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Probably the biggest tease ever in history of Hollywood
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fat russian drag whore
there are plastic supports under her hair to make it bigger and taller.
it was a style back in the day
>"One time I was walking down the street looking like a hag because I'd just gotten out of the shower. I was in a rush to get somewhere, so I ran my dogs down the street for a quick walk, and I go past Brad's garage and he's in there wearing only sweatpants and punching," says Peterson. "He's doing a punching bag. He's got on boxing gloves and he is punching a bag."

>"He was getting ready to do the movie Fight Club! He's in there and I really — I swear I almost fainted," Peterson says. "I remember he goes, 'Hey, how are you?' and I'm like, 'Huh.' I couldn't talk. I was turning red. I felt like I was fainting. He's just so stunningly, stunningly handsome — and nice, to top it off."

Man, this is like porn plot. God how I wish I could see hag Elvira and prime Pitt fuck each other.
Whore has some big tits
Why are her tits so fucking large??????
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the boomers' hannah minx
You could be right
because that is a man
What???? Come on Anon lol
i like her campiness, shes a fun time.
The lack of sound in this thread is appalling.
Most of these should be GIFs
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why can't i upload
Post Anon
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Fuck yes anon
im so fuckin high this morning that by the end of the video I thought it was another fucking AI video and she was gonna lift up the box to see a giant black dick.
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Do lesbians get turned on by boobage too?
Those tits are huge Anon, Huge
Yes, they definitely do
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Goth Dolly Parton
Yes both have giant tits
I have never seen these tittyflicks
Recommend me ONE (1) and I'll make audio webms from it.
she even did a parody of hannah minx, and hannah minx made one of her.
how would you know.
>verif B0YSJ
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she hot me sex
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What was this chicks name? I remember her from ancient times but cannot recall. I remember she went to japan and got into their porn or something
hannah minx
i dont' think she got into porn, sadly.
some other japanese youtuber did get into their gravure though.
she got knocked up by someone in the yakuza and couldn't escape
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That's kinxy!
yeah right lol fuck you. she still looks amazing how is that possible?

>6 letter captcha
Time to die.
Post some with sound...
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Alright I'll make some, but only cause you bumped it on page 11.
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Thanks anon.
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Anything with a man's hand in it is immediately ruined.
The straightest man on the planet.
Its weird finding out she lost her virginity to Tom Jones, and he fucked her so hard he busted up her virgin pussy to the point it needed stitches.
so there should be porn
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You guys do realise Elvira is just a ripoff of Vampira?

Such a shame there is so little surviving Vampira footage though, apart from that fucking Ed Wood movie bit that doesn't count
I guess that's what he meant by Sex abomb
Courts determined that is not the case and also Elvira is actually good looking.
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>claimed to have had a child with Orson Welles and gave it up for adoption
>By 1962, [Vampira] was making a living installing linoleum flooring
>James Dean: I had studied The Golden Bough and the Marquis de Sade, and I was interested in finding out if this girl [Vampira] was obsessed by a satanic force. She knew absolutely nothing. I found her void of any true interest except her Vampira make-up. She has no absolute.
>[Vampira] died of natural causes on January 10, 2008, at her garage apartment in Hollywood
>garage apartment
Lmao, attention seeking girl failure.
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Im a zoomer and litertally fucking who?
What is this from?
I was born in the mid 90s but apparently I really really had a thing for her when I was a kid. Shit I have good taste
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Fat fucking pig, lose weight. This is like watching a fat retard run around in a Superman costume.
Fucking based
That nigga one of the last holdouts from the Super Straight movement.
Got them typical redhead ultra bright pink nipples. Love the redhead ultra bright pink vagines too.
miss hannah minx is actually petite if you look at full body shots.
Love Elvira so much.
Kek at sad zoomer trannies getting pissed in this thread, didn't expect so much rage from the impotent losers.
>This is like watching a fat retard run around in a Superman costume.
yeah well we dont have much alternative or direction really
rage atleast feels like something purposeful
(i didn't read the thread)
shut the fuck up about your made up fucking generation autism brainrot you fucking faggots
Elvira Mistress of the Dark.
>made up
>died of natural causes on 10 January, 2008
A knife in the boobs naturally kills you? Haha
You cannot believe my disappointment when I realized that this wasn't an add on car insurance
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>boomers don't know how to google "big breasts" on the internet
would sex both

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