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No cuckshit, no denigrating AM's. Just nice and wholesome White Male/Asian Female related content
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Great stuff.
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WMBF is superior.
Black Women:
Will give you ugly, dumb, low inhibition mutt children

Asian Women:
Will give you intelligent, cute, disciplined hapas

There is zero competition here.
Aren't hapas usually self hating? The males hate society and white people and the females have really low self esteem.
Boys become Elliot Rodger but girls become more than the sum of their parents.
For males, I think it's a bit overblown on this site because of memeable figures like Elliot Rodger and that eurasiantiger or whatever his name is. Obviously it can be a problem because it's just a fact that asian males have it harder on the dating market, and they might have this internalized thing because their asian mother is also married to a white man, but if literally every male hapa was Elliot Rodger-tier mentally ill, we'd have a big problem. I suppose you could say it just depends on how you raise them.
As for females, I don't think the low self-esteem thing is true, or rather it's not exclusive to hapas. Most non-white women growing up in western countries will have lower self-esteem because of the (white) beauty standard in those countries, especially in schools etc.
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Anyone else think this is gross
It's not gross , but it's a tragedy.
That's dumb. Stupid wife.
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>just be tall and conventionally attractive
Yeah, no shit. For those that aren't those things, you're forever alone.
The reason Elliot Rogers exist is because their fathers are the sorts of losers who would pursue asian women, and therefore don't make good role models.
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This is all I want in life. Is that so much to ask for?
>no denigrating AM
But that's the whole point of these threads. To make non-whites seethe. Not to push any sort of race mixing.
Not really. Let's say you actually find the asian girl of your dreams and marry her and start a family. Maybe she has a brother, or cousins, people that are important to her. Humiliation or "cucking" them would be stupid. I'm not OP but I don't go into these threads because they make others seethe
Hey OP, why don't you project your fetish on another board?
Being an asian man in the west is a fate worse than death, these guys have been completely buck-broken. It's quite tragic.
They are so beautiful it isn't fair
>That look to the camera before she considers greeting her husband
Poor man.
Id post my own stuff, but Im not an idiot.
Fuck off newfag. The whole point of them was to make nerds seethe not to actually participate in them. This is why nobody uses these anymore.
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>wholesome WMAF
>wholesome White Male Jungle Asian
>self hating
Stay off the internet bro. There are are super chad hapa men and super trad hapa women who come from rich successful families.

Then there are hapa men who love their asians moms but hate their white dad for "muhh colonization." They want to marry a full blood Asian like their moms but their insecurity holds them back, so they hate on WMAF since they see white men as the reason they cannot. These are the chinkcels who post the Elliot Roger memes.
Dude, the fact their together at all makes them seethe alone.
You don't need to try too hard. The mere fact of it is enough
The jungle (southeast) asians are hotter and contrast more than the pale east asians who are basically white and thus boring
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Can any of you guys explain the point of fawning over other couples, shitting on other races, suggesting you marry/date this girl instead of that one...

When the entire functioning paradigm of courtship has been completely and utterly destroyed by social media for over a decade now?
I agree that this race thread's stupid but
Social media simply amplify feminist and socialist liberal social engineering, wich is doing its best to destroy the family units since the 50's and earliers, wich are now fully backed by almost every political parties and every corporations except the ones called "far right" and "neo-nazi" wich are almost always controlled opposition too, full of feminists and social liberals or literal alphabet glowy pretending to be a voice of the opposition
Only very, VERY fiew political figures represent the preservation of western, white values and they are up against a biased system that all work in the same direction wich at first glance seem to be the recreation of the living condition of weimar germany but all over "white" countries and establish a soft genocidal approach toward said ethnicaly european peoples.

