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File: op_chair.webm (5.69 MB, 960x540)
5.69 MB
5.69 MB WEBM
Sibling Love Edition

>Virtual Youtubers rankings


>Webm making guide

>Webm Software
XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/
MPV Player & Scripts: https://mpv.io/

Try to not post webms that were just in the previous thread, unless requested.

Previous Thread: >>5637281
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she's back
Cool, but I still don't understand what she's saying
I think that's part of the charm
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is filian getting fucked in this or what the fuck is happening with her model?
superchimi modo
kay, wish you weren't tho
>make it illegal to kill people.
I..it's already illegal... Shondo, what did you do? Where's your neighbour, Shondo? Who was the last person to see him alive?
With or without the comment overlays?
reddit tier post
>2 free sandwitches a day
I'm sold. I'll vote shondo.
File: banana-phone.webm (4.15 MB, 960x540)
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Basically she says that "you're a very naughty boy" then she announces that she's gonna barf [from cringe].
With chat makes the dead air parts better.
she's scared of the word loli
is chimi a poorfag?
Judging by all the discord and system sounds going on, she's dealing with some technical shit while trying to pay attention and failing at both. In other words, she's being Fillian.
You can buy a range for $500 brand new but her dad has spent $1000 trying to fix theirs, just retarded maybe. Also you can fix a roach problem with a $30 bottle of roach bait, it works so well that roaches will cannibalize the dead roach and keep dying
File: 2024-06-14_diy-door.webm (4.99 MB, 960x540)
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I think she's better off now, but she grew up poor. I think her dad still has the poorfag mindset. Chimidad also has autism and is stubborn about various things.
More door noises
I like the simple pleasure of a girl saying she doesn't speak English, in English.
It's not really clippable, but the jist from the past couple streams:
Sakana constantly bought a ton of food for everyone.
Yuu doesn't speak English so had no idea what was going on during the offcollab.
Pippa drinks way too much cola.
The Americans can't hold their alcohol.
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good looking model
File: Nerissa - Say My Name.webm (5.62 MB, 1280x720)
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5.62 MB WEBM
The webm is the live performance and here is the studio performance.
>Nerissa - Say My Name【original song】
I'm disappointed there's no porn of her yet on danbooru
Was she drunk or some shit?
That's just Hololive's tech working as intended.
It's Sony (tm) tech.
File: yogurt.webm (2.65 MB, 592x740)
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>still new model
Not watching. The friendship with Chappy is over.
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old news, we got a new player in town (way cuter)
why cant my country have cute anime girls
Because at least someone has to be real
My brain feels like i lost 40% biomass looking at this thread. How the fuck do you guys find any of this funny or interesting
he said as he tabbed back to his hyperborea brain rot thread
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she can't into english (dont tease her)
No clown energy. I'm not convinced.
she plays ranked league of legends, i'd say that makes her a clown
That just makes her unwatchable.
yeah i'm skipping those
quad 4s
I kneel
>tail just clips through rather than have a dedicated hole
File: sunflower.webm (1.73 MB, 1920x1080)
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Chimi's tail also clips through. Among other things
Based Monarchy mention. Is that a vtuber? Ive never seen one like that.
Bras and democracy should be outlawed, no voting ever, not even men. and it should be illegal for women to own and/or wear bras, like the good old days.
Ban pants and ban bras.
File: in the stripped club.webm (4.29 MB, 1280x720)
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It's an animation of Mint Castella with audio from Jaques-'Jaques' Liverot from The Day Today.
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shes too cute
and checked
Thanks friend
I love her, wish I had discipline to tune in on streams
Good job Nerissa you have a beautiful voice!
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nice tabs
Man, i wish Eimi wasn't so obsessed with twitter-shit. She's super funny, but she's always talking about stuff i don't care about at all.
cute retard
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Kinda needs to figure out how to put perspective into the render based on how much of the screen area the model's currently taking up. So like the hands don't appear to shrink as they get close to the camera.
What is it about hearing faggots try and sound feminine that makes me wanna beat them inshallah.
I've heard this story before. It means you're a closet homosexual or something
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>you hate spiders that means you secretly want to fuck one
Pretty much. You should take a gamder at the monster girl threads on /a/
That would be cool but how would she do it? The perspective shift would vary depending on the perceived closeness of the model to the camera based on the zoom level. Is this something even doable using the software she's running?
What's she saying at 24 seconds?
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Falseness is unpleasant.
Same reason hearing a woman putting on an ultra-sweet act can be off-putting. Though a woman being sincerely sweet is still great. When you can sense the falseness in the demeanor, it's unpleasant.
There's a reason bad acting is painful for the audience.
Sounds like "blue-bla blue-bla" etc. Maybe some "blue-blap" too. They're not words, I assure you.
>monster girl threads on /a/
I thought they are at /jp/ nowadays.
File: calzone.webm (5.92 MB, 1280x720)
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True. The song kinda slaps.
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Uncanney valley. At some point in our evolution, we've evolved to detect non-humans that were close to human-like and had to fight them. So this is our evolutionary reaction. A man pretending to be women goes against evolution.
From hearing speak more I'm pretty sure he is a ESL Asian.
Official transcript:

