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>someone says jesus was a womanizer and a black magic user? That can't possibly be true because someone ELSE said he wasn't and I believe the one I want to believe, so fuck off!
its funny because both jews and christcucks are clearly and obviously wrong, they both cherrypick history to prove themselves correct, but a full viewing of history btfo's both sides, and of course, the rest of the religions as well.
Just a bunch of faggy cults. To be a member of one of these faggy cults you have to literally, unironically believe that a bunch of dipshit goat herders not only always told the truth, but also never made mistakes or mistranslations, or even changed things into their own interpretation EVER, not even once.
So the sad reality is, whatever your faggot dipshit cult of choice is, you're simply quoting local urban legends that happened to stick and get written down much later. And were then changed many times, and we still argue over whose changes were the correct changes.
lol, cry and seeth more op. i'm an idf reservist and you suck my cock
>u r baby
>now suck my dick
You know, I actually do believe he's a Jew.
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> Jewish shill projecting as always

Cry more, shill. There definitely won't be any shortage of things to cry about in the coming months and years. You wouldn't be here otherwise, and the comfy lives that you had once known is now over
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This one went viral

Background NYT article about jew orgs protesting oprah as antisemitic for allowing her on the show.
Despite the chicago police connecting 16 murders to her family, and finding 13 bodies.
She said there's tons of jewish satantists that do these rituals across the USA.
If Israel thinks the American people will go fight a war for them at this stage, they're going to be disappointed. Would probably be easier to find people who would like to fight Israel than Iran. Not losing 20 million a day to them, and not having them control our government would be pretty nice.
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All Talmudists are satanists.

Just look up "shekinah", their false god is both male and female, or masculine and feminine. The God of the Bible is only ever described with male terms. They don't believe anything from the Old Testament, watch the movie "Marching to Zion". The counterfeit Israel is also full of sodomites.
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Is this why they're pushing troons so hard?
Based pol thread here if you missed it
there are some webms there too
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Tantura and Defamation are the 2 documentaries to have redpills galore, and redpills hardcore. No others sources have as many redpills, and they're honest unbiased israeli documentaries, with jews and israeli's for the whole documentaries, with israeli documentarians. Tantura is even certified by 2 israeli agencies/councils.

If you need links, either go to /chip/ in /pol/, the links are in the stickies. Or ask, and I'll post em here. They're the most important redpill movies on israel and jews for any anon to watch

Tantura is really intense and historical, and holds true even till today. Defamation is elon approved, humorous and has borat accent/music, and debunks antisemitism and the holocaust industries as bunk for profit, self gain, deflection, get out of jail free card, etc. It also shows that the ADL are liars and shows that they're simply for profit scammers, which is why elon recommended the documentary
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Such an odd thing that this holocaust survivor says, about the showers in the concentration camps.
Germany treated them too kindly it seems. Apparently there are still children who grow up learning to be ashamed that they are German. It's unusual for them to fly flags or feel patriotic. The Jews did this to them. I won't let them do it to me.
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The most moral and ethical army in all of the world...
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Why would the Germans turn on those amazing jewish people in WW2? A people whom were perpetual victims, never did anything to harm any goyim, who only waned the best for all goyim, were super empathetic about other races and would dacrifice their own jewish lives to save a single goyim.
It just seems so odd, that Hitler would attack the jews out of nowhere, and for absolutely no fault of the jewish people.

Why did Hitler snap and go onto his unprovoked jew hating, for absolutely no reason at all
Tel Aviv is faggot city.
Our greatest ally for real, so I don't understand all this hate about israel. They only want what's best for burgerland, regardless of the price and sacrifices that israel has to make, to ensure that burgerland is always put first.

