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The other thread reach the webm limit:
I’m not trolling. Is that a woman? Normally I would come to my own conclusion obviously but this person could be a roided female wrestler for all I know.
I think they could have shot a better angle from the parking lot.
Giant ogre of a woman, but indeed a real biological woman.
Her name is Gabi Garcia and she is a biological woman (female)
Yeah. She was a pretty good looking woman at one time too. After she lost a bunch of weight she looked about as good as an extremely muscular 6ft+ woman can look. Then she started really going wild with the GH and anabolics and 10 years later this is what you've got.

If you look around there's a photo of her standing next to crocop that makes him look downright small.
You'll never guess which one got busted for roiding.
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the obvious roid monkey
what his name thoguh?
wrong thread breh
kek true.
they don't even look like the same weight class.
nah, that volkonaski, UFC fighter, semi-relevent
Artur Kyshenko
He started out fighting at 155 pounds kek
>graphics take up the middle of the screen as they're fighting and the camera shoots them in the middle of the picture
>camera shifts to keep aftermath in the lower part of the picture
>graphics take up lower part of the screen
It’s fabulous production. Definitely top notch.
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Going to need a run down on this.
Gonna make my mom cook this soon.
She'll fuck it up somehow I'm sure.
>Mills Lane gives him an earful
The ironing.
Moar sumo plz
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What weight class is this? 50 - 200 kg?
I can't tell if he just fucking ate that like nothing, or if he's dying on the inside but his bluff actually looks convincing as hell
He's fine.
Shirtless dude was going to have a BJJ match with giant girl in a few days.
He's known for his very 'lolsorandum' personality and was joking about how he was in love with her in the leadup to the fight.
Then the fight happens and he ragdolls her.
Hm, that's pretty creative

Man, liver shots are no fun at all. A clean hit can take your breath away and shut your body down.
Uncle Sonnen, the absolute legend.

There's this one bit that I found pretty funny where he said when the Nogueira brothers first came to America from Brazil, they stopped to pet a bus and feed it carrots. I don't know if the Nogueira brothers responded to that, but it was fucking hilarious.
Lmao, yesssss, that's the one! Just the mental image is so perfect, because the Nogueira brothers really do look like neanderthals, and you can really imagine these two caveman looking motherfuckers from backwoods brazil being unfamiliar with modern technology. He painted that mental image so perfectly, even the Nogueira brothers couldn't help but to laugh at that lol
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Posdibly the funniest clip in existence
nota a combat sport
not a sport
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Reminds me of this- sneaky elbow and you can barely see what hit them. Only that looked clumsy as hell lol
Oh no man. This shit sucks why would you sign up for CBT like this
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Grigorian fucking sucks. The entire fight was him marching forward and Superbon teeping him away. Didn't change tactics at all.
What the hell is that?
holy shit u have to appreciate his ability to stay at the edge for that long
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Not sure if this fits the thread. Should I post more similar vids? They are all soundless because I have them from /fit/
damn that's fucking cool
what a crazy technique
nah, those are fights, not combat sports-related
Rogan really embarrassed himself with the Rousey lovefest.
What’s that song?
Darude - Sandstorm
>Face to foot style, how do you like it?
How do i into combat sports without paying for pay per view like a mook?
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I only realized what happened on the third replay from the second rewatch
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When did they bring gladiator fighting back? Are there gonna be lions at any point?
this is choreographed right?
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Amazing ankle pick
Wow, she's really cute.
Anyone know her name?
Jewtube. Pretty much every fight ends up on there after a day or two. Also Russian pirate streams. Literally just google (somebody vs somebody) free stream.
Rountree is so brutal
Other than the walker fight; Every time I see him he's fucking someone's day up
>To perform a charge attack, press and hold the R2/RT button
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After walker Khalil remade himself and became bangcock ready
this is not woman sport
wheres the 2nd part?
Anyone have any webms of Diego Sanchez?
this track is still on my playlist
>Tyron wanted this so bad with "Beat yo ass" lol
Monkey jitsu
isnt that fedors brother?
making absolute legends look small
Appreciate you, sumo guy
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>let me solo (You)

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AJ is never getting the belts back.
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One of those rare fights that I really cared about and the outcome put me in a great mood for a couple days
lol who the fuck would let a woman train them in boxing?
You can tell this guy was trained wrong when you watch it frame by frame.
>Fernandez throws a haymaker from 5 miles away
>Garcia sees the haymaker coming before it's even close to him and puts his left hand up to block it
>decides instead to counter it and DROPS his left without moving his head at all; letting the punch land perfectly
3 generation matchup

This one is brvtal.
these combat sports, particularly the newer ones like ultimate fighting or whatever, remind me a lot of pornography. there are so many people subjecting themselves to all of these brutal things hoping to become somebody. it seems like there's too many leagues, genres, people, etc. to keep track of. it's amazing that so many people sign up for such a thing, and it seems real obvious that most people get bashed and ground up with basically nothing to show for it while the promoters or media outlets are the only ones making money, like a bunch of vampires, for our entertainment. i'm not shaming anyone for enjoying this stuff, even though i don't really get it. but watching some poor bloke get is brain bashed in seems a lot like watching some poor bitch get cumblasted or whatever, and for very little benefit aside for lining the pockets of the people that run and distribute this stuff.
Irimi Nage like a mofo. Also, ref has an EPIC! anime beard that makes him look like Osensei on acid.
That's because you've never trained Martial Arts, or any art form for that matter. The point is to test your skills. It has nothing to do with money, initially. If you "go pro", sure, but 99% of folks that fight never will. Same with any sport for that matter.

Testing your abilities against another, well-trained grown man trying to do harm to you should by everyone at least once in their life. You'll never know what you're made of otherwise.

this is morote-seoi nage


this is seoi nage
Just some shit I've recorded and don't really get a chance to post.
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Both faggots said on the same card kek
DC & DC is best combo.
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I'd say it's very simply that if you train something long enough, you'll want a chance to use it for real.
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Based Joe
She gon run you over, nigga.
Imma gonna beat your honkey ass with an oar if you mistreat that nice lady, young man.
Is that Fedor's rapist brother?
CTBE-induced Dementia, the game.
the spit heemed his mental
asians are so chinny they make any technique look dope holy shit.
when two guys from crocodile jiu jitsu are forced to fight
alex is dead
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And they told me TKD wasn't useful
peak bjj
Why did the manlet think it was a good idea to try to punk a guy much bigger than him who's also wearing a MMA shirt?
New Moicano just dropped.
>not kneeing the left armpit
Reminds me of me and my dad lmao
Imane Khelif, Paris 2024 gold medallist

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