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File: fucking_jog_on.webm (3.95 MB, 854x480)
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Recently cleaned out a folder and found some gems
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File: celery.webm (1.41 MB, 720x720)
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1.5 MB
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File: woke up.webm (1.1 MB, 640x360)
1.1 MB
This is from a skit, the man dressed up as the woman is Neg Dupree and the other guy is from a prank channel called Trollstation, same channel that went to prison for le epic prank of pretending to rob a bank
File: crossaint review.webm (4.95 MB, 854x480)
4.95 MB
4.95 MB WEBM
Didn't heard what she said bc of the annoying nerd
File: hustle_grindset.webm (5.23 MB, 1072x1920)
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5.23 MB WEBM
somehow you people don't understand that in a YLYL thread you post stuff that makes people laugh. none of this is even slightly funny.
Post something funny then, genius
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5.92 MB WEBM
go back to discord you faggot
Based troon still got some balls
>I drop kick a fucking puppy
Weird way of saying you're a faggot sodomite reprobate.
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>This is from a skit
here comes captain obvious to save the day.
Part 5 is so cringe.
File: You know BOSCO!.webm (2.39 MB, 312x240)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB WEBM
>here comes captain obvious
You'd be surprised at how many chuds think it's real
>You'd be surprised at how many chuds think it's real
You are under 18 years old and shouldn't be on this website
I'm 43
>Im 43 and the world 'chud' is in my vernacular
Fucking KEK so youre either an underage thats lying or the biggest fuckin faggot ever. Which one is it now?
Taking this rather personal aren't you? You okay babe?
Okay but how do you set a fake address to recive the address? And whats the fake shop for?
yeah dont do that.
This is the worst YLYL thread I've ever posted in.
File: Pittie Quest.webm (2.94 MB, 640x480)
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this is the only ylyl thread you posed in
more shit posted, and still nothing even remotely funny.
Is that a legit dub? I'm in tears
he's right tho. I'm 30 and even I'm too old to be using silly zoomer buzzwords like that. you must be a real winner, anon =D
Hyper-V is for niggers.
it is. the show is called Ghost stories or Gakkou no Kaidan (school's Ghosts) in Japanese. rumor has it, the creator didn't really give a fuck about how it was shown in the west and basically gave the localization company free reign with the only stipulations being that they had to keep the characters' names the same and had to keep the general plot the same. the end result is a masterpiece that ended up even getting subbed in Japanese for the Japanese and gave the original a run for its money
LOL my sides
I knew i had to reserve this for later on. I'm crying
File: I Go Hard In Shawshank.webm (5.82 MB, 1280x720)
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I'll post a few
Most of that is true, but with the added reason the dub company with given free reign is because it flopped so fucking hard in Japan, the animation studio need to license it off to not go bankrupt. The stipulations are all correct though.
please don't
you suck. quit posting
File: Janken Queen.webm (5.28 MB, 906x690)
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5.28 MB WEBM
Protip: Video camera mics don't pick up that kind of sound. Tranny is mic'd up.
kaksteist kuud
You're going to be amazed at how fast 10 years flies by, after it happens to you a few times
Where do you think we are right now
blessed thread
does losing to this mean I've become a boomer?
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File: Ima Do My Own Thing.webm (3.47 MB, 444x480)
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3.47 MB WEBM
you set someone else's address and get a shipping track #. get the shit from their doorstep.

But still its a shit way to make money, even legit warehouse jobs will pay better long term without the risk of fed time since you're using the post office to commit fraud.
File: racesoftheworld.webm (2.79 MB, 400x711)
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2.79 MB WEBM
if you can do all this shit you might as well start a legitimate business
welcome to ghetto entrepreneurs, by the time to go through all the bullshit to scam and did the time for getting caught it would've been easier and made more to just do a job.
The winner gets to be the 'center' for the next single. The girl who won wasn't popular at all in this idol group which is why she's so emotional.
i used to like this until i learned that the cast is voiced by the same 10 people that voice every anime dub, and they're all extreme leftists. i watch animu in the first place because i don't want to hear western liberals.
maybe i'm just stoned but this one got a sensible kek
This isn’t funny, just sad.
Shut up faggot.
don't have this problem as someone who doesn't watch dub. nope.
nahhh bro wtf is this

get your ass on lmao this shit is not funny unc
>same 10 people
Well I don't see Troy Baker or Yuri Lowenthal anywhere so you're wrong
Tho Monica Rial is there so eh
File: Not Acceptable PSA.webm (1.04 MB, 640x360)
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>basically the largest anime dub studios out there has the same voice actors
Whoa, anon. That's crazy.
Also: separate the content from the person. Who gives a fuck if they're gay faggot leftists if they produce content. It's the same with movies, music, etc. They can be fags and I'll hate the person, but the content is good. I'll like a hippie dippie liberal faggot's music but I don't have to like the person.
Lol. You think a VHS slur is real. Lmao you sound like you have a dick in your mouth
Based. Fuck libtards they are so racist
Dat filename
Nah. The whole economy are scams and frauds. Don't work or pay taxes into a system that hates you
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Massive cope that you've lost the culture war. I have never separated the art from the artist. But thanks for summarizing why I don't consume any American entertainment. Indeed they are all gay hippie dippie liberals.
>that you've lost the culture war.
What are you even talking about? Where did some culture war come from when talking about anime dubbing?
>the same 10 people that voice every anime dub
so just like the japs?
I'm talking about libtards dominating all of western entertainment and that's why I don't watch anything western including dubs. Separating the art from the artist is pure copium.
>Separating the art from the artist is pure copium.
Whatever you say, faggot. I'll just enjoy a good product regardless. If the artist is some leftist idiot then so be it. Not like I have to support them. Spoilers: torrents are free.
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is that Kenan's dad?
Looks like a fun day to me
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4.32 MB
4.32 MB WEBM
Get a job you nigger
No thanks. I will not work for peanuts to have most of my money stolen to pay for my enemies.
Caucasian males are the only net tax payers. If we stop paying taxes and maximize gubberment gibs then the system collapses
Based and redpilled, if the money is fake then why work for it
Imma put tomatoes on you bitches
Plenty of people never grow up. I used to guild lead in mmos and I've met many people who were 45 and older at the time who literally typed out twitch emotes such as kappa/omegalulz/kreygasm etc etc in an ingame chat with no emotes and they would also say it out loud in voice chat. It's mostly people who never had any hardship in life.
That was a decade ago already and the amount of people we dub as "terminally online" has only increased since then.
"wasn't popular at all"
she is mega pretty compared to the one on the left
I'm so sorry
Based Neg
Kek. Based and Need for Speed pilled
File: Stunt riding.webm (3.91 MB, 960x540)
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3.91 MB WEBM
Wasn't expecting Buckethead
You support them by consooooming. Spreading their propaganda is more important to them than money.
auslander raus
File: genuis innovation.webm (1.26 MB, 270x480)
1.26 MB
1.26 MB WEBM
wow this thread blows
File: fish cannon.webm (2.56 MB, 1280x720)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB WEBM
Don't be sorry, I'm wealthy beyond all your wild dreams
half the things they say are shit like "tranny" and "fag", and a significant amount of the jokes are against blacks and gays. it's extremely funny to see the shift from 20 years ago and now with these people.
That's actually a complete falsehood made up by the trannylators to justify it, the original show had higher ratings than Pokémon and Doraemon while it was airing.

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