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File: cioran.webm (1.39 MB, 576x768)
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last thread reached 150 videos: >>5649992
Or anything like this video.
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attempted it myself with imagemagick and ffmpeg trickery but the quality is shit and it's a bit choppy
if anyone has a good collection of depressing posts in good quality it would be nice to make a proper one
the one that hits me hardest is the one about fantasizing about suicide for a hour every day
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If you remove the end its literally me
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unironically though, it's depressing how relatable this shit is besides the ending, of course kek. I was able to break out that cycle but damn.
I like it enough to save it anon
the one that hits me is 'I'm gonna be alone forever but I'm not happy with it.' because I know that's my fate, it's the outcome I'll seek even in spite of happiness
believe it or not they teach you what to do at mcdonalds
you'd have to be severely mentally retarded to not be able to put salt on fries after being shown how to put salt on fries
Why? Why the fuck me out of all people i know. Despite how much i can improve myself (car,gym, better job) i know im damaged goods. As stupid as this sound to other anons, bettering yourself is the easy part...learning to forgive what you thought,said or did to yourself is where you see how much strenght you really have
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My misanthropic worldview is to the point that I'm actively considering hurting people showing public displays of affection of any kind
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nobody asked but the song is "Rectangular Prison" by Dumb As Rocks
I understand you but i could never. Also because it repeats the circle.
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well thanks in advance
Any peep show edits?
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>is objectively correct in your path
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Forgiving yourself about what retard? A man just accepts what he did and moves on
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suicide fuel status?
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LE DOUBLE NECRO SKULLFUCK!! *le epic long dick syle :) is quite relatable though...
There was a webm from the anime 'silent voice' with "snowfall" music in the background, and the protagonist has a short monologue that starts with "dear god" (kamisama)
anyone has it? iirc the girl jumps from the balcony
I lost my HDD and it was one of my favs
Is there a word or feel for the realization that once your parents die you'll be completely alone in the world and despite being neglectful and not really interested in raising you, your parents were the only people who gave even the remotest shit about as a person?
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How are you anon?
ordinary people

one of my favourite movies
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any anon got the VHS-looking video of this anime support-girl which ends with her saying something along the lines of
>it's that bad huh
>poor guy, there's no way just a video's gonna help you
I really like the feel of it but lost it somewhere
dont have it but sounds like video girl ai
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Doing ok. Lonely, but ok. I just graduated from college with very little idea of what I want to do with my life. I turned 24 recently and am currently looking for an actual career while working a few part time jobs. A friend has offered to help me improve my resume and I’m planning on talking to some people and seeing where to go from here. I really hope that I’m not cooked and that I can actually improve my life. Hope everyone here is doing well, and if not, I hope that they improve.
that was it, thanks anon
File: feels song 405045.webm (2 MB, 640x360)
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Does someone has the vid with the song that goes
"Do you ever feel like you're lost?
Do you ever feel like someone else"
If i remember corectly the first frame is an anime girl chilling in her bed looking at the ceiling.

typing the lirycs at genius didn't help.

Didn't save it at the time cuz i didn't like it that much.
It's easy to get into the porn-gaming cycle. + alcohol

I was in a similar situation once, though I had atleast two interest in my life. Actually I just had to find the thing that bothered me deep inside, and kept me drinking all the time.

After the underlying issue was gone my life got back together, five years of misery gone in an instant. Don't give up.

And no it's not your parents.
i posted it on another thread but anybody has the webm of girl showing her daily life in her room (eating, drawing streaming) it was in a chibi artstyle, i know the song it used was from another another animation that showed a salary man life
A banger in the wrong thread
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Song is Happyface by ALASKALASKA
i know im a pathetic human being but video games saved my life back in 2011 especially that buggy mess by bethesda. I'd have killed myself if it wasn't for my friends in skyrim
wish it could've been different, but it is what it is
What >>5671684 said. Men start from the bottom and go up, which is why only women can become "damaged goods".
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Thanks anon
This is basically my entire story besides graduating, I dropped out because of severe bullying. I was actually fine and had no real issues with this lifestyle (for almost 20 years) until recently when my mother was diagnosed with the early stages of dementia. I already did everything around the house, but now I'm slowly starting to become a caretaker too. My entire life is fucking falling apart and I have no clue what to do because I've developed zero life skills, so I have to speed run 20 years worth of wasted time in a very short window and just the thought is crippling.
>i know im a pathetic human being but video games saved my life
It was WoW for me initially, game literally saved my life. It also destroyed it though.
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My dad and i once argued over how long a pregnancy lasted because he thought it was 8 months
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I fucked up. That's all there is to it. Even if I know it was just an online relationship that girl made me happier than I'd ever be alone. I know that we would probably never meet, she never talked about me to her parents or friends or siblings despite wanting to live with me and when I said I'd visit her she told me not to because it'd be hard for her to come see me. I was fine with that. Maybe me rambling about those small things is just my brain trying to justify my choice. In the end I found out that she was lying to me about something else, something rather inane but it just made me give up. I slowly began to ghost her until we stopped talking completely, the cowards way out. But God, o God. I miss her. It has been 2 years. I miss her telling she loved me, I miss spending twelve hours on a call with someone, I miss even seeing her thin, naked body in our videocalls when she wanted to get naughty, I miss listening to her talk about her day and then talking about mine. Was she crazy? Yes, probably but my paranoid schizoid mind just made it worse and I lost the only thing precious to me. It has been 2 years now and I still look at her social media from time to time, she's very private about her personal life but I see her face from time to time, she's still so beautiful. I'll never have anything like that again.
I wish I had never met her.

