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Post webms that go hard.
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Soon the days will come where I will make videos like this. Very talented fever dreamy transitions.
Soviet Hamlet (1964). Read more books.
About 1960s Soviet Cinema?
Hamlet isn't a book though
About Shakespeare.

That's the only form most people study it in.
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Oh shit I meant this one
it was inevitable really
Fuck off. Hamlet is one of the most popular and frequently produced plays of all time. Very few people experience Hamlet in book form
gillian jacobs is a fan of reading shakespeare.
The soviets allowed shakespeare? I would have thought it was western capitalist propoganda.
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the Holy Iron Chain Knights seeing Guts during the Conviction Arc in Berserk
Aguirre The Wrath of God 1971 Werner Herzog, its a really good film
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The U.S. military literally hasn't won a war in my lifetime lol.
who is this carloss guy? I've seen some of his stuff before.
>>5631422 Have you got it? Would you please post it?
ah, no, sorry mate. I don't have his stuff. I found a couple links but never got all of his content.
>>5631472 Oh, that's okay. I also found some other editions of his, but none of them seem to have anything to do with white supremacy as well. Just regular narcowave.
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Learn to dig, make it level.
Almost all performances are dogshit and will actively ruin the play. Also most people read Hamlet in schools or study the text at home. You're schizo if you think more people watch rather than read Hamlet.
Holy shit, I'll never complain about my job again
>only polish communist filmmakers could understand Hamlet.
That's why Kurosawa backed out.
fuck outta here
what a joke
>shit rap slapped on top
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Thanks (NOT) for the shitty music so I can't hear the person speaking in your video. Retard.
Typical christcuck and his acceptance of nigger culture
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>seething papists
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Did they pick the whiniest faggot in the production studio breakroom to do the voiceover? Holy shit that's pathetic.
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It's vastly superior in the original german language. Also the main character fucked his smoking hot daughter irl
>a russian soldier spots a drone in the sky, as told by shakespeare
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Trevor Was murdered.
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so... two more weeks?
I fight for a future that is ever gayer, mixder, and more in service to Israel.
this is the worst... predator insinuating herself to desperate men. So scary that some might fall for this.

Wake up guys, Feds and women, man, Feds and women...
Personal debt is money borrowed from Jews. Public debt is money borrowed by Jews... you don't get it.
You're a nigger lover and your religious infighting is super cringe.
I support Iran.
>You're a nigger lover
So was Paul
shit thread
>Very few people experience Hamlet in book form
Except for all those school children in the western world.
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Does anyone have the one in which a rapper looking black guy is smoking a blunt spaced out of his mind with classical music (für elise, I think?) and classical paintings edited in?
what song is this?
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he was against the alt-right and peddled lame "safe" conspiracies like the iraq war being about oil instead of being about protecting israel after they successfully committed a false flag attack on us soil
any way to find the original english sound recording that herzog threw away becuase it was of low quality? Sad that no original audio of the words spoken exists.
Why would you ever stand so close to a rallying car exactly...?
music source? singers and song title please!
what is the song title?
source on vid?
File: Remember.webm (3.83 MB, 1280x720)
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You need to turn up the record volume level next time.
Looks like he is firing salt peter, or bird shot.
man i remember seeing this on /f/ back in the day
If you're white and ever end up in a US prison you should pray to God it's in the southwest. The Mexicans are the only thing that stands between you and getting killed by blacks.
think you meant to say ingratiating there
is this a lullaby? what are the lyrics?
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anyone have the south african drug raid
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took me literally 2 minutes to google it you lazy cunts
Fucking Romanians.
First they betrayed the germans, then they betrayed the russians.
A friend you wouldn't wish your worst enemy.
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I really love flying wings. I wish we had more of them
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>luther was a jew
>he pilpulled apart the church to weaken christindom
>just be your own priest goy, thats right... be le individuals
>borrowed by jews from jews which is now owed by you

