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File: FooFighters.webm (2.65 MB, 1280x720)
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post footage of a naturally occurring & observable phenomenon - bonus for OC
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just electric lines rupturing
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Seen one of these in real life, scary as hell. We were running to a friend's/neighbor's house because they had a basement.
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>for some reason
>a random
its all so tiresome
I hate this faggot so much
what would happen if you stood in the middle of that
it would be very painful
Another one bites the dust.
you're a big guy
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>posts no video
you think you're tired of it?
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File: Green Flash Sunset.webm (654 KB, 1280x720)
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for the chromatically impaired
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agree. bitchy anons are insufferable as fuck
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Does anyone have source for this?
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it's from water vapors
ur from fuckin water vapors dork
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>webm spans a period of 10 minutes or so
>fuck you
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Jesus fuck, imagine being that driver.
>is that a tornado!?
zoomers were a mistake
That's not a zoomer thing. Average people from all over have used tornado as a catchall for these types of phenomena for decades.
Can you like shut the fuck up?
fr fr
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That's pretty fucking terrifying.
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hory shit
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>literally just fireflies flying around over the field in front of him
Is that guy trying to use a bullhorn to tell the wind to stop blowing so hard? What's his endgame?
that really just looks like screens
>Onlookers have attributed them to a number of paranormal phenomena, including ghosts, UFOs, and flying dinosaurs
what bullhorn?
The one in his hand. Isn't that a bullhorn?
Don't know the location but this looks like your standard and common lenticular.
Bruh, are you retarded?
They're cars in the distance. The video is just sped up.
>They're cars in the distance.
That was my initial reaction but I liked the firefly idea better. Although I do like the aliens take.
my great grandmother was born there
no it's some sort of a sampling device
these lights appear all over the world, most commonly in marshlands and all sorts of legends are associated with them. the most studied and documented are these
Samples of what? The wind?
It's fucking air. Like 78% Nitrogen, 20% Oxygen, and 2% whatever the fuck else.
I'm talking about the ones in the webm which are clearly car headlights as they're driving down a winding road heading toward the camera at an angle.
Random cars don't drive that consistently.
Earthquake Lights
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nah watch again
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Some retarded chinese lantern that landed in someone's driveway. Spooky.
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The light the Sun casts during an eclipse is very strange. It's like shining darkness.
I wonder what the indigenous peoples of America thought of shit like this?

Imagine the phenomena they had witnessed during their tenure in the New World. If only the savages would have written their history.
tf r u mean?
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>on so many levels
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They exist all over the world. Idk why wiki has to throw the alien ufo nonsense in with the article.

Because we all should understand by now there is no life other than that on this planet. Earth is the cradle of all life in the Universe.
Look at you with your opinion. Cute.
that's scary af
that’s fucking crazy
it was during the eruption. they were monitoring concentration of gases in residential areas
what's that?
Well that makes sense then. Thanks for the info, anon.
A Terminator just spawned. Someone is about to have a bad day.
It is a tornado.
I didn't know tilapia fish glowed in the dark
Turn around
always that one guy who can't stand a great thread
i thought it was just lightning lol
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gud wan
>one guy
>on an anonymous image board

That's an extraordinarily bold assumption to make.

Just so you're aware-

You are wrong & stupid 100% of the time you attempt to make such a guess. Individualism does not exist on this website.
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This is that fake chinese waterfall designed specifically for tiktok tourists, right?
Where right outside the "cave entrance" is a boring ass coffee shop and the water is being pumped up from the bottom through a pipe.
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Sources cited please.
literally anything u tour has a shop outside thats beat like ur butthole and i really dont know what tiktok even is
Literally just cars on a road in the distance. The fuck is this?
Literally seconds in google.
Settle down, chang. I was asking a question.
>The fuck is this?
Literally just cars on the road in the distance.
15 minutes in and I still can't find any legitimate information on how the falls are fake. Ruby Falls, Tennessee right?
Random cars don't drive that consistently. Nor is there a road. Nor do cars continually flash their headlights. Cars also can't defy newton's 1st law and turn like in the video.
prove it
They all follow the same path and flicker at the same points. Which means there's something obstructing the view. It literally looks like they're driving down a hill and pass behind a bank before coming down on a straight road. It's also sped up as you can see the stars moving across the sky.
Taking the conspiracy shit to >>>/x/
>troll tries to pretend he was just pretending to be retarded
isnt that cave in america
bro... what? If it's a road, it may not have any crossings, therefore they won't be stopping. The flashing effect seems it could just be from a winding road.
Pretty sure that's a simulator. It should look like screens.
k, now explain hessdalen lights
This is how long sunsets should be
>Normal Lightning
>Ancient Dragon Lightning
>he doesn't know what happens when a car's headlights directly hit a camera's lens
>troll tries to pretend he was just pretending to know the vid is fake
the "car headlights" never 'directly' hit the camera lens once.

