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File: First Contact!.webm (4.97 MB, 854x480)
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/Trek/ Thread, all things Star Trek
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this has decayed to the point where it belongs in a retirement home.
can you re-render a cleaner version?
never watch an anime called 'boku'.....
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cringe fan fiction
File: Star Trek Rockit.webm (5.82 MB, 480x360)
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What do you like?
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Gay tranny porn probably
You got a scat fetish?
Just found this in my Trek folder from 6-7 years ago. Good stuff.
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Eyo, its ya boy DATAAAAA
File: CrusherTroiStretching.webm (2.99 MB, 1000x750)
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And, of course, the classic.
That's cute.
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That is just like how a Jew would answer. Such annoying, hate filled and bigoted people
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t. spoonhead
learn to encode
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jfc kira see a fuckin therapist
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Nice trips, but wrong show
File: Defector.webm (3.6 MB, 640x480)
3.6 MB
Thanks, I hate it. Now do "protocols".
Pretty sure Captain Yates is from DS9.
it's funny how the further into ds9 you get the more you start to realize how gay the bajorans really are
Years have passed, but the fact that Enterprise didn't get to live through its natural 7 seasons run still burns
No :)
File: The Starfleet Way.webm (2.43 MB, 500x400)
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"The Irish Re-unification of 2024...."
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I need someone to find and webm the scene from TNG where Deana is in a VERY sheer nightgown.
Two guys have been blind watching all of Trek (including TAS) from the beginning and its been a good time. They are the kind of guys who are much more into the drama than the scifi, so they like things like Family from TNG and The Motion Picture a fair bit.

One oddity you have to get used to is they have to cut to (generally) a still of just them from time to time to avoid YT copyright bots.
never found her that hawt
Agreed but... do I even have a trek girl I love? Ro Laren is not bad. Maybe Tendi?
For me, it's Kira
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Better quality but I also wonder if the remaster might have made things a bit more discreet.
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That would have never happened with Romulans.
Meaningless right now considering both the UK and Ireland are globohomo's clay.
Buy an ad guys
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Reddit is obsessed with this, they keep thinking it's magically going to happen this year. Obsessed with globalism, but then at the same time will scream for Scotland to get their independence
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requesting trekpu webms
specifically would like one where trekpu blows up remmick
Honestly I know ToS gets a lot of shit and is old as fuck now but the line delivery and character chemistry was very on point. Just Kirk, Bones and Spock bantering.
They got away with so much shit for the 90s entirely I think because TNG had their weird air of "It's tasteful" because they would discuss a moral or ethical issue on occasion.

I think you could legitimately have hardcore porn now if you just got a few philosophy lessons in.
>ToS gets a lot of shit
By who?
The more I look back at the movies the more I realise just how fucking cheap these producers were, how many movies in a row featured a Klingon bird of prey being the main bad ship or featured it in a major way?
>Search for Spock - Kruge's BOP
>Voyage Home - The crew using Kruge's BOP
>The Final Frontier - Captain Klaa's BOP
>The Undiscovered Country - Chang's BOP
>Generations - Lursa and B'Etor's BOP
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16:9 TNG, could it work if money or the amount of work involved wasn't an issue?
Me when gachashit is posted
Can't do it. The CGI simply isn't made to exist outside the frame. There's lots of live action shots where film crew is visible or the sets just end. The result would be q shitty crop or pan&scan.
They also changed the Klingon language because the actor kept messing up his Klingon lines
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By everybody who watches it without nostalgia-goggles.

I just rewatched most of the first season of TOS and I can honestly say there have been like only 3 episodes so far I wouldn't be embarrassed to show someone who never even heard of star trek.

Every episode has something for a fan. But to somebody unfamiliar with the series 90% of the episodes are laughable.
I've legit never seen someone use this expression that didn't follow it up with an absolute cancer of an opinion, glad to see you're no exception
Masterful rebuttal of my arguments.

