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Webms like this
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i've seen simillar stuff get called internetcore here, there was a thread on wsg as well
I like the aesthetic, but co-opted by terminally online troons unfortunately.
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Theres something about it that rubs my autism the right way
i like this
good song
You mean the regurgitation stamp of tiktok in the corner?
No I don't think I have those.
You don’t have to allow them to ruin it for you. They don’t own it, they don’t own SHIT, stop letting people you don’t like decide what you can and can’t enjoy
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that's an incredibly good point, but I just don't care enough about schizo anime edits to bother reclaiming them from fake women. I'd rather they just stop touching kids.
We pray they ack before they molest
but i yack and hope only for the best.
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neither of these progress bars are moving.
At this point what hasn't been?
Trannies gonna Tranny
tfw your younger years are now nostalgiabait
whats the song?
Cascada - Bad Boy
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is it that difficult to play those videos in a real copy of wmp instead of using an image from google?
that would be way too much effort
it always pisses me of how short this one is, I wish it was longer. It almost feels like a smaller clip of a larger edit.
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Imagine being this normie loser never having seen 90s / 2000s internet culture. No wonder their soulless.
I don't know why Internet nostalgia attracts troons so much.
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based and häschenparty-pilled
>I don't know why Internet nostalgia attracts troons so much.
It's because they live online. Their entire identity is being trapped online. Troondom is the direct consequence of either being molested as a child or being allowed totally unmonitored internet access from an early age.
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anon is speaking from experience, of course, they havent left their house since highschool graduation in 2005
Why is there a pedo heart symbol effect in this video?
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Since the tiktok channel appears to have been deleted, I manually fixed it.
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I was born in 2005 and I last had sex last week. Dilate.
last week? not more often? not within the last 24 hours? man i feel for u. also you came out when the damn xbox 360 did. no wonder u dont remember old internet. manly men (like myself) just gotta smile every now and then. not really because old internet nostalgia. but those times just had more creativity and charm. wabi sabi. imperfections. unlike modern "creations"
i used to hang out with girls like in this video and talk to them on AIM.
>t. virgin
Damn thats catchy
tfw it has been 10 years since 2014 and 20 years since 2004
File: LmpwZw [LmpwZw]-2.webm (2.95 MB, 500x357)
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song name?
bunny party, german version
That's gay.
no way blud is homophobic in the year 2020+4
Fag rights are AIDS and hell.
you sound insecure about your sexuality
You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

It's weird how you sodomite perverts can't stop thinking about your filth, whenever you're challenged or receive any opposition, your default programmed NPC response is projection. Do the world a favor and kys, reprobate.
oh… that’s not…
Im insecure about my faggotry and I dont act like that.
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mald, zoomer, do you even remember vista or is it all chromebooks and ipads for you?
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code red - 18
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wew lad that takes me back, babby's what got me stuck here forever
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Keep the gay to /hm/
This song was used in a cs 1.6 map Blahhh by Nipper the very popular custom map maker.
Do you know the name of the song?
holy shit thanks for the webm Anon.
Idioteque by Radiohead
No skibidi. WHAT THE SIGMA? Oh My Gyatt. Who IS this Rizzler? Blud think he's him. Better start copemaxxing, or else Grimace will get you! Do the thug shake. SLIMY like my PEEN. I can't fucking take it anymore, i'm done. What the fuck is the point of being young if I can't appreciate it? My body decays each day, a living corpse I am. What use am I to this world? I am no different from dirt & worms to those around me. So why do i persist? Is it a lust for more, that which i've missed out upon? Does my tiny zoomer brain crave stimulation beyond the matrix which i've constructed around myself? i'll die before i know those answers. Better start gooning i guess ...
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Thank you sir for doing the needful. the digits are confirmed
source on this song? I wish I could understand a single word being said buy for the life of me I can't
nevermind, I'm disabled
song name?
mfw I click and no carameldansen loop starts playing
I dislike it because you can tell its made in modern times so it has no sovl
at the end of this there's MLP shit!
What song is this?
I watch this entire thing every time it's posted.
>stop noticing stuff
OP is clearly 20 years back.
Carameldansen was like 15 years ago.
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What a fucking Glorious thread
is there a full(er) version?
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poser. Powerpuff z was 2006, carameldansen canme on the scene 2008.