So unless you are offering recruitment for a trust worthy white military, para military and political cell that is working against that or maybe more likely, you revived Adolph Hitler and his political party and they are gaining popularity right now, fawning over how great and ideal an untouched by feminishit couple would be, is pretty much all you'll get as a modern courtship problem solver.
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>shit skin is more attractive than white skin

Korea, Japan, and China > Vietnam, Philippines, Malay, etc.
Koreans and Chinese usually have darker skin
No, Filipinos actually have Euro descent from Spanish and American colonization whereas your East Asian selection are a bunch of slit eyed down syndrome freaks.
Eliot Rodgers dad was a Hollywood jew. Jews are predisposed to schizophrenia, and a wide variety of other genetic diseases.
Makes sense. That one hapa who did the facefuck scene also had a jewish dad
i thought the whole all asians hate each other was just a meme damn
>all asians hate each other was just a meme damn
Why would they have any unity?
Do you think all africans like eachother? No, of course not, they all hate eachother.
Europeans are kinda the odd ducks in that they hate-love eachother.
South Americans, honestly, I'm not sure on. They have a fairly messed up recent history which resulted in a fairly unifying factor in their language and a common enemy-figure in colonial powers, but I don't know enough about their history to know if there's a lot of old hatreds between the countries. South America might like eachother due to shared cultural touchstones... MIGHT.
Some people are just shy like that.
>fawning over how great and ideal an untouched by feminishit couple would be, is pretty much all you'll get as a modern courtship problem solver.
Honestly, you need to be trumpeting at all times just how badly it's really gotten.
Or people, weirdly enough, forget. And it mustn't be forgotten.
it's called a tan, and it's more attractive than being pale, objectively
Good for him.
I never got the appeal of leather skin. Looks unwholesome.
>starts off with the most cringe webm imaginable
>"le wholesome!"
>"just racemix goy!"
Extremely redditarded.
All fields.
This makes me Ryan Gosling
Why is this being recorded? What kind of tryhard attention whores do this?
The constant question I have in these threads. Some seem like reasonable selfies but most of them are fucking psychotic when you put yourself in the mind of the room with that fucking black rectangle on a tripod watching.
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This reeks of poor filipina marrying a US serviceman
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>he's my daddy
destroyed me
I bet your last name is Nguyen
Fuck off back to /gif/ with this trash with your blacked buddies, so sick of you faggots
Good thread. I’m white and my Chinese wife is 6 months pregnant and we are having a daughter. Life is good
>Can any of you guys explain the point of fawning over other couples
Same people who love to consume romance shows/movies or read about it, they're just cucks
Great thread lads. My little beauty is coming to see me in a few weeks. Im so fucking excited.
flips having considerable euro ancestry is an exaggeration. they're more likely to have some chinese ancestry.
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congrats anon
You're gonna avoid consorting with literally all other races just because jews told you to do so?

Hey you, don't eat that poop.
Except notice how with WMAF it's almost always people talking about relationships, love, marriage, and family, while with blacked shit it's always about muh dick and sex.
I'm seriously considering going to the Philippines or maybe Vietnam to find a wife.
At this point I don't know if any genuinely good women are left in the west, at least ones who aren't snapped up as fast as possible by their high school boyfriends who realise they need to lock her down immediately.
dunno try speaking to some western guys who've married from there
good luck if you do though
>at least ones who aren't snapped up as fast as possible by their high school boyfriends who realise they need to lock her down immediately
I only know 2 married guys who have never been divorced
both married at least 20 years
both married HS sweethearts
if you aren't her first and only one, she'll never truly love you
there is something special in the bond that happens when women get fucked for the first time
that's the difference between what men really want
and the fetishes of slags, troons and degen jews
And I suspect this is the true reason (or like, half the reason) behind all the men who have been brought down by having chatlogs with teenage girls.
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Don't get fucked over in the Philippines. They're very wise to this type of stuff now, so don't get too attached. If they ever ask for money or gifts you should be aware of the fact that they're going to fuck you over eventually.
That said, you can still find true love over there. Just be cautious, don't go for uneducated villagers, even if they're an easy lay. If you can find a city girl and make her fall in love with you, you're so much better off than with a western woman.
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Why is the voiceover there? It doesn't add any information.
Spanish are nig tier compared to East asians
All three can get pretty dark but I actually think japs are the darkest, they can get almost Polynesian looking
She doesn't sound Japanese. The westernised ones are insufferable.
Are you tall and handsome?
Actually yeah, I'm 6'2, decent looking and I lift
She sounds like a jap that learned received pronunciation.
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>>5637314 Leon and Ada in real life
they already posted about that>>5631582
>>5642638 Cool.
Nobody was seething. I bet you'd be happier and more focused with an Asian wife.
>Too old for a baby
Are they stupid or something?
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daughter looks like a clone of the mom sure it aint his step daught
80% of WMAF couples kids look just like an Asian, I will never understand why a white man would want to have kids with an Asian or a black person, their kids will almost never look anything like you.
>I will never understand why everyone isn't cardinally concentrated on race just like me
Well if you have to ask, you can't be told.
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This shit just looks weird and unnatural to me.
Whites only go well with other whites.
White/Japanese hapas are super popular. Usually it's the non White hapas who have issues there.
wheres here?
>non White hapas
Is it still hapa when it's half-asian half black?
I thought that was blasian.
And half-asian half-latino was Brazilian (man, sometimes I wish spoilers worked for lame little jokes like that).
It should have been me, it's not fair.
Didn't say every race, retard, if a white man has kids with a hispanic or even middle eastern woman the kid can still look like him in many cases
You're a boob. lol
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This isn't wholesome, this is a "pick me" asian who is trying to show off that she bagged a white boy

