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sports any
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fucking kek
Not sports, brainrotted tiktok itoddler.
Gore goes in /gif/, no here. Keep it SFW please.
I dont get this, its like he lost on purpose.
he looked around then stopped sprinting and at the end he wasn't even panting so its not like he lost his stamina.
I honestly reckon he threw the run on purpose
shit was so ducking funny. I bet that bitch is still on hideout to this day
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Haven't heard a Pole scream like that since the early 40s.
Its explained in the post interview, he looked back and did not see any cops after him so he relaxed
probably reached his lactate threshold.
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this man is blindingly impressive
does anyone have the webm with the two female runners named Hermann and Göring
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Kek at the tantrum. That's what you get.
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for daring to be the best, and almost achieving it?
you idiot.
Why are the brits so lazy?
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happy coincidence
>jerusalem 2023
You can't make this shit up.
Yes, as a matter of fact. You might be the have the best performance but if you don't have it where it counts, you get nothing, because it turned out you were worthless the whole time. And whining and crying like a stupid little piss baby isn't going to get you any better. No. You have to suck it up, don't be a little toddler, accept that you're a failure, and work on yourself until you're worth giving a shit about.
And if you're young, you've got even less reason to throw a hissy fit, because you've still got time to improve, until you're old, used up, and there's no where to go but down so if you've not made yourself WORTH A DAMN you WILL NEVER BE WORTH ANYTHING EVER AGAIN and should really just do us all a favor and kill yourself.

Winning is all that matters. (do I fit in yet)
you're right at home with the other idiots, yeah.
what a waste of words.
what a dumb shit
quick twitch vs slow twitch, remember?
he just ran out of gas and didnt push past the pain.
shittier flopping than basketball
>The woman, 31, was also ordered to pay a symbolic one euro fine to France's professional cyclist association.
Lmao can't make this shit up
bro, they're all holding wooden sticks.
she should have been beat to death for doing that
When was this? Thought I watched all the women's speed climbing.
My favorite was how the one button didn't work at the start, and the commentators kept blaming the athletes "oh, another just can't seem to find the button, what a shame...."
>When was this?
look closer, anon
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Its just a heat, so he was trying to conserve energy for future heats/the final. But he obviously overdid it and ended up not making it through
She dies like an RPG maker boss.
You're not as funny as you think
Oi mate, fanks for uploading one uv ya tele, can we get one wiv ya toaster
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I could more easily accept this as an Olympic sport than I can this >>5645968
so white iq prevails?
it's dirty work but someone's gotta do it
the fuck am i watching
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anybody has this with audio
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I don't get it. Is this particularly bad breakdancing?
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i mean, i'm by no means an expert, but i've never seen a worse example of it from someone who claims to be proficient at it
i'm a complete laymen, but those clips look even to me like someone who hasn't done it before
She scored all zeroes and "Breaking" is not coming back for the next Olympics.
what movie
I don't know anything about breakdancing but I watched the event. Compared to the others, she's sluggish and less fluid with her movements, looked sloppy, and couldn't hold certain freezes properly. Just from a vibe standpoint she looks like a goofball compared to the others.
Yes. This was like sending a guy needing 15 seconds to the Olympic 100m sprint.
Australia's NOC is absolutely out of its fucking mind.
yeah no shit. its literally all scripted, thats obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain
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No sound no point.
Also he did that on purpose because he already qualified for the next round.
>She scored all zeroes
comedy gold tho
I am proud of my country, this was awesome. It's already been confirmed it won't be at the next Olympics.
and then you're banned from your favorite pastime for life. they have refs for a reason.
your example shows a man though. Aren't most women sports memes anyway? Is this one particularly funny?
well i haven't seen any other women breakdancing, so i don't know if this is particularly bad for a woman
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>Rose in jerk. Imma peek on Romanov. uh... um.. (oh pa).. She.. She dunkin' on my porch, my skin and my blazer (v-neck). Um.. asses are first on match, try to defeat Chile. um.. but ah.. Ya, first fry tartare, she dial cred can numb cut a jar bee net, uh, I'm christian god. She's Rosamov Putin sometimes shower. Imma shower multi beaucoup Korea coop...(laugh) she..
(words in parenthesis is the interviewer)
She's basically flopping around instead of actually doing breakdance moves. Imagine a figure skater who never tries to do a triple axel and instead just twerks the whole time. A boxer who runs away from the opponent round after round and never throws a punch. A runner who starts walking when the starter pistol goes off
what language is that?
I don't know how to get footage for clipping but I watched the women's competition. They generally looked pretty good and did some impressive moves, though the worst of the men's would completely destroy the women's gold medal winner. It's not even close in performance.
Name of the movie??
is there a webm of that moment?
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Its very good
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Did that man just put on a shirt while head spinning?
lol at the spectators, almost everyone has that 'wtf am I watching' face
I mean, she's slightly more fluid and disciplined in her movements than me, and I've been sitting in a chair for the past 25 years
judging from the disgusting level of anglicification I would guess filipino
pretty sure the video is in reverse
anyone acting like all breakdancing isn't cringe as fuck is retarded. They all look as goofy as she did
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It's not my thing either, but there were scenes, where I could see, why people like it.
We used to have beatings for a reason.
He's far worse than I am, despite me being shit at throwing for my whole life. The hell kind of life did he have to suck more than somebody who is naturally bad?
He throws like a girl. Makes it a lot more believable that he's gay and that "Michelle" is actually "Michael"
I thought blacks were a natural in every sport they played. What the hell am I looking at?
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Omama's not black though.
Are we going by USA or international definition of black?
Also because they don't know what songs will play, but actually get MAJOR bonus points if they can freestyle a routine in time with the song. If the song has a hard drop or something there it would have been killer points. He has to stop dancing sometime.
He's not a real nigga.
No he didn't. He lost that round and cried.
He thought the first line was the finish line
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That's where you're wrong, bud.
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He's clearly black
what a woman, taking out this many bike fags is fucking epic
I used to pull something like this in high school, but my nerd physique could only handle it for half a lap. You just tell your body to ignore all checks and pretend everything is fresh. The pain and sense of being tired just quits, and even a full sprint is possible despite feeling dead tired a moment ago. At that point, you can go until either your mind or body can't keep it up anymore. Very nearly blacked out a few times doing that. My vision was the size of a quarter held at arm's length, and everything else was a black void with stars.
I've seen actual black people. Obama isn't black.
He's half black and half white, but when people have a choice between two identities they will always pick the more privileged of the two.
Like Rafael "Ted" Cruz
I've heard Germans scream louder :^)