Here man
Naked 1993 i guess
lol what a retard, sorry about that haha
I've been looking for a specific evangelion webm it has a somber piano and distorted vocals over it. I'm not explaining it very well I know but anyone who has it will understand what I'm talking about.
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Anyone got the original one? Dont get men wrong I love this one but I also want the other one...
Just unghost, pussy
Someone tell me the story or where I can find it
Easy to Google by the picture. Vietnamese woman jumped off the high floor while husband moved back at home for a moment. It is unclear why she did that. Some say it's because he said that he want to divorce or she just answered the call of the void.
I haven't felt anything from any of these threads in a decade.
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Things never mend the same way, she deserves better.
So what did she lie about that made you give up?
The first time was when she told me some dude that used to say he threatened her and tried to find her ip started talking to her again out of nowhere and suddenly said something about a place where she was, she was scared but when I asked for her to send me a screenshot of the conversation she didn't and started talking about something else, she was literally crying but stopped real fast. My first intention was to legit try to find who could have told about the guy where she was because according to her "it must have been someone else who told him where I was" and I wanted to try and find out who it was too.
When she couldn't really give me proof I thought it was strange and started to analyze some other stuff she told me about, like how she said she was a virgin but had dated 2 guys before irl and also had a Tinder account, I believed her but you know, when she told me about her tinder she said that she never got any matches and the only dude she matched with said he only liked big breasts and wanted nothing to do with her, how did the conversation even get that far anyways? If I try to think about there's more stuff that under scrutiny wouldn't be believable but I'll stop here since this shit looks like some teenager drama but I'm nearing my 30s, she's in her early 20s and maybe she was trying to make me like her more by being more "protectable" or something. I already loved her a lot, maybe still love.
Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore.
Just to finish, I didn't give a single fuck if she was a virgin or not, despite being a khhv I didn't care about that. At the time I thought that if she was lying about something like that what else could she end up lying about in the future? What did she lie or hide from me? I got scared but I should've just asked and had a real conversation about it but hindsight is 20/20 and I don't think we'd have a good future together, if I couldn't change for the better with all the love and support she gave me it's better she ends up finding a good man who can actually be there for her, not some schizoid like me who regrets every single thing he does.
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Hanging in there. Im just a broken guy with broken dreams.
When i was growing up one of my biggest fears was failing at life and here we are.
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this is probably most retarded thing I ever seen in long time no wonder all of you guys are incels hahaha
Hello Hello I have a feelblog to post and I'm taking this webm from another thread to use for it.
I got into an argument with mommy today. It started off with her saying "Anon, why did you do [task] when person X was gonna come and do [task] tomorrow?" I try to tell her that I didnt think Person X would have done all of the work. She starts to get angry, repeating that person X was going to come pick it up, as if I was challenging her statement. I tell her that person X coming over is irrelevant to my point, I didnt think he would do all of the work do I did the task.
This loops for a few times before she pulls out the woman cards of general gaslighting and putdowns. "every time I want to talk about something YOU gotta turn it into an argument". "What kind of son have I raised for you to be talking to me like this". "Im always the one with the issue isnt it hmm?" Even a spicy "Dont you see how the devil works through you?" (neglecting that both of us are causing this argument). Things like that, I'm sure some of you guys are familiar (haha please let this be the case).
Anyways things carry on and I say something along the lines of "Its your fault that our conversations always go this way", and I didnt think much of it at the time, considering the things she said about me. I took no offense to her words against me, I don't even consider them, but when I said "Its your fault" she was hurt by that. she went on for a bit about how I've said a terrible thing and how mr.dad used to say that to her before the divorce before doing the silent treatment and leaving me to myself.
SO now I'm here feeling bad, but even that comes with a tinge of bitterness. she can say demeaning things about me with no empathy . While I feel bad for being an idiot and saying stupid things in an argument that doesn't change anything , I know she's feeling bad because I hurt her feelings.

