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File: Imparja Road Safety.webm (1.7 MB, 320x240)
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File: no chinky eyes.webm (4.78 MB, 640x480)
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File: aussie.webm (5.22 MB, 320x240)
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5.22 MB WEBM
>found the 1 african in all of Australia for this commercial.
File: Queenslander.webm (1.43 MB, 360x450)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB WEBM
Really activates those almonds huh
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1.6 MB
i want to go back
is that Dave Hughes?
File: Bart vs. Australia.webm (5.93 MB, 480x360)
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5.93 MB WEBM
Abos are not Australian
Sorry chuddy, they were there first. You snooze you lose.
stop huffing petrol you fucking smoothbrained abo
damn it I wanted to see how it ends.
nit watched simpsons for nearly 20 years
Jesus Christ.
I mean they really are like beta version humans.
Pretty sure even the sub Saharan Africans don't need this level of hand holding.
Yea nah you actually can't see boongs on the road at night, because they are black. much like kangaroos you can't drive anywhere at night without hitting them.
to this day there's a 50% chance someone wearing one of those hats has a huge knife. The other half of the time it's a Chinese cunt who just doesn't want to get stabbed
>men are wearing masks without a problem
>woman refuses
>gets arrested
seems fair to me
the guys can do it, why cant she?
also shes urban trash
you can tell by the way she looks
also shes resisting arrest so fuck her.
>poo seething
Just stay by the Ganges and do the needful there sar
I came into this thread for this exact webum, enjoy your summer cunt
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theres heaps of black people here now
people that say there aren't probably live in tasmania or qld
havent seen a mask cuck in a long time. btw your boosters only last three months, are you getting your 15th dose soon?
i love how you are incapable of engaging in the conversation so you just sperg out instead.
File: file.webm (2.7 MB, 720x720)
2.7 MB
Proof that this is from Australia.
File: Rare Unicorn.webm (836 KB, 406x720)
836 KB
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Highgate Adelaide now has too many asians
Gum trees take over california and become a fir3 hazard
before some retard says anything, lane splitting is 100% legal where this was filmed
File: aussie cop brutality.webm (980 KB, 288x360)
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File: aussie cop brutality.webm (1.49 MB, 384x496)
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1.49 MB WEBM
hes resisting
so he deserves to get fucked up
if you dont want to find out, dont fuck around.
Are you sure this will help us sell chicken?
I used to live next door to this guy, didn't even know it was him until I saw a couple of guys taking a selfie with him and quoting this video lol. Stands outside his building a lot drinking longnecks and seems pretty chill
Did he say "No rizzle" at 0:42?!?
File: Australian Party Guy.webm (5.8 MB, 320x240)
5.8 MB
>29 webms and not a single one of this cunt of a legend
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3.48 MB WEBM
lmao is that an aussie jeet
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File: vb_longneck_saiyan.webm (5.73 MB, 384x480)
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5.73 MB WEBM
I've been looking for this - I only have the super saiyan one
post the one with the VB music in the background!
old mate knew what was up
clearly taking these 2 out on a training exercise.
jeet thinks hes still in india and is in a caste system
File: raygun top ten.webm (3.46 MB, 608x1080)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB WEBM
fucking hell, I downloaded each one of these
what the fuck
a blackhole of cringe
They don't sound Australian at all. They all sound Kiwi.