wtf goalie??
where the fuck were you?
Wow that's amazing kek
lol oh yeah you're right, I got him mixed up with the other Japanese guy who got to the bronze match. If I recall, this was the guy that knew he wasn't gonna advance so it's the exact opposite of what I said.
well he SAID he was black so thats what matters , who r u to deny his truth .
just like kamala "mommy" harris is black :)
women lack many qualities needed for athletism and sports. The rulers push sports for women because it serves two purposes, as a depopulation tool and because it is the ultimate transgender tool. And you can not achieve transjumanism without transgenderism.
All women who do sports become lesbians or trans.

It is all political. Do not expect a lot of good performance from women.
*gently presses thumb against your idiot eyeball, then firmly drives thumb into your brain*
Are you in middle school?
*wiggles thumb inside your brain, making you shit yourself*
Look, Raygun, stop falseflagging to make yourself look like the victim.
Sometimes I wish I was a little less bright so I could live in ignorance of how fucked the world is...
Fuck, that was beautiful.
I really want to see the Canadians fight everyone like it's hockey
It's shit like this that keeps me from giving a shit about that sport. Might as well be pro wrestling.
Hermann and Göring? Kek. Noice.
Horrifying, does anyone have any updates??? is he okay????
>Hermann and Göring?
No, "Herrmann", which kind of kills the joke.
The "Her" in "Hermann" stems from "Heer", which is "army" in English ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arminius ).
The "Herr" in "Herrmann" stems from "Herr", which is "Mister" in English.
Acting hurt is the only way for soccer players to get the referee’s attention without coming off as an aggressor.

Deliberately kicking the ball at a player laying down is just as bad as slapping them in the face. But even if you get slapped in the face its better to just throw yourself to the ground to get attention. If you just run to the referee and start waving and explaining what happened you basicly show everybody that no harm was done to you.

So no, they are not hurt but sending a signal that the judges need to paus the game and watch the replay of the incident
recent happening
Don't care. It's still fucking stupid and it looks pathetic. They're effectively begging for free advantages. I cannot respect them.
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>ball bumping into your back lightly is just as bad as being slapped in the face
>if you don't cry like a bitch you basicly show everybody that no harm was done to you
no harm was done

this is your brain on soccer, anons.
As if basektball players don't flop like elecriticty struck them every time you touch them. Americans obsession with calling soccer soft is hilarious. Baseball doesn't even have contact. Lmao.
First time I seeing this with audio, what did they chanting about? Brazilian anthem?
no shit they're flopping for a penalty

>Deliberately kicking the ball at a player laying down is just as bad as slapping them in the face.