Most of the girls in Phase are Chinese or Japanese, right? Which ones aren't?
Airi is Korean.
Pippa is white trailer treasure.
Lia is Latinx.
Lumi is white. Russian or is that a meme?
Panko is Italian.
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I've only watched her for collabs, but her 3d model is great and so is the tracking.
Buck bumble seems like the kind of song you could mix with anything.
She's doing all her usual overemoting but with terrible tracking.
Nina is a sadist, don't let her fool you.
cute panties
Ember Amane is white and either American or a Canadian passing as American.
Kaminari Clara is a white Canadian that lives in Japan.
Himemiya Rie's nationality is Australian but I don't know her ethnicity for sure. Chinese maybe.
I know nothing about Phase Euphoria.
>Ember Amane is white
I have a schizo-theory that Tenma is a slav-jap crossbreed. Only substantial counter-evidence that i've encountered so far is her apparent lack of familiarity with the Russian language.
More likely half Ainu
Nah try again.
She's a light-skinned Asian
looks and sounds white to me, but asians aren't very distinct from whites in the first place
Part horse, actually.
Im sorry Tenma but those nails look terrible.
Surprising work rate
He's Malaysian so you're not wrong technically
Wrong, i just like tiny woman hands.
i hate these
stop reminding me you're used goods
Breaking news: vtubers are real humans
The double-disgust of brown people telling White people they're too white, on top of using the braindead zoomer phrase "touch grass." Fucking kill me, man.
Seek help from a friend, pastor, therapist, or alcohol.
Dont post that, i dont need to be reminded that she lopped her tits off...
Cringe, but I love them so I'll allow it.
Based Panko keeping her skin nice and white.
Cuck Fancer
I'll make a deal with you anon. I'll stop posting when you stop seething.
I am not
Im just an anon thats sad that god tier tits got nuked by cancer.
Fair enough. My apologies Mr. Nonymous.
Aren't northern italians pretty pale... or I think they were back in the 1990s
Look, Kamala voter. This is a slur no one asked for. Stop using it.

