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post 3
Theres already a thread
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Be a smart asset then
*smart ass
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why the fuck didn't this retard cop just arrest him?
He had orders to clear the hallway
what the fuck is wrong with americans?
What do you think he was trying to do, exactly? Not the cops fault the retard constantly disobeyed clear commands that exist to specifically avoid these types of outcomes.
Imagine playing a game of Simon Says with a psycho with a gun and legal impunity. One mistake and the cocksucker kills you and gets away with it.
I looked up the case. Yup, the cockcuker was initially fired, but was acquitted of criminal charges. He was then rehired, but then retired on 'medical grounds', claiming he got PTSD for killing a man. Got an early pension out of it. The world burned for months because a nigger poisoned himself with fentanyl, but I had to learn of this from digging into a random video post.
I hate cartel faggots so much its unreal
this guy was such a fuckign tool
>clear commands
His commands weren't clear at all. I'm a cop btw.
lol women moment
lol dumb piggies
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i think they were pretty clear, not a cop btw
the cop here gave a fair amount of warning when the guy did the wrong thing a couple times. if he couldn't get the message by then i don't know what to say
i think it was made very clear that he was to crawl, with his hands straight up, and his legs crossed, made even clearer by him saying "if you think you're going to fall, you better fall on your face" and "do not put your hands down for any reason"
but the most damning thing was "if your hands go back something something we are going to shoot you"
then, immediately after, he puts his hands down, then puts one hand behind his back, and gets shot

that all being said, asking a random i assume innocent person to calmly follow strange instructions, no matter how technically clear they are, while they have a dead serious officer pointing a rifle at them, is surely not an easy task, the simon says quote the other guy said is a good comparison, i'll bet most people would be too flooded with adrenaline to follow a bunch of random-ass commands, i'd probably also hear "crawl" and go for the typical hands and knees crawl, way too easy to fuck it up given the circumstance
>crawl, with his hands straight up, and his legs crossed
he was drunk btw
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drunk, smoking weed, pointing a rifle out of the hotel window, meanwhile some passerby outside saw this rifle and called the police.
>he was drunk btw
then even less likely to be able to follow random commands
as in crawl on his knees alone, not bent foward with hands on the ground, just as he was
to be clear, i'm only arguing that the instructions were technically clear, not so much that one could expect someone to follow them without making a mistake for other reasons
why he couldn't just have the guy do something simpler like lay down with his hands extended or something i don't know
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He's a good cop now.
I love that last headshot. This guy doesnt play around
Acting like this should have people just shot dead. Fucking wild animals.
>drunk, smoking weed, pointing a rifle out of the hotel window
its a fucking airgun you blind ass motherfuckers lmfao
All americans are fucking psychos.
It seems that they are praying for a civil war so they can kill each other
And lose a great opportunity to play Simon Says(American edition)?
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Well, I mean he did get on the ground...
Go point a fake gun at a cop please.
he didnt even have it with him when he was getting commanded. trust me i know what its like to issue commands at someone youre concerned on whether or not theyre armed. officer fucked up. ive been within personal space of drunk and mentally unstable knife wielding individuals before while in a position of authority armed and bodycam rolling. cop fucked up. just because he was cleared doesnt make it right
Are you trying to imply that an airgun cant kill people?
yea some are powerful enough but i aint bout to put the twenty on a drunk unarmored untrained mf with some crossman (which he wasnt even armed with) versus an armored officer with an ar. his actions prior to the ois are irrelevant based on the important bits being the ois itself, which he was again UNARMED during. like i said ive dealt with armed and arguably more dangerous individuals within confined spaces. WITHOUT DRAWING WEAPONS. if i can do it without shooting someone so can he. all that does is make my job harder by association via uniform. so yeah whether or not its capable of bodily harm is irrelevant for the purposes of this
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You mean the driver not pulling away from a gang of knife wielding kids?