Go on: describe in detail how I'm wrong.
>my arguments.
Lmao? ok then, mr. master debater, let's get into your "arguments" more in detail
Argument number one is that if you showed most of the episodes to your friends you'd be embarassed because apparently they would no longer think you're cool or something.
Argument number two the series is for the "fans" and not for everyone else, with no example to back it up. (not even sure what you mean here as TOS had very few fans when it aired, its success was largely posthumous)
Not sure what about these assertions makes you feel like you demonstrated something mathematically, but ok
Nah, just a rando anon who watches some reaction stuff. There's definitely some other ones like RolyPoly who annoy me a bit or the e-girls who watch random notable episodes and seem to barely follow the episodes based on what they say.

I'm really 50/50 on if they'll like DS9 when they get to it, as they like character and some continuity, but they also really like the weird episode concepts and don't seem too invested in the overall politics of the setting.

That's just begging for cropping to cut corners and all the issues that come with it. Even if not cropping, the framing that was picked gets lost. Shots like someone on far-left either centers them or adds a lot of extra right space compared to someone starting with 16:9 would pick a fitting zoom to still get the far-left positioning but feel correct.
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my favorite tng edit
Lower deck is the best thing to happen to star trek since ds9

>> verification not required
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It is the only nu trek series i am looking forward to for another season
But it is NOT better than Voy or Ent, come on
Bump for the trek
DS9 > TNG > TOS > VOY > ENT >>> Picard season 3 > lower decks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SNW > Discovery > Picard season 1-2
It's almost like they were the main villains of the franchise until TNG came out or something
Hot take: Generations is underrated
Zoomers probably
What's this from?
I re-watched it the other week and I liked it a lot more than I remember, stupid plot holes aside (like the BOP being able to take on a galaxy class starship even with the shields down, or Data saying that Soron couldn't fly a ship into the Nexus because all ships get destroyed even though that's how he got there in the first place)
>It's almost like they were the main villains of the franchise
So? How boring is that? There are dozens of other already established villains they could have used by this time, it's fucking Star Trek, you have a galaxy full of lore, use it
Star Trek Continues a fan show

