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That makeup is excellent
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YWNBAW, lunatic
Trannies are mentally ill
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Stay mad.
File: Sailor Troon.webm (5.58 MB, 640x360)
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Stay male.
No audio in the right channel.
>no grave at the end
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nta, but thats how it is on the vid

I pulled the audio from source and made a fake right channel, didnt re-encode that anons webm, just cut the old audio and put in the new audio.
good premise but the goober needed to hammer the point home by wrapping up with something like "why are you getting offended? I thought there wasn't any difference between trans women and you? Even if I said you look like one, you're both beautiful right?"

like how bitches call lizzo hot but seethe when you say they look like her, you gotta call out their mental gymnastics or they end up projecting their emotional retardation onto you.
everyone knows trannies are hideous freaks but you can't say it directly or they'll turn it against you.
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your meds sir
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Read the Cass Review. 388 pages of analysis and data - commissioned in 2020 and just published in April this year.

It disproves the fallacy that children who don't transition will kill themselves (suicide rates don't change after HRT or gender-affirming surgery.
It shows that children will naturally grow out of questioning their gender during puberty, and any intervention during that time will prevent that from happening.
It shows how mental health in general is negatively affected by medical interventions compared to doing nothing at all.
It shows how some doctors and medical professionals know all of this, but prescribe medication and refer patients to surgeons for fear of backlash from activist groups and threat of losing their registration.

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so STRONG and unique!
File: lewontin's fallacy.gif (2.5 MB, 1200x1300)
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Why did you feel the need to trip here, buddy?
i always enter these types of threads and try to contribute
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>it is ma'am
the way she tries to use a raspy voice is cute
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She looks like a FtM transsexual with eyeliner on
This is fucked up, that guy could live as a chad and also as a stacy simultaneously
This guy single handedly destroys all trannies and all tranny ideology. Nobody needs to fuck their body up with hormones or fuck their personality up with "identity". Just be a pretty twink dude and the whole world becomes a better place. The moment you go around calling yourself a woman, you begin holding yourself and everyone else in society back.
is this nigga mixed or what? whats up with the weird upper eyelids?
this what I find the most sad, they have to resort to cartoons or fantasy animation to feel good, this is a disease
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anyone have the sauce for this?
...I don't get it...
Y Chromosome (YMCA Parody) - The XY People
shut up you faggot loving queer
this guy gets it
I don't even have a strong stance on this but I was curious and looked up every single source cited in this webm. They're all from Christian and Catholic newsletters (AdVindicate, etc.) excluding a single source from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which doesn't say 50% anywhere in the actual article. This webm is literally disinformation, look it up.

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