That shit should get you killed for sure, good thing the black guy was in the back seat or they would have gutted the fucking retard.
>Doesn't give him a Pedigree afterwards
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fuck that made me sad
>op makes a silly joke thread
>turns into actual rekt
This is why we can't have nice things.
no way that wasn't deliberate
Are you going to cry?
Playing My Summer Car means you are already wrecked.
Why did they stop shooting?
why are so many amerifats not pulling over in those car chase ones? are they so muttified they can't hear sirens like they're smoke detectors or something?
mf sharply reached behind his back for the second time. i would have shot aswell
Shut the fuck up bootlicker
Ok thats it im locking my doors now whenever I start driving
Wasn't road rage apparently. The biker saw someone asleep at the wheel and kicked the car in an attempt to wake them. They jerked the wheel to a side because people are 'tards.
pfft yeah right, you believe that shit? he plead no contest to felony hit and run resulting in injury
The one thing I don't believe in America is what someone plea-bargains for. I've "admitted" to all kinds of crazy lies under the threat of life in prison for as little as bumping into something and breaking it in a bar.
I hear a ping right before they shot him what did the homeless guy have in his hand?
I've seen multiple videos of GSTs absolutely not giving a fuck and pitting ppl going 80mph. them and Texas state troopers don't fuck around
The driver has absolute shit for brains he needs to be removed from the gene pool straight up
I'm looking for the video of the guy in his car laughing to death while his friends record him
That is because they always fight against primitive tribes in a war and in WWI and WWII they started fighting when it was pretty much already decided. They don't know what real war is like, they think it is like videogames where every NPC is retarded and doesn't know how to shoot
He was armed https://www.reddit.com/r/Police_Shooting/comments/xa2zsh/police_attempt_to_arrest_homeless_man_with_a_gun/
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did he died?
shooter in that video was a mexican sicario
he contracted legma
Okay, bootlicker
This dude lost his shoulder for sure but he fucked up the angle so he's probably 'fine', likely one handed for the rest of his life.
I knew a guy that tried to blow his brains out with a pistol through the roof of his mouth but he messed it up and just blew the front of his face off, he's blind in both eyes and will be on oxygen until he dies.
kek what game is this
appears to be My Summer Car
Arkansas is same way. Troopers can pit whenever.
lol those things can get upwards of 500º
Every single brownoid is an animal, and we don't have to wait for them to inevitably act like this to justify their total removal by any means they make necessary.
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you love to see it
What is it with women and making every tense situation worse?
You're a faggot. The answer for him is to just lie down and keep your hands on your head and not move until pussy faggot cop gains the nutsack to either shoot your miserable life or arrest you.
Fuck off.
>>>5671024 >>5677236 >>5677381
and how do you all think the Britsh concord them all? they have this low IQ slave-please-master mentality like most brownskin
they always like this
The thing all the muh Simon Says posters ignore is that this is the last sixty seconds of a nearly ten-minute video of the police trying to get this guy to comply with the most basic commands and him continuously ignoring or contradicting those commands and nearly getting shot for it - constantly putting his hands down after being told not to, constantly reaching for his pants or behind his back after being told not to, even just getting him to step out of the fucking room turned into a fucking hassle because the guy just would not follow directions. The encounter ends up being a clusterfuck by the end because they're trying to give him instructions to actually defuse and end the situation, but are having to constantly interrupt those instructions to tell him to stop doing shit they literally just told him to stop doing ten seconds ago.
don't worry they're really friendly dogs
>guy gets drunk
>starts shoving and starting fights with others
>cops are called
>video starts
>shows hands
>gets shot
why waste your breath if you're just gonna shoot the guy anyway?
fuckin kek
get called to a drunk and disorderly at a wedding reception, you can:
>show up warn the individuals to keep it down. "we dont want to have to come back here" say goodnight probably never have to deal with them again
>escalate the situation well beyond any sense of control and murder an unarmed man because you put yourself in a bad position.
fuck cops, but most of all fuck Florida cops.
>simple instructions
Put your hands in the air, also crawl!
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How fuckin powerful was that kick?
Pic related.
Fuck man I now think slitting your wrists might be the only viable option. It must be painful but if you fail at least you will just end up with some stitches.
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maybe "literally cannot run to save a life" would be the wake-up call she needs

