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warning: high risk of losing ITT enter at your own risk
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lost hard
are you a fucking retard?
I thought I was supposed to lose
thanks for the pie, saint floyd
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4.62 MB WEBM
Made me smile.
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I don't quite get how these are funny. I mean, I understand that someone probably finds them funny, but man, they are sooo uninteresting.

Really makes me wonder how little the creator(s) must think of themselves. Yeesh.
they are above average funny and never becomes unfunny. evergreen
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5.49 MB WEBM

Kind of sounds like trauma. Everything gets old eventual, if it doesn't, it means the creator has latched on for dear life. The only way of dealing with the harshness of life is constantly repeating the same tired videos for a need of validation.

Aka, trauma has damaged the creator which is sad.
lol that was funny for realz
File: kekrainbow.gif (944 KB, 330x319)
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944 KB GIF
every fucking time
that dude in the suit trying to keep it together.
I lost to the thumbnail before i even entered.
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1.95 MB WEBM
This dude (puctel) is fucking ugly
Any threads with or from this dude are very unfunny
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3.49 MB WEBM
fuck you
The joke is that they aren't funny; the joke is that they are spammed in an attempt to get negative attention. The person spamming them has been doing this for years because he feeds off of negative attention.
Yeesh, maybe they'll get help one day.
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I can't breathe
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1.96 MB GIF
I haven't clicked on a YLYL thread in LITERALLY YEARS... I don't know why I just clicked after ignoring it for so long. I cannot believe I am seeing exactly the same stuff posted from years and years ago. Literally the same stuff over and over again. This is why I stopped coming to YLYL: because it's always the same content. And I never lose.
I am impressed by the dedication though. It's very hard to believe that somebody is doing this for free at this point.
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the last part ruined the joke
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1.5 MB
jesus, has this lasted longer than the Zeitgeist spammer on /f/ by this point?
>the Zeitgeist spammer on /f/
Never heard of this. Can I get a qrd?
Nah, this dude is still nowhere close to some of the genuine schizo posters that spent much longer acting more deranged. The Dodger stalker was here for much longer and was a genuine creep who received a restraining order and permanent bans from all mainstream social media because of his behavior. OP doesn't hurt anyone, which is obvious given that his target (the guy in the video posted in the OP) is still actively making videos.
Very nice digits. What is the source on this? I can't believe this guy made it through all that without stumbling and laughing.
the joke is the people staring in them are morbillionaires and make more money in a day than 95% of the world will ever see in their lives
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I found it, the guy's name is Alex Stein
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1.29 MB WEBM
This guy bothers me way more than anyone else.
OP, we don't want to see your cringe behavior. Go back to posting the bald goatee guy
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3.18 MB WEBM

More like this please.
based hitler ty
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3.19 MB WEBM
this rocks
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2 MB
Do zoomers even know the ruins in which they walk in
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2.78 MB WEBM
It's dysgenics.
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Post the original
it seems that everyone in this thread has confused a YLYL thread for a cringe thread and posted cringe.
This guy is legit talented
what is bro yapping about? get yo ass on unc
Do people actually find this stuff funny? Genuinely asking. Or is it just to troll threads?
Are you retarded? Genuinely asking. Or is this just a troll comment?
Wow what a powerful comment. That's really going to stick with me for awhile. Man the_donald would have loved this
>referencing reddit out of nowhere
Unironically go back.
Bro so epic oh my god! You need to screenshot this and post it to X maybe Elon will see!
Are you crying? Are you trying to hold back your tears? Maybe you should get off the internet for awhile.
Yeah that's the unoriginal slop I'm looking for! Nothing new to say, just how I like it! Now call me a tranny!
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I hate the inhumane stuff but I can't stop watching

