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File: outfucking skilled.webm (6 MB, 480x270)
6 MB
84 >>5657835

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
File: assault accel.webm (5.86 MB, 480x270)
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5.54 MB WEBM
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5.65 MB
5.65 MB WEBM
File: pissed.webm (4.85 MB, 960x540)
4.85 MB
4.85 MB WEBM
The 2011 has better sound mixing, but is vastly inferior in every other regard.
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5.75 MB WEBM
I was gonna do the whole series but stopped at 45/65.
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583 KB
lost it
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5.79 MB
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Another episode making a little buzz on JP twitter! Some people are going "they can do that? is there a collab or what?"

This was the short (but popular) song back in 1981, for a brand name (Seiun) of incense sticks.

青雲 (Seiun) means "blue skies", but also has connotations of "lofty ambitions" with the phrase 青雲の志
Here's the original 1982 commercial.

The company/brand is still around, and they still run commercials with that same song to this day. Here's one from 2010:
And from 2022:
Thanks for the context anon. Wouldn't have a clue otherwise.
requesting casshern sins OP
appreciate these bits
seeing classic art like this makes me angry about the slop choking up the rest of the thread
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File: Isekai Shikkaku 9b.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
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5.98 MB WEBM
wew lad
pretty rare to see a character disrespecting the food instead of going OISHI!
this is so fucking boring
is it pretending to be that on purpose or is it some kind of satirical isekai or
From that webm it looks like it's just another diamond dozen OP MC isekai, but with a focus on revenge. I've watched a decent amount of shitty isekai/fantasy anime and been generally fine with them, but I swear the ones using revenge as a motivator are the worst of the worst and I'll always avoid/drop them.
I'm on the farther end of the spectrum, I genuinely hate isekai tropes. The only few I've enjoyed are 12 Kingdoms, Grimgar, Konosuba, Re:Zero, e.t.c.
I can't think of a single isekai that I like unless you count a few films like Spirited Away and that kind of thing.
spirited away is trash
edgy boy alert.
Not enough love for the pre-digital era in this thread. Maybe these clips will make it better one post at a time.
and based
>diamond dozen
It's a doggy dog world out there, not gonna watch diamond dozen anime. Nothing personnel kid.
For all intensive purposes, you're a retard.
He got a shitty ability of poisoning and got left to die in a dungeon by a psycho goddess, but he has a 100% chance to proc any negative status, so he mixes them with other things to kill everything, everything else is pretty run of the mill.
Man, isekai titles are getting longer and longer.
very boring
If you watched Mushoku Tensei and hated it you have shit taste. Top-tier animation from Kadokawa, some of the best voice actors, and of course the story itself.
i watched it. it was boring and a bunch of random events.
average MT watcher behavior
>some of the best voice actors
Classic art is fine, but there's nothing wrong with modern art
Claiming to enjoy anime and yet still having not watched Ghibli's latest masterpiece is akin to watching football and skipping the Superbowl
>the story itself
Insert tragedy to advance the plot.
Did they rip this?
It's the official Bluray downloaded off Amazon.
1080p, 5.8gb file size, 5.1 Dolby Atmos Surround, DDR5 6000mhz, Dual Audio + Multisub (French, Spanish, English), [HEVC x265 10bit]
It was uploaded 2024-06-25 on Nyaa
>hitting yourself with a rock triggers 3 gallons of blood loss
wow i had no idea ghibli had tarantino direct this
Curious how many ghibli movies you've actually seen? They've been creatively bankrupt since the 80s. You can just watch Castle in the Sky and Grave of the Fireflies and stop there.
Local anon has never seen anyone blade before
In terms of animation quality, it's good, as to be expected. In terms of story, it's derivative of all the Ghibli films before and plot points kind of just happen without purpose.
What's the main lesson of the story? That he needs to accept the death of his mother and accept that his aunt is now his now mom? Ok but throughout the movie there's not really any indication that he's reluctant about accepting any of it aside from him needing time. The entire uncle subplot about him being a successor and then rejecting it doesn't even do anything for the rest of the story.
Yeah skipping the latest Ghibli movie is like skipping the latest Superbowl because the Superbowl ain't what it used to be.
Toei Animation × Tencent
File: GRTsT9gaQAAiD5u.webm (5.94 MB, 1280x720)
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3.74 MB
3.74 MB WEBM
Good shit, thanks for these. By any chance do you have the "made my womb shudder" clip, too?
Head injuries bleed more than you'd expect.
You're welcome. Here's the webm.
This crap reeks of some dude just having a fantasy. It blows way past the point of taking creative liberties to make things interesting, and goes straight to horny shower thoughts. Garbage writing.
baby's first anime?
File: Giji Harem 10.webm (5.89 MB, 1024x576)
5.89 MB
5.89 MB WEBM
Wait, is that actually your defense? You're defending shit writing by acting like I'm new? Anime has always had some corny shit, but the latest stuff has been especially bad. If that's the bar you wanna reach for, be my guest.
baby's first shitpost?
Probably my favorite scene so far.
File: Chiikawa - 200.webm (5.7 MB, 1280x720)
5.7 MB
The puns in this episode are about
>Takenoko no Sato (Bamboo Shoot Village)
>Kinoko no Yama (Mushroom Mountain)
Both are popular Meiji brand chocolate snacks. If your local store has an asian food section, you might even see some there next to the Pocky...
Here's uh... their latest commercial for context...
I just finished off a package of the mushroom ones. They're pretty good.
Could you eloquently cut one with a fork and knife?
lol they're little cookie stick things so I'd struggle as much as Chiikawa.
He's the real life Usagi.
>latest stuff has been especially bad
i'll ask just like that anon
baby's first anime?
>He doesn't like my anime!
>Allow me to consult my book of insults for ten year olds!
can't you just admit you enjoy the money laundered slop instead of arguing nonsense
File: 迷宮物件File538.webm (3.89 MB, 580x318)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
File: Ika Musume.webm (2.91 MB, 480x270)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
Christian Bale is in my Japanese animes? Fucking Hell how much did it cost to cast an S-tier actor like him? He's listed dead first during the credits too, despite not even being the main character.
Being listed first during the credits must have been part of the contract. Wow. He nailed his parts, fucking perfection.
What will they do if they called back to that joke and she's wearing a maid outfit
Any kabaneri? (Been out of the loop forever, and found this banger song)

Any clips from Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen?
I've caught up on the manga recently without even realizing it had an airing anime. Wondering if its good.
He's been dubbing Ghibli movies for years, he's the lead in the Howl's Moving Castle dub as well.
The way anon's gushing over such a mid movie makes me think he really hasn't seen many Ghibli films.
ah so you are just retarded
got it, waste of time to even engage
File: POWER TWO.webm (5.98 MB, 1280x720)
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5.98 MB WEBM
Sexy exoskeletons. Is there a term for that biotech horror aesthetic, like Akira, Contra, Genocyber?
I consider it to be all cyberpunk but I don't know a term for the tech horror thing specifically.

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