The probability of multiple cars projecting the same exact light from their headlights that consistently is extremely low.
It is. That guy probably lives nearby the cave in Tennessee and is butthurt over seeing tourists, or use to work there and his dumbass got fired for something embarrassing. OR he was molestered by a person he thought was his uncle inside the cave. Or lives his life thru tiktok
File: Earth's Shadow.webm (1.2 MB, 1920x1080)
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>The probability of multiple cars projecting the same exact light from their headlights that consistently is extremely low.
Isn't it 100%? There are regulatory requirements for the sort of light that car headlights produce. If one produces an effect, they all should. And if all the cars are traveling down the same road, they will all be pointing in the same direction.
stfu u little twat. this website is for adults.
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>doesn't even attempt a rebuttal
Concession accepted.
nice bait faggot
The Marfa Lights have been documented since the 1700s.
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So has The Flying Dutchman. That video looks exactly like cars driving along a road in the distance, down to the tail lights on the ones going in the other direction. If you have a case to make about some kind of supernatural phenomenon, feel free to make it.
Bitch, that's a friendly mushroom!
Badger claws typed this.
You don't do a very good job of convincing me the video is fake.

gtfo & kys
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You have to be trolling at this point but I'll bite. Who says the video is fake? It's a real video of a road at night.
sources cited please
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Please do the world a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. Clearly you're a burden.
- and that, boys and girls, is why you don't live in sheds.
Don't argue with these brainlets. They're clearly trying to fill some void in their lives with muh aliens. Any sane person can see it's just cars.
ailens are a myth invented by congress to cover up the fact they are actually out sand duning in the texas desert at night piss drunk tits out all on tax payers money literally everybody already knows that idiot thats what is what u see in the vid
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allens are real and this is proof
i'll repeat the question but you'll just ignore it again
explain hessdalen lights?
Who cares? Cars aren't an explanation for all phenomena, just that one clip specifically.
Are you recoiling in horror?
you're an angry lonely little cunt arguing for the sake of it
its fake lmao
I haven't seen anything that needs to be explained. What are you talking about?
failed bot
>All of the mystery lights observed by this group on the nights of 11 and 13 May 2005 can be reliably attributed to automobile headlights traveling along US 67 between Marfa and Presidio, TX.

>We show that the combination of computer azimuth and altitude logging, video recording, and continuous spectroscopy provides enough data for unequivocal identification of false positives such as distant streetlamps, automotive headlamps, and fires.
now do hessdalen lights
Hahaha based.
>This hypothesis suggests that the Hessdalen phenomenon is made up of dust from the valley, which ignites due to the fact that Scandium reacts rapidly with acids and air (ref.9+10). The dustcloud burns, rises in the air, and hovers in the same position, or guided by the wind, until the fuel, titan, iron and scandium is burnt out. Scandium is a rare metal, and was first found in Norway, in the mineral “Thotveitit”. This hypothesis suggests that Hessdalen like phenomena is localized to areas where this mineral can be found, and is why the phenomena seems to be localized in certain areas and not others.
and you don't think this rare phenomenon, if that's what it is, is worthy of discussion and further exploration to see if it also explains other similar phenomena?
>Moving goalposts
Not particularly. There's all sorts of weird stuff in the world with mundane explanations if you look closely. Any particular one may be of academic interest (which is why nerds like that did those studies), but that doesn't make them relevant to other things. Especially with rare/anomalous things, even if the underlying cause is common, there would be local factors involved that produce the specific local phenomenon (like Hector the cloud). In this case, there aren't many scandium mines around, so it doesn't seem likely to come up often. But the general technique of spectroscopic analysis (which long predates that study) is a tool in the investigative toolbox that can be brought out in suitable situations.