oh no! a slap in the face! how will they carry on!
God, I want to marry and impregnate that woman.
This is what all breakdancing looks like
Nobody brought up bassetball, and it sucks just as bad to watch that. Baseball is even more boring because they just stand there most of the time. Most televised sports are dog shit.
lowkey gyat fr no cap
Occam's razor he threw.
Apparently a religious song
that's just argentina, anon, they do that in every sport
Anyone has that webm of women soccer players being awful and the coach shaking his head and closing his eyes in disapproval?
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No but I got this
Multi kek
>They all look as goofy as she did
Even more so I think. Like they're actually trying something so silly.
Why does one of the blackies have a Jewish name?
WTF is this shit? Why do they move so slow?
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Frankly said: Ruined.
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lol all downhill from here, kid
Haha, Wheaties are shit.
It is a ritual for Xango
europoor absolutely seething that his faggy sport got called out. brings up americans and basketball out of nowhere. you love to see it.
Completely worthless sport. Europe's equivalent of apehoop
>which kind of kills the joke
no, you kind of killed the joke, retard
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You're a midwit who thinks weak connections are a substitute for logical deduction. You could have just alluded to the tortoise and the hare in a single sentence for a slightly more coherent weak connection, but the best you could do is connections to "piss baby" and "crying toddler" because I guess they cry too and I guess they are also bad at winning or something. Even so "A reminds me of B" and "B bad" isn't an argument for A being bad. Race realists might remind you of the lowest white man who believes he's better than the best black man, as LBJ put it, and boomers thought this tenuous connection was a valid argument against mean genetic differences between the races. It's no coincidence that your "argument" just comes off as rambling boomer assertiveness.
Long shot, but I'm looking for this gif/video of two black athletes topless on tread mills. There was also a tv hanging on the wall.

no homo/no jf
this guy won gold
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>A boxer who runs away from the opponent round after round and never throws a punch
you mean Floyd Mayweather?
Football/soccer/spicball/I don't care would literally solve its problems overnight if they treated overacting an injury like malingering in the soviet army and shot you for abject cowardice.

The fans would love it, it would keep the professional levels nice and fresh and the teams interesting. It'd even keep the costs down: You're not going to pay a billion for a guy who the referee capacitive stun bolts in the skull for taking a dive in the penalty box.
I like the one where the distance runner was leading, trips, falls down and then sprints to come back and win
hockey has to be the most talented sport there is
nothing comes close
any other answers arguing otherwise are automatic troons
slave owners gotta mark tehir property
UR shit
I’m pretty sure that’s illegal if you intentionally block the puck with your body
I knew what was going to happen about ten seconds before it did and it was still hilarious
>(for spee not wsg)
I watched it anyway
Some of those bitches like that
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literal wall-o-txt rant
kek absolute fucking state of this autist
>'Fried' night footy
>McDonalds on posts
Rest of the world, are you even trying?
cool party trick.
Nice aspect ratio.
Quiet Bruce.
4:3 was the standard for most of TV history tbf.
Have you not noticed that this is 16:9, squished into 4:3?
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you can fix this without reencoding it, since aspect information is metadata and not actually part of the video data
>ffmpeg -i roos.webm -c copy -aspect 16:9 rooswide.webm
lmao why did it take so long for any kind of ref/coach/medic to come
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I mostly have climbing content as you may have guessed. If you want to see more let me know.
last one
because its a fat female diversity hire who doesnt even watch womens tennis
what does that even mean
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There is no etymological difference between Herman with one 'r' or two. It's just an alternative way of spelling, which is something that happens all the time with names. You mong.
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sports can really bring families closer
>and he was forever known as the mom fondler
because there are a lot of strict rules surrounding sports when and who is allowed to be on the court. if you walk onto the court your athlete can get disqualified. happened recently with this chinese kid who played badminton or something. had a heart attack and it took quite a while for medics to respond
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They shouldn't play when they're on their period
>all 4 people in the stands clap when a female stops crying long enough to keep playing
wow women's sports aren't for me lads
how do they train to effortlessly fall from such heights?
is it just a 50kg person advantage or what?
I think a lot of it is the mats they're using, but yeah, being light is a huge advantage to taking falls. I weighed 61kg in high school, and would frequently jump off of all sorts of things with no issue.
These two are unrelated. It was decided not to included it before this year's olympics even began.
that's not how you use Occam's razor.
Have you ever watched a race? It's common procedure to converse yourself for future heats, even in the Olympic Games you could see athletes doing that. He simply miscalculated.
thats MAAM!!
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Imagine how will she scream when I brutally rape her
They had it in their genetics
Imagine the shame coming back to their tribe
When I watched this as a kid I didn't get the joke
Now that I'm a racist I do
What happens when the Olympic committee wins?
At this point we should just have Olympic Hobby Horse
Player are allowed to screen the goalie and pucks bounced off players that go in are legal
Why wouldn't they be allowed to body block like a goalie?
What if you pull your goalie and the other team makes a run for it and dumps it down toward the net?
Are you not allowed to try and stop it?
No real training for falling just a standard tactic. You try to fall vertical onto your feet and then let your body fall backwards onto your butt then onto your back, if need be and if there is space for the head behind. Ideally a spotter will brace your impact onto the mats protect the head. Most injuries happen when your upper body twists as your feet impact. This results easily in sprained ankles or other lower leg injuries. This is also caused by bad or uneven pad placement. Outdoor bouldering is not as dynamic as indoors and most movements are static and vertical, which means most falls can be controlled and awkard twisting avoided. Matts are better indoors obviously, which is part of a reason for the new school, dynamic/parkour style of bouldering thats evolving now. And yes, fat asses get injured more easily from falls.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I'd have said "Oh, is there a problem with being gay?"
The mental breakdown on her face would be pure cinema
Well done you
retard, just stop talking if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you're embarrasing, and a piece of shit.
Some anons have good ideas, but you have great ideas.
did he died?
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aw shit, thanks bro
>them empty seats
they do deserve equal pay
I swear to fucking god either my track coach or some dweeby distance runner showed me this during high school. There were so many of these random videos of some Metallica or AC/DC song overlaid on some highlight reel.