I bet none of you could even provide a single instance, or provide evidence as to when israel hasn't put burgerland first at all times, without being antisemitic. They never do what's best for jews, as they only care about us burger goyim. Truly god's chosen people, to follow such a godly life
> Antisemitic in this context, is anything that's bad for jews, criticism of jews, or anything that jews don't want goyim to say, nor hear
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Neocons are mainly jewish, and want to topple mideast regimes for the benefit of Israel. Neocons were trying to force an Iraw war since 1996 to help israel, they simply had to wait to justify war.
> Therefore criticizing neocons was taken as antisemitism in washington
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Jewish neocons were pushing USA to war during the bush era. Waiting for a reason to push war, and then 9-11 came and granted all their wishes for countless mideast wars against Muslims, who were the enemy of the jews
jews were the trotskyites that became neoconservatives
>Germany loses WWI
"The Jews stabbed us in the back!"
>Germany loses WWII
"The international Judeo-Masonic bankers ganged up on us!"
>Germans don't like nationalism or patriotism anymore
"The Jews made made us ashamed of ourselves!"
You either take personal responsibility or you admit your own feckless incompetence.
>b-but muh aryan empathy makes it easy for jews to trick me! :(
That's my favorite cope of all. So which one is yours?
I don't need to cope. I'm merely learning from the mistakes of others. After all, they're not me.
What was the first terrorist attack against civilians
The smart girl about the Samson Option as a threat to the west
god damns the jew
Michael Jones- History of jews in Poland-exploited via usury, used alcohol as a cultural weapon, owned the aristocracy, became russian when poland ended
Michael Jones- History of jews in -exploited via usury, used alcohol as a cultural weapon, owned the aristocracy, became russian when poland ended p2
James Traficant ex-congressman says that israel controls congress, media, domestic and foreign policy, our wars, etc. If you speak, they put you in jail or kill you.
> They used the criminal system against him, and then after this interview they killed him
israeli international organ trafficking ring busted in nj . Largest in USA history
0:35 they're going to offer you a loan
They should try reading the Bible which says
>if you belong to Christ, then you are the seed of Abraham
Now the question is, has this pastor not read the Bible, or is someone or something paying him to lie?
1:09 loading script_05.exe
Very interesting, puts together a coherent story that is suspiciously completely absent from our education/societal discourse
It makes for an excellent, disposable distraction. Think about it.
Possibly AJ is part of an arm of US intelligence that isn't rabidly Zionist?
Organizations are not monolithic and the way he is talking about it here sounds like a bombastic "protect US interests first at all costs, don't go all the way on Israel, phrase it in a way that is somewhat post-WW2 kosher (e.g. call the Israelis nazis)"
air vent jews
To download all the webm"s in the thread passively with just a couple clicks
>No need to click each file individually to save them
>Saves the original filenames given by the anons that uploaded them, if you do it correctly
ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt freaking out. The young generation hates israel, and doesn't believe fake jewish propaganda that jews are good
The guilt of the holocaust and its memory are fading - Jonathan Greenblatt Director of the ADL
The only team I play for is the Jewish team.' Jonathan Greenblatt Dec-14-2023
Greenblatt ADL conference says that everything true that jews do, is a far right white conspiracy theory
jewish greenblatt of ADL: Talking about facebook algorithms
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Jonathan Greenblatt responds to legal threats from Elon Musk on CNBC
cabal-type power, Jews, ADL
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Connection between JFK assasination, jews, israel, mossad, ADL, b'nai brith, etc
ADL Subvert Replace (at 1min 33sec it says Africans wouldbe a 'stain to our DNA as Jewish people' - hypocrisy levels over 9000)
ADL supports deportation of all black african migrants from Israeli lands
> And yet they push them to migrate into the west super hard, both legally and illegally.
> Despite not wanting any black people in israel. Which is why there's vidrels of israeli's yelling at black jews to go back to africa. Or how israel had been sterilizing all Ethiopian jews in israel without their consent or knowledge for the longest time, until it hit global media, and after years israel finally admitted that it was true.
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alex jones: ADL
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ADL founding due to Leo Frank- The facts
It's ironic. The more I learn about the Holocaust, the less I believe.
Wish we could make it 0%.
You say that now, but how about if I provided you with more documented evidence and proof about the holocaust. Would you still feel the same way, after being fed with all this newfound knowledge?

