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Bittersweet thread. Post something happy or sad but try and say something nice. I'll start.

I know you're trying. Even if you don't think so, you're still here. With us. And that's still something. So keep going.
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Sometimes i think about how my kid self would think of me. I have my own pc, a car but not super wealthy. I think about my mistakes, regrets, what i shouldve done. But I think he'd tell me i've done a good job so far
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Im happy you exist anon
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fuck it do the impossible. fuck it see the invisible. FUCK IT. ROW. ROW. FIGHT THE POWER
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holy kino

this is now a gurren lagann thread
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my dog thinks im cool and thats all i need
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Earlier this year my dog got really sick and we almost had to put him down. Thankfully, the last possible treatment option saved his life, and now he's back to being a lovable little asshole.

I hope your doggo is doing well, Anon.
will bump thread with a webm in a bit brb
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I know you're a gay retard that beats off to Chinese cartoon drawings of little girls, but at least your penis is too small to do any damage to anyone. That's nice.
Girl I really like just got married. I’m happy for her, it wouldn’t have worked between us but still kind of sucks
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Hey it's you from the past

Help I'm stuck between time and space

My thoughts take thousands of miles to begin

Please forget me so that I can forgive you
is this a legit full song? only heard extended clips like this. Name please
>the only b0dyg0d video anyone ever posts here
Bump, I need to know too
thanks I found a playlist of 75 videos and I have appreciated many
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Someone please post the sauce
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good thread BY THE WAY
i also request sauce
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Not the full version, just a looped version an anon from 2022 made https://archived.moe/wsg/thread/4355512/#q4359684

And unfortunately, due to my own stupidity i thought this was the full version >>5575379
My kid self would be disappointed so completely it would cause depression.
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After everything I'm still me.
the search continues...
anyone got the billy mayz video from /f/?

the one with silloute of people and maybe a car pasin by. mainly want to music used in it.
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Man the older I get the harder this one gets for me.
this got me the first time i watched it. i was ballin my eyes out.
whats it sampled from? ive heard this, its really familiar to me. cold play?
no one really knows. we are all doing our own searches in the meantime so if you do happen upon it then share it here.
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if it was sampled from a popular artist, shazam would've found it almost instantly.

some anon posted it in the 2010s without giving more context and disappeared. consensus during that time was that it was an OC (probably true) and anon got isekai'd by truck-kun a day later (probably not true)
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will overlay these 2 later
He's only pretending he thinks you're cool to get treats.
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file name was picked randomly
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what a man, every time kamina was on screen i'd just say what a man
How so? If you don't even know me.
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I don't want to post some generic platitudes. I do however appreciate the experiences you guys have given me on this site. You, anon. You've made me so happy, so angry, so sad, laugh so hard. thank you for that. It was human and I appreciate that. I'm thirty-three now and have been coming here since I was sixteen, so we've been together a long time. I'm in love now. Thinking about even starting a family. So, I may not be around as much any more, but I certainly appreciate the good and bad times we've had together on this Eurasian mountain yodeling forum.
Best of luck, anon
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good taste anon
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Here from the "Music for the soul" thread >>5551848
Here from the "Music for the soul" thread >>5551848
Yeah, sorry. I thought it'd let me delete the post.

>>5658252 I changed it slightly and it doesn't fade out at the end anymore.
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holy shit I had this saved years ago and didn't know it came from here
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My kid self would be disappointed too, in an "yeah, you turned out exactly as I thought, and no better" sort of way. Hell, the me from six months ago would be disappointed, and the me from a year ago in the one from six months ago.
Now that I think about it, though, the only person I'd really care to disappoint would have been my dad. But if he were still here, I know he would never voice or express any disappointment. He'd tell me that he made mistakes in his life, big ones, and that he'd always been proud of me and still was. Then he'd tell me to not worry about things so much, to take some time off even if I haven't been making any progress, and then try to get me to accept some money.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'll try to let that be my guide and motivation from now on. To try and work harder to be in a state where he wouldn't actually feel any concern about how I'm doing, but to also have more fun so he'd have been able to know that I was finding enjoyment in life and that what effort he put in as a parent was worth it. It's probably the best way I can thank him for the sacrifices he made for our family anway. Plus my mom is still alive, and making her happy would have made him happier, too.
Finding a partner involves a lot of luck. She found one before you, but you'll find one too. You'll like her more than this other girl anyway. Good luck to you.
Strange place for a handjob
Wishing the best to you and your potential future family. It's been a fun journey on the chan with you, anon.
guess ima add that webm to my collection of webms using that snippet
i agree
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I have a version of this song that isn't looped terribly like OP is. But I don't know the sauce.
That was what was the hoax version said here >>5648782

