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File: 1720109340269743.webm (3.61 MB, 406x720)
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Webms related to India and Indians
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these are all great
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3.55 MB WEBM
"It also shortens the customer's remaining time" KEK
>a literal fucking rat
I've seen plenty of shit, but this is next level lmao
File: pajeet.webm (3.15 MB, 640x480)
3.15 MB
3.15 MB WEBM
>obligatory codex india clip to let pajeets know why we mock them
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Cats are superior life forms to Pajeets
>Cleaner, and bury their feces
>can be trained to shit in a toilet
>don't eat off the floor
>cute, and women actually like cats. They don't like Pajeets
>can fight better, are more athletic, can swim and don't get hit by trains
Video proof contrasting Pajeets and cats
File: 1706811904038012.webm (5.9 MB, 640x360)
5.9 MB
Chimps are VASTLY superior to Pajeets
>More intelligent, can use utensils and tools to eat food
>way better personal hygiene
>much cleaner and don't stink as bad
>don't breed like rats in their own feces and then mass migrate to other peoples countries and destroy their way of life
>chimps don't use the internet, so they don't shit up the entire internet with their cope
>better, safer drivers
>if you shave a chimp, they are white whereas Pajeets are shitskins
>generally much more aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to be around, nobody hates chimps, everyone hates Pajeets
>chimps have bigger dicks than Pajeets and don't get cucked by "Love Jihadis"
>chimps are vastly physically more powerful than a Pajeet who has a grip strength weaker than a European woman. Any chimp could easily kill a Pajeet with zero effort
>no chimp has ever gang raped a monitor lizard
>nobody has ever been called by a chimp scammer
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the jew is just as disgusting as the indian
they didn't talk to you or say that to you
they're talking to their friends, as you said.
kill them.
kill them all.
maybe they will learn
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>we have always had many different "people"
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1.54 MB WEBM
Pajeets are a menace and a health hazard. They're a threat to all life on earth and should be completely annihilated. These scamming, raping, stinky pedojeets serve no purpose but to destroy civilization. The "cheap labor" isn't worth it.
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I don't even live in Canada, but its fuckign insane.
this mass immigration shit is fucked up.
I'm surprised there havent been more violent crimes
Being Pajeeted to death is the worst, most dystopian future I could have imagined.
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Retarded thread. Get a life.
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Good morning Saar have you been drinking the holy foot water today you bloody benchod?
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>'OK, sorry for that one'
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whats he doing
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> been in the UK for 2.5 months. Much of that time grooming what he thought was a child. Sorry Saar
Indian logic
Fucking savages
When your scam call centre gets hacked
Indian pwned by the birittish again
File: Gag.gif (1.42 MB, 200x140)
1.42 MB
1.42 MB GIF
wtf i love india now

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