Vidrels like this, which explained the horrors and reality of going into the concentration gas chambers >>5670515

Or VIDREL attached, from the ABC Morning Show, with Anne Frank's literal sister-in-law Eva Schloss recounting her time in the camps, and speaking with her friends at the russian embassy, after seeing the films and pictures shown to the public.
> Discussing the liberation of the concentration camps, and the veracity of the films and pictures that you constantly see. Which are the only deocumented evidence about these camps ever shown to the public
I'm confused. Did you take that as me believing in the Holocaust more or less. I meant less. The basic math alone makes it sound stupid. Germany only had like half a million Jews in it at the time, yet they somehow executed an extra 5.5 million and some even got away. Even a grade schooler could see the issue there.
It was sarcasm. I had planned to post about 12 other good vidrels, but got distracted in /chip/... and my captchas kept glitching due to phonefagging.
I also quit halfway thru the sarcasm message. It was supposed to sound like, that if I provided you with lots of evidence vidrels, that you would 100% believe the holohoax happened. That you wouldn't be in the middle, between nothing happened at all, everything was faked, and believing the 6 gorillion and all the crazy erotic fan fiction by the jews
> (die by mastutbation machines due to jew sperm being so valuable to the nazi's. Death by tickling and sufdocation, after having their feet & body tickled with a single feather. The holocoaster. The tom and jerry gun in the wall aimed back at them, and so on)

So, it was meant to be sarcasm, along with mass posting vidrels of evidence that the holohoax was fake. But that was meant to sound like i was trying to prove to you that it was 100% real
Ah, I get you. Executed right, that could be really fuckin funny.
nasty "people".
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Mohammed Hadid Tells His Story:
Gigi & Bella Hadid's father talks bout how home was stolen by 2 jewish families that his parents too in as refugees after WW2, to help them out as the jews played on the empathy of the goyims.

His mother went to Nazareth to give birth to him, and when she came back with Mohammed Hadid as a baby after he was born. The jews locked them out, changed the locks, and refused to let them in, stealing the home from them. They wouldn't even give her a blanket to keep him warm (9 days old) as he was freezing in the cold outside their home. She had to go to a refugee camp in syria as a result.

After having so much empathy, feeding, sheltering, supporting them financially for 2 years, they repaid that gratitude by stealing their home and locking them out when her 9 day old baby was freezing in the cold.
They probably thought there was nothing wrong with it either, because "Non-Jews exist solely for the benefit of Jews." Those bastards treat people worse than I could treat animals.
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Based 5 minute video explaining AIPAC, israeli, USS Liberty, JFK assassination, dancing israeli's,

From the ReeseReport, as a part of Infowars. In case you want the high quality video file
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Jews are NOT pedophiles, stop lying and saying that about them. They would never do such a thing, nor do the talmud and torah condone it. Nor do pedophile jews flee to israel for sanctuary! Nor is israel trying to legalize pedophilia! Nor does israel run global pedophile rings, such as the one that Epstein did

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Where the footage is mostly showing the i sides of the cockpits of planes, with audio dubbed over it. Saying that 6 of the hijackers had israeli accents, and simply stole the identities of the Arabs (passports)? That 5 of the 6 supposed Arab hijackers were still alive a year later, and the 6th died within that year.

I have it saved somewhere, but it's untitled, and in a folder with literally 15,000 other phonefagged files.
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Israeli's talking about their plan to steal land from EVERY neighboring country, and take their homes for the jews
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1980 False Flag in Beirut Lebanon by, you'll never guess this one.....
Israel using USA weapons!

> I think this is a GDF video. If you like it, they have TONS of good vidoes on the various platforms
Cool thanks.
Bibi talks candidly about doing whatever he wants, even if there's consequences, if he sees that he gets more value to it than he's punished. That retard Americans support him for some idiotic reason, and is insane. But he'll continue doing whatever he wants, regardless of how much the POTUS tries to stop him, if he benefits. As all that matters is benefit to israel and himself.

He doesn't care about offending the USA or POTUS as it can always be repaired and the POTUS changes every 4 years. So it's best to exploit USA for benefits, every single time israel can get away with it, or repair the relationship later. As the american people love israel due to propaganda, and so the govt always has to do that or get voted out of office by the offended people
he says 200 Years Together isn't translated to english, but I found an english copy on libgen so which is it?
Maybe it wasn't at the time he was speaking?
yeah maybe, or he doesn't know about it. the copy on libgen is extremely interesting, and supposedly an "official" translation is being published in 2025. curious on how hard it will be censored
Learning that people are doing death tourism should be surprising, but the last several years has made it quite clear what kind of people the Jews are. They place no value on the lives of non-Jews, outside of the fact that said life can serve and amuse them. We might as well be as valuable as a fucking ant farm in their eyes. A truly disgusting people, devoid of humanity. I feel more compassion to cold, lifeless machines than they do towards anything except for money.
Sauce plox

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