i also don't know sauce. we are all thinking of making a group dedicated to this song in one way or another.
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ok, so we just posting melancholy
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In what way do you wanna "live"?
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i wish, i could be that one. for someone, just anyone at this point
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I miss nights like these
not real as already said in reply to that.
right now I know you exist.
I had so much fun with you all over the years, yet I don't know even know a single name of any of you.... some have told their absolute secrets, show their sometimes horrible or beautiful true face that they never show in real life, wonderful jokes and tales, or just plain hating or loving things together.
I have a million friends yet I also have none... and you are one of those.
i'm a coward and i'm afraid to ask for any of yours names, in fact I would prefer never knowing them even when I kinda want to, its a little sad in a way I cannot describe but at the same time makes me cherish the little (you) I get in this hope/despair filled place.
I'm also happy you exist anon.
even if its just a little.
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There is no full version, the story goes some years ago the original anon replied saying he made it one day but never finished it. No full version, also I think he said he lost the file or something
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Beautiful. I had to look up the track, it is "Peder B. Helland - Our Journey"
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maybe the anons here can come together and finish this song. we have the technology.
I wish I could forget you. I'm glad I'm not you anymore. By the way if anyone should be seeking forgiveness its you to me.
Here is a song that first came to mind
This is the edit that aimed to prolong the song. Original is >>5654205
Kinda funny how this thread derailed from bittersweet website to just being about this 1 webm
You don't none of this to make you happy. Being alone, being with others. Don't worry about an external solution to yer internal problems; peace comes from within. Only solution is to do what's right ;embrace what's good with you and know what's bad with you but don't let either consume you. It is all a balance, best way to find balance is to be off the net for a bit. Just live yer life, God gave you only one.
It's an abstract, dragoncock kind of feeling
This lol. It's like a newfag bait at this point. People still "searching" are running a fools errand. Everything you need to know is on archived.moe
the lesson here is that if you dont be a dick you dont get women interested in ya. normie shit.
its out there somewhere.
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Somebody, someone...trying to find this song, or a singer at least. Have mercy!
Singer is Chouchou/Orcaorca, i don't which song though.
I've heard it before. It was the opening to a slice of life anime, though I can't remember which one. Probably heard it on Adult Swim.
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Not the one you are replying to, but I'm also happy you exist anon
Oh man, I found that song through that webm. It became my most played song last year as I had it on loop for days. It's so perfect.
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gurren lagann literally never fails when im feeling down, thank you anon. all the lights in the sky are stars.
here you go anon
anybody has the webm of girl showing her daily life in her room (eating, drawing streaming) it was in a chibi artstyle
i dont,
Scary fence
Love this webm. The burning magnesium looks like stars, glimmering and sparkling as they fall from the sky. The firefighters, despite the evident disaster, aren't hastily rushing, as if they know what's done is done, and there's nothing they can do to stop the inevitable. Paired with the melancholy, bittersweet piano, it's almost comforting. Sure, things may be bad, but at least there's a beauty to be appreciated in this world.