That just reminds me that making a show set in the main timeline TOS era which is consistent with TOS aesthetic would have been possible, the creators of nu-trek just didn't give a shit
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Barkley was the greatest character
16 seconds of black screen and bad guitar, followed by a shit impression of kirk.
1/10 made me respond.
filmation made shit cartoons, and recreations are also shit.
>I'm angry about made up characters and situations.
>Every episode has something for a fan. But to somebody unfamiliar with the series 90% of the episodes are laughable.
I grew up on TOS, TNG first season was absolte shit, I only watched it sporadically after that. nothing compares with TOS. all star trek since then is cringe fan fiction about a militaristic socialist utopia.
what could have been...
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Such a dumb shit movie
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This scene was the worst part, they were going on about how they would all would burn up on re-entry, and then it shows the ship going through the atmosphere and it's just a little bit of damage, also
>life saving Khan blood that's never mentioned ever again
It's honestly a good movie right until they get to the Nexus
Then it becomes clear the writers didn't know what to do with it
Still, way better than Insurrection and Nemesis, which on a recent watch i found to be just as shitty and boring as i remembered
Before TNG came around, Star Trek was less like a growing franchise with an coherent, fleshed out universe and more like the adventures of Kirk, Spock and McCoy against the Klingon
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Damn, i heard that Star Trek was all about a utopian future, but i had no idea they were THIS optimistic!
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There was some promise here, but the star wars and trains nonsense. And of course the greatest star trek villain, Khan, was supposed to be indian. Rework Khan as a jeet and maybe instead of trains use the transporter full of jeets and shit. Keep working though.
one of the best trek scenes.
Saar please do not be including the trains, it is very triggering to my people!
What is this?
I agree. But I believe people just saw it as an cashgrab to bring the two generations together.
>There was some promise here, but the star wars and trains nonsense.
It's Saar Trek so it needs Pajeet lore. I've actually thought of some concepts of episodes I'd like to make if I can ever figure out a way to do it.
>Episode stars with Captains log blaming Pakistani Klingons for sabotaging the toilet deck
>The Starship India receives a distress signal from a nearby planet
>Captain Poodeep Rajkumar orders maximum warp
>Starship India farts off off at full speed
>brief introduction to the rest of the crew
>first officer Sukhdeep dikshit, cheated his way into Saarfleet with a fake degree he bought online
>Ships Doctor Bobs and Vagne that is seen sedating female patients and molesting them
>Security officer Sukhwinder Singh, a Sikh warrior with a dark past, he wears diapers and suffers from fecal incontinence which takes away from his gruff proud exterior
>Navigator Gagandeep, former train driver he got his license to fly ships in an LMAI program for truck drivers in Canada, still learning the basics. Responsible for multiple fatal accidents
>The starship India arrives at the planet, conversation with white grandmother character on viewscreen about error messages in the planetary poolithium reactor and impending meltdown
>Captain Poodeep requests access to the plantary google play card which he beams up in a transporter
>he orders the ship away at maxium warp while the grandmother is confused and begging for help
>planet explodes
>episode ends with monologue by Captain Poodeep about another successful mission for the Starship India and he blames the British the destruction of the planet
Again, a lot of promise. Let's rework it into something a little more familiar.
>Captain’s Log: while in orbit of the planet Toron 2 (Toronto), a freak accident has sent the Enterpoo back in time to 20th century Canada, where Captain Poodeep Rajkumar and Second Officer Sukhdeep Dikshit (Number 2) must work in the 7-Eleven of proprietor Bobbie Vagine, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Edith Keeler. Number 2 discovers that in this timeline, Indians are nothing more than background characters to the white man, and that only by gangraping Bobbie will the natural timeline be restored and jeets can once again rule Toron 2.
>Meanwhile, on the Enterpoo, Chief Engineer Sukhwinder Singh is facing a crisis where the sewage system has backed up into the warp reactor, and it can only be saved from explosion by downloading an app from Google. Several tense moments go by while he tries desperately to redeem the Google Play card over communicators with Doctor Gagandeep.
>Number 2
I have ideas for another episode where Saar Fleet sends the vessel on a diplomatic mission to send an engineer to study the practices of an advanced alien society and the Starship India travels to the planet and then beams down 1 million jeets and leaves the people of the planet in the middle of a New Delhi like dystopia.
You could also do a TNG flavor, where Saar Fleet has to defend the Fecalration against an invasion of the Brit; a half-human half-machine species bent on galactic colonialization. The Captain gets abducted and as he is assimilated he relishes in his new pasty white skin and machine implants that give him almost human-levels of height and intelligence. The doctor discovers that the Brit hivemind can only tolerate so many "diverse" thoughts before its culture collapses, and to rescue the captain the whole crew gets assimilated, turning the Brit sphere ship into another Indian hellhole, complete with designated shitting corridors. It then self-destructs, as even the evil colonializing Brit cannot absorb all of the Indians.
It's the least worst TNG movie. I feel like Generations and Insurrection would be a classic if they were just a regular episodes or two parters.
I mean, more possible now than any other time before, provided you can get your neural network application to keep its outputs consistent with each other at multiple angles.
And you'll have complaints guaranteed anyway for even trying.
Insurrection is literally the worst, come on man it feels like one of those crappy season 1 episodes extended for 2 hours
DSS (Designated Shitting Ship) Enterprise
Well it sort of was
Star Trek Is cool
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I legit think Insurrection was the worst trek movie until the JJ slop dropped
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Jadzia for sure
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lol, is this an outtake?
>doesn't say "engage"
Missed opportunity.
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The Riker part yes, i'm quite sure i saw it in some blooper compilation, but it's edited in the original scene
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Lower Decks is the best Trek since Enterprise.
Change my mind
In my personal headcanon, the only trek we ever got after Enterprise is Lower Decks and season 3 of Picard
I rewatched DS9 recently and Jesus H Christ I could not stand the Bajorans. The Cardies greatest sin was not wiping those fuckers out, if Gul Dukat realized his goal sooner instead of getting drunk and tainting his soul with foul Bajoran women the Alpha Quadrant would be a MUCH better place. A Bajoran is mentally incapable of taking a stance which isn't either the victim or some sanctimonious high-horse bullshit about the prophets will, fuck them and their "pity me" attitude, like their the only species or culture that ever experienced hardship.
Fucking useless Cardassians leaving a job half finished and fucking moron Feds not letting them rip each other apart
Bajorans are based
File: literally me.webm (342 KB, 480x360)
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Of all the worlds introduced by Star Trek, why they had to focus on the Balkans planet was mind boggling. They started overloading it in the last few seasons of TNG, all of DS9, and even some VOY. We know more about Bajor than we do about Vulcan.
Indeed they are
The only small planet to maintain its identity without being gobbled up by the Federation's globohomo
More like Basedley
I wish DS9 was set on Bajor itself tbqh
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I never understood why Klingon Cruisers are barely ever relevant after ToS, they used to be a thing on ToS. Made some sense to have a Bird of Prey on Search for Spock and Voyage Home (on Search for Spock that Enterprise was fucked with no crew, so it made sense that a Bird of Prey could pose such a threat, the Klingon captain, if I am not mistaken, was a small fry acting on his own, on Voyage Home they are just a small rogue crew riding the stolen ship from previous movie), but Enterprise-D being destroyed by a fucking Bird of Prey is insulting, even with the shield asspull. Then you have general Martok on DS9, commanding entire fleets in attacks against the dominion, but his flagship is a little shit Bird of Prey with a questionable crew.

