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File: HaggisOnTheRoof (1).webm (5.56 MB, 734x720)
5.56 MB
5.56 MB WEBM
British WebMs
File: Nice Large Naan.webm (2.24 MB, 1280x720)
2.24 MB
2.24 MB WEBM
File: yZ3sRWVXOXzAZydD.webm (801 KB, 414x270)
801 KB
File: British Police (1).webm (5.51 MB, 1280x720)
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5.51 MB WEBM
File: climber.webm (579 KB, 640x1138)
579 KB
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File: scotts_banter_mutts.webm (1.26 MB, 480x854)
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1.26 MB WEBM
kek they worship us.
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1.64 MB WEBM
Filename is misleading, the origin of hillbillies are actually Scottish, these guys are just being themselves, make the correction mudslime
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5.37 MB WEBM
Needs the wee girls about to sing Cher Lloyd. Hilarious.

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1.67 MB
1.67 MB GIF
Pre large naan
Post large naan
Based. Streamers are fucking cancer.
I would gladly watch this man on the bench giving his opinions on life over that dumb bitch.
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File: ssstwitter(1).webm (3.34 MB, 1280x728)
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3.34 MB WEBM
OC from today
fake and gay
always cringe when they resist arrest
sounds liverpoolean
File: Home.webm (3.46 MB, 320x568)
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File: Fish And Chips.webm (3.19 MB, 1280x720)
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3.19 MB WEBM
That's a Hull accent probably. She sounds like Amy Tommo.
you need sound on that webm
>oi m8 u removin da wrong flag
>u dont fink i FUKKIN KNO THAT
as an american
fuckin lol
File: two hit combo.webm (4.24 MB, 640x364)
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4.24 MB WEBM
File: at least you know that.webm (4.77 MB, 720x1280)
4.77 MB
4.77 MB WEBM
got u man
thanks m80
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thanks bruv
poor guy
File: bruv.webm (3.75 MB, 480x360)
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3.75 MB WEBM
fr, what is this called? like ive seen videos of brits have these banter chants where a hypothetical bad situation turns good. whats it called?
I don't get the use of init. If it's short for 'isn't it' and you replace where they use 'init' it doesn't make any sense
Short for "isn't it" but also becomes a conjunctive in a similar way to how valley girls use "like" in the states
File: Gypo gonna cut ye.webm (3.53 MB, 206x360)
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3.53 MB WEBM
the so called "Irish" "traveller" stuff is hilarious, the parts I can understand at least

It's Britnigger. Like the way nogs here have to punctuate every sentence with, 'YA HEARD ME."
does anyone have the webm of a guy showing a map and going over all of the major regional dialects and accents in england?
what does he say right at the very end about the sugar?
File: funny brits.webm (2.43 MB, 480x360)
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still have no idea what the soldiers are even saying, or what the source is
this clip gets funnier every time a watch it
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Oim commin dewn thea wit me bred knoife and me da commin wit his wewden spewn and wea going to cot and stir yer asses. Yell be mash petato by the end of the noight
lmao. being honest to noggers is best. it hurts them because its true
File: 1722394618972771.webm (899 KB, 480x360)
899 KB
>what the source is
Looking around it from the BBC series The Highest Tradition episode 5 (1989)

>what the soldiers are even saying
Basically it's a pre- gaurd mount between the senior NCO's and the Commander. I can't make a transcript since I don't know bong military verbiage.
File: emu.webm (3.71 MB, 720x720)
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3.71 MB WEBM

They're Irish
Anybody have the video of those lads drinking rose, kissing, and then failing to break chairs over each others backs?
>I can't make a transcript since I don't know bong military verbiage.
Given it is a ritualised affair there's no point in making a transcript as the signifiers and the signified are disconnected, or, rather, the signifier itself is the signified: tradition.
makes sense now, I was being too literal
File: strong gay chairs.webm (4.89 MB, 202x360)
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4.89 MB WEBM