he gets it.
R.I.P. SGI, R.I.P. SUN, R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie, R.I.P. Doug Engelbart
Magical. Source? More?
Why the fuck do zoomers leave text blocking the fucking video/images? God i hate zoomers so much it's unreal.
The only reason you can read the Bible in English is because Protestants fought for your right to do so.
File: Wolves.webm (2 MB, 860x720)
2 MB
>babies first day on the internet has his first time seeing a video older than he is
rip in peace
That "person" is Carl Sagan.
nice dubs but music sauce?
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What the fuck? How do Russians find this relaxing? No wonder they are always drunk. I'd be too
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kek'd didn't see it coming
This was the shit that got me as a kid. They wanted us to believe the US military was big shit and protected the world, but I never understood, because from our own history books in school, we lost every fucking conflict we had been involved with since WWII. Today, I recognize we also lost that one. The US military is a paper tiger and our empire is coming to a close.
They destroyed the German people for daring to rise up against them. They are destroying the American people because this host no longer suits them and they must remove every ounce of wealth from a host before moving on. But this time we (see). The (sight) is atomic. Once obtained it cannot be lost. It is indivisible. Once one is (seen), all are (seen). And once (seen), never shall a gaze stray from them. The ability of vermin to hide in shadows has been revoked.
its from a horror movie you sperg
tramp stamp right
>Sad that no original audio of the words spoken exists.
the original audio is in german, mate.
You are late by about 15 years. Tempus fugit.
>"we dont care who you worship, what you worship".

In this is precisely why the US will never win a way again.

As John Mayer said, belief is the most powerful weapon.

If you don't have a cohesive belief system in a single higher power you cannot win.

It is why "racist" and "monotheistic" groups win in history.

This was anything but safe
I recognized Henry VIII in there.
>literal book full of Jewish witchcraft
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Sauce on the music? Reminds me of late 2000's Scandinavian Bitpop. Is it Pluxus or 50 hertz?
Hey, I worked on the sequel that has never been released. Kung Fury is so good!
>the original audio is in german, mate.
NTA but no, it's not. The audio recorded on set was in English as that was the only shared language among all the cast members but the sound that was recorded wasn't usable so it was redubbed into English and German later.
>blue board
are you ritard or just autistic
File: despicable_gear (1).webm (3.85 MB, 854x480)
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Lol who is this guy and whats the story with the last fight, the ref was trying to intervene while the winner still managed to deliver 2 full power roundhouse kicks to an already KOd opponents head
I wonder what this fat bastard would think if he saw how he conquered his own nation with this war. Probably wouldn't care, he sold his soul to satan anyways for a petty election.
What's that? you want to go unconscious now? Here's two roundhouse kicks to the head to wake ya up n**ger

This fighter is racist!
What's the story behind this
>totally owning the jews by watching their superhero show and rooting for the bad guy
>They can't stop me from paying money to watch the bad nazi guy and make capcut edits of him
>Totally PWNED
>zoomer thinks the only way to consoom is by paying
let germany build her slave empire in the east after giving up to hitler's demands again and again because... uhh
File: canadian psa.webm (2.4 MB, 480x360)
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it truly details the hidden pressures that lie in maintaining civility or something idk
All the women watching this got wet.
File: Joomp.webm (5.74 MB, 660x720)
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Listen, I'm not a human supremacist but...
File: TheBrewBarons4.webm (4.81 MB, 1824x1026)
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>someone else will raise your sons and daughters
You mean that they won't be turned into self-hating faggots without any real-world knowledge? What a fucking tragedy.
you are retarded
don't be a fag, it's pg-13
who is he, sounds like oslo norwegian
>women bad
enjoy being lonely
This song evokes nostalgia but I don't think I've ever heard it before. What is it?
kino edit, nice
Actually, I'd argue the more slick, cool, and sexy you are, the more you realize how dumb women are. Guys that have spent lots of time around different women know all too well how goofy they are. You realize modern movies, video games, shit that used to be dope as fuck back in the day have all been ruined in the modern day by women, right? They're absolutely jealous of men, and hate how effortlessly we handle ourselves.
>enjoy being lonely
as though guys in relationships DON'T think women are crazy. Anon I...
Don't talk about it, be about it.
>"Attack ships on FIRE off the shoulder of Orion"
Woah... that is badass. Space battles?? Wicked bro.
>"I watched SEAM BEAMS... glitery en da duh ah ninny tenhousa gay"
.....the fuck? What is he saying there? Wait, rewind that. Nope. Still don't have it. Rewind it again. Dude... what is he saying???