Seem like after the ToS movies, the Bird of Prey became the most relevant and powerful Klingon ships only because of its spotlight in the movies, because it became iconic, cruisers only appear to diplomatic missions or to get fucked up and they never came up with any other Klingon ship.

I don't have many trek webms, so, have this.
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gul dukat was right
That WAS fun.
dammit, i miss 90's style EDM.
>Dukat did nothing wrong
What about leaving his people to suffer a total genocide at the hands of the allies he himself picked out of spite to go play the bajoran antichrist?
Wnat's with all the Bajoran hate?
That was the plan initially but the sets would have been to expansive
They are anti-sematic, they see Bajoans as an allegory for the Jewish race
All the humanoid aliens with skin tones within the human range in star trek are allegories for different aspects of the jewish race.
love Janeway's reaction
Janeway's right: don't send someone back to an NDE
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
File: The Wounded.webm (3.75 MB, 720x480)
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Because I don't like them.
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But didn't the writers say they Bajorans were mainly inspired by the Palestinians? If you're antisemitic it should be all the more reason to be pro-Bajoran
It doesn't matter what they're based off, it doesn't change how fucking annoying they are
Oi vey, it was real to me
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That captain maxwell did nothing wrong.
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They are fedora tippers, they hate that Bajorans are religious
He turned that bitch into Slenderman
Captain Kirk is back!
Welcome back
DS9 had such a good cast
File: They stole my apes..mp4 (2.97 MB, 400x320)
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I hate how they try to fly the enterprise like fighter, and are so careless with it. your ship is your life, you don't fight careless.
>mp4 supported
It was about fucking time holy shit
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Hey, i had the board game this is from when i was a kid
Lord knows where it ended up
After finishing watching all Babylon 5 material, i reached the conclusion that although DS9 clearly took inspiration from it, i don't mind because at the end of the day it came out a better series
I love this edit because it perfectly encapsulates the difference between the pop culture idea of Star Trek being the whiz bang lasergun battles show versus the actual Star Trek which is people sitting at conference tables talking about stuff.
Good kek for a character Gene originally only created to rail the lesbian security chief.
The animated movie they made last year was pretty good though
Vic episodes were always so weird
Worf is wrong. It wasn't two. It was three.
Wesley's ass at 20 sec got me feeling Catholic...
Jesus Christ DS9 was so good. What the hell happened to Star Trek?
All good things come to an end
The Basedjorans are the best race in Star Trek, prove me wrong