nvm i found it and made the webm myself
Based boomer. Fuck e-thots, non sexually (they all have AIDs).
I hope every single smug leftist traitor who worked on this video gets murdered by a migrant.
File: uk muz.webm (4.51 MB, 1280x720)
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4.51 MB WEBM
here's a british webm
File: arrests.webm (2.53 MB, 1280x720)
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File: clashes.webm (3.28 MB, 1280x720)
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File: uk muz 2.webm (3.98 MB, 1280x720)
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3.98 MB WEBM
File: uk muz 3.webm (4.79 MB, 1280x720)
4.79 MB
4.79 MB WEBM
You are ruining the thread
File: 1718610132709769.webm (5.38 MB, 486x360)
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5.38 MB WEBM
>see light hearted British people thread
>proceed to ruin it with muh brown people faggotry
Suck yer nan and lighten up for once ye wee batty boy
File: uk muz 4.webm (3.32 MB, 1280x720)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB WEBM
>Irish traveller
What, like gypsies why are they so white?
>Look them up
>Apparently they're just irishmen but in vans
>Libs are trying to make them into the true natives of ireland persecuted by the current gaels.
You're unwanted
fuck off kike the only reason anyone is in this thread is to watch riot videos
go off yourself you spastic traitor fuck
false, and if you're not going to behave, you should leave yourself, kike
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British police leading a cavalry charge against patriots while hoards of Muslims follow them
Later on at least two Brits were hospitalised by the Muslim crowds that were behind these traitorous zogbot mounted officers
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Zogbots attempt to run down and intimidate native Britons in riot vans, get repelled
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Zogbot gets caught out alone, dragged off his motorbike and chased off
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1.01 MB WEBM
Irish Unionists and British Loyalists team up to destroy a paki owned shisha bar in Belfast, NI
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2.93 MB WEBM
Young kids beat shit out of grown paki for unknown reason, he was probably a nonce but maybe it's just cause shit coloured paki vermin deserve it
Good British lads
The reason is not unknown.
Jesus. As if they needed anymore evidence the police were on the side of the mudslimes.
also a large number of the videos showing police officers hurt are attacks from behind, because the police are often only facing the native brits, not the muslims, and the muslims are hitting the cops either intentionally or accidentally while trying to hit the Brits
they are being told to police in a two tier system where they focus the majority of their efforts on native brits rather than the Muslim Defence League and their traitorous coconspirators
smashing up random shops and cars is leftist tier
target the government buildings that are responsible for the invaders, target the media studios
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3.25 MB GIF
Nah man. I came into this thread specifically to watch riot webms. Maybe you're out of touch?
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370 KB
>I came into this thread specifically to watch riot webms
Riot thread's two blocks down. >>5639941
He sounds like he's constantly chewing on a chunk of apple.
File: fzDLYlOzm48HmllV.webm (3.96 MB, 720x1056)
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3.96 MB WEBM
It's actually a three hit combo, he gets hit in the chest by something first, then head, then balls. Fatality.
>would you like some tissues
bless her heart
it's a rugby thing.
a lot of rugby teams do it. usually they'll have their own unique variations.
i've no idea what you call it.
requesting the markets of britain one
never fails to make me kek heartily

>There he is, ringing his murderer's bell
Yeah he said Brits, Irish are Brits
File: Markets of Britain.webm (5.46 MB, 640x360)
5.46 MB
5.46 MB WEBM
freshly vp9 encoded, just for you
great stuff, i'd kiss ya if i could
virgin ethot jesus vs chad old pleasant lad
File: natactionbanned.webm (4 MB, 640x360)
4 MB
in light of the protests, and the reason (((tommy rabbi-son))) is the only leader you are aloud to have.
They don't want you m8s to organize. That means you should..
>Apparently they're just irishmen but in vans
No pikeys are there own breed of retard.
They have their own culture,customs and nomadic lifestyle. they are indigenous to ireland but distinct from the irish. they are their own ethnic group.
What is that flag? And who is this group?
I dunno they just look like irishmen but with a homeless culture
Just because you got families that are generationally homeless doesn't make them a distinct ethnic group.
longest five minutes ever
They look like irish because they are, they are indiginous to Ireland. Though they are distinct from the irish.
You can find some info on their genetics online. the wiki page on it has some info.