Phase is made up of majority Japanese, with seven and two half or part Japanese.
If we refrain form being pedantic about "white" we have five whites, with three half or partial other.
Three Chinese, three Korean, three Filipina, two Malaysians and one Vietnamese
And one Chinese man with the apparent build of Danny DeVito.
>Rich chinese business men go to eastern europe to buy girls
>Japs got them to whore themselves out in japan with anime
Clever. I could never support a whore like that tho
He's not a talent. Apparently been eating too much this past year
What are you doing in this thread then? pathetic.
There are lots of chuubas who don't whore themselves out in japan.
lia is puerto rican/jap crossbreed
lumi is slavic but what flavor has yet to be made known to us
ember is vietnamese
rie is chinese
tenma is tenma
the rest is correct
He's not fat, he's stocky. Very dangerous over short distances.
>but what flavor has
Been firmly determined as Russian. She is technically ESL though she's mostly forgotten Russian. Do not fall for any rrats.
I don't understand what you guys are talking aboot
Which webm do you post?
All of them
File: Phase Gear.webm (3.66 MB, 1280x720)
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3.66 MB WEBM
We're talking about the Phase girls
File: Arabic Bitch.webm (232 KB, 1920x1080)
232 KB
Northern Italians are roughly 80% R1b Germanic Haplogroup with it decreasing as low as 30% the further south you go. This from the Goths, Normans, and Lombards who conquered the Romans.

The next largest is J2 Caucasian, specifically early Anatolians, Greeks, and Persians. These people would be all that is left of the traditional Latin Romans, plus newer arrivals from Mediterranean regions. Rome was said to have been founded by Trojans from Anatolia after all.

Even in Sicily, less than 3% have Sub-Saharan African DNA and under 8% North African DNA. Surprising to me was how little Celtic and Arabic there is.

Sources: >https://web.archive.org/web/20170120144258/https://www.familytreedna.com/pdf/italy.pdf
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2.9 MB
>but asians aren't very distinct from whites in the first place
In what universe lol. Asians and Europeans are incredibly distinct. Not close at all in appearance or genetic similarities.
This is basically on the same level as
>Bro they're totally dudes behind their jpgs
>Bro, they must be ugly as fuck if they're vtubers and not regular streamers

Some totally nebulous negative assumption about something you don't like. But if it's not the streamers then what you don't like is Japan. So I'm just gonna assume you're a raped Korean bitch lol KWAB.
compared to other races? nah

especially when we're looking at only the forearms and hands? lol
looked like everybody was having fun
way more exercise than i thought PC fans would be capable of (i am a fat fuck)
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are there any nsfw vtubers who actually do shit like cum on stream while playing a game or just talk about really erotic shit openly?
Have you never heard of Projekt Melody? That's all she does.
Some girls in EIEN and Idol-En used to do masturbation streams, not while gaming though. No idea which, I never learned their names.
Yeah there's a general for that, >>>/aco/pmg
Looks fun
You might be interested in this lemonade drinking slut
File: parking.webm (2.89 MB, 1280x720)
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2.89 MB WEBM
>posts Ollie
>does he know?
Yubi Yubi!
alekirser every friday
Yeah, it sure does. Shame they didn't stream it with audio from the audience too though
>at a phase event
what a world we live in.
i don't really stalk vtubers so no i don't know
> I never thought I'd see the day that women would go to a Phase concert.
> What about a Mint concert?
> Aye, I could do that.
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Nice, I was there and saw everyone charging into the aisle.
File: Cover Up Those Dogs.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: Zoomer Energy.webm (1.17 MB, 500x700)
1.17 MB
1.17 MB WEBM
I'm starting to Like...
File: Darling Lia.webm (5.96 MB, 853x480)
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File: Electric Ashelia.webm (5.93 MB, 640x360)
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File: 00.webm (2.1 MB, 470x810)
2.1 MB
More Lia
yeah beside having some dna from different species of hominids that didn't encounter each others when those species differentiated you mean, retard
romans were already r1b what the fuck are talking about "germanic haplogroup", and why is it always browns like (you) who are so retardedly nord-centric?
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All you people talking about "white people" identity meme, you forced my hand. I didnt want to post again but my hand is now forced, we must put an end to the false ideology of "white" and return to ethno-religious identity.
Dont make me post the "genetic similarities of the races" chart. Europeans and asians are literally on opposite ends of the chart. Nothing alike at all.
same neuro same
well most people don't have a dna scanner they can use over the internet, so that doesn't really matter in this context, lmao