Appreciate what you have, Anons. It could always be worse.
Lately my life has stalled but the momentum of reality keeps going. It feels like pushing a locked vehicle set to park. Makes any sense am i in the right place?
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Much earlier in my life I used to believe that I had a breaking point. I believed that the world and what happened to me was out of my control, and that I'd always just be a helpless leaf in the wind being swayed by circumstance I couldn't even begin to imagine. I thought surely that at some point, I'd retake the control of my life by ending it. Couldn't control being born, can't control what happens, but I could write the period for myself, and there was a sort of comfort in that. In the last years I've dealt with pretty brutal circumstances and push came to shove. I said "I will live or I will die." By immediately confronting the issues in my conscious mind, I realized that there is a center in myself, and that center is participating here and now. I realized that "getting over it" is its own thing, that you actively have to push past the memories, trauma, loss, you have to give them a name which is memory and let them be that. Memories are just thoughts. You perpetuate the pain lived in that memory by recalling it to the forefront of your mind. But it doesn't get you your job back, it doesn't make her love you again, and it doesn't bring your friends back from the dead. At the risk of sounding even more like a pseud, I believe that emotional pains of loss are rooted in the un-named portions of yourself and memories that caused you pain. I think that by addressing them and naming those memories/thoughts, you take back the power that they had over you. Memories are the trickster, convincing you that you're still there living that moment instead of actually being here in the present.
Well you sound like my spiritual twin, and I'm here, so hopefully that means something
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these two dont belong in this thread,
never heard the dub before
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I remember the thread where this webm was made and the edits that followed. Undoubtedly the most depressing thread I've seen on 4chan. Ruined my mood for a few days.
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My life isn't as cracked up as I wanted it to be. Sure, I'm studying in the city now, but it's not like what the movies are. There'll be no exciting developments occurring soon. Just the monotonous to and fro from my apartment to my lectures. I spend my free time indoors wasting away until another deadline nears. And the people; I can't fault everyone for not being interesting from the get go. But man... I kind of hate every person I meet. Haven't had an actual conversation in weeks. It's as if the sincerity was left back at home. Call it being a disappointed idealist, a hopeless romantic, a total gigafaggot. Something like that.
It's strange. Before I left, it seemed as though there was nothing to do back home -- the empty suburban streets, the run down stores, the colorless beaches. But the longer I'm gone the more I want to stare at those. Just a bit longer. Brand it into my mind.
When I come back and visit my family I think I'll take a nice, slow walk. Through every street. Through every alley. On every patch of grass. Everything back there seems so interesting in hindsight. The air. The trees. The rusted out playground. The people. The missed chances to make memories. I guess I'll simply make some new ones.
My kid self would be surprised I haven't blown my brains out yet because I wanted to do it back then also.
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Everytime I archive a thread, I do it manually. Only then can I truly connect the posters and me together.
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Regret truly is the only pain that time can't heal. But it's fine, we learn to live with it. I will, with time.
TTGL saved me. I genuinely mean that. Every most powerful message in life is someone telling me that progress is little by little, if you want to be happy you have to make progress every day. You have to make it a habit so its part of your life.

The spirals of our DNA represent the drill pushing us forward, the tenacity of life.

A drill isn't a tool that blasts a hole. You slowly turn it and work at it. It's tedious, it's boring, it's difficult. But you can't give up on it.
Impact bias, cope.
> get happy
> by being miserable

Your hedonic set point is genetic. Once you have your basic needs met you've reached your sustainable genetic mood peak. Granted however, climbing Maslow's hierarchy is Damn hard these days so most people are indeed miserable below this threshold. But if you already feel secure, and have your basic needs met it's virtually certain this is how you'll feel forever no matter what good or bad happens to you. You cannot social engineer a hyperthymic temperament.