Compare it to the sami people in sweden and norway.
They look like every day swedes and norweigans but they are a distinct sub ethnic group distinct from the swedish and norwegians.
There it is again. Don't use that word, it's not real. Invented by the UN to score pitty points for people that just aren't persecuted enough.
>Don't use that word, it's not real
WTF are you talking about you retard.
It just means that they originated in ireland as a distinct ethnicity.
Not travelled to ireland.
A lot of irish travelers dont even live in ireland any more they moved to england where it had more opportunities.
I know this is a blue board but fuck I wanna KI....... EVERY MOTHER FU...... IN THIS WOKE SHIT AD
>Kuno doesn't give a FUCK

>Good British lads

this put tears in my eyes, see WEBM-related
I shit you not I replied ever one of these kids
The group was National Action. The UK government imprisoned basically everyone and killed a large portion of them in jail...
The flag is a BUF lightening bolt forming an "A" standing for "Action".. Its seems to be based of the SA (Sturmabteilung) flag. They got a lot of inspiration from the brown shirts.
>this fake bullshit
just go back to your shithole if you don't like it. its not like they throwing acid on you
Actual underaged answer, fuck off
If this is real, then 95% chance the entire chat is on the side of benchbro. I'm not even a streamer watcher, but I follow some YTers who stream and edit down into videos
>BENCH GUY (various emojis showing excitement)
This is what all of her chat would look like
Holy shit I didn't spot that first rebounded brick to the chest before. Unbelievable, you couldn't stunt-coordinate it on purpose with a month of Sundays.
Wtf /pol/ told me there were only 3 white students left in UK schools!
Why did she upload this?
>brown people faggotry
Part and parcel of living in a modern city, bruv
it was a stream
File: hatboy.webm (4.56 MB, 954x674)
4.56 MB
4.56 MB WEBM
The reaction changes fructose into mannose innit? Do you like...know what man be saying senpai?
a scholar and a gentleman.
File: Idiot Abroad S3.webm (5.39 MB, 640x360)
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2.73 MB
2.73 MB WEBM
No, it was a park bench retard.
fucking love that stuff
Such a good dog!!
requesting the webm that has the format
people from londen when...
dorchester mfers be like...
living in liverpool when...
File: b2b079.webm (5.77 MB, 282x500)
5.77 MB
5.77 MB WEBM
>my dad works at nintendo
>he's not impressed with your plastering work
File: press_1.webm (1.97 MB, 480x720)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB WEBM
gonna assume this is in the UK somewhere
>immigrant walking through town full of immigrants
I found some good raw material to harvest for british webms
fuck off hahah
Fuck you too you fucking tart
i thought this was a monty python sketch
warwick davis?
You won't see these cunts getting a prison sentence, but they'll jail a man for 12 weeks for calling coppers filthy bastards.
United Kingdom of China here we come
atleast they know that
>the video pans to an israeli flag
Most British drank coffee and drink till Today. The tea meme came up even before ww2 and was part of the import export plans of their colonialism.
The so called tea time wasnt a thing either. Research it yourself. It's a big meme, mostly to build up a brand due to the imports from their Indian colonies.
Do any of you enjoy classical music, I've gotten into Henry Purcell and Hubert Parry recently
File: 6b4a5f (1).webm (4.1 MB, 876x480)
4.1 MB
>well ackshually
As usual, this kind of poster is wrong.
File: bobby117.webm (2.55 MB, 406x720)
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2.55 MB WEBM
what's a copper, a cop ?
File: Alan Ford Kettle.webm (4.56 MB, 352x288)
4.56 MB
4.56 MB WEBM
>change watch theft to rape and everyone loses their minds
>a black on the screen as if he's the one at risk of something being stolen from him
What a pathetic country
It’s actually a metal known for its conductive properties.
File: Snuff Box.webm (4.1 MB, 636x360)
4.1 MB
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File: Snuff Box2.webm (4.61 MB, 480x360)
4.61 MB
4.61 MB WEBM
hilarious. worth the foreign invasion (price of admission) tbqh
canada doesn't belong in this thread
stop reminding me how bad things are
her name was roberta paulson
File: 865bf6.webm (768 KB, 500x500)
768 KB
Canadian here. Canadian drill is pretty much the same as British, but they're drilling in double time for some reason. Someone probably said report to the CO, double time. Some traditional shit, I don't know. Per the video, each sergeant is from a different regt. each with their own style of reporting, which is fucking bizarre. Here's what I heard.