or maybe not
the kick wouldn't have affected the car in any way outside of making a thud sound
what happened is the driver did a knee-jerk swerve towards the motorcyclist to "kick back", but couldn't actually handle doing a hard turn at high speed in a car and lost control
>ooh fuck my hand, better not do that again
>*kicks it*
she trapped in a psych ward or something?
A thermal detonator
Gotta be careful when you live in Cloud City...
To this day this is one of the funniest things ive seen on this sight. Anyone know the backstory on this one?
Rule #1: CARDIO
Nah bro. The T1000 kicked the fuck out of the car. There's literally video evidence.
The ping is them shooting him with a 37/40MM beanbag round
spot on
then they always say
>muh iraq 4th biggest army
nigga, iraq was literally fucking colapsing and had the shittiest army ever, they didnt stand a chance against anyone
real war is going to take them by surprise big time
why'd they even shoot him?
zogbot was getting ass kicked
Douchebag. I'd beat the shit out of this tough guy and break his arm
Lmao faggot
I feel like he wouldnt have reacted much better if he did just punch him in the face.
no one in that video should be in Britain in the first place
from youtube description:

>Winter Park, Florida — The Winter Park Police Department released body camera video and a 911 call, from the February night when an officer fatally shot 39-year-old Daniel Knight at his niece's wedding reception. Officers were dispatched at 9:39 p.m. on Feb. 19 to the Winter Park Events Center. A 911 caller described an "irate," and possibly drunk, guest at the wedding reception. The caller told police the guest was "being violent" and later added that he pushed two people to the floor of the ballroom. Video footage recorded by the venue cameras show guests removing the subject from the ballroom to the outside through an east side doorway.

>Two Winter Park police officers got to the scene, reports states that one officers began speaking with Knight but was physically attacked by Knight, leaving the officer unconscious and on the ground. Knight then physically attacked the second arriving officer as a crowd began to surround the injured officer. During the physical altercation, the officer shot the man. Seven gunshots are audible in the footage. Several people, guests and police officers, can be seen performing chest compressions on Knight. Knight ultimately did not survive the shooting. The officers were taken to a hospital to be checked, according to police, and the officer who shot Knight was placed on administrative duty.

In situations like that it might be better for the cops to say "Look you invited that drunken retard, he's your family, so if he keeps assaulting other wedding guest tonight it's your problem, sort it out yourself" then leave and go to a more important call.
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cyka blyat
How else are they supposed to make a video for Youtube if the cops left the place peacefully?
are you the drunk manlet kek
good ending
bad ending
wow these are awful
>le ironic weeb reply xD le thanks!
congrats you post shit content
Nah, fuck that drunktard idiot.
>he didnt even have it with him when he was getting commanded
You're right! The cop should have been able to read his mind and realize that the fat fuck didn't have a 9mm in his pants
>cops are trigger happy because their assumption that everyone is armed
Gun rights my ass.
>car stopped
That's not China.
jesus fuck how unaware of your surroundings do you have to be?
dumb cunt
You are SO right and definitely can speak from experience living in America multiple years right?
>rekt thread
>someone posts a video where some piece of human garbage reaps the consequence of his actions and dies like a bitch
>edgy teens use the opportunity to turn said garbage into a saint and whine about how much they hate authority
lol every time
There's always other people who need to die before you do, anon. You can accomplish nothing, or you can at least attempt to make things better for the rest of us.

