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Simply astonishing how she managed to ruin her perfect life with such senselessness. She had everything: she was young, good-looking, wealthy, and famous. And now she's cocked.
post 3
Haha, serves her right for thinking she could be a man. She'll never get her tits back, and she'll never make a good man.
What video is this?
Well, she's still wealthy... so, that's all that matters.
looks like ed gamble
Wealth is one of the least important things in the world.
yep, very sad, has looked like a miserable 50 year old alcoholic woman since she transitioned
Publicly rejoice several times after announcing a change in religion. Feels no better. Publicly rejoice about becoming vegan, feels no better. I must be a lesbian, publicly announce this and get into relationship. Feels no better. I must be a man. Declares to be "trans". Feels no better. After a lifetime of addressing the wrong problems, feels no better. There is no going back.
She's unhappy, the only thing wealth is doing for her is allowing her to make poor life choices quicker than someone without money
well said.
they don't realize that empty hole is a lack of family and true relationships, I can't imagine she has any if many real friends
Litereally who and who?
The person on the left is some sort of facial expression analyst on YouTube, and on the right is Elliot Page, formerly Ellen Page. She was a well-known Hollywood actress until she suddenly decided to transform into a young man. Now, it seems quite obvious that she really messed things up with that decision.
Hey, it's that autistic hitman guy from Banshee.
She also reported being abused and/or in abusive relationships in the film industry going back to her teens. She god Hollywooded.
her fame was flickering so she jumped on the trend, probably at the insistence of her colleagues and publicists

interesting how often there seems to be a correlation between transexuality, homosexuality, and childhood abuse
That's right. That explains it. It's interesting how many people are susceptible to brainwashing. I have the impression that many people find independent thinking to be a burden.
Oh she was kind hot before lol.
Do we really need some crook to tell us for one whole minute that this is a face of sadness?
Yes, because he paused it at the right moment to show it to us. He analyzes micro-expressions. But I understand what you mean.
These types of videos are worse than fucking reaction videos. Fuck off with this zoomer shit.
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This may come as a surprise to you and that "professional", but there are a group of people that literally dedicate their lives to acting as if they are experiencing emotions required of their character at that time in the play.
They KNOW they are masquerading as a sad person, but if their chosen audience believes this characters facade, they get paid for tricking said audience.
Unfortunately, the consumers of said "professional" content "creators" are such an easy target they believe whole-heatedly that what they are seeing is 100% true and factual.
...and sometimes it's simply the truth. Can you reliably tell the difference between truth and lies? No? Well, there's a surprise.
Isn't she the girl from Trailer Park Boys?
Yeah that was her debut
lmao ok
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she was in pit pony (1997) first
autists/socially inept zoomers cant into social cues.
stop saying this without explaining what it means idiot.
Shut the fuck up. 90% of all problems an individual faces can be solved with money. Money is like sex, when it's plentiful it becomes almost meaningless, when you have none it's damn near the only thing you can think about.
only people with enough money to not have to worry about money would ever say money isn't important
i get he probably means more along the lines that having tons of money isn't important, which is true, like having a billions dollars won't make you any happier than a million dollars, but having having money problems will sure as shit make you unhappy
Why can't you faggots go back to gayddit and stay there? Nobody wants you here.
>Ah someone I've never seen before
>First thing's first- I need to let everyone know who this new person looks like, yes, that's normal human behavior

The mind of a schizo is pretty wild
you actually think people read that?

you seem to talk about reddit a lot. are you obsessed. no one cares about reddit.
cope, newfag
NTA but it is the only thing that matters because every other issue is your own fault and at the very least can be grappled with or overcome by your own mindset. Wealth is some rigged bullshit.
100% of all problems an individual faces are solved with wisdom and introspection. Money doesn't make a difference. The happiest men in human history were all homeless.

