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File: lumi girl.webm (2.1 MB, 942x736)
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Post Lumi being based, Other Phase connect members welcome too
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I'm pretty sure she's actually saying something else and slurring the words, but whatever.
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Is it true she is a neo-Nazi?
Nah I don't think so, think she spent too much time on /pol/
what game is that?
post the workout sounds compilation.
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no clue lmao
she's talking about her degree in something and how useless it is, so she's saying "stupid fucking degree"
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Last one (had to downsize a bit)
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She was "incidentally" a neo-nazi, understandable mistake.
Why are all grandmas racist?
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Sorry for 3 non-Lumi webms so I'll give you 3 Lumi webms now.
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It's the chinese blood.
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She's so fucking perfect... I'm gonna kill myself if I don't find a woman like any of the phaseconnect girls
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Lol I hear it now that you say that, but damn that sure does sound like something else when cut in that specific way.
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Too ooc for her. Shes a shotacon to her core.
i don't see how this thread is different than gvy to be honest
what compels a woman to sing such shit even if to announce her sexual preference? and according to >>5659457 it's not even that
same thing that comepls them to film themselves taking dick
Probably thought it would be funny.
Afterall most of these are just normal people or otaku girls that can talk to a microphone for hours trying to be funny.
Not everything lands.
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she's got a gorgeous voice
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Looks like Escape Room sim
kill it with fucking fire
anyone who actually watches shit like this needs to be hanged by a barbed wire rope
get a job OP and all of you faggot homosexual retards
>become a wage slave, goy
>stop watching cute things, goy
>watch some niggerball like a real man, goy
you like lumi dont you anon
He trusted...
>girls that can talk (...) for hours
so girls?
Who don't make you want to kill yourself.
Like Lumi.
I could listen to her talk for hours unironically.
I could listen to Lumi for hours AND she makes me want to kill myself.
But in a good way, right?
Women are supposed to be stupid and silly, so we men have a reason to be serious and driven.
Or at least, that's how it was supposed to be.
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someone put a Jellybaby in her already.
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I hate women so much.
I would so fast. That voice alone.
reminder that pippa was married now divorced and lives with her dad
i hate that one too, she always creates cutesy emotional moments just to drop an advertisement for exclusive streams into them, lmao
who is this?
>phase connect's bread winner
>can't even afford living on her own
damn son. but I guess the money for fishman to invite random guys for dinner and fuck the girls have to come from somewhere.
Yuko Yurei, former IdolEN talent. Started dating one of her mods, got lazy and graduated.
Vtubers don't really earn that much compared to real bread winner careers so it's understandable
To be clear the guy was a part of the friend group of her PL account, not the vtuber character. That group would openly mock the GFE simps that she farmed as Yuko and eventually they shamed her into deleting all her spicy vods because "lolicons are gross."
She said she wanted to rebuild her fanbase, but gave up after the super chats stopped coming.
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You really expect Pippa to be financially responsible?
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Why is Panko brown?
she went on vacation and came back with a tan
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Because she's Italian
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Can anyone tell me if we know for sure who sang the /pcg/ song yet?
I heard it was Nyaaru.
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Manko Panko
You sound absolutely pathetic desu. Worse than anyone watching vtubers.
>you sound pathetic
>nigger watches grown women pretend to be braindead bimbos and child like behaviour when it's not even culturally acceptable

>watches women faking to be cute
>hiding behind ANIME avatars
>pretending to be anons GF
You're the most pathetic little shit in this entire thread anon along with your pathetic weeb faggot friends. You either weigh 600 pounds or 120 pounds and hide in your basement watching this shit because you're a lonely sad old virgin. Kill yourself NEET waste of skin.
>grown women pretend to be braindead bimbos
>child like behaviour when it's not even culturally acceptable
>not ... culturally acceptable
Huh??? In what third world country do you live in? Here in the west nobody expects anything from women and them acting retarded is seen as a cute, positive thing.
What do you watch in your free time?
skibidi toilet lore
Sounds about right.
Are you retarded? This entire virtual anime avatar things rose from Japan, where acting cutesy is and has been a thing for decades. In America and the Western world this isn't a thing. Women don't act like this. These bitches are copying Japanese VTubers and you're a stupid little nigger for not even knowing this.

