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Previous thread >>5603777
Dedicated Suno/Udio thread >>5652124
Dedicated Luma thread >>5624871

Post AI generated stuff. Song covers, animations, etc.
OC encouraged, but not required.
This thread focuses on audio and video with an audio component.
Let me know if you have more links to add. This thread is a work in progress.

> Voice-to-Voice

> Text-to-Speech
https://github.com/daswer123/xtts-webui (Warning: Windows version uses prebuilt binaries that anons haven't verified)

> Music

> Text-to-Video, Image-to-Video

> Deepfake and Lipsync

> Audio Cleanup
UVR Walkthrough: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17fjNvJzj8ZGSer7c7OFe_CNfUKbAxEh_OBv94ZdRG5c/edit#heading=h.n8ac32fhltgg

> Related boards
Luma stuff is fine, but if you have an unedited 5 second clip without sound, consider posting in the dedicated thread. >>5624871
This dude was cool enough to provide the original source. Useful if you're interested in how to make stuff like this.
File: Shu Yamino Viggle.webm (1.73 MB, 720x1280)
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971 KB
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1.59 MB
1.59 MB WEBM
I'm fucking dying
I hope that the first 5D cyber-entertainmentscape prototypes involve Will Smith and quantum spaghetti
I believe this is was done using Hailuo, the new kid on the block:
File: sonichu.webm (912 KB, 1280x720)
912 KB
go my son!
and zap
to the extreme!
File: sad day.webm (672 KB, 1280x720)
672 KB
File: UH OH.webm (997 KB, 1280x720)
997 KB
Holy shit, I never realized what was missing in my life was post-apocalyptic muppets movie.
File: tiktokbrain.webm (580 KB, 1280x720)
580 KB
I was really hoping Shrek would walk into frame in this one too
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2.54 MB
2.54 MB WEBM
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525 KB
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1.52 MB
1.52 MB WEBM
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622 KB
I guess I don't get the reference so I don't know what you're going for
lel what is the audio from?
>The Kalevala (IPA: [ˈkɑleʋɑlɑ]) is a 19th-century compilation of epic poetry, compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Karelian and Finnish oral folklore and mythology,[1] telling an epic story about the Creation of the Earth, describing the controversies and retaliatory voyages between the peoples of the land of Kalevala called Väinölä and the land of Pohjola and their various protagonists and antagonists, as well as the construction and robbery of the epic mythical wealth-making machine Sampo
Bahahah is that supposed to be Tiedrich or whatever the fuck the spastic cunt's name is?
Uncle Ted actually, I don't think it has enough training data it usually tries to portray him as very old. It's also come close to Sam Hyde.
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619 KB
Anyone have the AI songs of the Indians singing?
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3.87 MB WEBM
File: Sodomnia.webm (4.01 MB, 512x768)
4.01 MB
4.01 MB WEBM
I got you mate
Thanks mate, won't lose it again!
File: amo 5-15 song.webm (3.36 MB, 640x480)
3.36 MB
3.36 MB WEBM