For something from another context, consider flying rods (the cryptid). They're just small flying animals photographed with an exposure too long to capture detail. The specific investigations that positively proved this were specific to the phenomenon, but the technical considerations of photography apply to all sorts of things, and that's an early thing to check if something looks weird.
>reading comprehension or just a lonely boy?
the two are completely different and you deboonkers always try to conflate the batshit with the unexplored. tiring
>Mah hole house is gawn!!
-cartboard house owner
>the two are completely different
I mentioned three anomalous things there, not two. And I mentioned them to illustrate the point that while specific anomalies have traits specific to them, there are underlying investigative techniques that are more broadly applicable. In response to the question here >>5668353 along those lines.
Mind broken mutt
Kek imagine believing this
>lights are identified as made of burning scandium, titanium, and iron
>located near scandium mines with dust of similar composition around
>the lights can't have a mundane explanation because
>just because
Do you think the spectroscopic data is wrong?
Post your hook nose
every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never commin' round
I beat the boss there in elden ring
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crazy that nature has been doing spectacle shit like this before life on this earth, and on other planets
dunno why that's just occured to me
no it hasn't
the world was created for humans 6000 years ago
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I can barely afford my fucking tent here in the US with these fucking taxes !
I often think about that, or what early european settlers thought when they first saw something like >>5659916 they were probably familiar with smaller cyclones but seeing something like that would have been unreal.
this would obliterate a brick building as well.
>In May 2004 a group from the Society of Physics Students at the University of Texas at Dallas spent four days investigating and recording lights observed southwest of the view park using traffic volume-monitoring equipment, video cameras, binoculars, and chase cars. Their report made the following conclusions:
>>U.S. Highway 67 is visible from the Marfa lights viewing location.
>>The frequency of lights southwest of the view park correlates with the frequency of vehicle traffic on U.S. 67.
>>The motion of the observed lights was in a straight line, corresponding to U.S. 67.
>>When the group parked a vehicle on U.S. 67 and flashed its headlights, this was visible at the view park and appeared to be a Marfa light.
>>A car passing the parked vehicle appeared as one Marfa light passing another at the view park.
>They came to the conclusion that all the lights observed over a four-night period southwest of the view park could be reliably attributed to automobile headlights traveling along U.S. 67 between Marfa and Presidio, Texas.
I'm pretty sure that's Ruby Falls and it does use a water pump during dry spells, when flow of the waterfall wouldn't be as spectacular. It's been a Tennessee tourist attraction in for over a hundred years.
UFO cloud camo, don't be fooled
Saruman's up to his old tricks again
can't imagine where Germanic myths of Thor comes from
Well they definitely didn't come from volcanic lightning. Since there are no volcanoes in central Europe and all.
>"The first historical record of the Marfa lights was in 1883 when a young cowhand, Robert Reed Ellison, saw a flickering light while he was driving cattle through Paisano Pass and wondered if it was the campfire of the Apache."
They were probably warned by the natives. But check this out:

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>"came to the conclusion"
>"could be"

they concluded that something could be

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Here's another good video of some car headlights driving on some roads.

The only one of these "lights" that's actually interesting is the one in Hessdalen which they think is dust from local mines burning as it blows above the valley, all the other ones are just car headlights that spooked farmers in the 20s and turned into tourist traps
Those aren't earthquake lights, those are transformers blowing up. Actual earthquake lights show up a few minutes before the quake and look like pale orbs slowely floating up from the fault. It's piezioelectrical shenaniganry like the pilot starter crystals on old water heaters
>reeeeeeeeeee let me show you an unrelated video to prove how wrong you are
There were active volcanoes in France up to about 9000 years ago, well after humans had moved in.
>central Europe
The germanic peoples stem from scandinavia contrary to what the name might suggest.
what is this type of music specifically called? I'd like to find more of it
looks like an upturned ass leaking gay cum
There's some strong competition ITT but in the end I think you still walk away with the gayest post award.
Dynatron, Perturbator, Lost Years, Dance With the Dead et al will get you there.
Germanic people came Germania, aka central Europe. Then some migrated North and became Scandinavians.
It's literally the same phenomenon, chode.
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Why don't any lights go out after like hundreds of transformers just blew up? City transformers are typically underground too btw.

nice opinion tho bill nye
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>Early varieties of Germanic entered history when the Germanic tribes moved south from Scandinavia in the 2nd century BC to settle in the area of today's northern Germany and southern Denmark.