Do you remember it'll be alright on the night?

cool it with the antisemitism
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1.74 MB GIF
Might try to make a webm of the goat mascot that put three rival soldiers in hospital.
File: Rule Brittania.webm (3.48 MB, 640x360)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB WEBM
i will watch this webm every time i see it
fucking what's in the bath?
the guy picking the fag up off the ground and smoking it gets me every time
10 internets to you today sir
pretty sure this kid is british
Those electric scooters need to be regulated. Every day I see two teenagers on one of these doing 30 on the sidewalk
He later died of eternal bleeding

Go away, Thomas Sowell.
You can spend several thousand pounds on a well trained sheepdog and they are well worth the money for handling livestock
cases like these are a diamond dozen
I found a few links to explain this 73.41m/240ft bungee dunk guiness world record

Absolute Hobnob supremacy. Queen of the dunjers.
is he saying the seasons bahackckck?
File: Mush.webm (4.64 MB, 640x272)
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This thread needs more lighthearted and less insufferable content.
File: Peep Show.webm (4.77 MB, 480x280)
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4.77 MB WEBM
File: Insinuendos.webm (4.69 MB, 480x212)
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4.69 MB WEBM
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4.91 MB WEBM
chyna knows how to keep muslims in check...
that's where cop comes from
There are only 3, all of these other students were shipped in from France and Germany for the occasion
amazing. i need more.
nobody worships texas rednecks son
>Shit skins and the like raping kids across the whole nation
>Police complicit
>Silence, silence, arrest, outcast and isolate all witnesses and involved parties (parents teachers etc etc)
>Put out videos like this to highlight 'racial tensions'
As if we are supposed to forget all the other woes just because a couple of pakis got scared of the some 12 year olds.
Fuck off out of here.
They literally do though.
File: uk old uk.webm (5.48 MB, 962x720)
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File: I am Old Gregg - .webm (5.76 MB, 850x480)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB WEBM
> How come no one posted this yet
>old man and a teen kid
>oi give it some
> Ice towel on dick
> Two hearts one big one small in the pool

pedo shit
Good afternoon Rabbi!
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File: the apprentice uk.webm (5.11 MB, 396x420)
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File: uk Prom 2022 1.webm (5.57 MB, 1280x720)
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File: uk 2022 6.webm (5.93 MB, 1920x1080)
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5.93 MB WEBM
File: Uk hotty.webm (4.82 MB, 640x360)
4.82 MB
4.82 MB WEBM
>slavs are native to Britain
Evening Bogdan
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I assume its a male. fight me bitch
is this when he drinks child blood and offers prayers to satan?
oi wot aboot da filta luv
they're not jewish or islamic though.
mmmyess quite, quite indeed...
anyone got the shazbot version of this?
Same kek
I'm not sure what's gayer, the subject of the video, or the fact that the song is in fr*nch
>I'm not sure what's gayer,

your post is gayer kek
File: UK girl n 664S .webm (5.91 MB, 410x720)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
here you go OP
classic, got more?
File: ElinaKarimova.webm (2.34 MB, 720x720)
2.34 MB
2.34 MB WEBM
Ewwwwwwww fuck off weirdo chang
Although in essence this is propaganda, it is baffling how this country went so wrong.
Now we cant really blame the coloured wanting to make a better life for themselves in non shithole country they cannot make for themselves.
Blacks and Asians come over after the war and were here when this was made, hence part why it is propaganda, its not showing the underbelly of the real UK where the majority are grinding daily for the wealth of the few and even more so we still have people in extreme poverty and homelessness on our streets.
though its clear as day now that we are overcrowded and without all the mass immigration that is constantly being allowed (as mindless workers to line the pockets of the wealth)
If we didn't have this, if we had competent leaders who cared for the indigenous population we would have ample space, services and near everyone in the country would be highly educated for free (depending on their own innate level)
Free housing for all and encouragement to have a true 2.4 family for every household.

The real enemy of our people are not the migrants, though they are a problem of course, its the people who caused this problem, the gentry, the monarchy and the economic institutions, unironically, jews.
Fucking rothchilds have high gentry status in this country.