It's not culturally acceptable for women to behave this way. It's pure cringe. It's retarded. It's borderline pedophilic to do while wearing a big boobie avatar. This goes for almost all of the western VTubers, especially the ones using child avatars and talking about adult themes. They are literally roleplaying children while being sexual. It's disgusting and morally wrong. You know this and pretend otherwise because you're a sad pathetic simp for virtual girls.
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>borderline pedophilic
Nice projection, are you the same kind of faggot that cries about character height in video games too? (Dragons Dogma pawns being too short) Or are you just a twitter tranny that thinks short/flat women shouldnt be loved because that could be "pedophilic"? Is fucking 18 year olds evil to you?
Wrong place to use that you fucking retard. Keep telling yourself you aren't a pedophile. Everyone else around you knows.
Ok dr. pizza, whatever you say. Seethe that a bunch of chicks with anime avatars are more successful than you'll ever be simply because they're cute.
holy shit
lmao fucking simp level behaviour here holy shit
successful by exploiting lonely retards like you and pretending to be stupid bimbos for clicks
you're a dumb simp faggot whose only defense is
>"I send money to my onlyfans so I win this argument"
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.
>lmao fucking simp level behaviour here holy shit
Assuming i spend any level of money on any of these women kek. Most people in these threads only watch clips let alone streams. Keep projecting though, its cool to learn you spend money on onlyfans whores. I highly suggest you go back from where you came from and i dont just mean this thread, this site isnt for you if anime sets you off so easily, twitterfaggot.
Oh forgot you're a brokie NEET. Nevermind. You're more pathetic than we realized. LMFAO
YWNBAW, stop trying.
>donating in shekels
But Gura has no nose.
Perfect smart ass reply to that chatter at the end. Also, same.
>projecting sperg in an anime thread on an anime site

reminder there are actual trannies and faggots showing their dick and balls to literal toddlers in pride parades.
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>>5660243 (Me)
thanks for the (You)'s kind strangers
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I am ashamed to admit there was a time when I trusted...
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It's true this woman is an engineer, has a Masters and started pursuing a PHD?
Because if that is true and she just pretends to be dumb, that is extremely hot.
dont know if she actually does have a degree, but she is definitely pretending to be a dumb blonde
God, i love my retarded imotou-daughterwife.
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>when phase girls get asked why they visit sakana so often
God, the voice Dizzy puts on is incredibly grating.
Whores are massively mind broken, so they are constantly seeking to validate their life choices. A woman singing something like that wants everyone to praise her for it. This is the reason why characters like Harley Quinn (from the movie rather than the series) become so popular: Woman desperate to embrace being whores.
Idk... I have a cousin with a civil engineering and a masters from some french university, and she's a complete airhead klutz. People forget how easy it is to graduate from college nowadays as long as you are able to memorize things. There's no critical thinking involved anymore.
she just likes edgy-boy humor, and she knows that there's a market full of edgy-boy fans to cater to.
She loves darkies. Pretty much the opposite of based.
I hate tenma so fucking much
>She loves darkies.
she does? I thought phase connect was all racist pick mes.
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Well, she is from the newest gen. Prior to becoming a vtuber she was mostly known for being in a big brother season and being in a relationship with a black guy there.
Here is a fan account someone made for her.
Tenma is literally one of the best vtubers out there because she doesn't bother putting up a fake personality like so many others.
I watched some clip and she said something about her wanting to get a PHD to become a lecturer at college. So that means she at least has a Masters.
I also read somewhere she knows about helicopters and planes so I was wondering.
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she's wonderful
Xalamon is so lucky.
Not bad looking. I was actually expecting her to be fat since she went out of the way to not show her hands on a handcam stream. Being in a relationship with a nigger though...
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She is dating her mod and calls him daddy on discord.
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that's just how her voice is, she's not doing a cutesy vtuber voice
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That's true for 90% of vtubers, anon. The last 10% are male vtubers being sexpest to everyone around them.
or not enough
she actually games too
quite often 4-6 hour streams
sometimes twice a day
also does marathon streams fairly often
her alcoholism and stream times suggest Tenma has zero social life outside her family
jesus that lady has nice tits
cutting the last kiss is kind of evil
So she's a jungle Asian or something? Judging by how pale her hand are I figured she's White.
Phase connect is a Canadian company, she's obviously chinese.
This is not a joke.
she is ethnically Chinese, Hong Kong to be specific but was born and raised in Canuckistan
her dad is a LOT older than her mom
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that's Dizzy
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fucking hell, way to go dizzy
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Lia is tired of the Likers
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Her mother is the Chinese white supremacist karen?
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>That's a redditor take
No. It's just the truth. When you say "have you been to one?" You can only have been to a state authoritarian socialist country. (Marxist). To call Venezuela a "communist" country is ridiculous as they're only doing what Sweden is doing. The only difference is that the US wants to take Venezuela's oil and uses it's economic hegemony to destroy its currency. (Which, by the way, shows that they are still a capitalist nation. the wealthy there hate the government for taxing them to help the working poor. Their govt doesn't do what the Chinese govt does to uppity rich)
So Lumi and so many others don't like to talk politics and they never hear the truth of the matter. "Communist bloc" nations were shit for being Marxist authoritarian socialist projects headed by parties called "Communist", much like the US being run by a party called "Democratic" even though they do not stand for democracy in the least.
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A special message for you, saar
>Le it wasn't real communism
Fortunately enough, nobody believes your shit.
> t. cringe seething redditfag
Le I just showed you what this means. It isn't a matter of belief but investigating the facts available. Your hate of "communism" I share, I just happen to know what it actually was and why the statement is correct. So go on, say "akshully" at me.