Anyone got more vocal samples database? I got some nice voices database from here.
Fingolian deep lore.
File: never-forgetti.webm (5.35 MB, 1280x720)
5.35 MB
5.35 MB WEBM
based brazillian wizard
File: sucker.webm (2.73 MB, 1000x552)
2.73 MB
2.73 MB WEBM
Clearly his shadowed shoulder in the foreground lmao
File: redditmod1.webm (5.93 MB, 852x480)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
NotebookLM from google can make podcasts on anything https://voca.ro/1j5AUvn1axdu
> HOSTNAME = base64.b64decode("aGFpbHVvYWkuY29t").decode('utf-8')
> looks inside
> hailuoai.com
It appears to be obfuscated to stay under the radar. Looks like a way to access the video gen without registering or messing with the finicky browser interface.
Literally just Richard Cheese
File: bob-ross-99-problems.webm (5.93 MB, 898x674)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
File: Trumps Honest Opinions.webm (1.39 MB, 1920x1080)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB WEBM
Anyone know of the best solution for making a living picture? Like I'm not looking to have someone dance around based on a source image like luma, I just want somewhat highly detailed picture to come to life with a little motion to spice up a video that uses static images for illustrative purposes. FOSS solution if possible.
But that's just the speech he was giving when that guy tryed to shoot him
File: cardcrusher-cogvideo.webm (2.06 MB, 720x480)
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2.06 MB WEBM
I found something (the img2video model got released just yesterday in fact) but I don't have the VRAM to run it. Evidently you need over 16GB. I was able to run the online demo though and it's interesting. There's also a text to video model that uses less VRAM, I'll try messing with that at some point.
File: Tom Bombadil.webm (1.7 MB, 1280x720)
1.7 MB
anyone here use facefusion ??
it does everything, it change the face and do the images but dont make the video
at first i tought it was the nsfw filter but i try with a sfw stuff and od the same
Make Michael Jackson sing Black or White but every other word is 'nigger' and gassing the jews is mentioned in the rap.
shut the fuck up poojeet
im not having any problems with video. if you want to get around the nsfw filter edit "\facefusion\content_analyser.py" , add "return False" below line 73

>def analyse_frame(vision_frame : VisionFrame) -> bool:
> return False
Not sure what problem you're having exactly, but if you have the whole image sequence and the only thing missing is the video itself, you can just stitch the images together manually with ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -framerate 12 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -c:v libx264 output.mp4
another useful trick, if you're converting from webm to mp4, libx264 requires even width and height. make sure you're either selecting the same output encoder or make sure the original is even height and width for libx264 by padding it when it isnt
> -vf pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264

also you can add the audio back in with
> -i path\to\temp\folder\%08d.png -i original_video.mp4 -map 0:v -map:1:a -shortest
awesome, thankyou guys
You don't get it. Michael was the most based of all.
Not just a man of culture, he was from outer space. A talented builder of bridges, the guy could spot the evil ones and call them out.
Hell, he was so based he turned WHITE! Like Jackson went Super Saiyan Based Keiyo Ken times 6million. White isn't even his final form.
So you're trying to tell me that when a black mans based levels reach over 9000, he becomes white?
this feels like a fever dream
Lol ffs
File: gif-183.webm (1.77 MB, 320x240)
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1.77 MB WEBM
I imagine a future, in many many years, where Hollywood is using AI tech to generate Will Smith for Men in Black 12. And as they train their AI generating Will Smith, no matter what they do spaghetti slips into the scenes. A long forgotten meme they cannot purge, so they must simply write it into the story.

good ole agent Will Smith, never far from his favorite food, spaghetti.
is text to speech even possible with 4gb vrams?
I don't want to use darpa (11.lab), or pay anyone.
kek that audio
family guy
try it and find out? this runs pretty light for me
> https://github.com/BoltzmannEntropy/xtts2-ui
Google just dropped new tool. Takes like five minutes to read a book and it spits out a summary, doesn't even have to be text based, you can feed this thing pdfs and it scans the text and creates a conversation around 12 minutes long.
Making it do a podcast style summary is way too uncanny valley for me but it's cool tech nonetheless.
File: gordon_ramsAI.webm (5.33 MB, 640x360)
5.33 MB
5.33 MB WEBM
File: Psycho Bjork.webm (2.55 MB, 480x600)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB WEBM
this audio activated every single one of my neurons holy fuck
Just read the book you lazy tard
File: Psycho Bjork 2.webm (5.63 MB, 480x480)
5.63 MB
5.63 MB WEBM
Try this on for size.
File: tfw wageslave 2.webm (4.16 MB, 1280x720)
4.16 MB
4.16 MB WEBM
I've tried 5 different lip sync solutions and the only one I can get to work on my machine is the shitty one. Feelsbadman.
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3.34 MB
3.34 MB WEBM
Anyone got the Sarah Silverman cover of this?
Lol what a fucking retard wasted hours of his time when he could make the Robot read it and tell you what it was about.

