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Post Chinese government officials being extremely based
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But this guy's not currently a Chinese government official though...
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Victor Gao works with a think tank you fag, he’s not a government official. Post the foreign minister or something
He was a translator for Deng Xiaoping and advised him on his policies. Safe to say he helped make China into what it is today
Literally nothing he said here is incorrect.

Okay, but he doesn't currently speak in an official capacity for the Chinese government. That's like saying George Stephanopoulos is a government official because he used to be a policy advisor for Bill Clinton
That is the point
you're a bootlicker cocksucker
Name one thing wrong with this
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what is with that onions voice
yeah, and the fake chinese voice is only a slight improvement
they are zogged like everyone else
no they aren't
he thinks vietnam = china apparently
Black Myth: Wukong is a Chinese government funded game and is causing a lot from the west to seethe.
>he thinks the (((communist))) revolution was organic
Indeed, in fact both KMT (Soviet Union funded) and CPC (organic) were communist before the western agent Chiang Kai Shek infiltrated KMT
Ugh. How do people watch this slop
they don't. no people watch this
>al jazeera
The chinese government is EVIL and RACIST but god forbid you start talking about who’s causing all the problems in Europe.
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>favors run the economy
>shit heads run the internet

>sedition taken seriously
Woah, its mandatory here.
>Government funded games about sensitive forbidden historical records about supernatural beings who were benevolent in the distant past
Fuck yeah, video games should be how we tell stories like that; earn your art.

Remember kids, a chaotic power structure guarantees barriers to entry for alien powers are present, real, and practical deterrence measures and ensures conflict resolution protocol efficacy and efficiency.
Stop cutting him off in the middle of the sentence you zoomy tiktok nigger.
>Britain is fucking weak shit so they're not a threat
I hate these fuckers, but that
>how do you know what a 1st Amendment right is? You don't have it China
Got me hard.
The new warthunder update dropped
is crowder actually brain damaged?
he sure talks like it, maybe he is just pretending
Chiang Kai-shek did nothing wrong
He lost the war, that was certainly good of him
Falun gong is very active here I see
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China will never be based.lmao.
Pathetic country that makes Jews look wholesome.
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This is now an honest China thread
What the fuck why does China support this eating puppies???? wtf
Chinksect shill thread.

>he is so retarded
>proceeds to have a kindergarten level discussion about his voice
It is projection. It is fucking projection every time.
Remember, everything they accuse you of, they are the most guilty. When they talk about the excessive and lavish lifestyles of the bourgeois, it's them who are upper-middle class and spend $500 a month on funko-pops and food delivery services. When they talk about the degradation of moral character of the West, they are actually talking about their own embarrassment of going on multi-hour goon sessions. When they talk about the lack of work put in by managers, they are talking about their own guilt getting where they are from daddy's money. When they talk about capitalism doing something, they are blaming external forces for personal shortcomings.
Always remember this when talking to commies.
don't put words in his mouth gwailo
The truth is more valuable than the approval of government. If somebody lies, call them a liar. I'd rather die in truth than live under liars. Let them crumble under the weight of their lies.
>muh heckin' weegurs in concentration camps!!
>think of le poor weegurs!
take your faggot crowder clips back to plebbit or r thedonald.
He's Canadian, Anon
>t. never read a word of marx
Yeah. What was done to millennials and zoomers is far worse oppression that any other shit. If they don't care about our suffering, then I don't care about theirs
Fuck off shill, I am still not fighting in ww3
>oh my gawwwwwd
I hate Chinese shills on this site, especially on /v/ where they recently non-stop spammed Wukong, but the ambassador has a point. the interviewer is disingenious, biased and arguing in bad faith. and his faggy reaction screams of unprofessionalism. his behaviour is what you'd expect from a teenage girl not a mature journalist. a proper response would be to condemn the acts of the United States in Guantanamo as a crime against humanity and say the USA should be punished and held accountable for them, and then turn the conversation back to him, and tell him that the United States commuting atrocities doesn't excuse nor vindicate the crimes of other governments and ask him what he thinks of China's criminal actions. make it clear that him being able to criticise and condemn his own government as well as having the freedom of speech without fear of repercussions unlike the Chinese ambassador is what distinguishes the United States from China.
post nose
so what kind of mutt is the interviewer? He doesn't look arab.
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>look more like?
the chinese official didn't do a single based thing
>where is <missing person>
>"you will never see him"
you just have no taste, mutt
>he said something bad, that means he's based!!
this was okay when you were 14, at this point it's just making you decrepit in body mind and soul.
>go back to the thing that Reddit banned because you are so reddit
Anyone who read and understood Marx wouldn't be a Marxist.
And to reiterate, you have proven my point you absolute buffoons. Can't you read? At least try to read the first two lines, what do you think I was trying to communicate? Let me help like we're in preschool: it wasn't anything about Crowder.
>admits to being a redditor
KYS a banned redditor is still redditor GO BACK NIGGER I don't care how
China BAD is the most reddit opinion out of all Reddit opinions. Go dilate and cry some about Russia too, troon
if reddit said pedophilia was bad would you rape a child?
But redditors are pedophiles just like the US state department reactionaries
What an absolute spastic that interviewer is, he sounds like a hysterical teenage girl. Absolute fag
So what is >>5657501 then? preteen girl?
Based. Fuck libtards. No russian and no Chinaman ever flooded my country with foreign invaders. Therefore, Russia and China are not the enemies.
>What an absolute spastic that interviewer is, he sounds like a hysterical teenage girl. Absolute fag