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2024 and there's still newfags asking this?
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1.25 MB WEBM
Oldfags are the ones that don't understand these videos
I bet you would blow Casey Rocket
i love technology
what is this guys name he makes funny videos
What Timmy gonna do?
I bet in real life you would blow Trump
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finally something good
needs sound
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These are legitimately some of the most cringe, unfunny, reddit-tier videos in existence. Its inconceivable how anyone over the age of 12 could find them even remotely funny
Props to the nigga for not taking advantage of the simple nerd.
dut dood this one was pretty good. not everyone can be makemebad35
Its just the one guy emptying the contents of his webm folder to bump the thread.
I would like to report this whole thread for being extremely low quality??
LMFAO lost on the first one. Damn it!
please read the rules and use the delete button if you need
lurk moar, newfag
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kill yourself nigger
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after years of frequenting these threads, it only occurs to me now this is a pedophile
>cuts short
I wouldn't be so sure...
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me when i find you
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1.51 MB GIF
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she probably watches some gay animated show for adults
File: Toro.webm (5.69 MB, 640x360)
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5.69 MB WEBM
the only mentionable webms ITT
for the love of god, sauce plz
5 Minute Crafts
yppo be wearin durags be like
I 100% remember seeing some emsaculate male reenact this perfectly
I don't know which one came first
i wonder if these individuals are aware of the massive impact they have had on /wsg/ culture
Been thinking about this stupid bitch all day. I've never seen a more annoying woman in all my life. What's her name so I can make myself even madder?
>You e got a basketball for dickheads
Fucking got me
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4.19 MB WEBM
actually kino dougheverbeit
Man, Octodad is a hard game.
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Good to see some real /ylyl/ classics in this thread. Lost hard!
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213 KB
lost to this reply alone
The first edit is pretty dope ngl.
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None of this shit is funny its just retarded
Retardedly funny
its funny no matter what
holy fucking shit
Why does that bearded negro have white legs?
File: kangz.webm (361 KB, 640x360)
361 KB
kill yourself nigger
Whats with the gameplay at the bottom?
it's for adhd folk.
Fuck that actually made me chuckle
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3.14 MB WEBM
I saw the fucking thumbnail and now I can't stop crying laughing for 2 minutes
I've been fucking conditioned
Good fucking lord I want to shot them in the head.
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its just a bot isn't it? who is running it?
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638 KB
its just some old gay retard wearing makeup?
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Does it count as L if I lmao @ ur life?
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123 KB
>yfw 2018 was 6 years ago...
it feels like just yesterday when I first saw waitforit.webm and luffybanquet.webm bros
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348 KB GIF
Conceptualize the aroma
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3.83 MB WEBM
this thread fuckin sucks fuck all of you
Based beyond belief
What drives a grown ass man to do shit like this? is it low T?
this thread gave me anal cancer
This one's actually a little funny if you watch it on mute
File: WKUK - Dinosaur Rap.webm (3.85 MB, 426x240)
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3.85 MB WEBM
he deserved being spat on
If you knew who the lady was and what she was doing you wouldn't be saying that
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1.02 MB WEBM
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220 KB
zoomers are without question the worst generation to ever exist
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2.09 MB WEBM
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1.66 MB
1.66 MB WEBM
those guys are brave as fuck. retarded but fearless
But I don't
imagine your life already sucks so much you have to ride the bus and now you have to sit next to this fucking FAGGOT
i dont understand why the mods just dont rangeban the fag who posts that shit? i thought trolling was forbidden outside of b
i think its a bot. i see the same fucking thread with the same fucking cringe ass webem every time i open 4chan
Damn, who could beat a stand like that?!?
File: 1660874035815702.webm (1.8 MB, 416x720)
1.8 MB
Fuck you faggot, here's the real one.
british "people" are not funny
First funny one itt
desu 2018 halloween threads were great times for me, i had so many bonbi ricardos people thought i was gay
3000 years old? It's more than 4000 years old based on the dates.
>Why do you think he did it
Gee, I wonder
What grand strategy game are they talking about?
>typical Chaz
Can’t go wrong with Meat Canyon, dude is baste
what i would give to have him back :'( RIP Trevor. Died 60 years too early
hello newfriend. Which friend are you?
she's a foot slut lol
Totally forgot I've made this edit, thanks for saving :)
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3.89 MB WEBM
The most pathetic thing with this is that it's actually a guy behind the camera who also find this funny.
The public self humiliation some people go through to get some internet clout is astonishing.
i havent seen this in years. thanks
I like belle delphine's version better.
I want to rape her in the ass and lick her tears
She's a career squatter.
Not funny, just racist
Not racist, just funny
This is not Alex Stein. You probably confuse them bc he also does these city council troll videos and they even collab sometimes but the guy in this clip is Cassady Campbell on youtube. One of the few people out there who actually still makes funny pranks as different characters.
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5.72 MB WEBM
File: Wtbknff.webm (1.91 MB, 144x256)
1.91 MB
1.91 MB WEBM
based persian queen
This one was so based
lost mightily
Does someone have the short basketball coach webm and can provide?
cute armpits
What's the song/dance called?
damn the polycule is popping off
File: 1718275432530735.webm (1.83 MB, 406x720)
1.83 MB
1.83 MB WEBM
this is meta-funny
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2.98 MB WEBM
File: VaxScene3.webm (3.97 MB, 720x406)
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3.97 MB WEBM
watch the whole thing asian andy's yt, can only recommend
Anyone who posted a tiktok should take a long walk off a short pier
Its like watching two lizards fight.
>look how long i can stand on two legs
>look how many english words I know.
So was this a dude?
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File: G.webm (968 KB, 644x640)
968 KB
did a spit take
god, the stroad environment
completely open yet nowhere to go
everyone watching (from their vehicles) but no one helping
it's like a colosseum
i think so
that was a rumor i heard at the time, at least
Thanks for the warning :)
What's the funny part? I found the educational. Was that the inspiration behind Southern Comfort?
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3.65 MB GIF
The video is 1000 years old, newfag.
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424 KB
Its been like 4 years and these still get posted and that makes me happy
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4.02 MB WEBM
someone post the one with the guy with the leds in his teeth
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