I dont get women, I dont understand how my mommy whom Ive lived with all my life could be so incompatible.
the people just get on train like it didn't even happen
I guess you'd have to understand something akin to empathy, or have insecurity to understand. You don't emotionally or socially mature if you don't have experiences, and or enough negative experiences can lead to people developing complexes and giving them vastly different life experiences than other people. Those life experiences develop into a self identity.
She seems like a narcissist
File: Endless Poetry.webm (5.19 MB, 1280x720)
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>enters feels thread
>annoyed be anons sharing feels
Post something non-retarded then. Share your feels or go back to wherever your came from, tourist.
My mom is the same way. I changed my view of her and it has yielded good results: I treat her like a little girl, a child. You can't really get mad a child for being retarded because they don't know better. It hurts to do at first, but it gets easier over time.
A scene from a the film El Topo (1970) by Alejandro Jodorowsky has also had a profound effect on how I view females/women as a whole. It goes something like
>at some point in time, perhaps pre-biblical times
>women have been relegated into four roles
>whore, mother, saint, and stupid
Women have the same rights under the sun as men but with the added benefit of chivalry due to men coddling women. The only way we all have a bright future is if women break out of those four roles and men stop coddling women like children. That sounds contradictory to what I said about how I treat my mom, but she is the only women I treat like that because she is my mom. Every other women, I treat as if they were a man, but within reason because I recognize they have more power over me and are thus dangerous but in a different way compared to men.

Also, I don't think you know what gaslighting is. No one does these days. It's incredibly niche. I reckon your mom is just being a cunt by twisting your words and just straight up lying.
>She seems like a narcissist
Another one of those words that are tossed out. I don't think she is narcissistic because, again, it's niche. She is self-centered and unenlightened from what the OP anon wrote. Only he would know if she is narcissistic if she fits the criteria from the DSM-# since he has more exposure to her antics.

Here is another film from Jodorowsky I clipped. Perhaps it can help OP anon as well.
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navy898 4ever in our hearts
You mean like the faggos?
Because sodomy is not sex.
Or the lesbos?
Because carpet munching isn't sex.
Or the undead troons?
Because self mutilation isn't sex.
Lg-alphagettoes are the true virgins
>you'd have to understand something akin to empathy

Orcs have no empathy,
Hook noses have no empathy,
Boomers have no empathy.
Society was fucked once the boomers and hook noses took over and opened the doors to orcs invasion
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damn i was wrong about the lyrics, thx for still understanding what i was talking about
Anybody has that clip of a movie scene where two guys are sitting in a club, couples are dancing, and one guy says to another how things will not get any better, he should stop trying to be someone he isn't, he will never be a teenage girl's fantasy etc?
anyone got that video of the guy on the motorcycle with the kaneda akira theme?

This was the base video
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Does anyone have the video of the teens at the lake with the city skyline in the distance? I think the sun was setting and this music in webm related was playing.
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No, the people in the video were all girls.
Nice cover of Aphex Twin - Rhubarb
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>instagram edit, tiktok, and literally me man as the first three posts
The state of these threads are fucking grim
based dumb dad, mine is the same
still love him though
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painfully literally me.
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Is this it?
fuck off with your generic nu-reddit tranny shit, this goes on twitter
YES, thank you my nigga. I think the original webm had different music, but thanks regardless.
no cap
I was sat with three of my flatmates in the living room the other day. One of them quickly got up to take a call. A brief while after, he came and walked straight through the living room and said one thing.
"My grandfather just died."
Then he sat with us but said nothing, before eventually packing his things and saying he'll see us again in a week or so.
Probably a regular occurrence.
I have been on a train and someone has an hero on the tracks 2, maybe 3 times though I only remember 2 atm. I am a bong too so trains going all over the place in UK.
Imagine NYC, mutt city scape hell, I bet people an hero by train on a weekly, maybe even daily basis.
Though in their case I don't think anyone saw him an hero.
Anyone have a motorcycle clip and the guy is crying being chased by police and crashes in some dirt and gives up?
guys does anyone have this webm where a chinese man starts to dance when girlfriend slaps him on his face
Someone have the one where its diff clips of people in the pouring rain with that dido song?

was a total mood
just fuck off nigger will you
>I bet people an hero by train on a weekly
>doing an hero by train
what did he mean by this
I've got the youtube video
sauce please
the feels threads migrated here? And I've been wondering why I haven't seen any in gif for the past 1 or 2 years! Holy shit this board is awesome. Not the constant gore and porn you see in gif. I've been on this cursed site for 4 years now and this is the first time im here
Is there a way to see webms of past threads? I've been trying on archive.moe but it doesnt let me play the webms
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Here you go
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the whole levant could've been like this if not for the arabs and islam
but instead syrians are all singing AAAALLAAAHHUU AAKABARRR on constant repeat
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Where's this from? It's pretty redpilling
Does anyone have "if you knew how good it could be" with the all might theme playing?
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965 KB
Forgot webm
Thanks bro
yea bitch you discovered

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