>but having having money problems will sure as shit make you unhappy
Only if you're stupid enough to judge your happiness in terms of how comfortable you are. Anyone in that position is doomed to make themselves miserable, no matter how cushy their lives are. Concerns about getting enough money just transform into concerns about keeping money the moment you have it. True fulfillment is reserved for the people who have learned to only want what they already have.
A person's emotional response to being poor is absolutely his own fault. You can overcome anything with your own mindset, even death. You can't change the facts of your poverty or your mortality, but you can change how you judge the situation, and knowing how and when to do that is the key to becoming happy. A man with a miserable attitude will be miserable whether he's rich or poor and use his wealth poorly when he has it, and a man with a good attitude will be happy whether he's poor or rich and use his wealth well when he has it.
Says the smug abusive self-help guru from 4chan. lmao

No, the reality is that life isn't fair. Thanks it, that's the only reality. Your little "key to happiness" is "just be happy", disregarding the entire rest of human sentiment and emotional responses which make us humans.

It's OK to feel shitty and want to change, Robot. Sometimes we feel sad or aggravated, that's life as an emotive creature, you vapid echo chamber.

Karmic retribution doesn't exist, that concept is a tool of abuse to make a victim of circumstance feel guilty for being exploited or abused by evil people.

"There must be someone wrong with your attitude to need compensation for X, Y, or Z."

Everyone gets his turn at bat on the way down.
and when you have too much the only thing worth living for is to make more.
ha ha ha. oh shit anon, I fucking lost. thanks for the laugh you retard
>the destruction of the family unit
everyone's gotta work - better send that kid to be looked after by the state for the day...
go the fuck back
>You can overcome anything with your own mindset, even death.
Get a load of this guy.jpg
oooops awkwaaaaaaaaard
My penis being in 1 piece and unmutilated is worth more than all the gold and treasure in king cyrus' vault, no amount of money can unmutilate someone. inb4 foregen, unless they're going to regenerate the 22,000 nerve endings they amputated it's pointless.
buy an ad
Life is perfectly fair. Only the wise are happy, and wisdom is just choosing to be good and seeing value in goodness for its own sake. If you're ever going to make progress you need to stop viewing life and happiness in terms of what you can physically get your hands on, and start viewing it in terms of virtue and personal merit.

Mistakes are bound to happen and it's natural for people to slip up every now and then and get overly attached to things like wealth temporarily, but it's not natural to wallow in that misery and convince yourself that it's justified. You should always be striving to overcome your flaws and your poor attitude, not building it up and making it even more of an obstacle for yourself.

In actuality, your attitude is the one evil people love to see the most. You value money more than your value virtue. You value comfort more than you value goodness. You can be manipulated, but good men can't be manipulated because they reserve their highest pedestal for their own good nature. You'll either grow out of your current attitude and become happy, or you'll stay how you are and remain miserable. Either way, the outcome will be absolutely fair and exactly what you deserve.
>You can't change the facts of your poverty or your mortality
Try reading the rest of the post before acting smug. Obviously everyone will die eventually, but whether or not death is something you can accept gracefully or something that drives you to act like a miserable wretch is entirely up to you.
I remember her saying how she had never been happier than when she looked in the mirror after her tits were cut and cried.

And I thought to myself, yes, nothing more masculine than crying about having no tits. I do it daily. Gender Euphoria.
fucking kek
Reminds me of that FtM tranny crying about men being cold and alone and how she had deeper relationships with girls she met in a bathroom for a night than she has after 5 years of being a manly man.
Like, really? You're crying and talking about not bonding like women while claiming to be a man? I may not agree with your self-identity nonsense, but at least walk the walk.
What is this retarded AI generated shit?
Nothing I said is even debatable. Happiness consists of having everything you want and avoiding everything that you don't want. Since no human being has ever had that level of control over reality, it stands to reason that the only true happiness is happiness you earn for yourself by learning how to curb your desires and accept circumstances that you can't change. This is the basic founding principle for all wisdom throughout human history. From Plato, to Buddha, to Christ and even to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Do you know where you are?
retarded faggot
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hey anon I found this video of you
Troons are loons, who could have predicted such shenanigans?
Oh yeah, she was to
You confuse wealth with "lack of poverty". Beyond having your bills paid and a nice vacation now and then, wealth does almost nothing for your happiness
>that fivehead
Damn she hit the wall already
When did all of you become such kike shills? She became this because of how Hollywood is run, first she became a lesbian because she thought that would be enough to deter the kikes at Hollywood but she realized it wasn't enough.
wrong, see
she was cute but that's all, maybe a 6, she's ugly as fuck now, zippertits lol
> when it's plentiful it becomes almost meaningless, when you have none it's damn near the only thing you can think about.
>something that’s meaningless somehow fulfills you
Yeah, good luck with that.
>The happiest men in human history were all homeless.
None of them were eating out of dumpsters and fighting off meth heads with box cutters to compete for said dumpsters so just stop.