Not seethe. No I did not read anything of this from that website. I read books. I know what I'm talking about
Sounds like you're too young to use this site.
Too old, *akshully*
Not looking to debate you. You don't know anything about it. (Unless you take what I told you and do your own research)
You shouldnt act this cringe and be an adult, if you are indeed "too old" then you clearly have some level of developmental disorder. Please listen to your handler and take your meds.
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>parties called "Communist", much like the US being run by a party called "Democratic"
I love seeing this argument in the wild. It's so uninformed.
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The cringe is coming from you, an ignorant twat.
>He invites me to DoorDash
>an ignorant twat.
The irony hurts.
So now shills don't like mentally ill sodomites?
Why don't you bitch at a pride parade then jewy jewington
Based. You roasted that shill
Good heavens, verily it sounds like your entire Jew world is on the point of collapse. Should I stop watching so that bootlicking scum can save their fragile sense of reality... Or will I keep watching because it fucks with glowniggers?
Pretty easy call to keep watching
>culturally acceptable
That's an NPC buzzword for them to preach like a religious prune
Pippolf Pippler, lol
Try saying that again with all buzzwords removed, jewy jewington
>a religious prune
You mean "prude"?

>Kid manipulated by a pack of manbabies in Roblox.
Me too. She has a Karen vibe as a 20 year old
Same. At first I thought her accent was pretty cute but her constant screaming is so fucking annoying. I really want to pick her up and smash her into the pavement.
You sound completely unhinged and coming down with celiac disease there jewy jewington
i think this was the same guy that kept calling anyone who disagreed with him 'ivan'
unless that was a bot, or theyre both bots
ok Ivan.
>i think this was the same guy
Who are you talking about? You seem like a schizo crying about delusions. Is Jewish inbreeding to blame for Jews being insane losers
labor does not create inherent value, people should be compensated proportionately for the value they create
"communism" is gay fake and retarded, and the fact that you apparently think that's so obvious that no one has ever even 'truly' attempted it or give up immediately after just proves the point
>that's Dizzy
I thought that was Lia.
She looks a lot more like half-latinx Lia than Chinese Dizzy.
communism was fine in yugoslavia and it's still fine in china, turns out the real problem was soviet colonization of most communist states, not communism itself
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i suppose i have to hand it to you fags, you do a decent job of derailing threads you dont like with innane retard bullshit
but at least youre still bumping
No prune. I will grind up people that say:
>Derrr cult-RR-ally accep-MUH-ble
And turn them into prune juice.
It will feel good shutting them out
I Post about how shitty orcs, hook noses and foreign invaders are. Is that the same thing
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its innane and retarded if thats not the topic, yes. staying on topic is what we normal people call etiquette.
nobody likes jews, that much is a given, but bringing them or other undesirables up when thats not the subject at hand just makes you sound like a maladjusted sperg. youre the 'i like turtles' kid.
now, i dont know what series of events lead the pathetic excuse you call a life to search for validation from ANONYMOUS people on a message board (instead of reddit where you belong with your desired masturbatory updoots), but for pity's sake i'll give you your (you). enjoy
I mean, what did you expect of a thread that by pure chance was made after Lia and Uruka posted about buying condoms then going to have dinner with a random merch guy in Japan.
>with a random merch guy in Japan.
Who? Never heard about this.
Luwub. He made a Pippa hoodie. fishman invited him to have dinner with the girls and he bragged about it on twitter.
Holy shit.You have no clue what you're talking about. That nation doesn't even exist anymore, how can you claim it worked?
Also, your argument that "ThAt WaSn't ReAl CoMmUnIsM" for the Soviets suddenly gets dropped when there's a state that mixes Market Capitalism with a Command Economy? You're pathetic..