This is how I felt when I first saw this movie.
You're missing the forest for the trees dude. The specifics of what he's seen isn't really important, it's the fact that he HAS seen them that matters. Roy is showing, in that moment, that he is HUMAN, more human than human even, as evidenced by his saving Deckard. He is communicating his experiences as a way of showing that he is a living, feeling being just like Deckard.
sonds like taxation without representation in another thread. or just you know, theft or slavery.
pick one they all fit.
sure thing Ivan.
meanwhile Russia and germany where fuckong over the entirety of europe, that is or course just before attackign each other. you know, because they were full of morals and had great ethics.
need smore watermarks
Russian hamlet is Russian
fuck you
I think he's saying
>I watched C-Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate
This anon is right, in fact the very fact that you don't really know what he's talking about is the point. With his death, all these moments specific to his life are gone.
I think you guys are missing the forest for the trees. We have military bases across the world, much more than any other country. We patrol the shipping lanes, and wouldn't let anyone else. Post WW2 we had all the marbles, and deliberately set up a world that we ruled. We are the dominant hegemonic power right now.
I'm not saying that's or good thing or it'll last forever, but that's the reality. The wars we lost were ones where we were the invaders to a hostile civilian population, which simply cannot be won outside of wiping out the civilian population.
I actually disagree completely. There really are people who stand up for what's descent and right, even among women. They're few and far between, but they do exist.
I don't know if she's on the level or not but there's nothing like a neck tattoo to chase husband material away...
Every new elected president and his staff should go to prison prior to their future crimes. Each one of them is politics deep and a rat.
anyone know what song is playing in the background? fits really well
Some western stuff was allowed, especially the classics, early soviet leaders wanted the ode to joy to be the USSR's national anthem
based old man respecting his fallen comrades
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5 MB
Death blossoms
>losing to fishing boats in Yemen
This would be kino if it took out Calvin

Freaking borderline heterodox and unbiblical theology
Post a gf pic with timestamp
>writes the jews and their lies
>he's Jewish to tear down Christianity
I swear cucklicks never use tools of logic like occams razor

BTW God willed Lutherans to btfo the roman cucklics during the 30 years war. And now you all are forced, as the whole rcc, to bless gay couples. Whereas Lutherans have LCMS and WELS to get away from the elca faggotry.
He would think we need another world war to save Zionism.
God I wanna slaughter chinese people so bad.
Men like Churchill need to be dug up and their remains fed to pigs.
Fat fucking traitor!
most homosexual video I've seen this week
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Imagine being so deluded you think Muskie is smart, insightful, or is anything other than another rich entitled idiot.
You know how fucking boring it is to watch races in person most of the time?
You might as well hang out in the road for the small chance a passing car puts you out of your misery.
there a webm with the same video but with different music laid over, anyone has it?
what the hell are these?
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That's kind of a dumb meme. Most concentration camps weren't actual "death camps" where jews unfit for work were killed, but forced labor camps with both jewish and non jewish inmates. Nonetheless they had a very high rate of turnover due to deaths from disease and malnutrition etc. Also prisoners would be moved between camps in response to labor requirements or when the Nazis were retreating from occupied territory in front of the allied advance. So its possible a few lucky or resilient prisoners could have survived multiple camps and the cattle car rides or death marches in between, until they were liberated or the war ended
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give me chills.

on that note,
Seas and sky.
>worlds largest airforce USAirforce
>worlds second largest airforce USNavy
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I have a better one.
And before you ask, I don't know the song
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352 KB
he literally told you he have seen some serious shit , youre not supposed to understand it
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cant find the background music yet, but found this.
Narcos by Anuel AA and Aprendi a Amar by Brytiago.
it literally took me 3 minutes to find these on youtube by typing the lyrics anon.
This is the kind of footage I wanted out of the Ukraine Russian war.
But all we get is some gay drone shit
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Because it's trench warfare in the countryside right now. There was lots of that earlier during the urban fighting in Mariupol and Bachmut you just weren't paying attention. And the amount of gopro footage where you see people actually getting lit up (instead of soldiers filmed doing "suppressive fire" on a hillside or empty building) very quickly dwarfed all other previous footage of this type from Syria etc and other places combined
>What's the story behind this
would like to know as well and why the one guy who already had his gun out didnt start shooting
All I got from image search is that its turkey and 5 people were killed by that guy so based as fuck for defending himself well.
Cant find motive or reason but its like anywhere, you can tell its crime and most likely drug money shit related.
Gangland crap turf war etc
Dennis alexio.
JCVD brother in kickboxer but they dubbed his audio as he must have been a shit actor but he was a badass kickboxer.
My guess is that last fight was in a asian country, fight aint over until you are knocked the fuck out
this one depresses the fuck out of me
if jesus can give power to peter why cant peter give power to someone after he dies
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Song is Univaj Dusa Moja by Radost Moja.
Glare - Void in Blue
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I had no idea eating watermelon seeds was so dangerous
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>Very few
Most american highschool students, actually
I don't agree with the other anon that most people read Hamlet first. But you're actually a moron if you think it's superior to read any of Shakespeare's PLAYS. They're called PLAYS. Retard.
Certainly there's something to be gained from reading them but you're missing out on so much if you don't WATCH a PLAY be performed. It's like saying a movie is better enjoyed by reading the script only. Utterly braindead take. If you watched one play and didn't like it, watch another.
Nice one anon. That was looked like shit
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fizzling, my neurons
File: vietnam riff.webm (3.87 MB, 1000x562)
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Yeah, and that music is still shitty as fucking fuck.
The only thing that can be gleamed from most performances, when the actors are not exceptionally talented (which is most of the time) is some semblance of performance tradition, to see how the usual problems of interpretation are dealt with and a character is thoroughly made real in performance, but since modern theatre has totally rejected any tradition of interpretation, and is revoltingly anachronistic and antagonistic to the real meaning of Shakespeare's plays, there is no longer ANY reason to watch them. Unless, of course, they are good performances for one of the reasons named.