Do they arrest the cop (murderer) in these cases?
high unusual
its not that cops have immunity, they don't.
its that public prosecutors, some judges and county sheriff positions are elected AND you have a powerful ally/lobby group to deal with which is the public employee union of whatever state and then a particular law enforcement union which has incredible protections to leos in such incidents.
So, short answer is no.
why did he reach behind his back knowing it was certain death?
Nobody has actually fucked up a legitimate attempt at suicide, 100% of suicide survivors are people that either want attention or don't actually want to die.
If your genuine intention was to kill yourself you would drive 4 states away into the middle of nowhere and do something there, not take 4 ambian in your bedroom like a highschool girl or shoot the skin off of your shoulderblade with a consciously poorly aimed gunshot.
i noticed you dont give a single shred of accountability to the guy who punched a cop in your post. why do you think so highly of the police that only they are able to be responsible for the consequences of own actions?
The responsible thing to do here is not to invite your violently alcoholic uncle to a wedding with an open bar.
this looks a nightmare caught on CCTV
>watching your baby drift towards death
>can't move forward, falling down again and again
>clothes fall off, naked in public
>grotesque body horror
just aim properly and you should be fine(dead)

>Nobody has actually fucked up a legitimate attempt at suicide
you underestimate how retarded some people can be
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worse, she is a woman
Cops don't really do that. If you call them to a situation they're going to resolve the situation, one way or the other. They're hammers and every problem looks like a nail.

If you love someone, don't call the cops on them.
No, there was that one guy who shot his face off with the under-the-chin shot. Missed the part of the brain that makes you live. Happens a lot, apparently.
Did this guy die or he have a parachute? Whats the context here?
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I had to do it, it was asking for it. Added tiktok sound effects
>watching your baby drift towards death
she could just lose some weight
From what I heard the shot retard was stalking and threatening the other guy. I believe the retard was mentally unstable. So smart guy got a gun incase this ever happened which it did.
>owie owie mummy it hurts
Dude fucking died lmao. Good riddance
Great ending
should've shot the screeching banshee too
lol nice try, ricedick.
lol you show up every time that webm gets posted. You are definitely the stupid drunk manlet. You deserved to get knocked out kek.
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Dude was crying, shitting and pissing himself. What the fuck was he going to do?
dey wusnt gunna harm nobody, dey gud dawgz, only bad owners make da bad dawgs an ima gud person, only god can judge me
woulda been better without the brainrot audio. suppose that's my fault for turning it on
sure the lardass could but in the moment it does have that nightmare vibe
the honking was from the red car trying to tell the white one 'why u stop, no one care bout baby, hurry up, i'm late for nails done for yellow fever american simp'
ah you shot me
based guard
they good bois
they jus sayin Hi
If America was wiped out, all the world would care about is if it affected their country's economy or not.
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yes, be concerned welfare mutt
story please ? Did he made it out ? Did he survive ?
Spoken like a retard with zero military knowledge or experience
Hey guys, wild idea
>"Kiss the floor, hands behind your head, do not move. Simmons, cuff him. I've got security (a rifle pointed at his dome)"
Man if you fuck up hard enough to justify a police chase and then try to outrun the cops (thereby putting other people's lives at risk via driving like a moron) you deserve to get pitted and thrown off of the road.
Because that's what we pay them for. Police are supposed to be professionals, not thugs. By the time the drunk asshole hit the cop, they had made every bad decision to escalate the situation to that point. The drunk guy was absolutely wrong to swing on an officer, but they created the situation where the drunk would want to swing on them at all. Its like there is a lion pacing around in a pen, but the gate is open. You don't want it to get out, it could hurt someone or itself. Instead of just closing the gate and moving on, You run into the pen, and full tilt tackle it to the ground to prevent it from moving. The lion is startled and confused, so it fights back. The lion is then be deemed dangerous and combative, and you can kill it with impunity.
Post your glowie credentials then
instructions unclear; thumb lodged in anus
Dont know how to convert to gif or webm, so my word is all I got right now, am at work

Former fire team tactics instructor, 11B, 3ID. Gunfights are fuckin scary no matter who you are fighting. And while peer/near peer threats are a fuckin nightmare, insurgent forces are paranoia par excellence. Anyone could try to kill you at any time, logistics are fucking choked, and the ANA who were supposed to be our allies were feeding info to the Taliban half the time due to bribes, incompetence, or split loyalties.