Are you ignoring that Yugoslavia had the highest unemployment rate of any country in the Soviet sphere? Over 25% in the South. Unemployment. In a Communist country. IT FAILED.
Not to mention Tiso-ism was propped up by Western loans. How can you say it's Communism at all when it required Capitalist countries to fund it?
The country was in debt over 20 billion dollars when it collapsed and fell into brutal civil war that still divides the South to this day.
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Phase has so many cuckposters...
Lia is pretty much white.
I've met plenty of people from Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Cuba that are indistinguishable from other white people. They're not all brown, that's why Hispanic is a different checkbox from race in surveys.
They are foreign invaders that fuck up the labor and real estate market
They have stolen more potential revenue than torrenting media
Hey don't call Lia a foreign invader that's rude.
The dude calls china communist, he's a retard.
in fairness, they were once, but these days they are closer to NatSoc than anything else
it's the castizo, mestizo distinction
>castizo, 75% or more Euro dna, most Cubans generally
>mestizo, siesta time, most mexicans and central americans
castizos are bros
mestizos are a fucking plague
>fairness, they were once, but these days they are closer to NatSoc than anything else

And in fairness the USA has over 50 percent of it's GDP from direct and indirect gubberment spending. This means USA is more of a commie controlled economy than most commie shitholes
>throws blouse open for better look at her chest
god bless you woman
Tell all the foreign invaders to leave first. Until then, it doesn't matter how mean we are to them; they deserve it!
Relax Puero Rican, Lia did leave, the only one left is Ironmouse. You're not even a state.
holy based
what a cunt
No fren...
I am a state...
I am in a state of seething :-)
Country boy, country boy
Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lie
And if something something I will stick it in your eye
because i was there, retard, there was no particular poverty or anything, we didn't have closed borders with the west, etc.

>Also, your argument that "ThAt WaSn't ReAl CoMmUnIsM" for the Soviets
i made no such argument, though this does makes me think that you're trying to conflate every random negative factoid for communism you can think of

listen, do you want to know what people mean when they said "that wasn't real communism" or "cummunism was never tried"? well, the ones who know what they're talking about anyway... communism is just supposed to be the end goal that was never achieved, with perfect equality and nobody in a higher position than anyone else, not the stuff that actually happened in real life, which was called socialism

they're still communist, communism isn't some sort of monolith with only one form
>they're still communist
Kek, keep the jokes coming.
it's all about the organization and goals of their economy anon, they are not free market even if they aren't as anal about it as they once were
>I read books.
You read but you do not comprehend. You memorize but you do not apply. You lack the critical thinking skills and basic understanding of logic to create valid arguments.
If you want to fix your retardation, I suggest you argue with yourself to prove yourself wrong more often.
how often do you do that?
>labor does not create inherent value,
So on the one hand you can tell people "get a job/don't be lazy" but you find it doesn't have value to people or the laborer himself.
>people should be compensated proportionately for the value they create
But you believe they do not create value.
Now they do. Okay how do you calculate that value? I wouldn't trust you to do it. You don't believe they're worth anything.
You're talking out your gaping ass and calling something you know noting about gay.
You have no clue. You have no idea.
>Soviet sphere
Fag actually makes some logically points
It was a lot more than that. When she deleted her old content, she gave no prior warning, even members content which people paid for. So one day it was there, next day it was gone and if you hadn't saved it prior you were shit out of luck. She actively banned her previous whales, moderators and big community contributors and then expected everybody to just forgive her, move on and find new whales.