they're more similar than more distant races, deal with it
She's an ugly mutt with no teeth
File: Filian_goes_to_jail.webm (5.71 MB, 1280x720)
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File: GIGACHAD.webm (5.87 MB, 1280x720)
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5.87 MB WEBM
he is literally me
File: mint_with_crowd.webm (5.89 MB, 960x540)
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5.89 MB WEBM
Converted the soundpost versions. (1/3)
File: lia_with_crowd.webm (3.97 MB, 960x540)
3.97 MB
3.97 MB WEBM
File: tenma_with_crowd.webm (5.6 MB, 960x540)
5.6 MB
File: Offkai24_IdolMaemi.webm (5.91 MB, 700x394)
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5.91 MB WEBM
Nice one. Cheers
Where are these crowd shots coming from? They didn't allow recording at the venue. Is it phaseconnect staff? Is there a supercut version with the whole concert spliced with crowdshots? That's what I wanna archive.
Mint retweeted this clip >>5662355 and a /pcg/ anon spliced it into the recorded vod.
The source was either from staff or a rando stood at the back. Don't hold out hope for much more though
Meant to say Mint retweeted this clip >>5661346
Her roommate is Asian. She has vids/pics out there.

I don't understand how someone can do this in public without dieing from shame. Kind of based that they have the balls to do so.
File: Loomi Lutheran.webm (3.26 MB, 1280x720)
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3.26 MB WEBM
silence, papist
I never said they weren't??
I was making a comment that the modern Italian R1b is from the Germanic invasions, not the R1b-L2 native to Alpine Europe while the J2 found in the country could only have come from the Romans.
Some more light reading:
Also, if you're going to accuse someone of being brown, can you do it from a white timezone so I can defend myself?
the way she fucking says it sends me everytime
got the one from 2 streams ago where she said the uber driver looked mid because he's indian?
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4.21 MB WEBM
goodbye autistic onion
Looks fun, I hope everyone had fun
o7 rabyu
They did a decent job with the 3D Lia model, I guess...
File: Evil_gets_clingy.webm (3.41 MB, 1280x720)
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File: GIGAEVIL.webm (4.02 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Breaking_Gymbag.webm (5.2 MB, 1280x720)
5.2 MB
File: 30_dogs_deep.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720)
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3.93 MB WEBM
is she a white woman?
im a cynical fucking miserable bastard, but im so happy that tenma got joy out of her performance and the crowds reaction
thanks anon, i needed this
welcome back vedal we missed you
>Loomi Lutheran.webm
Ultra rare Lumi anarchist. Nice.
Aww. ;__;
File: GAY! GAY! GAY!.webm (3.46 MB, 1920x1080)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB WEBM
goodbye hololive
File: Hololive Resistance.webm (5.91 MB, 640x360)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
happy tears
File: fruitcake tutorial.webm (4.89 MB, 320x240)
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4.89 MB WEBM
File: shondo tsa.webm (5.99 MB, 1280x720)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
Why is shondo so much funnier than other vtubers?
I didnt want to post this here but I need the prayers of the Catholics, one of my friends, both of her parents got diagnosed with cancer and they both started treatment this week. All I ask is if you would pray for them or a rosary for them, please and thank you in advance youre the best. Additionally you can read here >>5649949 for more info on Blessed Carlo Acutis soon to be Saint Carlo Acutis.
Ive already responded to this webm before so check the archives. However, I now have this webm to help you prots. protestants are heretics thus not Christian thus no prots in heaven. I dont make the rules so convert immediately for your own good. Love you all.
Why must you be so cruel? This is a friendly website for friends. Non-friends must go and stay go.
File: Tenma spammers.webm (2.41 MB, 1000x562)
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2.41 MB WEBM
Shut up schizo.
Catholicism is idolatry and just a vehicle for satan to be worshipped without giving himself up, the same as judaism. Catholics are heretics and wish to minimize the divinity and holiness of christ by sharing with his mother, who was simply in the right place in the right time. Mary and Joseph are notable for being Jesus' flesh babysitters, but they have no divinity themselves.