There is no "war on easy mode" outside of like, Sub-Saharan Africa. The Bush War was incredible.
Based and I wish. I would kill so many fucking of my "kin". I would make children watch me murder their parents
Would be such a fucking turn on
Is this left 4 dead footage?
you should become a cop then
best response itt >>5680342
He had a parachute and done this on the Reg
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A parachute, for what?
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Never saw the original before, gratzi
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If I recall correctly this one was covered by Active Self Protection on Youtube. The guy who got shot apparently went for a knife when the defender shot.
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Jfc this is awesome you must have a massive webm folder, you have the original for this one?
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nah, just google first frame of vid.
Man, what a jerk.
Is wall mart RaY-CIS?
Hanging. Thanks to media disinfo people think you actually have to break your neck with a long drop or suffocate slowly, when really, because it's a blood choke, a simple noose (not a hangman's knot) and your body weight will have you out cold in 20 seconds and braindead in 20 minutes.
ok retard
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Third webm was a mexican contract killer with a warrant for murder, it was either that or face life no parole.
He died a few hours later gunned down by cops.
As a matter of fact, one did die, drunk russkies doing drunk russkies things.
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like the demon dogs from ghostbusters
scrap like a manbitch?
I believe the call was wrongful and the reaction was ridiculous. The guy wa scheduled to be there. In his panic he probably tried to pull up his pants or something stupid. Unfortunately, intense training these guys receive teaches them that pleading can be a misdirection or deception (as is often the case). In this situation, the administration that called the police and the administration within the police failed miserably in their approach to this situation.
However, looking at it as it is, he unfortunately made the mistake of not following their (somewhat confusing) directions. In this situation I would hope to not get shot, comply until I was handcuffed in a vehicle, and then lawyer the fuck up. He missed an opportunity to live a comfortable life full of fuck you money and instead got sent to an early ride with the ferryman.