Need more like this:
Men are more likely to conceive a child with mental disabilities if they have a child over 40.
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The reality
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beanie hiding his norwood
Why are Asian women the whitemanswhore ?
>pick me
Only retarded women use this term, drop it immediately you fucking faggot.
That's only if you mix with SEA monkeys.
Hispanics and middle easterns are low iq at least east asians will give you smart children
They don't have a choice lol its either racemix or be incel for guys with bad genetics
>Mix with Hapa/Mullato
>Get Quapa/Quadroon offspring
This is because Blacks and Asians are already halfies by default but academia will never admit this.
you have zero idea what you're talking about KEK must be a zoomer
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I'd never post a photo of my daughter on here, but most assume she's 1/4th Asian because she looks 50%. She's beautiful.
All the haters are sad. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I hope that you get to experience the same love I do.
I think convincing the asian female to get a white donor egg so she can give birth to a white child would be a hard sell.
Do people get off to these or something? I'm genuinely trying to understand why do people watch these
It's cute
Sometimes you like to see wholesome things.
These threads tend to lean that way (it's not absolute, but it's a general bias).
Same reason you watch cat webms or doggo webms.
Go to Japan. If you have even a little bit of confidence you are already ahead. I went to Japan at 24, before then women in my country would barely talk to me. Women in Japan actually gave me the time of day which allowed me to grow as a person. If I'd stayed in Australia I would definitely have become a bitter incel. Now I'm married and have a good job that requires public speaking, before I needed to take beta blockers to get through any situation that required me to speak to someone outside of my immediate family. I've experienced a lot of the things seen in this thread, even today when I'm walking somewhere with my wife I can't believe it's me doing that.
Insanely Jewish thread
it's seems like a fetish or something, my guess is that subconsciously these guys think asians are better than white girls, because they're so used to white girls acting like bitches in social media/mainstream media/propaganda/porn/maybe even irl and it affects their judgment

You know who's more Jewish than Kikes? White women.
it helps to get a reminder that there still are good women and hope in this shitty world, since western women are degenerate trash and that's what most western men are constantly exposed to and become numb to
This, like many other threads the retarded mods allow, is coombait posted by discord troons to pipeline anons from here to /gif/, in anon's mind to find some "more" wmaf, but in reality to get them back into the controlled nigger faggot goon online ecosystem there, where the next step is shitting up the 1-2 "wholesome" porn threads to funnel people from there into more degenerate stuff, and so on and so forth. There are a lot of jews and mentally ill faggots spending a lot of money and time to do this.
meds. now.
so there is no end in site ?
They sit there talking about doing this and linking threads to each other to brigade in their discords all day every day. It's not even hard to find their communities. If you find yourself rejecting the reality of this, you are probably the one that needs meds.
It's not subconscious.
>he's my daddy
I taught kindergarten and elementary school and students would always call me daddy and latch onto me 24/7. I should adopt.
> see beautiful women of another race.
Wholesomely destroy her by mixing your different genes with hers.
> wholesome
Do jews and white incels really?
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Have you ever considered there is a large demographic of white men who want to marry an asian woman? Or may be currently in relationships?