>inb4 you sound the same
Kiwis swap their e and i around. So pet sounds like pit. Deck sounds like dick.
what the fuck is even happening?
Australians upset at an organization..
The planned walkout – organized by fan groups across Australia, but led for Victory supporters by Original Style Melbourne (OSM) – morphed into a pitch invasion
As a kiwi, I kinda cringe when I hear normal NZ speakers on the tellie, mostly because it's hard to tell the difference sometimes. THe house renovation whatnots especially., it's almost lie they're asked to speak more criminally to appeal with the fucks across the ditch.
Do aukland to santiago instead mate
>australians piss and shit themselves laughing at this
what a classic
issit ironic?
Melody - Sophie Royer & Miss World
File: おかまpete.webm (6 MB, 1624x908)
6 MB
Who was that guy who said "fish have souls"?
KFC Australia's advertising team needs to be put through the tower of london. Every single thing they have put out is intentionally manufactured psychological torture.
Does anyone have that old webm about KFC in Oz where the kids working the register are getting yelled at. It's framed like a TV advertisment
National disgrace. I wanna kill myself
where is the one where it's only 1 white guy and everyone else is aboriginal/black. That is by far the worst one they've put out
Yeah nah the one I'm thinking of is like a parody. "Come to KFC where you can see our teenage cashiers get screamed at by alcos!" or some shit. Funny as, saved it to my old harddrive. Trying to rebuild a lost collection here
File: Sydney Shark Attack.webm (2.74 MB, 264x480)
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File: Sydney Shark Attack.webm (3.28 MB, 368x640)
3.28 MB
3.28 MB WEBM
Is mr metokur still alive
Sharkchads stay winning
what conversation, buddy? you beat him to the sperging by a full day with your first post
Some more sperging? Oh boy, I feel we may have found a theme here
Red Rooster is shit.
It's the only place that has consistently given me food poisoning.
I'm talking projectile vomiting levels of sick.
Just look at the dudes hair at the start.
This dickhead is a schitzo.
That's a regular jeet in australia.
>I only have the super saiyan one
What strange world we live in.
kill yourself namefag
This used to be the greatest show there was, how did we end up with zombie simpsons
European football things
greedy jews
File: Bargearse- Part 3.webm (3.57 MB, 320x240)
3.57 MB
3.57 MB WEBM
man this webm makes me sad
>g'day love
>cheers mate
you cant fucking say this shit nowadays without being seen as a complete weirdo which sucks for me cause growing up in a family full of oldies they all said darl and love to the ladies and called everyone mate so grew up doing it. i have to stop myself from intentionally doing it cause i know itll get me trouble
It's weird? Am I really a weirdo to people?
Fine in the bush. Sounds like a city roo problem m8
File: god hates australia.webm (2.83 MB, 488x406)
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2.83 MB WEBM
File: 1656854432058.webm (5.79 MB, 720x480)
5.79 MB
5.79 MB WEBM
thats new zealand you fucking retard
You're a little bitch.
>you cant fucking say this shit nowadays without being seen as a complete weirdo
you are wrong and possibly schizophrenic.
thats not an argument to why im wrong.
so i accept that you are incapable of articulating your thoughts like a human being.
File: Drink.webm (1.15 MB, 480x480)
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File: Petty break up.webm (3.64 MB, 724x720)
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File: Kanga.webm (1.34 MB, 1000x563)
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File: Vote Yes.webm (1.09 MB, 496x480)
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1.09 MB WEBM
File: muh daughter.webm (5.82 MB, 1280x692)
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5.82 MB WEBM
No this is New Zealand.
File: Give me your money.webm (2.81 MB, 640x360)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB WEBM
File: Big Brother House.webm (2.95 MB, 864x480)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB WEBM
Didn't he do a stint on big Brother?
>Thanks mate
Cunt is like bros in Aussie language?
>Hey Cunt whatcha doing?
Partiboi69, it is rare to not see him on horsetranq.
Dude, where is the new mitre 10?
>>No this is New Zealand.
>We have a vision to reach 0 deaths
That's not NZ. They are going to pay forever.
Cunt is situationally dependent, just like mate, follow these simple rules and you'll never get bashed: CMC CCM.
Those are flaxniglets in NZ dumbass, god I hated that stupid advert.
>No this is New Zealand.
No that's the (((NZ government))) laundering our taxes.
ngl, that was pretty tight
No risk.
t. Dad
File: fucking fatties.webm (3.61 MB, 380x720)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
great trolling uezs
she's what this cuntry deserves
They settled in Australia 50-70kya and faced practically no evolutionary pressure thereafter. For reference, the late stone age began 50-39kya, humans didn't really exist until around 30kya, and we didn't figure out farming until about 23kya.
Some classic Aussie humour here
Imagine if their government gave entertainment grants to people like >>5663671 >>5685411 >>5687109 instead of people like >>5666891 >>5671045 >>5687189
hell yeah
>curry bashing
Because Indians eat curry
>kangaroo punching
Because Aussies eat kangaroos ?

All he had to do was pick a food that Australians like and add the word 'bashing' and he got both parts wrong. He even goes on to mention fucking prawns, which is a stereotypical food for Oz. This angers me so much. It's like he went out of his way to intentionally do it as badly as possible. What a dickhead. I've done funnier farts today.
>jeet and a woman
Shit's fucked.
Smile because it happened.
50y.o. twat with a brain of 13 y.o. kek
>No risk
most sane queensland maroons fan
File: SFMV.webm (3.72 MB, 398x720)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB WEBM
Yeah. I remember him doing a mr bean impression asking the girls to get in bed with him. Funny little fucker. They couldn't have alcohol in the house until he left, which was only about a week since he wasnt a 'true' contestant.
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File: Aboriginal fight.webm (3.09 MB, 558x720)
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File: Aids.webm (1.8 MB, 320x240)
1.8 MB
There there, you can always hope for reincarnation. Better luck next time, cunt!
File: Funny AI olympics .webm (3.9 MB, 1198x720)
3.9 MB

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