We can fix this however, search David Pearce.
you sound like a faggot
Is my shit all retarded doctor?
these are so far apart I think you may be mentally retarded
nothing changed
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is this bittersweet?
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something about this vid made me feel really off-balance. it's a happy ending. but the music makes everything feel wrong & tragic, like it's a hallucination or some shit. thought id convert
Nice edit of the image in this webm. Sounds bittersweet to me
You're right, the music clashes
This evoques a feeling of gratitude in me
vas - jagger finn
I think it's an edit though
at this point i doubt it
if we believe some1 drops the full song then itll happen
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nta but this makes me feel better at least we have each other
Dogg a in video related died a few years ago
I saw that webm. With it being tired in the street, and the steamroller. I'd forgotten it was the same doggo
Video Girl Ai.
thank you anon
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it's bond which transcends the boundary of normal people
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I've been on 4chan religiously in HS and uni, but a few years back I've decided not to visit anymore, change my life in general and all that. Since then I've seen myself get hooked on ketamine, go on estrogen, fail to get Master's, start my own business, earn 120k in crypto, lose almost all of it, try to an hero a second time, find a proper friend group, etc. Even though I've had a lot of heartache throughout this time, and I can't say I'm happier now than back at school (almost a decade ago, jesus), I can say that quitting the hellsite has been a good thing for me.
Still, I go back to the webms I saved often and they bring me a lot of joy. Feeling connected with the anons here kept me going back then, and it reminds me to not stop now. I love all the anons whose webms I've seen my whole life, and even if it'll finally prove too much to bear at some point, I'll still love you
First webbum I saved from the board, btw
sauce on the song?
One of the most important holidays ever sanctioned by mankind
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I like this edition more than the usual Depression/blackpill threads
I believe there is a light at the end of tunnel, I have to keep going.
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“Such wounds to the heart will probably never heal. But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.”
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same song
Damn. Tops out at 299 km/h a few times, probably because of the bike's speed governor.
Source? This is amazing.
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Well on the bright side, funerals are cheaper than 18 years of investment
Nothing like a warm bubble bath before bed to wash all those sorrows away :)
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hell yeah nigga
source requested
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le farewell to arms reference
dude... spoilers...
I just wanna wallow in my bittersweet existence anons.. For some reason, I feel more alive this way.

Literally born with everything provided for me on a silver platter. I just happen to have depression and deep longing for something more, often seeking answers that even /x/ can't give.. God truly played a good one on me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Just gonna point out that the vtuber rendition of that with 'Amelia Watson' aged like fine wine as she stopped vtubing recently.
with the massive amount of weebs dwelling this place, I find it utterly unbelievable that none of them remembered which anime/cartoon is it from. only logical explanation is that it isn't from any mainstream media
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The visuals and song do a great job of capturing the wholesomeness, rawness, and nostalgic feeling of longing for a better tomorrow while going through a slump
The song and visuals match up well in terms of aesthetics, but not in progression. For example, when the song climaxes, the visuals don't keep up with the pace
I have no idea on the source, but according to the archive I found this
"I remember a vid with that text and song with a pic of that dude who was found dead and dessicated in bed with a homemade "companion" doll. It's sad. A lot of us should feel lucky to have people in our lives at all. "
What's the song name?

Hey man I just want to say that even though I might not know you. I am so incredibly happy for you. Maybe it,s the alcohol that is making me care so much about a stranger but who cares, this moment is truth. The way I feel at this moment is joy to a stranger whether its due to drinking or not I am joyful to see you happy. May this new adventure in your life bring happiness and memories that you will never trade for the world. <3
watching you newfags scurry along trying to find something off long season makes me chuckle ;)
this one always gets me. time forgives nobody
its in the filename
what the fuck is the point of the threads lol
i can understand catharsis but holy hell, at some point it becomes self-fulfilling and you may as well go learn to make the perfect chair or something instead of despairing for any longer
i am simply biding my time until death. i accept it.
president Joe Biding
good luck though
i keep thinking i've lost everything then i lose something else, i gave up on having much of a human life a while ago, but there's things i WILL do before i check out
i think it helps to keep some arbitrary/pointless goals. it can help make this state of affairs feel okay, even if they feel impossible. maybe that's just me.
the game this song is from really fits the theme of this thread. sadly i am too lazy to make a webm.
i'll check it out
it's a sequel. you might want to check out the first game first, it's about 20 minutes long. though you don't have to.
>Doesn't use table to show her slutty leg and foot

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