There has never been a greater self-immolation than Yuko.
Actual communism on a state level has never existed. And never will exist. Because as Marx and Lenin laid out, you first need to absolutely centralise power and expecting anybody to give up absolutely power is completely fucking insane hence why every single nation never progresses passed authoritarian socialism.

>he only difference is that the US wants to take Venezuela's oil and uses it's economic hegemony to destroy its currency.
Or y'know Venezuala just fucked up by becoming insanely oil dependent and then couldn't pay it's bills when the price of oil dipped because they didn't use their oil wealth responsibly.

> Their govt doesn't do what the Chinese govt does to uppity rich
The Chinese aren't communists either so why are you using them as an example?

>"Communist bloc" nations were shit for being Marxist authoritarian socialist projects headed by parties called "Communist",
Yes you are not clever or enlightened for saying 'but it wasn't real communism'. We all know it wasn't real communism. But the fact it was tried, over and over and over and over in so many different countries with so many different circumstances and failed every single fucking time, because as I said before, expecting flawed humans to give up absolute power is fucking hilarious. All it did was create untold human suffering for not even half the social or economic benefit of a capitalist system.

West Germany outstripped East Germany.
South Korea outstripped North Korea.
Taiwan and Hong Kong outstripped China.
No matter where you put two countries with very similar circumstances together, attempts to achieve communism always results in the inferior system.
You are a shit excuse for a human being.

White people are considered foreign to the Americas by the natives, sure. No reason for you to go into conniptions. And didn't you know that Puerto Rico is an American protectorate? They got a non-voting congressman in DC, anon.
I would lay a lot of blame for potential revenues on the wealthiest robber barons who did away with tariff taxes and shipped jobs overseas (Same people who leave the "open boarder" situation largely untouched for cheap labor and welfare straining)

State centralized socialism ("Mixed economy" capitalism) is technically capitalism because they allow *capitalists* to thrive some. Other poster is right. They are more fascists who promise to bring about communism someday.
Again. The party is called Communist, the program is to bring communism about, but they are operating as a fascist state (Centralized [authoritarian] state socialism)
>Orcs, hook noses and foreign invaders are shitty excuses for a humans

Fixed it for you.
Also your history is incorrect. Mouthwash drinkers are native only to a small area of huts.
There was no union of mouthwash drinkers stretching from coast to coast. Plymouth rock landing wasn't like the D-day landings.
Caucasians are the only true native americans
communism refers to economics, it's agnostic about how the government is organized, you can have completely authoritarian communism, as most incarnations of communism have been, or you can have democratic communism, even if there's very few examples of it due to the particulars of history
>And never will exist
The Amish Various tribal societies past, present and future, including vikings and communities that resisted little kings and his band of thugs. The kinds Monty Python eluded to in The Holy Grail. It's a hollow threat you make? Marx and Lenin were myopic ivory tower utopians.
No really. The IMF have been working with their moneybags for years.
>Yes you are not clever
For pointing out what's obvious to anyone who looks, no. It is something anons need to hear though "We all know it wasn't real communism." isn't true in a pace like this. They dismiss it with "reddit take" and think they've won an argument.
>failed every single fucking time
As Bakunin said to Marx that it would. Don't argue from a Marxist POV to kick down the Marxist sandcastles that are long washed away. Waste of time. What you need to prove to me is that the human mind isn't malleable, isn't capable of learning. Prove to me modern science on the brain is wrong, and that Nietzsche was wrong about everything.
>communism refers to economics,
Not really no. Marx was an economist and wrote a book as you might recall. Was his economic system called "Communism"? No.
>[communism is] agnostic about how the government is organized
100% wrong. Swap the word with "socialist". You are tripping over the propaganda of the Soviet Union and the western liberals who both called the thing communism. It's all been a propagandist lie. The word's root origin is in a community. Communism is a dream for self governing communities, and ideally under direct democracy
>The Amish Various tribal societies past, present and future, including vikings and communities that resisted little kings and his band of thugs
Which has nothing to do with communism?
Tribal != communism
Amish != communist
Vikings != communist

>Marx and Lenin were myopic ivory tower utopians.
Yes they were. Hence why communism isn't viable.

>No really. The IMF have been working with their moneybags for years.
Go ahead and prove this.