Based dabbing of foreign invader trash.
>Pathetic country that makes Jews look wholesome

ethnostate, authoritarian, controls ALL media, has citizens as literal slaves on a social credit score system (who kisses the most ccp ass)

huh, and I thought jews were the enemy of the people.
>has citizens as literal slaves on a social credit score system
proven fake
> I thought jews were the enemy of the people.
That's because you're a retard
>t. lives in Shmoli Central, USA
Chink shill thread.

China will NEVER be based.
This video is like 5 or 6 years old dude, that black list at that time was like 23 million citizens
aaaahahahaha brutal
america has no fly lists wtf is this shit about
tranny redditor spotted. pro Russia site && pro China site
Explain to me your webm couldn't work?
I would have more respect for him, but I'm sure this isn't about unifying the Han people, rather it's about crying because hong kongers don't want to kiss Jinping's feet
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God, that fat faggot has a punchable face
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>she can't speak mandarin
kek. this must be infuriating to the guy. imagine some dumb slut starts yapping about how she's a "Chinese girl against the Chinese government" and can't even speak a fucking Sino language
>The US should be punished for capturing and holding terrorists.
>invade a sovereign foreign country
>slaughter the impoverished locals and colonize their land
>they fight back
>wtf why are these terrorists attacking us
the true terrorists are and always have been the politicians in the US government
What’s this? A webm for ants?
>you can only criticize the government positively
I don't see any possible way this is based.
I am forced to conclude this makes sense if you're chinese.
Eminem got a visit from the secret service over one of his raps about the president. I hardly think you have freedom of speech in America.
I meet these Hong Kong fags all the time and they refuse to say where they're from, until I mention China whereupon they say "I'm from Hong Kong". Oh OK, that's different from China is it?

I'll never understand these lunatic traitors to their own kind. Their country was invaded by brits who wanted to create a country full of crack addicts for profit. When China dared fight back they attacked and defeated them, then demanded to own part of their country as if they weren't cunts enough. Wealth was funnelled out of Hong Kong to London and Hong kongers had no rights on how their home was governed under the brits. But now Hong kongers claim its a different country and believe they somehow have always had freedom. I thought it was epic when the police went in there and beat them all. Pieces of shit.
hong kong still had better conditions then than it does under china.
It's hilarious.
>over 50% renters
I don't think you know what you are talking about
she sounds like a good candidate for being a VICE news journalist
How can the CCP Chinese official be extremely based when they on the other hand support deceptive money printing? By falsely declaring they print only 500 billion, but then create bank notes with duplicate serial numbers, they create falsely low inflation numbers. There are 40 chinese notes per sheet of bank notes.

Same Serial Real Notes Flood Market, China Prints 500B/Month
one eaten dog = one harvested organ
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>deceptive money printing?
So it's like the other major world power but... different.

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