Buddha quit on asceticism AND royalty. Money dosent bring happiness but neither does fighting to survive.

Go move into an alley and be ecstatic.
>Go move into an alley and be ecstatic.
>Simply astonishing how she managed to ruin her perfect life

Not a perfect life, a privileged one.. In an ideal world she'd have received the mental health help required to actually address the real problem.
she/he got David Reimer'd
I have trouble giving her crap for being ugly at this point.
It was pretty clear before she transitioned that she was going to age like milk anyway, so it's not like she would have looked good in 2024.
It's just that now it's gone from being a tragedy to a comedy.
Honestly, this.
It was pretty clear even before the tranny shit that she was getting Weinstein'd really hard and that she was really fucked in the head.
Ironic the guy who coined "gender is a social construct" laid down the groundwork for the post op suicide epidemic.
test nigger
what could possibly go wrong
and how do you know that he's unhappy?>>5655314
you forget that he was in a game called "Beyond Two Souls" AJXD
She. FTFY. She's not a man, and never will be
you forgot
>complains about gaming studio using her likeness
now she can't do that anymore, jej
No tranny stays happy for long. Why do you think they're all wishing for death?
>Money dosent bring happiness but neither does fighting to survive.
I never said that fighting to survive brings happiness. I said that wisdom brings happiness. Going out and being homeless won't make you happier than you are, but if you become wise then you can be happy even in that situation. The point is to peacefully endure the things that you cannot control and can't change. If you ever were to find yourself in that situation, your only two choices would be to pick at your wounds and make yourself more miserable by dwelling on your unhappiness or to accept what can't be changed and find contentment in the fact that even poverty can't rob you of your good nature and virtuous character. It's not as if getting bent out of shape would change the situation, so why not choose the one that lets you stay in good spirits by appreciating the things you have that are of true value, rather than narrowing in on just comfort and wealth?
Happy people don't live in self deception. The need to lie to herself and pretend to be something isn't is definite proof of unhappiness.
Well said
emphasis on "was"
not perfect for sure, she was born a with receding hairline somehow for example, but she sure wasn't ugly
>she was born a with receding hairline somehow
big skull
haven't laughed this much in a while
Oh hi gaben
>when you have none it's damn near the only thing you can think about
I wish I could not relate to this
>Buddha quit on asceticism AND royalty
Based anon, knows the middle way
As someone who also knows the middle way and neither relies upon money for happiness nor actively does not try and seek it, I would honestly say that even a relatively small amount of money like 1-3 million would sort all of my worldly issues out minus 2, 2 incurable illnesses, but with that money the illnesses would be much more manageable and the money binging more calm and peaceful life will in turn bring a more calm and peaceful mind that the illnesses may subside quite substantially.
Being ensnared in illness and poverty is a vicious cycle. One that is often inescapable without outside help, unlike the poverty trap itself which is often remedied by education.