The irony of Marina Sirtis having to do sleezy softcore porn b-movies before TNG, only to have her character psy raped every other episode lmao.
As I recall they didn't de-orbit it by choice
>Marina Sirtis having to do sleezy softcore porn b-movies before TNG
Wait, what?
This is all the fault of globohomo.
I accidentally saw 2 of them, one also starred a nude boob shot of Kirstie Alley, and another was some actioneer where she had a whip-catfight with some better girl....
>Before her role in Star Trek, Sirtis was featured in supporting roles in several films. In the 1983 Faye Dunaway film The Wicked Lady, she engaged in a whip fight with Dunaway. In the Charles Bronson sequel Death Wish 3, Sirtis' character is a rape victim. In the film Blind Date, she appears as a sex worker who is murdered by a madman.
I always knew she had a naughty side
I see two chips
ST:Enterprise, episode based in mirror universe where humans are dicks, OP webm is the intro to that episode.
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Nah, >>5683222 is from the Twilight episode of the Xindi season 3 arc

I was about to argue because Englishman had a goatee and Hoshi was kinda hot looking.

But yea you're right, I had a brainfart, my bad.
Dominatrix empress Hoshi was the high point of Enterprise
Enterprise was the high point of Star Trek
>Tfw no asian mommy dominatrix waifu
File: Enterprise - opening.webm (3.35 MB, 480x270)
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it was the last breath
A dying gasp you might say
Goddamn voyager sucked
>Angelique Pettyjohn
She became a porn actress a few years after this TOS episode. I almost posted a webm of her sucking cock and slurping up the cum until I remembered that this is a blue board. Check out the vintage porno "Titillation (1982)" She stars in it.
Watch it again. Very visible at the four second mark.
Ah, you're right
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it really was, the last of boomertrek
Eh, once they left behind any pretense of having a serious long-term story arch and focused on the episodic shit it got kind of good
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oh the undiscovered country
here, this is my favorite bit
Me when I cunnypost before going to bed
discovery was removed from canon
Oh noes! who's going to tell this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib83xJTbFEQ
I had a very shitty Christmas this year
Thank you Santa for bringing me this present and cheering me up a little bit
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Hey, my personal headcanon is getting closer to becoming actual canon!
So what happens now? are the other shows still canon?
Like, i find it hard to imagine that Strange New Worlds, which heavily intertwines with STD, would still be canon after this
Lol this video didn't age well
Wise words
When you think about it, Enterprise is to Star Trek what the prequel trilogy is to Star Wars
>Embodied their respective franchise in the early 2000s
>Panned by fans and general audience when they came out
>Now largely revalued in light of the newer stuff
DESU I liked Enterprise more than DS9
it's shit, yeah
That's a funny way of spelling "kino"
I've started with Enterprise and that's spoiled everything else for me.
Well, while i wouldn't go as far as >>5775853 Enterprise has a veneer of nostalgia that the other series don't have, because it's the only one that aired when i was a kid and i used to catch it on TV before i got into Star Trek seriously
When i watched all the series Enterprise was the one i was most hyped for, for that reason
It's such a shame it didn't get the full 7 seasons run it deserved
>Now largely revalued in light of the newer stuff
It really has been a long road
There's the significant difference that Enterprise was legitimately underrated and deserved better, whereas the criticism towards the prequel trilogy was very well warranted
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Did someone say Enterprise
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Why yes, i did say Enterprise, friend
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>nutrek dead to me ever since they assraped WoK in 2013
>heard some nonsense about a new wewuz'd series a few years ago but ignored it
>read the other day that it had not just been canceled but retroactively out of the official canon
>mfw nuklingons
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He addressed that in a new video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt-gLvJJzIc (from 46:00)
Kek he's seething so fucking hard
I almost cried like a pussy the first time i saw this ending
>It doesn't make any difference!
>Rants for 10 minutes in favor of canon
>Ignores producer commentary
What a sad little nerd
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Reed was one of the better ones in that series, but he was a little too dry. He was all duty and honor, he needed a good foil like Tucker.
All i know is that Hoshi was hotter than T'pol
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the best star trek movie ever made.
Das rite!
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This is not how the scene played out

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