The pope is the antichrist, he does not speak for god. He is satan's eyes and ears.
Who lopped their tits off?
Wait... Shondo isn't American?
I feel disillusioned.
Cute choreography.
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5.88 MB
5.88 MB WEBM
erm >>5663084
Her new model sucks ass
>mix this sugar into sugar and boil it down to concentrate the sugar
Explains so much about her.
Also I'd bet that spoon is the sharpest utensil she is allowed to use.
There is a real component to the "white" identity and it that everyone else is going to be blaming you for everything wrong in the lives of people who were told they're not white, and not counting towards diversity quotas. And those are the ones with real consequences to it which is WHY anyone who's been told they're white should really try to stand up for anyone else who's been told they're white when these kinds of disputes arise.
And such disputes will continue to arise as long as the mainstream media and governments and large corporations insist on MAKING them arise.
This WILL perpetuate painful cycles of hatred and shaming and trying to claim ownership of things, but the option of affable resolutions has been utterly removed by mainstream media and governments and large corporations for quite frankly, no good reason.
You want to fix anything, those are the entities whose attitudes need adjusting and good luck with that. Until that time, it's just plain stupid for anyone to not stand up for their own people, whatever "their own people" are, regardless of how much or little unites them.
Oh and to bring this back to what started the argument, arguing over which vtumor is what, and therefore who their audiences should be and with the implication of suggesting who a person can and cannot watch because of that, isn't making the situation any better.
File: Just look at them :).webm (5.99 MB, 1920x1080)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
Latinx spotted
Gee Anon! How come your mom lets you have two dubs?
749000+ live viewers on her graduation
but holy fuck that is a HUGE number of people. i know holo is number 1 in popularity but goddamn thats impressive
File: debu.webm (5.84 MB, 640x360)
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5.84 MB WEBM
She's a big girl...
File: Aqua insults.webm (5.48 MB, 1280x720)
5.48 MB
5.48 MB WEBM
For you.
I mean, over 100k people watched Pekora put rubber bands on a watermelon. Hololive is in its own tier.
File: Watamelon PPAP .webm (2.64 MB, 1050x590)
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2.64 MB WEBM
It's natural
never let go of that feeling
it's the road to truly being yourself!
She's just so happy she could perform the song she wrote.
Do you have a link to the stream and a time stamp?
File: FuwaMocoToday.webm (671 KB, 1280x720)
671 KB
File: Very good boy.webm (5.95 MB, 1920x1080)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
Filian is based
File: bibased.webm (164 KB, 250x374)
164 KB
Holy shit she sounds like Kitanya. Who?
File: OOOUUUH-.webm (588 KB, 1280x720)
588 KB
Bimten. She's scottish and rolls her rs just as excessively as Kitanya. Kinda makes me want to see them both together and see whether their collective rs makes my brain vibrate.
She also makes noises like these sometimes.
Jesus wasn't a Jew.

Do some research.
Nice cope, christcuck.
File: Peko Umyah.webm (2.19 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.19 MB WEBM
Christcucks love brown people, cope harder.
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5.83 MB WEBM
i love her moms voice so much
just does something to me
Ironic that the most racist vtuber is the loudest one trying to shout it down.
>Shondo mom
>Peko mom
Are mothers just better at streaming?
File: The Great Un-hotning.webm (5.99 MB, 960x540)
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>let's import billions of nyaggers and browns because they're christians just like me frfr
not your personal blog fag, go start a yt channel or buy an ad

The only real christians are pedophile priests, Jesus was a pedophile and a sex trafficker who was arrested in a public park at 4am with a naked kid, stoned out of his mind on snake venom and with boymilk on his face.
His mother was a whore and sodomized him as a kid.
The apostoles were little kids.
Mary Magdalene was a Baccan.