While money itself if not very important, the care free life of having more money than one needs to sustain the basics of life can mean the difference of living a happy existence or a miserable one. Which in our societies means having enough money for a house bought out completely and enough savings for living expenses and any household related issues until we are a median 80 years old.
I estimated I would need 1 million for that outcome.
Could probably scrape it to 700-800K and that is just for myself. Not even being charitable to friends and family.
I have no idea who either of theses people are, but if you're playing armchair psychologists with single video frames you're in the smooth brain section of whatever tribal shit this is about. Like this is some highschool level shit.
lurk moar
I'd give up every dime of it to not be a five foot tall zippertits dickless "man". She can't even get acting jobs anymore because what role could she possibly fit outside of comedy or medical horror?
incredible how evil jewish forces can be, her history is something you could find in the lord of the rings
She's one of the people who were deceived into the trannyist nonsense and mutilated herself. You don't need to go frame by frame or be some "expert" to see the pain on her face.
>transitioning to a male when your under 6 feet tall
fuck all the other shit, why didnt anyone warn her about that part

five feet, 1 inches tall. like holy shit that is grim
Also what I've noticed with these types

Bizarre and scary. Feel awful for them

She would have been happier staying herself and finding a guy probably
It's not always the case. A lot of kids see it before it happens and avoid it
many if any*
If you aren't using your worldly issues to grow spiritually, then you don't know the middle way yet. You should cherish and appreciate bad fortune because it shows you the way towards inner progress. Wanting to or thinking that you can wipe out external issues with external solutions is a state of delusion.
>using your worldly issues to grow spiritually
>cherish and appreciate bad fortune because it shows you the way towards inner progress
This is new age hippy shit not the dharma.
Sure we can use suffering as a springboard to first study and learn the dharma, as a means to try and free ourself from it but suffering doesn't show the way to inner peace at all. This is incorrect.
You clearly don't understand the middle way.
The middle way is a simple explanation that freedom from samsara is not gained by either extreme of asectisim or in indulgence in worldly affairs/pleasures.

Suffering can in fact become too harsh to bare that it is permissible for one who has reached a certain level or stage of liberation to an hero simply because the suffering itself is an obstacle to liberation. A manifest one.
It often called "taking the knife" after 2 of Buddhas followers who had attained high levels of understanding and/or were liberated had extreme suffering that was too much to bare.
Well not so much suffering for those liberated but extreme physical plain.
Illness can in fact ruin ones ability to gain liberation in this life.
Nobody can escape illness, sickness and death after all.
Also you can in fact eradicate external issues with external solutions.
You are completely confused. This is a mindstate/concept/delusion of extreme of asceticism itself!
Its internal issues that cannot be eradicated with external problems.

Simple example, hunger is an external issue (external from mind) and can be sated by an external solution, food.
The physical pain extreme hunger causes is an external issue, but the internal mental pain one can experience from the physical pain of hunger is an internal issue and can be overcome with practice, study and skill in meditation.
You're entirely wrong. You need to study more and please stop pretending to understand a path you haven't even begun to walk in the meantime.

>Simple example, hunger is an external issue (external from mind) and can be sated by an external solution, food.
You haven't even begun to grasp the concepts yet. A wise man doesn't just not eat because he thinks food won't satiate him. But if he is in a position where he can't eat, he won't be bothered because he has dealt with the problem internally first and foremost. You can't cover the entire world with leather to soften your steps. You can only cover your feet, so that where you tread is soft. That's what it means to deal with problems internally first. You don't starve yourself for no reason, but if you are in a situation you can't control where you must starve, you can do so peacefully and with no emotional upset.
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>need to study more
>path you haven't even begun to walk
You literally misunderstand the middle way. Entirely misunderstand the concept.
Then you are telling me, someone who has studied and practised for 20 years about concepts you cant even mentally grasp, that they are wrong.
This is the fundamentals of Buddhas teachings as well. Not even the harder concepts like annata or sunyata yet you still don't understand them.
Something a simple wiki page can give you knowledge of
Let alone the entirety of Buddhas teachings are readily for free online.

Suffering is NOT a way to spiritual liberation, nibbana, suffering is what needs to be ceased, not cultivated.
Cultivating suffering is an extreme, and antithesis of the middle way. Extreme asceticism.

Everything else you said is just hippy platitudes.

Have you even read the first turning of the wheel of dharma? Buddhas first teachings...i.e the middle way.
>You literally misunderstand the middle way. Entirely misunderstand the concept.
No, that's what you've done. You're treating dharma like a meaningless buzzword instead of actually living it and dealing with your impressions. You don't understand even the first thing about any of this. You aren't following the dharma until you've learned not to think of anything in samsara as a requirement for your happiness. If you value anything more than you value merit, you're delusional and you're generating negative karma on a daily basis and growing your own suffering for the future.