decided lack of winamp in this thread
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>I was born in 2005
me too and I think you're a massive faggot
Realistically speaking, what use would the US military have for a fat leaf like PPP?
Only in death does duty end.
I hate both turfs and troons
what mix is this? I can't seem to find it
newfag shit get out
I was using WinXP as an indicator there and not the Powerpuff Girls.
pack it up unc
I was born in 03’ and used an old laptop from my Grandma at one point 11 years ago with Vista. Fucking slow as shit
tik tok
I cant use it for some reason anon, it deletes all my likes, all my profile edits, all my subscriptions, everything that should be saved
Maybe there are telegram channels?
Fuuuuuuuck, I've heard that song before but I can't remember it. Could anyone tell me the title please? Thank you.
what's the song/mix?
the tan girl with blonde hair is from a hentai
remix version name?
So what? The caramelldansen girls are from an eroge.
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The more misogynistic I get the more I understand where TERFs are coming from tbqh.
From the Internet?
terfs are so based
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Anon, please, where do I find more of these?
I'll post the ones that I have.
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total newfag confirmed
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>total newfag confirmed
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I pity you
im just sharing my coomer knowledge anon
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SillyPoo is keeping the dream alive
darude- sandstorm
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i love u kaizomario1234
Good video
Remember when this song played on the radio. Fuck am I really that old? Where does the time go?
They still play this on those shitty nostalgia bait channels
This one's sick
That tik tok sound and logo at the end is like having cold water splashed on my face right at the end of a nostalgic dream.

Re-Con - Bang9
good part starts at 1:20
https://macrochan.org/index.php has thousands of images with this vibe, just click 'random' up the top
Mario Judah - I miss the rage
anyone got the exact remix of this?
in the original theres no "fire in the hole" and the bad quality of this one makes it better imo
PLEASE someone give sauce on this song. Shazam and searching the lyrics give nothing.
what are you talking about?
its aislop
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lol dude wants sauce on ai music
2000s core
>the fucking keffals cameo
I totally forgot he shows up, heh.
>femcel slop
>is still entertaining
peak millennial nostalgia
god please take me back
File: Doktorspiele!.webm (3.41 MB, 614x564)
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Good thread

Time to whip out the fine china
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Huh weird, the other one has no audio...

Sorry anons
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Damn son, it was a robot. These are the days we're living in.
actual faggoty leftist shilling kikes on my board trying to sissify everyone here, get the fuck outta here touristfag
I love it as a nostalgia trip, but the point is retarded
I don't give a fuck what >>5682024 said, he's disabled, but you're just as disabled for using that shit to evoke 2000's nostalgia
we got lucky in the 00s that internet culture was pretty insular or whatever so I get why zoomers do this, since the internet sucks ass now. But you should still focus on your own pasts anons.
Song is Kotoko - Princess Bride, for anyone wondering.
no idea about this particular version but the beat is definitely not AI.
im pretty sure i heard it just recently when listening to old S3RL tracks. he mustve remixed it as well, no idea what exactly it is tho.
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Did they have to co-opt saya? feelsbadman
terf bants are always so good
not a single person cared
that was trash
The beat most definitely is AI, it can of course have just copypasted it from another song. Only thing I did with the generated song is speed it up to make it "nightcore"
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3.8 MB
I swear there was a website similar to z0r.de, but I haven't been able to remember the fucking thing for years
That along with the fact that trannydom is part of the post-2000s intersectional phenomenon and their entire identity originates after and replaces the last remnants of good culture, so they try to compensate by attempting to assimilate the 2000s under the false pretense of nostalgia despite the fact that bullying troons and calling people faggots back then hadn't yet been abnormalized in public.
Holy shit I completely forgot about that site.
fuck you're right, spoopy
you just unlocked a deep memory
cartman having the time of his life
Terfs are real women, which puts even the worst terf leagues above the best troon. Also you can fix them
What was the second game, anon? I don't remember
NTA but looks like it's Stick War

fuck off simp
Zoomers don't have a past.


