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File: wholesome - i did it.webm (3.9 MB, 406x720)
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Kids being adorable and goofy, cute animals, feel good moments, people being decent to each other, etc.
File: wholesome echo.webm (2.85 MB, 270x480)
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Adorable... but...all girls? No boys being boys?
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Awesome thread. I want to start a family some day, bros...
>not letting the child win after all that effort she put in
terrible human being
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We learn from our failures.
File: Corny.webm (790 KB, 576x1024)
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Good thread idea
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the cheshire cat smile is what really makes this work.
fanta stick?
don't, your wife will leave you and take your kids with her, then she will use them to emotionally blackmail you
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thanks, I hate it.
Nature is healing
I sincerely hate whoever made this.
girls get more attention, maybe that's why in dysfunctional families there is such a prevalence of boys wanting to change sex
Little girls are God's greatest gift to mankind, they are too pure and lovely for this world.
that's on you for being a deadbeat/falling for the wrong woman
Her name isn't Ina, it's Yerin. And the -ah suffix is one of many honorifics in Korean.
That deadly fucking pool cover though... pure negligence.
even trans?
he didn't say little boys bro
little boys can be pretty based though
as long as they aren't in the process of being ruined by shitty parents
That's a dad with breasts
Jack Horner
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me on the right, it all too tiresome, stop recording dumb bitch and eat
They're all the wrong woman now.
Before social media you had a chance.
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what country is this, bros?
Ugly brat just like her mom.
China and they let out the part when the gasoline start a massive fire.
not wholesome
taht girl is philosophically and pragmatically correct
she did, in fact, do it, as she fulfilled the puprose of the helter skelter, to go down from a higher position
Why does she have mascara?
agghhhh, my heart
not for the faint of heart
no letting her lose builds her character
hehe they don't yet understand how much work shoveling a driveway is
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Nto all landscapes are created equal.
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madness, madness and stupidity
there is a special place in hell for the jews! they won't be able to escape!
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The caption is fake btw. The woman is a profesional animal rescue thing and the panther was born in captivity so they arent able to free her. So she just adopted it
>Let's do a really good job because they paid us first
Holly blessed may they be
ruined with garbage editing
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they seem like good kids
It's a derivative of star seed/Indigo child New Age style parapsychology.
If you aren't familiar with it, the general concept is that these people believe real reason they're weird or different is because they are an alien soul trapped in a mortal body and see themselves as the next step in human evolution.

In normal psychological terms, however, they'd just be identified as narcissists with ADHD.
How the fuck did he swing that? Was that Patrick Bateman or something?
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This is fucking horrible.
It's the hat throw that just makes the webm.
A kid running to their dad is cute. A kid mentally saying "I don't need this extra weight, it's slowing me down! I gotta get to dad" is wholesome as fuck.
what great kids
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sincerely, kys
but what if ALL of us are like that? that's what I think
I don't think it's only certain people or even certain species
nigger by definition souls are alien, what are you, a retarded atheist?
jews don't get to go to hell. they get to go to yhwhs pleasure palace with their christian sex slaves.
>but what if ALL of us are like that?
Then you wouldn't be unique. Most religions have some variation of the fallen angel that meets the rising ape.
The issue with why this starseed shit is so toxic though it's meant to explain why you're special and why everyone else sucks. It appeals specifically to self importance and delusions of grandeur.
blackpilled faggot just kill yourself already
sad, if you have a beautiful daughter like this blonde never share videos or pictures of her on the internet, because she will understand early on how easy it is for her to get things just by showing her face, making her a financial and psychological click whore for life
in before non-sequitur /pol/ comments
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oh, I understand
I don't think I'm particularly special
it sounds like loser cope to be higher than the normies
Makes me cry.
As someone who was brought up in the childrens care system and comes from a broken abusive home I feel for that girl
File: Rember.webm (4.41 MB, 640x360)
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drink kindling?
>panther was born in captivity
even if she works in a panther zoo or rescue type of think that cub was clearly abandoned so she saved its life, which is wholesome regardless
File: DadoftheGameAward.webm (3.92 MB, 856x480)
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Nice to see that not all SAs are monkey murder porn faggots after those shitskins were spamming that trash on /gif/ for so long.
I get they can be pests but there is no need to hate them, they are just trying to live like any animal.
Its cute as fuck when you understand that both cats and dogs lick each other like how humans kiss each other for affection.
fucking zoomers shit editing, gay distorted music, fucking scizo ADHD faggots
No offence to them at all but I hate baby talk.
I know most parents do it as their parents did it and its a norm but damn its cheesy.
I imagine a child who is talked to as a normal person rather than baby talk would mentally develop faster.
shes single the blues
Damn I love that accent
any americans anons, what accent is that?
I know its south USA, is is louisianana?
a goat being so docile would be impressive enough, now the monkey hanging with it... this is probably the best webm ever. I love being alive.
i can't not read tj "henry" yoshi's name in pannenkoek's voice
My guess is Tennessee or somewhere else in Appalachia.
File: Merle_and_Stijn.webm (1.25 MB, 854x480)
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none taken, i hate it too
white boi bros, our cope ?
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File: POP.webm (1.77 MB, 960x1450)
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>the power of one.webm