>Suffering is NOT a way to spiritual liberation, nibbana, suffering is what needs to be ceased, not cultivated.
Cultivating suffering is an extreme, and antithesis of the middle way. Extreme asceticism.
That's not what I said at any point. You're illiterate and delusional. You don't need to seek out suffering, it will come to you naturally through karma. If you want to purify that negative karma, you use the situation to grow in merit. You cultivate patience by accepting the aspects you cannot change and reminding yourself that wealth is not merit. Only the virtues are merit, and the virtues are sufficient for all happiness and wellbeing. You're very clearly not a real Buddhist, you don't understand the dharma and you've never studied any philosophy or practiced applying it to your life. You will never be happy or liberated if you keep dwelling in samara and thinking of things in samsara as good in and of themselves. They're illusions only good for teaching you how to cultivate the virtues.
not only are you wrong, but you're incredibly stupid. a buddhist would never, ever blame his unhappiness on his lack of money. and no one ever said you need to be homeless to be happy, he said that you can be happy while homeless. you took that like a fucking retarded little kid. this is what you did

>you don't need to fear death, you can face it calmly
this is what a petulant moronic child you are. meditate on it and improve.
>your happiness
There is no happiness in samsara you idiot.
All that you have typed the entire thread is just hippy, PMA, new age mumbo jumbo that has absolutely nothing to do with the Dharma. If anything it's Hindu shit.
You complete misunderstand the fundamentals of Buddhas teachings. Have already incorrectly refuted the middle way while trying to assert your hippy shit is the middle way "cherish and appreciate bad fortune dudeee"
"use worldy issues to grow spiritually brooo"

You haven't got a fucking clue.

There are only 2 things that lead to nibanna, concentration (jhana) and wisdom (prajna) of anatta/sunyatta to cut the root of ignorance (ego) that is created through repetition (karma), everything else is a prerequisite for the external and internal conditions to be manifest so one can dedicate life to these things, i.e the 8 fold path, including sila.

>generating negative karma on a daily basis
>doesn't understand the 4 imponderables
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is "negative karma"
There is no such thing as negative karma you fucking hippy retard. there is karma, action, i.e, actions and effects, causality!. No "karma" are positive or negative, just some actions lead to liberation and wholesome states of mind, some actions lead to states of misfortune in samsara and unwholesome states of mind.

>That's not what I said at any point.
>using your worldly issues to grow spiritually
>cherish and appreciate bad fortune
Contradicting yourself you are that much of a fucking retard.

>continues with hippy platitudes
You don't even understand the middle way you fucking retard, trying to refute basic logic and understanding of reality yet you cant even grasp reality.
You don't even know what karma is you fucking sperg.
You have just read some hippy shit on the back of a rizzla packet and think you are some guru level of faggottry.

Go read the Digha nikaya then come back and rewrite your retarded shit you posted all in this thread.
>creates nonsense up in his mind
>equates others as saying the nonsense thoughts in his own mind
Yeah a real fucking retard
You are absolutely uninformed. PLEASE stop pretending to understand these things. You read an article on Wikipedia for five seconds and now you're pretending that you know the first thing about practicing dharma. You don't. You are deeper in Plato's cavern than anyone I've met in months.

>Contradicting yourself you are that much of a fucking retard.
That's not a contradiction at all. You are illiterate. You don't need to create suffering in order to make good use of suffering. If you have a rude neighbor, you can use your rude neighbor's behavior to cultivate your own patience and compassion. The world is full of things like that, you don't need to create them. They come to you and you can use them to grow yourself spiritually. That's what it means to practice dharma. You turn away from samsara and towards dharma. Please, please stop pretending that you understand these things when you don't even get the most basic founding principles. Your angry and insane response is further proof that this is nothing but a game of pretend to you, you aren't a practitioner and you've made zero effort towards self improvement.