> isn't true in a pace like this
No YOU think it isn't obvious to everybody.

>They dismiss it with "reddit take" and think they've won an argument.
Because they have. Simply because you don't like that they won't engage with your dumbass opinion doesn't mean they haven't won.

> Don't argue from a Marxist POV
Marx is the prevailing communist theorist. If you don't want to argue marxist communism, then you need to be extremely, extremely specific because you know that when you say communism, marxist communism is the one that everybody is under the assumption you are referring to.

>What you need to prove to me is that the human mind isn't malleable, isn't capable of learning.
Why the fuck do I need to prove this to you?

> Prove to me modern science on the brain is wrong, and that Nietzsche was wrong about everything.
Why the fuck do I need to prove this to you?

Communism does not work. We have tried it. It has failed. End of story.
>including vikings
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2.51 MB
2.51 MB WEBM
shut up niggers
>communism refers to economics
No it doesn't. Otherwise you could argue that pure benevolent monarchy is just as desirable as pure communism.
Neither were/are communist?
>they're still communist, communism isn't some sort of monolith with only one form

Then define communism in exact terms retard.
>pure benevolent monarchy
Yeah... haha. Who would desire a return to monarchical rule...? haha
>No YOU think it isn't obvious to everybody.
You're the first person in 4chan I've seen who knows it isn't a fallacy. Now I'm still kind of disappointed that you don't know communities used to be a lot more autonomous. I read a whole long book on the various ethnicities in China and Indochina that used to flee the local imperial projects in the plains and go live in the hills. A dynamic you can see everywhere and throughout time (Hillbillies, western push Pioneers, both groups trying to get away from the reach of the state)
Bakunin is the standard bearer for for it.
Don't bother.
>Communism [Marxist-Leninism] does not work
>End of story
I think she's more libertarian-leaning, ie anti-government, but has an edgy sense of humor.
>You're the first person in 4chan I've seen who knows it isn't a fallacy
Because 4chan isn't R*ddit. Nobody is going to entertain you or feels a need to talk to you unlike R*ddit where people are frothing at the mouth to feel intellectually superior to others, like you. Nobody wants to hear you, nobody cares to hear you, hence why they hand wave you away like the retarded moron you are going into a fucking Kaneko Lumi thread to argue about the merits of communism. Fucking retard.

>Now I'm still kind of disappointed that you don't know communities used to be a lot more autonomous.
I am perfectly aware of this. It just doesn't matter at all.

> I read a whole long book on the various ethnicities in China and Indochina that used to flee the local imperial projects in the plains and go live in the hills. A dynamic you can see everywhere and throughout time (Hillbillies, western push Pioneers, both groups trying to get away from the reach of the state)
Bakunin is the standard bearer for for it.
I literally don't care? Why do you think I care what you have read or not?

Thanks for the concession. Go back to R*ddit.
wrong, i'm using the words as they were originally coined, you're just objecting that this makes it politically neutral, which is especially sad since i explained at length why it's neutral in the same post
those are two different things, but if you make the communism also benevolent then pure benevolent monarchy and pure benevolent communism are in fact equally desirable
maybe you should try proving that there's only one version of communism without any variation first, since considering the fact that it appeared in different countries and circumstances it's perfectly natural for different versions of it to exist
>Fools hand-wave you away for knowing too much, you retard
4chan is a pissing contest everywhere you go. My sharing what I know isn't supposed to make them feel inferior, but I know that's how they'll take it.
>I don't care
Oh. Goodbye then, stranger. Have a nice night.
>Still thinks I'm r*ddit

Your cradle is not the beginning of the world.
the coining of a word is however the beginning of that word
>maybe you should try proving that there's only one version of communism without any variation first
Why would I prove this? I don't think this

>, since considering the fact that it appeared in different countries and circumstances it's perfectly natural for different versions of it to exist
Yeah, my point, they all failed to achieve anything close to their goal and they produced worse results for people versus a capitalist system
>My sharing what I know isn't supposed to make them feel inferior,
Nobody asked?
eh, it's arguable in some cases, but i agree that that's how it went in most cases

regardless the point was explaining what people mean when they say communism was never tried or whatever, this feels ridiculous to one side because they define communism as a very different thing than the other
So nobody. Thanks for verifying.
phase connect?

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