like a retarded animal in human skin too

Perspective: Your entire civilisation is collapsing, you're domesticated like an animal injecting jewish semen into your veins, your women reject you, you can't breed, but you're standing there arguing with a pizza delivery man over your pig slop goyfeed
Nope, can't do it.
I always just thought this was a really low test weird looking guy, I just now noticed that it's actually a female to male tranny
>herpes lips
>dead eyes of a prostitute
Yep, she's a ukie alright
Zoomer? That woman is pushing 40.
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This guy is so low-t that his hair is thick and luscious
Zipper tits!!
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>Still hit though
These 3 words completely obliterate the psyche of any ex-girlfriend/wife who talks shit about you.
>broke sister fuckers hit that while incels think its over because they are socially awkward.
Seems comfy
ok schlomo, now turn your head to the side
what is this accent
Based thread? Based thread.
>the streamer manages to be cringier than the dog man
Sure, Spotty
the most ineffective "jumpscare" I've ever seen, didn't even flinch
Its cringe but I lel'd
Jesus saves :)
this is not cringe, its a banger
What's with this epidemic of faggoty streamers watching stuff and adding absolutely nothing?
>lower middle class
Right lol
>"have a day"
what an incredible specimen
I mean brown sugar & sour cream is great on a lot of things, especially pancakes.
But just on its own? The fuck?
Also I have never seen sour cream in a sqeeze bottle before that's wild, is that shit even sour cream?
usually I don't give a shit about human beings but after seeing that child the situation of its hair, her clothes and having a mother like this makes me feel real sorry for that child, i hope she can outlive that situation and be successful in life
She has some nudes floating around
the amount of child abuse in the black and brown community is ridiculous, almost as ridiculous as how the media always pretends its 100% white men going around raping everyone.
Poor kid already doomed and has barely started her life!
absolutely amazing.
At least she's trying to turn it around. Thank you Jesus.
still an attention seeking whore
Honestly, this one could have been much worse. To walk away like that, averted the cringe, at least for me. She read the room, she knew that people didn't find her funny. At least she tried.
not cringe
this is probably what christians seemed like to the anglo saxons
Titmogged to hell and back, holy shit white puta stays losing
Damn where did he find that beat?
holy fucking cringe
So wait is he the wife in the relationship? Should he be covering up than? It's his duty to not attract sexual attention from other men or else he is a whore.
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Her hymen got miraculously restored?
The guy who ordered food is black retard
It's not cringe when you own the room
she wishes she was black
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He's cringe sure but I don't think she can say anything about his girth with her having that honking sausage thumb.
Is this the new counteroffensive trailer?

Last one was all like
>we will take it all back in 2 weeks, moscow after that
and now it's just
>we will capture one of you and commit some warcrimes as payback for hoholcaust hehe >:)

what a bizarre people
Overfeeding children should qualify as child abuse
Trans and NB types are the laziest motherfuckers in existence who had parents that gave them everything without teaching them anything. Do not raise your kids without at least some essential skills in life. Otherwise you will see them turn into self hating zipper tits.
Streams found out it was more profitable to lean into giving their viewers that parasocial feeling of "hanging out" and faking rageouts for funny clips to increase their audience.
>kid chooses the healthiest thing first
Grandparents must have taught her that.
Thank god for monsters like this mother. I used to worry that Cheerios, a little cup of milk, and piece of a banana was over doing it when my kid was one. Now I know I was actually taking excellent care of him.
Shit, even in a state institution the kid would have more chances.
Shit, Mr. Thornberry changed, he used to be cool.
A normal man does cringe once and learns,
A cringe man does cringe and never learnds,
a based man sees cringe and learns not to.

This video is a check to never do that for a girl, no matter what you feel in the moment.
my day was ruined when i found out this was staged, but some anon on /tv/ did the research
>the (((media)))
>all that shit
>lower middle class
Checks out
Trans man?
ready to sit in the office chair for 8 hours
i remember when men just to used to have some jerky and a bottle of water, sometimes an apple.
first time i didnt even react to a jumpscream.
well done
that beat
Her ex sounds based as fuck! You can tell she's internally seething
god 4chan sucks at clocking trannies
These women are failures. Literally White guy should have married an Asian women even a Filipina in the Philippines in the most village remote area could make better food and look nicer.
double unexpected.
I... I could have saved her...
Who's your greatest ally?
You: Israel!
shiver me timbers!

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