I don't really mis those times
there was covid restrictions back then
Anon you must watch Airplane at least once. It is the GOAT
i've done some overnight driving and gone past some kangaroos in the middle of the road on a motorway and it is pretty scary, they're not small and you just don't know how they'll move
nothing like seeing them hopping on the edge of the road to keep you awake
i'll third that you have to watch them, they're pretty old, but timeless
it's also known as Flying High! if you have trouble finding it
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Don't know shit about tennis.
It's wild that it looks like the ref is allowed get in your head like that, but it's also unsurprising that it'd be 2 women.
I wasn't aware that foot-only volleyball existed.
So... Hitler was right?
they are still empty bud
what's the excuse now
they aren't
fucking hell 800s are brutal. no thanks.
Competitive hacky sack?
Can anyone still say that the Tortoise and the Hare is just a fable?
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they got tired of actors in soccer so they added a net between teams
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>women's sports
I quite enjoy them
>to be the best
its a women's competition, nobody there is "the best" at anything. teenage boys would do better
he's half black, half jewish
i love her
>you basicly show everybody that no harm was done to you.
so if no harm was done to you, you shut the fuck up and stop acting like a bitch. soccer is a bitch's sport. you just explained why.
try to play hockey without dying, faggot
no mention of american football, huh
nobody who is fat is an "athlete"
doesnt matter if you win by a mile or a meter, winning is winning. if youre not a winner, youre a loser.
>chinese kid
its just because chinese people dont give a fuck about watching kids die
nobody cares, watching sports is for retards
do they do everything together?
they are
"Happy accidents" happen way too rarely to be worth it, and the organizers these days are even trying everything to make sure to avoid them.
Meanwhile those are the only actual reason to watch women's sports instead of regular sports, except for guilt trapping and "liberal" group pressure.
the fattest lil fingers typed this lel
nice. that's gotta be every goal keepers dream
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Who gives a crap about feet? Conceited skank.
I have broken my ankle twice, the second time I broke AND sprained it. I just said, "wow that really hurts" about 10 times. Then a friend drove me to the hospital.
Was this when the Earthquake hit?
lol what an arrogant cunt.
>take the 3 earliest events in the day for the school trials so I can go home after
>teacher makes me run the 800m at the district event anyway
>come third in front of own school it was held at with everyone watching
Lung capacity is probably the best thing to develop throughout childhood because it affects all physical performance and good luck changing it later.
Doesn't even break 4m mile though. He would have been faster with competition for the first half.
US Women's National soccer team, supposedly the best in the world, lost to a boys prep team in a friendly
this is a joke right?
nigger didn't get it either. Maybe you're also a nigger?
How have you missed the entire Raygun-fallout?
Long story short: She and her husband control the Australian organization that was responsible for selecting the Australian representative, because the organization selected by the IOC to do it globally delegated it to national organizations in a process with little to no controlling.
She also practically has a PhD in "Breaking", which shows the absolute state of academics at a global level.
Is that supposed to be British English?
Any Britbong here, that could help translating it to Global English?
t. footfags mad that they were denied a glimpse
she charges premiums for them on OnlyFeet
uhh thats not funny anon...
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>state of academics
those who can, do
those who cannot, teach
It used to be different. At least outside the "humanities".
And thinking back to my time in university, there were excellent professors and post-docs which really knew their shit, but were experts in not particularly "practical" foundational subjects.
Where else but in teaching (and research) would you need those people who definitely "can"?

That said, especially teachers at high school are more often than not cases of "cannot".
is she a rusniggerette?
Yes he is
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