>meanwhile, the digha nikaya:
I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery. Then Mara the Evil One went to the Blessed One and recited this verse in his presence:

Those with children
because of their children.
Those with cattle
because of their cows.
A person's delight
comes from acquisitions,
since a person with no acquisitions
doesn't delight.

[The Buddha:]
Those with children
because of their children.
Those with cattle
because of their cows.
A person's grief
comes from acquisitions,
since a person with no acquisitions
doesn't grieve.
Then Mara the Evil One — sad & dejected at realizing, "The Blessed One knows me; the One Well-Gone knows me" — vanished right there.

NTA but you are a fucking moron. typical fake Buddhist. white western moron who can't view anything outside of the lens of his modern consumerist bullshit lifestyle, can't even understand Buddhism when it's handed to him on a silver platter.
yeah im sure someone who understands buddhism has pathetic autistic sperg attacks on the internet and tells people to kill themselves. fix your shit, dude.
Deep down she now knows her unhappiness and mental breakdown happened because of the people around her, people she though were family and friends suggesting she "listen to the heart" and went ahead in this ill transformation; but she cannot publicly blame them knowing it will be suicidal, oblivion for whatever remains of her. There's no other way to explain how mental illness is allowing for mutilating herself in order to reach the unreachable. She finally understood that but denial is still strong with her.
She got cocked. She got cocked bad.
>Decides to be a 5' tall man
>Thinks she will be happy
Women are so dumb it's almost sad.
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>Retard fell for the tranny meme
Anyone dumb enough to fall for this kike owned mutilation business deserves it. No exceptions. Go outside and ride a bike or something.
lol right!
Holy shit, how'd we end up with two retards arguing over how to be happy?
just one retard who got offended at the idea that you don't need to money to be happy while somehow claiming to be a buddhist. everyone else correcting the retarded shit is correct.
She's still rich, they'll be fine
I'd say the whole lot is retarded for giving him attention and massively derailing.
People always say this as if being rich is some magic getting-happy card. Plenty of famous multimillionaires still commit suicide.
Sure, lack of money can cause a lot of stress but I believe somewhere around $75k the money stress disappears and anything above that doesn't affect your happiness nearly as much

Not that guy, just someone watching from the aidelines, you seem insufferable with how you speak and preaent yourself that any wisdom you may be trying to impart unto others comes out tainted. You undermine any credibility your argument may have by behaving like this.
I admit know jack about the subject matter but i do know a jerk when I see one.
It's Ellen. Don't swallow faggot mental illness.
If someone said they transitioned to alien, you wouldn't call them Aye Yeet-ah
What happened to kevin
Nah that girl got raped by a pajeet from CBC radio.
Only said or did anything about it when a bunch of other women got together to ruin his career so I am not sure how trustworthy she is
Post 3 means: I deposited or posted 3 loads of cum in your mom
>She's not a man, and never will be

Based stand of truth.
Taking a dick up isn't normal either. There are no faggots in the animal kingdom or even among tribal humans. Sodomy is pure mental illness.
Conning people into decriminalising and normalizing butt pirates was the first attack against families by "gender studies profs"
No places to ride bikes due to boomer real estate scams
As someone on the sidelines of the sidelines, I'd say you should aim that criticism at the guy telling people to kill themselves while claiming to be a Buddhist. He's the real jerk, and defending a jerk would make you a jerk in kind.
>There are no faggots in the animal kingdom or even among tribal humans
this is simply false lol
It's such a blatantly bad take that I suspect the person who posted it is an actual tranny trying to drag down anti-trannyism. Anyone who tries to lump gays and trannies together or attack them simultaneously is almost always a tranny, and they do this specifically because they know if they false flag in such a way it will trick people into supporting them for the sake of protecting actual LGB people. When in reality, trannies themselves are the ones who attack real LGB people the most and are the most harmful towards them.
It's a half life reference
There was a huge increase of Half Life: Alyx posts when the game came out because people really wanted Half Life 3.

>post 3
they want clips or news about HL:3
She never had much tits to begin with
Hey, even having small ones is better than zipper scars.
Is that female Chud?

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