??? this isn't /x/ nazi larper
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I made these almost 10 years ago. It's really cool that people still post them
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That's what happens when you post quality.

>oh geez
>hoooly jeeesus
god i hate mutts
Fuck off jew cuck. I will still follow the true Messiah
Messiah is a hebrew word and the concept of a 'messiah' first originated from judaism. A messiah, and the ideology of one, is pretty well the foundation for jews and their beliefs. Retard.

Ditch the sand nigger shit and return to your pagan roots so we can get things moving forward already.
>out of africa theory
also, please direct me to where on the page your claim is substantiated because I see it nowhere
>hoooly jeeesus
no one even says that in the video retard
least intelligent argument possible on the internet lol
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>Second least.
my bad i thought the neanderthals were extinct. clearly i was wrong and you're living proof of it.
that's fucking tens of thousands of years ago man, germanic people have been around for only several thousand years. there were people in europe before the indo-europeans
the neanderthals were more intelligent than homo sapiens. interbreeding with them made their descendendants more intelligent than those that stayed in africa.
shows how little you know
Fuck off jewy jewington. I will always fight evil
>>out of africa theory

In Chinese universities they accept that humanity started in south east china.
I believe this theory more. For one, it breaks the faggot nigger worshipping cult.
Once you accept a different start place for humanity, you can properly label niggers as a sub species
>Messiah is a hebrew word
Yeah, it means Jesus. You know why? Because he is the only deity to kick the shit out of ((merchants))
>In Chinese universities they accept that humanity started in south east china.
equally lol as out of africa
upper atmospheric lighting is something that I will never not be intrigued by
Some rocks are piezoelectric, so when they're squeezed, they produce electricity. Wouldn't surprise me if they produce certain EM phenomenon that you can see in the dark.
It's real, actually, just not something that happens often. They're called "cold air funnels". They're very weak, as there's not a lot of warm air feeding them.
Which tornado is this?
That's just bioluminescent algae. It glows when jolted, in this case by raindrops. I used to scoop up a wad on a paddle and throw it at my brother as a prank when we lived in the bahamas.
Brick buildings are illegal in tornado prone areas because not only do they come apart just as easily as wooden houses, they also turn into a shotgun of debris that will wipe out the rest of your neighborhood.
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Years ago I got really fucking high and watched your webms on loop for over an hour and temporarily convinced myself the ayys were using the ash clouds to hide their spaceships. Thanks anon, that was one hell of a trip.
>search location on google maps
>there is a cafe right outside
>but it's in USA
Are you a seppo, by any chance?
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Moore, ok, 2013 ef5. The last one to current date to be an EF5.
Jesus is a jewish name i don't get what your point is lol
Africans and African descended peoples are living relics of homo erectus
fite me
I have a kike name, thanks mom, but I'm not jewish
it's a well known fact
Prussians are more genetically aligned with Scandis and Southern Germans are more genetically aligned with Celts
Don't lie. You just hate everyone.
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>what is this type of music specifically called? I'd like to find more of it
Kalax - Night Dreamer

t. made the webm
Hit it with a shovel
>ayys were using the ash clouds to hide their spaceships
we don't, stay sober
this process take decades with very slow accumulation of dirt
t. modern archaeologist
>humanity started in south east china
chinkoids are not humans tho
they come from steppes
Wrong. Orcs and hook noses aren't human
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storms are bad
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This website is for 18 and older.
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>they come apart just as easily as wooden houses
drivels dreamed up by utterly insane
Which one piece character is this?
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i look at all of these webms and i just think, what the hell could WE ever do to this planet?
human-fueled climate change is a joke

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