You realise you can use your imagination, right? Or are you too stupid to think for yourself and analyse characters? The authentic performance world that Shakespeare was writing for is totally gone. Modern actors might as well just be reading it as literature, so far are modern plays from Shakespeare's conception of the play. So why would you want an idiotic mediocrity reading the play for you, when you could just do it yourself? Also, a play is nothing like a script, since a script is written with the intention of having a fixed incarnation, whereas a play is always open to new performances, and is, at least in Shakespeare's case, of an infinitely higher literary quality than scripts. Comparing scripts with plays just shows how stupid you are.
I made the video. Original story was a Muslim gang-related shooting in Sweden.
There aren't any articles about it cause news about immigrant violence gets suppressed over there.
Here's the original video I downloaded from Kaotic: https://gofile.io/d/3KDDAT
The original upload was titled "Sweden: Muslim Gang Leader Shoots 4 People in Restaurant". The link to it in the metadata has been scrubbed: https://www kaotic com/video/2b786fd0_20230520202337_t
I also found a mirror that calls him the "Swedish Fox": https://www.bitchute.com/video/H5lfDVdAdi5k/
Can't find exact mention of that moniker, but there is a "Kurdish Fox" known to operate the Foxtrot network in Sweden so that might be the answer.
https://www arabnews com/node/2388121/world
https://www thenationalnews com/news/europe/2024/05/31/foxtrot-and-rumba-who-are-the-violent-swedish-gangs-doing-irans-bidding/
What's the title?
Just because you celebrate some horrible happening doesn't mean you're involved. Just look at /pol/
its cringe try-hard garbage
>if you think it's superior to read any of Shakespeare's PLAYS
i guess that all depends on the performance, doesnt it? RETARD also shakespear is shit, shut the fuck up. nobody watches PLAYS, RETARD. pretentious faggot. dragon ball has way more artistic value than this pile of tripe
who is this "we" exactly? you think "america" rules anything? kek americans are used only as a great destabilizer by the banks who OWN YOU retard. you have no hegemonic power kek get your head out of your ass
>Did they pick the whiniest faggot in the production studio breakroom to do the voiceover? Holy shit that's pathetic.

Probably a troll post but on the off-chance you're just a retard spouting shit you know nothing about, the dude speaking won the medal of honor for engaging and killing multiple enemy combatants all on his own in hand to hand combat while trapped in a building. A reporter outside the building even managed to capture recordings of some of it on film
>vietnam riff
That's clearly WW2
This one is intense
Wonder if that's his original uniform and everything. probably is. he looks so proud, like he knows something great

i enjoyed it anon, is it ever gonna come out?

it was fun for funs sake, and the world needs more of that
what's the video from?
The gnat dive bombing directly into the toilet bowl as I'm taking a massive piss
>how to lose your entire face to frostbite
song? sounds like k4000
Replacing Carl Sagan with some faggy version of the willy wonka song is the opposite of going hard.
where is this from?
doesn't change the fact that he sounds like a whiny faggot kek
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wait Bismark was Protestant?
please don't abuse the pigs they're innocent
is this real
Are you the faggots that made this:
lol wut
Kung Fury is anything but, it's a low budget romp
The thing is, he's not actually a whiny faggot. Unlike you.
Is loud distorted music the laugh track of the z generation?
>typed in American english
>This fighter is racist!
Based Dennis
fat sack of shit helped doom the entire western world.

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