Bet you walk to the store and washcloths by hand you fucking plebbian
wow, i didn't realize text to video was already this good. I thought we wouldn't see something even half as good as this for another 3 or 4 years at least.,
holy shit Im fucking dead
Has Hailuo improved at all recently?
I don't think there's been major changes but it does seem to be changing incrementally. It's only been around for a few weeks.
how can the jews recover from this?
>70% of my bible is literally the Torah
>my messiah is a jewish rebel who compared gentiles to dogs and only preached to other jews
>that's how you know I hate jews
holy shit a fucking ghost!
The Torah only covers the first 5 books of the old testament, out of 24 books. Can you tell me what passage Jesus explicitly compared gentiles to dogs?
It's probably this good because the Chinese don't give a shit about ethics and copyright so they train on whatever.
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4.96 MB
4.96 MB WEBM
>you can now use prompts to apply custom filters to existing videos
im expecting a golden age of stitching together clips from existing media then applying filters and other AI effects to create a cohesive work.

why generate dozens of prompts trying to get a good one, when you can just take someone else's work, apply a filter, and make it your own?
you fool, they're going to ai generate the holocaust now
That is already a thing with the fake trailers on Youtube but these tools can make it way more advanced.
Also, you could just film yourself doing something and apply a filter over it, or anymate some crude 3D models together. I would make cancelled stuff or stuff that sucked. Imagine remaking bad Star Wars movies into good ones.
Yeah, seems like a great way to make your own animations or whatever using potentially just yourself as reference.
fucking kek
>he listens faster than he reads
lmao low IQ
that's the bad one?
Conspiracists will say this is fake
File: council-of-elrond.webm (5.75 MB, 1280x536)
5.75 MB
5.75 MB WEBM
It's incredibly wonky to work with, I had to edit around it. It breaks down a lot harder in this one.
I do not remember this scene.
File: austin 2.webm (2.85 MB, 618x586)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB WEBM
The west's respect for ethics and poors will be our downfall. Europe is already falling behind, and america will follow suit of democrats win
No the downfall will not be killing open faced enemies in hook noses, orcs and foreign invaders
>respect for ethics and poor

lmao, every country in the west is governed by and for bankers, corporations, politicians and outright criminal organizations, there is high level of inequality, every billionaire and most ceos are psychopaths, most big companies steal, cut corners, bribe, evade taxes and treat people like numbers. I get that things are away worse in places like china where they don't even pretend, but any semblance of ethics in the west is a facade sold to poor people.
I should have put "ethics" in quotes, because I'm talking about the "ethics" as it applies to these AI companies. In other words, nerfing their models to make their investors happy. The Chinese are clearly training on stuff that the American companies aren't because of "safety" and "ethics".
Of all the fictional and meme fighters, Meme Chuck Norris is unbeatable. Goku, Superman, Saitama? Chuck Norris comes out top.
File: hcbm.webm (1.35 MB, 512x512)
1.35 MB
1.35 MB WEBM
I'd buy this drink.
Diesel is a real drink, just a few bucks a gallon. Pretty cheap as far as drinks go.
fucking kek
holy shit lmao
You have to sign in to make videos on Hailuo now, fuck.
he nailed it
God damn, this one is golden!
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4.66 MB
4.66 MB WEBM
that's bandu my cousin you mother bitch
File: cruise-in-SCORCHER-4.webm (2.69 MB, 1280x720)
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1.64 MB
1.64 MB WEBM
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1.69 MB
1.69 MB WEBM
Fucking lost it.
File: stop being retarded.webm (3.55 MB, 1360x752)
3.55 MB
3.55 MB WEBM
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5.2 MB
Tom Cruise is Ben Stiller as Tugg Speedman in Scorcher: the Reduxology
I'm just happy to see a thread outside of /aco/ it's not healthy to just use it to coom.

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