What you're referring to are the filter evading bbc rage bait threads on /gif/. This is not the same no matter how much you despise race-mixing.
nigger detected
jungle asians are nigger tier
why are they all SEAmonkeys these days? i see a lot of east asians particularly japanese with niggers now
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She's dating way above her looks and their kid will be ugly. It's not worth it.
That's women not men
This thread gives me hope

I want to die
this should have been me
All the proof needed, WMAF is the truth and the way
Lol I like Asians but that's cope. Your pan faces and flat noses are negrioid.
Philippines and Vietnam is a better bet. Trust me on that.
nah, I don't see nogs or fags
Marie swooped in with the power move of cutting in and greeting someone elses husband first.
>leans into her

This makes me suicidal because I know I'll never have this.
That looks like me and my wife is Chinese and we have a newborn daughter.. feels good man
Agreed bro. I’m married to a Chinese woman and I’m white, but her brother is married to a white girl (and he’s Chinese of course). It all works out great and my mixed kids will have mixed cousins
British guy raised in Japan here, The Japanese see SEAmonkeys as the Mexicans of Asia. Which is in some part due to the fact the Japanese are taller, have faces which are more developed, are quieter and higher IQ. if I was going to waste my genes selfishly by doing wmaf, I would at least do it with a jap
>just a white x asian sfw fetish thread
Imagine being able to do this bros
Poor dude got molestered so hard by the kikes as a kid that he turned out super sketched out 24/7. Still looks and acts like a fag after the psychological damage. Hopefully that sideways yellow pussy is powerful enough to fully cure him of the gay.
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I just want to get off to cutie Asians girls sucking dick that looks like mine. If I wanted to denigrate Asian males I would just play some Starcraft.
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Can't get more wholesome than this

cute family
This is funny as fuck.
Jews expand through their maternal line. Jewish mother? You're Jewish.

What's more likely, the Jews to encourage sticking with white women who theirs blend in with and influences or going to Asian women where there can never be an Asian Jew and where Jewry isn't there?
it's both
Notice how lean his jaw is. Take the leanpill, it's not genetics, it's the leanpill
It's women
older men have longer telomeres so the offspring is better
After 30, our sperm weakens, not by much but we do produce more deformed sperm and there's a slight chance it'll give us retarded children.
The chance isn't much, smoking, drinking or even just being around smoke, so basically living near a road, is a higher chance of deforming the baby.

But the chance is still there. All things being equal, you're more likely, not by much but still more, to have a retarded baby above 30 than if you had them in your late teens or early 20s.
American Incels like you need to stfu for once.
Filipinos are dogshit. Euro wannabe with their bullshit imported forced culture.
Tanned skins are for pedos and pedos-in-hiding.
Buzzwords now, shillbot!
Been with a chinese girl for a few months now. I feel like im not good enough for her.
I thought my depression would be cured by getting a sweet girl to like me, but instead my inferiority complex has risen to new heights.
learn to love yourself
God that bitch sounds fucking awful. And that faggot looking dude talks like a faggot. Why the fuck would you choose to speak with the one accent in China that makes you sound like a faggot with a lisp. It's identical to someone moving to America to learn English and then only learning from ass fucking flaming faggots so he talks like a fairy and has a forced lisp. GuangDong should be the first to be nuked when the bombs fall.

Don't learn languages from women, especially that sound like lifelong smokers, you end up talking like a bitch. I moved to China and couldn't even say hello after getting off the plane and learned a handful of new words day by day from locals on the streets and at bars and restaurants; my best friend lived there before me and studied in college in the south while being paid to go sit with women at clubs so all his practiced Chinese was with bitches. Long story short everywhere we went men would ask why he talks like a fucking girl, shit was hilarious. That went on for 7 years. Now he married some boss Chinese bitch that sounds more manly than he does when they speak Chinese.
she's taiwanese and he's polish i think so english is neither of there first language
why the fuck are you so mad you dumb faggot

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