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File: owl laugh.webm (1.95 MB, 720x540)
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Television & Film
movies, tv shows, etc...
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File: Adama Maneuver (sound).webm (5.95 MB, 1200x674)
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wtf is that?
I think it's a whale.
while cool to watch, what really would happen is that the galactica would have disintegrated and everything within a couple of hundred square miles as well.
^actual retard who doesn't know shit
shut the frak up toaster
File: spree.webm (2.77 MB, 1280x720)
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>me when trump loses
File: adieu delon.webm (5.98 MB, 880x496)
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>when you live in a tiny bubble
What the fuck was his problem?
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Kyle Gass when he finds Jack Black alone
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epic meme, friend
File: Maximum Heroism.webm (3.99 MB, 640x360)
3.99 MB
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Nice digits.
Luv' me some Rome, shame the bloke who played Pullo died recently.
It was moving way too slow for that to be a problem. Not only was it not moving fast enough to visibly heat up from atmospheric heating if real physics applied (notice how the fighters didn't), the mechanical effects of air resistance wouldn't have been very significant either. It was moving about as fast as a Concorde (~Mach 2) and jumped out a few miles above the ground (above most of the atmosphere). Real aircraft are very lightweight structures, but that's enough for high speed flight because air has very low density, and doesn't apply much pressure. A warship wouldn't have trouble with any of that. It wouldn't even experience enough shaking to jiggle the pencils.
>misinformative bait
Name a single item of misinformation there.
File: White indian.webm (3.06 MB, 856x464)
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for air to compress that much to heat up the ship you'll need hypersonic speed which would roughly take 3 minutes of free fall at earth's gravity (in a vacuum)
only way to explain what we see would be a bad jump that put them on a "collision course" in the planet's orbit
File: obnoxious.webm (1.91 MB, 640x480)
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>still attempting to bait people into believing it’s not possible for something to heat up from friction on re-entry in an atmosphere as thick as Earth’s because it’s “too slow”
I shiggy diggy
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File: Dolls.webm (5.55 MB, 889x500)
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File: Roleplay.webm (2.22 MB, 960x520)
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Wait a minute…
This isn’t from Toys!
>glactica, disintergrate
Nigga, its hardened against nukes, you think the atmosphere has shit on that?!
>went ftl
Look, dipshit, its fantasy and no one knows what a jump would actually do to real space, or real space in an atmosphere. They were actual bets laid during manhatten about whether or not a fission bomb would ignite the atmosphere
File: Team.webm (3.89 MB, 480x270)
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Rent fucking free
fraking dirt eater.
all the X-Men films were kino (except dark Phoenix)
Never saw Dark Phoenix, but I agree with you.
File: party time.webm (5.64 MB, 960x540)
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I do not remember that rat thing's graphics looking so bad. I don't even remember that there was a rat, just the big fat one and the spider one
File: GoMV.webm (5.95 MB, 970x720)
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Is this supposed to be Prometheus?
Glad I stopped watching Alien movies after AvP.
I think he's eating rotten tomatoes
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Fascinating costumes to see Egypt in its last period.
is this really at the end of the new deadpool movie?
no quip or anything like that?
Or is it supposed to be a kind of 4th wall homage to fox before disney destroyed them.

I don't like logan to and "the wolverine" the japanese one is shit too.
All the others are OK, though yeah dark pheonix is not very good.
Again disney fucked them so they have just filled xmen completely for no reason other than they are incompetent with IPs.
Days of future past is the best I think
Here you go
Thanks anon.
You watched it, any good?
Got a low IMDB rating but its a parody of americans so probably americans all salty about it
It's okay, it's very right-wing comedy so a lot of the jokes are really on the nose and fall flat but some are pretty funny
bit of a tirade but I fucking hate this shit.
Nowhere in the world does anyone but politic fags talk about the left/right political spectrum ideologies except america.
They are so fucking obsessed and brainwashed by their shitty political theatre.
Think about it, when do you see any other conversation about political candidates of a countries election on any website you visit other than from americans.
For me its become so fucking obnoxious that here in nearly every thread, day in day out I hear about americans political candidates.

Anyway I am DLing the movie. idk about politics shit of course but I did watch this movie "god bless america" comedy B tier movie that had some american politics shit in it but it was funny regardless.
Worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
Yes, it's at the end of the movie.
If you're asking if it's the post-credits scene, it's not. It's what played during the credits paying homage to the Marvel Fox films, to pull on the heartstrings of millennials who grew up watching the films, which is obvious given that Good Riddance by Green Day is played along to the compilation.
>Good Riddance by Green Day
I always thought it was called time of your life
Just checked the wiki and it said it was released in 1997 but I remember 1st hearing it and it being played shit loads in the early or mid 00s when american idiot released.
Must be one of those things where they replayed it shit loads on the radio as that album was very popular and its their most famous song.

I have actually watched the deadpool movie as the TS was perfectly OK but it had no credits on it. Not a bad movie.
I do think its kind of shitty disney just fucked the Xmen franchise instead of keeping it going. there are so many characters and stories in Xmen.
They even fucked marvel vs capcom because of their MCU forced shit and removing Xmen from the game.

Funny because all those recent marvel movies flop and soon as they bring in the Xmen it makes bank.

You notice there was no stuff from blade in there. Might be because of the supposed blade reboot or they dont own any rights to blade movies.
I bet they will get snipes to do another blade, He is old and looks it when he takes his glasses off but they could make it work.
No mention of the fag director doling out parts in the movie to twinks willing to pay with their holes
This is also ruined by knowing little dewey was sodomized by the kikes in charge
Prometheus was alright. Alien Covenant took a shit on it
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>jump that put them on a "collision course" in the planet's orbit
This is actually what happened. But from the visual movement, the ship was dropping at about Mach 2. So, as said, too slow for problems like that.
Oh, right. Anon thinks it's magic. Falling thing catches on fire just because.
>They were actual bets laid during manhatten about whether or not a fission bomb would ignite the atmosphere
They had previously done the math that ruled this out.

Yes, that's Prometheus. The ship that got hit there then falls to the ground and begins rolling like a wheel towards some of the protagonists on the ground. The brilliant experts chosen for this important exploration mission then run in a straight line in the wheel-ship's path. This chase keeps up for a painfully long time, and the ship eventually squishes one. The other didn't think of running out of the wheel-ship's path, and instead just got lucky. Pretty much the entire movie is ridiculously nonsensical.
>wasted gets
I shiggy diggy do
it really should've ended with Aliens
File: hot fuzz.webm (4.67 MB, 640x360)
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File: I AM IRON MAN.webm (4.33 MB, 640x360)
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So, do you have anything to say in support of your point? Why DO you think falling things can catch on fire? Hint: it's not due to friction.
File: 43t34.webm (2.83 MB, 1920x1080)
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based chad owl, he was a boss in that movie.
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>Tfw your tits are wider than your hips
File: spongebong ep1.webm (5.42 MB, 1024x768)
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Love Briga…
is that mike judge?
I'm not seeing a problem here.
File: BRODY JWS DOLLY ZOOM.gif (1.09 MB, 480x203)
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File: food fight.gif (1.77 MB, 400x273)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB GIF
File: plainview sigma.webm (5.8 MB, 576x768)
5.8 MB
Orville is more star trek than modern star trek
File: Alien Covenant.webm (5.87 MB, 1032x430)
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File: Shock Treatment (1981).webm (5.98 MB, 1412x1080)
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Clip from the cult classic film Shock Treatment.
File: the sadness.webm (5.99 MB, 1080x540)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
what is this?
magician movies are hard to search

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