Only real way to rid this place of this plague is to upheave the entire government, lords and monarchy. i.e french revolution tier.
This is truly what they are afraid of, it's what the monarchy has been afraid of for centuries.
This is why the whole mass migration is allowed, to keep us fighting amongst "ourselves", divide and conquer.
While we squabble over shit we get raped of our homeland and culture, from within.
After getting rid of the gentry etc the migrants could simply be moved out, without any bloodshed too. Or much. Sure some communities wont want to leave and go back to their own ancestral land as its a shithole.
Does anyone actually know what that part of the ceremony is doing?
Of course I don't watch that shit but I do understand that some of these traditions are as old as the mercian anglos creating traditions.
If you watch the movie the king with that jew rat chalmet, while it is based on shakespears play it is still trying to replicate authenticity, so there is some sort of christfag oil anointment going on where the king has to be near butt naked. It may be that part.
I used to think the jew shit was a meme but the amount of just gross shit I've seen with them being somehow fucking connected to it makes me wish for another holocaust.
Its actually pretty simple when you think through it logically.
to simplify:
Their culture/religion believe them to be unique special people who are to be in charge of the "livestock" as per the old testament.
We, goys, are not human, we are animals, livestock.
There entire culture is based around this so much that even to non practising jews, their culture is still based around their religion and heritage passed down generation to generation, They are innately taught these fundamental jewish ethics.
They are eternally butthurt at specifically white (and italian) people for BTFO out of them so many times. (Fucking romans should have executed the lot and salted the useless earth of the Palestine peninsula)
They absolutely abhor Christianity as Jesus being the messiah was a blasphemy to them, again passed down in heritage.
So they innately hate white, Christian countries, yet also need to hide amongst them (after WW2, or during they turned their focus away from Europe and to USA instead)
Their culture/religion is based around control of all of the earth livestock and material wealth, which in itself will slow down and even halt human progression as we cannot get past the archaic concept of money with abrahamic religions still affecting the world.
Their love of money and in group preference has made them a "nation without borders" which have allowed them to dominate financially and possess wealth behind any public facing roles (because politicians and monarchs crave power and wealth, and money brings that) via usury and immoral acts like ancient coin clipping.
This all has allowed them to instil usury, ingti the normality of society (mortgages, stick trading borrowing systems etc) which in turn in an ever increasing spiral has allowed them to gain more wealth, wealth equals power, power means more wealth.
Among this they have also engrained the media (movies too) to be biased towards them, i.e propaganda, and are able to set normalcies with the propaganda
So they control flow of wealth, power, what the average person is or is not able to think (because the average person is retarded and incapable of independent thought)
Able to control even the average persons ability to survive, banking, housing, jobs etc.
All while our leaders have let them do it and are in on the plan as far as they allow.

In a tl:dr if you follow the paper trail, capitalism in a pyramidal shape, you will find that all roads lead to jewish run jewish owned businesses.

Irony of it all is they are able to even hide it from people, despite it all being publicly available knowledge by having so many structures all engrained in the stock trading system. Businesses trading stock and businesses buying stock. it's mainly jew money being washed and increased.
Hence why /pol/ anons say about shit like blackrock, because it's just one of the many avenues the wealth is distributed via.

It isn't even a meme.
When you do basic % maths of races/religion in things like hollywood movies, media, both TV stations and newspapers, banking, academia, business and even hidden things like NPOs (who are used to aid their overall goals or embezzle money)
You see a massive disproportionate amount of jews.
And these are the jews in the face of the world, not even the most powerful ones.
They are like "pawns" to their jew kings.
Their jew kings, well countries are in financial debt to them. Hence the whole rothschild shit with our country because for centuries monarchs have funded wars and expansions at the hand of these rats coffers and in turn have gave them liberties to carry on their work.

One of the most amazing things is that they also own all the major arms dealers and PMCs in the world.
Making them a literal nation without borders and an army without borders.

This is all done in subterfuge as well.