Make sure to always dot your i's and cross your t's, ladies and gentlemen.
>economic aid
lol, those are bribes, amerinigger.
This is fucked up
>military (((aid)))
kek, imagine having the nerve to call recruitment for middle east wars aid, all of my relatives who work in the military went to afghanistan to cleanup mutt shit, eastern europe basically gets the sloppy seconds after the initial combat phases
Kek, you think your military and his are not the same golem working for the jew
i felt that when he hit the ground
Merrywether Lewis (of Lewis and Clark) shot himself twice in the head, missed his brain both times, wrote a short note apologizing for the mess and explaining what had happened, then slit his wrists.
Given that he followed through after the first two failures, I think it's safe to say he was trying to do it for real the whole time.
99 times out of 100 I side with the cop in these videos, but what the fuck was this pig's problem? he could have cuffed him at any time while the dude was laying on the floor. he kept changing instructions confusing the guy like he wanted just any excuse at all to shoot him.
What about inert gas? I was thinking a container of evaporating liquid nitrogen inside a small space. Should displace all the oxygen inside the space and knock you out painlessly.
how could this go anything but wrong
definitely enhanced
i wonder if wall mart is racist
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You actually buy that story? Do you also think Marc Antony killed himself because he fell for cleopatras fake death? Probably the same type of person who thinks that Hitler killed himself and the Russians decided to conveniently burn his body beyond recognition before getting a picture or any evidence.
you'd be surprised
you'd think it'd be pretty easy to ensure death if you wanted it, but... we are talking about complete failures, here.
the drunk man would have gone on to kill someone, they saved a life that night faggots
>cause problem
>break down, amplify problem for coworkers
What game?
My Summer Car
>complete failures
You mean orcs? Or troons?
people who want to kill themselves, troons are one example
What the fuck is wrong with white people???????????????????????????????
Welcome to Joe Biden's America.
Why is America the only place in the world where police are expected to kill criminals, themselves and anyone else on the road instead of following by air?
I'm a cop. I get what you're saying, but if you just let the criminals drive off it causes civilians to lose faith in the police to protect them, and many police forces don't have helicopters.
You underestimate the stupidity of women.
Fuck fatty gunna do?
>waltuh I saved you as a baby, I shouldn't have.
What do you suppose is the biggest obstacle to drone adoption? Surely that's a more affordable (and more subtle) alternative to helicopters.
story on this? ded?
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>no other country in the world ever chases criminals by car
>the local pd can pull a helicopter out of their ass for fifth chase this day
surely it isn't, I don't know any drones that can keep up with a car without using up its battery in 5 minutes or have the range beyond 500 feet, nevermind camera connectivity issues
Yes, ruskies doing rusky things, despite the sign in the background saying ukraine
So russia.
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Somebody doesn't know the 4:1 rule...
That can't be real.
I remember someone pointing out that the guy was being observed by the feds and they knew he'd be armed and dangerous and they still told regular cops to go ahead and pull him over
Cops should not be allowed to have visible tattoos, and I say that as someone with visible tattoos
God damn, I've seen some dumb shit in my time but this fuck takes the cake.
>we got your car back sir, that'll be $200 + tip
I'll say it everytime I see this webm: this is clearly infanticide attempt
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Was this a psy-op? It seems fake. No blood or even smoke from the gun.
Then why'd you take them?
Yeah, it's called the 2nd ammendment faggot
Tell your wife I said hi
holy kek, give her a bit more time and she would finish herself off (or maybe already did)
Until you realize she was doing it on purpose
strongest single concrete beam in china
They got the nigger stealing cars
Dudes never played Donkey Kong, you're supposed to time the jump over it.
>we pledge a 50% female police force by 2025
It clearly has nothing to do with her being unable to run. She trips in the beginning because of the shock, which causes her shorts to slide down her ass as well as over her knees. This makes it impossible for her to get her right knee up and forward far enough to push herself off the ground , which is why she falls at 0:04 and tries to get her pant leg above her knee at 0:11.
It's simply her ass being too fat and her shorts to tight/long.
You'd have to use fixed wing drones, but it's physically possible. And as for range, police have access to radios most people don't, some of that spectrum could be used to control drones at a distance. There's also the cellular network but the signal may not be all that great at altitude. And if you don't feel like following manually, it's not impossible to have a drone that attaches itself or a cellular tracker to a car and just relays its position after that.
None of these are perfect, but there's options.
What the absolute fuck. She had to be on drugs or clinically insane to not know glass cuts.
little 12 year old cartel gangster scum was shooting at random passing cars with his uncle for fun. he pulled the gun out, tossed it, turned and raised all in one motion. cop thought he was drawing and turning to shoot. it's what he gets for being out at 2:39 am shooting at people like a crazed maniac. oh and his face book name was little homicide.
America is the Cloaca Gentium. It is mixing peoples together, which never should have been mixing together. Even among Europeans having such a diverse set of different ancestry is not good. It creates unstable mutts. But the USA is a radical left-wing Republic without class-based rights. EVERYONE is in principle allowed to have a gun. So considering the high amount of shizos, giving negros citizen rights, everyone being allowed to be armed and you have a police force, which acts more like an occupying force than a real police Western Europeans are familiar with.
does anybody have that one video of the guys standing around with guns and then a truck blazes past and there's a big shootout?
I'll describe the video:
there's a bunch of dudes with guns in an arid environment, maybe Africa or Australia or something, and they're on a road looking at something and there's a car nearby
I think I remember one guy with a gun that was wearing like business casual with a white shirt with vertical lines who had long and maybe curly hair
they're on a road looking at something and like to the right of the road is flat land with sand and maybe some shrubs and to the left of the road is some bushes?
but anyways the truck comes from behind the camera man I'm pretty sure and something happens and I think there's gunshots but the truck barrels into view and then off the road into the sand and there's more gunshots and that's all I can really remember other than the camera being shaky
it's an older video pretty much a classic at this point, the truck was a white Toyota like and I think it had a brown stripe or something like hadjis use
if anybody knows please post it or link it and if there's a news article about it please post that too I've been looking for it for a really long time
I'd decided if I ever find myself in this situation I'm starfishing on the floor and doing doing nothing else. I'll take the resisting charge but I'm not moving until someone sits on my back and throws me into cuffs. Beats sneezing/stumbling/whatever and getting blasted.
Its Chancock
Ok? I have a forklift at work that can lift 10,000 lbs. What the fuck do i do with this goat? Oh shit... middle eastern robo waifus
Auschwitz was designed to protect jews while germans died?
They all turned into melee zombies.
What the fuck did Jonah Hill think was going to happen?
>drunk tard shoves cop
>seven shots to the chest