>like this
brain rot meets 2000s?
most newfaggot post I've seen in my life
same but its not gonna stop me
I'm gonna build a whole as larping neocities website and its gonna fuckin rock
>Zoomers don't have a past.
they do
they can either focus on it & try to make the best of it, or die the second death
wew lad schizo trash
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This. feels weird seeing my memories of the early 2000's internet being turned into an aesthetic.
This is actually kino wtf
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tfw the caramelagirls recently posted a Youtube video on their official channel offering to send free sticker packs to anyone who sends them a letter in the post.
I both laugh and cry when zoomers make these videos and just throw anything they think looks like old internet into it while doing 0 research.
Man I remember posting on DJ S3RLS forum back in like 2009 or something as a young teen. One of my biggest regrets in my adult life is passing up on my chance to go see him play at a anime convention that was a few hours drive away. He was playing the big rave during the con. I was having issues taking time off work for the weekend cause my boss was being prick so I just decided that I'll catch him at another show. Little did I know that he would soon after this announce that he was forever done with touring cause we wanted to be around more for his kids after DJing for almost 20 years. I missed my chance of living in my teenage dream of being packed into a small sweaty venue full of cuties in cosplay raving to happy hardcore played by one of the artist who had the biggest influence on my musical tastes growing up. Feels fucking bad and I still cope.
Basshunter fell off so hard man, he and DJ S3RL were my reason for existing as a young teen who spent way too much time online back in the late 2000's and early 2010's
You're probably thinking about w0bm
Be glad that certain things are lost to zoomers. They don't deserve it.
Zoomers can't edit for shit.
I don't like this invasion of my memories, the clips go by too fast to enjoy them.
Some channels admit that they found those videos on old hard drives and upload them in pieces, they think that by uploading to tiktok they are already saved on the internet again and don't want to offer an intact quality download even through their beloved MEGA.
>they think that by uploading to tiktok
It's rather telling that they cannot or will not watch the original videos without filters or shitty music playing in the background.
Who is that dark skinned blonde girl? What anime? I have a mighty need.
Best404siteever? I think it was renamed.
human brain
human brain
human brain
human brain
human brain
about you now
I remember troons being around on forums back in the early 2000s but they were just see as extreme mentality ill and were look down harshly they were seen as just weird perverts until the mainstream media picked them up.
the flash most people know was made 2006
>tfw 15 years ago was almost 2010
you're thinking of https://dagobah.net/
you couldn't get the weekend off work... as a young teen? Damn bro.
The actual animation is ripped from the intro cinematic of the visual novel Popotan! from 2003.
and the music's from 2001
I believe this is the exact one
>a webm I made
I smile
>>tfw 15 years ago was almost 2010
That's less of the problem - personally I can't complain.
The problem is more the world has gone to shit under Obama-Biden-Harris (and obviously also Putin, Xi and all the other shitheads out there).
We all thought Bush Jr. was the worst US President there could ever be, but those three guys have completely outdone him.
You know AMV Hell 8 is getting released soon, and AMV Hell 8.5 is already out, right?
What did iCarly mean by this?
>(and obviously also Putin, Xi and all the other shitheads out there).
We got a NATO faggot here.
This hit me like a ton of bricks I was super into Flipnote Studio back in the day and was even a popular artist.
Putin tried joining nato during the Clinton era but got mad when he wasn’t allowed to jump the queue and had to go through the application process.
I remember getting absolutely pissed that I couldnt draw for shit and do those cool animations lol
the point is to evoke an emotion or reaction, not to create a documentary
blümchen - heut ist mein tag
for anyone wanting the song.
i would also recommend Verrückte Jungs if you like it.
you can still play a lot of flash games (including many pr0n ones) if you get Flashpoint. my only issue is that you have eto search for genre/tag or name specifically or you won't find anything as you can't flip pages in lists of games, so you only get the top 250 or so games of any given search.
The point is to create dogshit without meaning.
insane too think that just some 20 years later zoomers would role-play as lel old net anime nostalgia. wtf happened man
It's a sense of longing for what they missed out on, or even experienced for the older zoom zooms
>It's a sense of longing for what they missed out on
These niggers can never experience it. Partially because they missed out and partially because they cannot consume the raw materials. Everything has to be in a short form tiktok basterdised format for them to consume.
Every generation wants to experience the past I remember being in high school in the 90s and people were longing for 60s and 70s.
The thing you aren't factoring in that when people starting watering shit down for mass appeal, it usually replaces what it was supposed to be paying homage to.

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