Hail Saturn.
i want to rape her tits!
for me its tenmama

I wanna see mamakin now
Correct but the fag has a point.
File: rinmama_LEC.webm (5.17 MB, 1440x810)
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5.17 MB WEBM
File: hiya mama.webm (2.49 MB, 1920x1080)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB WEBM
Well we can't make a fair comparison until some vtuber brings her daughter onto stream.
This video was the only time I've ever seen Cover copyright strike a fan creation.
Papakin is based as fuck, I want more of him
of course my friend i will pray for them
File: great_filter.webm (4.83 MB, 1280x720)
4.83 MB
4.83 MB WEBM
File: snip.webm (3.27 MB, 1280x720)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB WEBM
Animator is Katsundra
File: motherhucker.webm (5.41 MB, 1280x720)
5.41 MB
5.41 MB WEBM
File: lmao.webm (5.87 MB, 1280x720)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
File: dai sutorechi.webm (3.2 MB, 1280x720)
3.2 MB
more chuubas stretching
ADC would be 1 million times more interesting if 90% of his streams wasn't about him trying to convince everyone that "haters don't affect him and that he doesn't care". Also, you know, the ultra sexualised content on a platform where it shouldn't be.
So basically be as milquetoast as every hololive idol?
>you can either be a terminally online twitter victim or a soulless corpo drone
what a depressing mindset
I don't think ADC acts as a twitter victim, but it seems like you've done more research on this. I just re-encode clips man
"Thats just stretching noises!"
>sound of me stretching her out :3
File: finally.webm (5.54 MB, 1280x720)
5.54 MB
5.54 MB WEBM
File: marked_off.webm (5.37 MB, 1280x720)
5.37 MB
5.37 MB WEBM
File: romance.webm (4.68 MB, 1280x720)
4.68 MB
4.68 MB WEBM
Same about the romance manga.
Bakemonogatari just finished and I feel empty. Surely he'll go on to adapt Nise, right?? ;_;
Seethe brownoid
File: Watame self defence.webm (5.95 MB, 864x486)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB WEBM
>t. will welcome non-whites as long as they worship the same god as him
>literally making shit up
File: Watame being cute.webm (5.8 MB, 1280x720)
5.8 MB
Cope, christcuck.
File: 1720282870306881.webm (1.74 MB, 648x480)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB WEBM
wtf is wrong with you man? just post webms and quit being an asshole instead of lusting after validation from randos on the internet
Ok dungeater poster, calm down.
File: pinkwomaneyetracking.gif (3.52 MB, 640x288)
3.52 MB
3.52 MB GIF
She has her father's eyes.
at least they're posting webms instead of just filling the thread with clutter
shit we actually hit file limit before bump limit this time. good thread.
and all it cost was my bakamioshi graduating...
Even though it's a vocaloid song, I prefer her version more now
Shit, man. Sorry. If my kamioshi quit for good I'd probably drop vtubing.
RIP Onion.
File: 1723211198040752.webm (2.41 MB, 640x360)
2.41 MB
2.41 MB WEBM
Is that Condemned 2?
>tranny janny deletes a good post so he can post a Vhoejo tranny
that explains a lot
Did you see what was removed? D:
I know Shondo didn't start erm and oomfie, but I can't see those words without hearing her say it.
Looks like this one https://desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/5653814/#5661958
I'm surprised the pony webm didn't get removed. I got 3 days once just for Pippa talking about the verboten topic.
Yeah well the janny is pretty arbitrary about what does and doesn't get removed so don't look into it too much.
>doesn't know how to fix bans
Should be permabanned for that alone tbqh
Everyone knows how to, anon. Only retards admit to it.
If you're whining about getting a 3 day ban or afraid to talk about ban evading for fear of getting banned again then no you probably don't know how.
>clear cookies
>get on a vpn or phonepost
Jesus christ anon. You don't have some kind of secret computer knowledge here. Are you a child?
You're the one scared to talk about The Forbidden Secrets in public.
That melted my icy bastard of a heart.
New thread
Thank you friend I appreciate you. God bless you as well.

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