Jokes on them, it was a sewer pipe.
Yeah, sounds very Appalachian. My guess is they're staying in a cabin in Gatlinburg. Little bears have a habit of hanging out on the porches of a lot of the Airbnb's there
>My guess is they're staying in a cabin in Gatlinburg. Little bears have a habit of hanging out on the porches of a lot of the Airbnb's there
The audio is from a completely different source than the video.
I still stand by my guess about Tennessee for the audio.
She doesn't.
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I try to avoid it personally. May be my imagination but I think kids like me more because I don't pander to them.

I'm not sure if they could put up with it full time though. Maybe it's enriching to have to engage at the adult level for an hour or two, but they need to spin back down to baby level the rest of the time.
>and then I'm gonna run aweeehh
This one is extremely cute.
Has sauce been found yet?
>ugly weirdo with shrapnel in her face
Apparently, babies here and register high pitch sound better, but the most important part is to articulate clearly, rest is supposedly sorta irrelevant. So yeah, talk clearly without taking them for some retarded person and it's good.
I always assumed its just an expression of heightened emphasis to not express any emotional connotations other than excitement, i.e to make the kid be in a happy state of mind that the intoxication of youth is normally pervaded by.
Though I never studied any scientific studies relative to it.

It still annoys me. like a peeve.
If I had children I would probably do it instinctively anyway
>I imagine a child who is talked to as a normal person rather than baby talk would mentally develop faster.
it's the exact opposite anon
Indian Elijah Wood loves cuddling with cows...
this woman are all whores, every single one of them
That dog died btw =(
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White boys are wholesome
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>*hits pipe*
infant-directed speech is a well researched phenomenon. It's practically human nature to adjust your voice in some way when talking to a baby. You almost certainly did this yourself when you were younger, but you've trained yourself to not want to because you think its cheesy.

that said, it is supremely cringe when people talk to their dogs like this.
Wtf does pop stick mean?
Describing basic shit like a sperg doesn't make you smart, collegeboy
thanks buddy, cheered me up :')
beautiful up until the little shithead started stacking the rocks like the narcissistic little prick he is.
>strange man
No women so many pedos are actually female
1 out of 4 chances he'll get a son
she's a literal 10/10 please kys
>I imagine a child who is talked to as a normal person rather than baby talk would mentally develop faster.
That's factually incorrect
Babytalk is fine. Children don't learn the language by noticing how you speak to them, but by noticing how everyone speaks to everyone. They realize the way you speak to them is an exception to the rule.
funny in a sad way
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That webm was in north/northeast brazil, tho.
baby built like a mini bazza innit
This is what the democrats took from you.
>all of them with smartphones in their hands recording everything
that's not wholesome, simply depressing
Only retards get worked up about rock stacking.
>You are mine
It says "Your demise" tho.
what kind of fucking casual move is that?
It makes me sad because the brown haired girl is so sincere and is struggling to express herself and the blonde is being a snotty snot.
You don't just stumble upon panther cubs.

Original video of the kid's voice.
>Family wants to capture one of the most important and beautiful moments of their lives
>Ewh they have phones
Who pissed in your cornflakes?
>*banjoes intensify*
File: leaf dog audio.webm (3.82 MB, 728x676)
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She will make a fine Lich when she is older
Not wholesome enough. First of all slightly degen to slum around next to porta potties and smoke.