I can't help but feel WW1 and by proxy WW2 was created by the zionist jews too. WW2 specifically is what gives them their carte blanche attitude.
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>"this is my life's work"
i really don't know what to make of that delivery, but i felt something
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damn he's cute
bri'ish seared bite innit
I love how britain's gastronomic ex libris is just some fries and fried breaded fish. Really representative of central/nordic european lack of any culinary tradition rofllmao
t. medchad
damn he hit that hard
Shepherds Pie alone beats any mediterranean dish
>anglo ""men"" in 2024
it's over, isn't it
Settle down greaseball
That's a strange way of saying brown
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found this gem
Lol, stupid fucking retards. Poor Canada and Australia look at this and go "muh ancestors" aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahah
blast from the fucking pass

post more dumb chavettes
you can find groups of dumb women in any country mate
now thats a group of lads right there
Reminds me of when my dad had me shoot a slug out of a 12 gauge when I was like 8 lol

Good times with the old man
Turnabout is fairplay
why is there a /pol/tard shitting up the thread?
I like people like this because I know they will never live to see the world they want. They will live long unhappy lives and there's nothing they can do about it.
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Still gorgeous
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sorry that was the only one I hate
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Fawlty Towers?
This is the movie Sexy Beast, and it's fucking amazing, you uncultured swine.

Stop projecting your perverse proclivities onto everything.
Yeah just to help you out. Yeah it's the anointment part of the sticking a crown on the his head fuckery going on. Basically, some paedo in a dress that loves god and shit, rubs some shit on the king and that means God is like all super cool with them being king... and in no way is it totally retarded.
God save the King.
Your low-IQ fag brain cannot see it, it's right there in your face
> Gay pedo shit and the directors love to project their reality on the movies they make
Based boomer cunt.
Around the Hull area
Good old Cowgate in Newcastle, the paki barbers is laundering drug money and they gave him a hiding
>my misery loves company
We know.
same blood
Ped means foot, paed means child. Bikes have peddles for your feet, hospitals have paediatrics for the children. Pedophiles like feet, paedophiles like children.
everything you've said is true, but banal. If it was untrue, it would still be banal. Twitch watchers vs youtube watchers and streamers vs chat are mind numbingly boring topics.
explain podiatrist and pediatrician
I think we should call foot fetishists podophiles.
great shit brother
We're all under E.U. (WEF & friends) rule.
What a bunch of goons.
I didn't know Karl featured in the new planet of the apes movie.
>Bikes have peddles
do they though? if you're going to be a fucking pedant at least try not to completely shit the bed at the first hurdle.
Even if he spelled it wrong, pedal still uses the PIE root "ped" meaning foot. What he didn't mention or maybe doesn't know is that "pedo" is a different Greek root word meaning child.
and yet *he* did spell it wrong, so I have to assume that *he* is a complete mouth-breather. never mind that *he* was completely fucking wrong.
Well yeah no fucking shit as I explained using etymology.
Fun fact: "pedant" uses the same sense of the greek root pedo through the word pedagogue.
Another fun fact: You contributed nothing of value to the conversation.
Picrel is not a child. You mind has been twisted by feminism.
Not that sound like that, talking like they have a mouthful of fucking water, sorry WOTT-UR. Really adds to the retardedness.
I've been there. Fucking awesome. Party so hard for a week straight, eating at a 4am BBQ stand on the 7th day awake and just crash out on the fucking sidewalk. Some old lady in the area recognized me, called my girlfriend, girlfriend came down 3 streets away from our apartment, asked her why i liked sleeping in the streets when i have a nice place, girlfriend said she was embarrassed but i just laughed my fucking ass off, old ladies in China are amazing, like wizards that know everything and everyone. Anyway, if you're white, go to China, you're king.
Source for this? Like the first time watching cricket on mushrooms. Makes me proud of england
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that's really sweet
sketch by dutch comedians Jiskefet
The greeks were a bunch of sissy homosexuals. Nothing that they contributed matters, unless it was stolen and butched up by Rome.
that us really sweet
The absolute absurdity of the jewish religions baffles me. Irony is that none of this was chirts teachings too, they all added it after
petal, pedal, peddle, (pettle?)
metal, medal, meddle, mettle
this will never not make me laugh. by all rights it should be utterly obnoxious but always gets a chuckle.

also 6 + 8 can get it

don't peddle that pedal piddle here petal, you need a metal mettle medal to meddle with me

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