>irate woman starts beating and assaulting the cop
>gets shoved away and no repercussions

frankly, shooting her was more justified than the fat alcoholic
>he thinks that's going to save him
How the fuck do you survive as a taxi driver with reactions that slow?
well, it look like it was as much to protect them as it was to protect the german in reality, I mean there's polish jew who was openly saying his time there wasn't at all what the propaganda was saying, said he went to the doctor one day and told him he didn't really liked being around the other jews and the camp in general made him sick, so the doctor gave him the okay to go back to his home, can't recal the guy's name but he was a bit famous in his field.
shut the fuck up retard
kek the cop just wanted to kill him
story/new article?
nevermind found it
full video: https://youtu.be/rH6bsr61vrw
I can't blame cops for doing shit like this. Look at what happens when they relax >>5668649
In the full video, the men that roll up and check on the downed trooper are DEA agents, who were actively following this cartel fucker and knew he was armed. They could have warned the trooper, they had eyes on the suspect the entire time, but they did nothing and it got that trooper killed. Fucking feds man. Useless fuckers
they drove to a police station
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>he thinks he can relax
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>harasses a legal citizen in a stand your ground state
>threatens them with potentially lethal violence
>gets shot
>no, keep your hands up in the air at all times and crawl towards me with your legs crossed while saying the alphabet backwards, if you fall on your face, make sure you keep your hands up. if you make any mistakes, i will shoot you
>proceeds to scratch back as first action because why not
not quite sure who's to blame here.
>"fight like a man, bitch"
>takes shirt off
>only one layer though
>beta male physique
>puts shirt neatly on tree so it doesn't get dirty
>attacks man with gun
>gets shot
>cries like a baby
many such cases
You know that nigger was a criminal
>surpassing plausible levels of stupidity
hm. must be bait.
They wanted him to come over to them so an accomplish couldn't ambush them in the hallway killzone while they were futsing with the cuffs

It's just a stupid situation overall
he got his dick blown off and died
>>Cause problem
Killing a nigger is never a problem. She did everyone a favor.
Definitely wasn't the first time that happened to her.
Fucking boot licker.
That kid was unarmed and crawling down a hallway while surrounded by other cops - cop even gave him confusing commands. By comparison, that other cop was alone while the murderer steps down from a massive truck - the officer never had control over the situation.
He would've died either way. Hitting rock from that height is like hitting water.
fucking gorilla monkey nigg- erhm, uh, nvm. Just poor whites.
this is some fucking fat ppl cope
there exists no situation in which I trip from shock that then causes my pants to fall down which then prevents me from standing. This is some looney toons obese people shit.
He got to scratch the top of his ass one last time
he's a basejumper pretending to slip off as a hilarious prank
i could understand tripping from just starting to bolt without thinking, but non-obese people don't have issues with their pants falling down, because we don't stuff a huge blob of soft wobbly fat down them
they had a knife?
Shut the fuck up. Go to a YLYL like a good little bitch.
This happened a couple times around my house roughly 20 years go. Except without being a pussy and using bare hands from start.
Is cannot believe these monkeys are using a fucking rope to tow a ship. Jesus, natural selection in action.

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