The person on the left is potentially a tranny or a gay guy. Also not very wholesome.
We have a 2 week old. I think it starts from joy you fake while trying to calm them down when they are inconsolable due to hunger or gas or something. I'd imagine it then carries over to when they aren't only eating and shitting themselves.
>joy you fake
This is the main part, its feinting excitation as to not spoil the childs experience in the moment by having negative emotional responses.
We all instinctively know what the intoxication of youth is as we experienced it ourselves and want to keep a child in that mindtstate as long as we can as we know when we lose our innocence life becomes a troubled grind.
>The person on the left is potentially a tranny or a gay guy.
there are plenty of ugly women in the world, dude.
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I'm 33 and that kid has more money in his account than I have. fuck.
she sound like a vampire about to be dowsed in holy water. Poor girl...
if you don't believe in a soul you don't have one
why? is he disabled now?
You watch to much grindset podcasts. Making everything harder for a child is not the goal of parenting.
File: Hedgehog Piano.webm (78 KB, 400x300)
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she's right, I've got sweet wood
Nah, most goats are pretty chill. You do get "aggression" from the males when females are in heat, and fun fact that'll also make males piss on their own faces (and curl their lips after, it's hilarious and gross) so they can rub&spit their pheromones on females, or even other males. Sometimes they'll purposely position themselves to get pissed on by the other males because if I have /all/ the pheromones I can't lose. The "aggression" is mainly headbutting stuff/people if they think they're in charge. Do your job and they know their place pretty easily.
>used to raise nigerian dwarves for about 5 years and had a few lamanchas as well
Also fun fact/warning, you really need to look into the genetics of goats you intend to purchase because there's a LOT of line breeding (incest) on farms that don't care. Properly bred are more expensive, but you don't end up taking Sloth from The Goonies home to fuck your girls, and inb4 I just want it for meat, imagine literally genetically retarded incest meat, it's just not good.
nah, only retards get upset when people undo them
stacking rocks, who cares, but "permanent fixture, put a fence around it" rock stackers can get the rope
>t. memorylet
Do your eyes not work? Does your brain not remember? If you look at everything important in life through a rectangle you're objectively retarded
thats really nice.
File: Massive_troll.webm (6 MB, 1280x693)
6 MB
haven't seen this one in awhile.
File: bubbles.webm (140 KB, 480x400)
140 KB
ah shit,disregard that.posted in the wrong damn thread. here's a thread fitting WEBM as penance.
This could really use some red arrows and poorly clipped images of "influencers" making onions face so I can tell what's going on.
Yeah the mom's cute too
from experience, this is one of the greatest feelings in my life. Seeing your daughters face light up and scream daddy never gets old everyday I come home from the office.
why is one of them a redhead?
Do you shovel driveways? No?
Anyone got the guy with a thick accent, diving around with a large glass of beer for breakfast?
Holy fuck a good quality version of this webm. Thank you anon
that's really nice
why not
hot take..
how about don't share them because of all the creeps that would take advantage
Juicy faggot?
Why can only one of you be right?
There's redheads in turkey, it's a multiethnic country
File: ITS OVER MAN.webm (5.62 MB, 720x480)
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Haha, I've got that. It looks pretty good with a buzz cut.
It's your scalp telling you to stop looking like an emo kid and Just shave it all off and grow up
Yes it is, queer.
This is super cute, but I'm always paranoid as fuck about the animal potentially smothering the baby.
Anon you need to eat meat and biotin. These are normal eyelashes, nut unless you are Nordic.
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4.2 MB
orange soda branch?
her brother's like 50 years old already lmao
Showing her little ass like that. What a perverted bitch.
Honestly the fact that kid doesn't already have there side-hustles and his own podcast already basically means he is already screwed no matter what.
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no rock stackers should fuck off or get shot, rock stacking on trails is for direction purposes, but touristy idiots think its an aesthetic.
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ah yes, what better to post in a wholesome thread than a bunch of tiktok attention whores fucking kill yourself coombrain faggot ywnbaw
Why are you so upset
NTA but I am pretty unsettled at the fact that people think artificial whores are anything close to wholesome. It's sad to be reminded that people like that exist in this world.
I don't get it either. There are actually guys out there who will follow both real and fake women, and have completely real feelings for them. But hey, there's also guys out there that are willing to get their downstairs chopped up because they bought the lie that they could be women. Many have fallen to the allure of delusion. They shall not reproduce.
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Clownworld. We are living in clownworld. Up is down, left is right, and men are women.
Just try to keep your sanity and wits about you, friend.
pdf files creeps
I miss that simple friendship.
>dad, you son of a bitch you made it back
dude they sound like they just discovered a life hack
i fucking love that video
The beagle is quite the looker
Wonderful. My heart hasn't swelled with such simple joy for some time.
File: carlos.gif (18 KB, 209x241)
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This man is the best father in that neighborhood guaranteed
Absolutely would. The amount of pressure generated from that sideways yellow pussy multiplied by the tortuous Chinese Olympic grade muscle training. I've been training my dick my entire life to do battle with such a foe.
Dogs apparently do "hear" "baby-talk" better and enjoy the high pitched intonations, but I don't really do it (especially not so over the top like the dog is a surrogate infant), some enthusiasm in the voice is rewarding.
and she would give you strong sons

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