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Post videos about the way and the truth and the life, and include a relevant verse from the bible.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

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I am has sent me to you.
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When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It's a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
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Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
The servant’s name was Malchus
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some began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, “Prophesy!”
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You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
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Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.

God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
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To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations:


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
why was jesus arrested in a public park at 4am whike he was with a naked kid?
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Joseph bought some linen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock.

As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
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not my will, but your will must be done
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Blessings be upon you, brother. Keep the faith.
What the fuck are you talking about, schizo?
It's the newest argument this guy got and he's posting in all threads that are only slightly positive about Christianity. Around the same time so pro-islam posts were made in the same threads but I doubt he's actually a muslim since he couldn't answer the most basic questions about it.
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>Mark14 51-52
A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.

In the original greek text the words used are quite specifically referring to a medicated linen garment used to wrap the male member, what was Jesus doing with that kid while the others were keeping watch?
Relevant webm.

>medicated linen garment used to wrap the male member

The word used is σινδόνα
It's a burial shroud. It's the same word used after the crucifixion, when Joseph takes the body of Jesus down from the cross.
The secret version of the gospel of Mark explains that mysterious verse.

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Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.
If it's forgery then it's a damn good one and Morton Smith is nothing short of a genius, because the insert after Mk. 10:34 ties an entire constellation of passages together.

1. The transition from Jesus' passion prediction in Mk. 10:22-34 to James and John's request that they get to sit on his right and his left when he comes into his kingdom in Mk. 10:35-45.

2. Jesus "loving" the rich young man and the man leaving him very sad because he had a lot of stuff in Mk. 10:17-22.

3. Mk. 14:51-52 as >>5669771 mentioned which seems so random, like the rest of the story was edited out. Jesus just gets caught in a public park at 4 AM with a nearly naked teenage boy, whom the arresting party also tried to arrest for some reason? They must have been convinced that something homoerotic went on between the two contrary to Jewish law then.

4. The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man in Lk. 16:19-31, especially its reference to someone rising from the dead in v. 31.

5. The Lazarus episode in Jn. 11:1-44, Lazarus joining Jesus at brunch in his house in Jn. 12:1-2, and Lazarus being implied to be Jesus' companion and the chief priests plotting to kill both in Jn. 12:9-11.

6. The beloved disciple passages and references in Jn. 13:23-26; 19:23-27; 20:1-10, 25; and 21:7.
>still trying to push septuagint corrupted text
Do you seriously believe the origin story of that text?

That's not what the Bible says.

I don't care about your "tradition" since it contradicts clear Scripture.
>Do you seriously believe the origin story of that text?
Much more than the Masoretic.
That's ignorant. But any attack against God's word they can make to promote uninspired apocryphal texts and corrupted texts as inspired promoted with proven lies to defend indulgences, purgatory, and other false doctrines of a pagan priest cult which has a false and accursed gospel.
>That's ignorant
No, trusting Jews after being corrupted by the Talmud is. If we can trust the Jews centuries after Christ's death, then his teachings simply didn't matter to them. This would mean in Christ there is Jew and gentile.
How the MT got corrupted can be seen in >>5669430, clear examples are given in >>5669428. A closer examination of the OT quotes in the NT can be found on the guy's channel. It's still ongoing but so far the LXX is still clearly favored.
Christ is King.
Why would Aramaic-speaking Jews use a Greek translation of their own sacred Hebrew texts though?
Greek was the lingua franca of the Mediterranean area at the time.

How does an egregore expand?
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Matthan the father of Jacob,
and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of
who is called the Messiah.
when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph, the son of Mattathias

Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man, who had not consented to their decision and action. He came from the Judean town of Arimathea, and he himself was waiting for the kingdom of God. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body. 53 Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid
Cool :)
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>Why would they use this translation they agreed on rather than no unified scriptures in a language that's closer to the one they speak everyday?
By this logic we could also say that any Bible should rather be translated from one of a germanic language than the scriptures we know to be time tested and agreed upon. Greek by that time was already part of the language of the citizens of Israel and it also being the language of the NT shows that too.
Of course we could claim there has been some kind of unified collection of scriptures in Hebrew back then, but that would not be known to us now, still leaving us with the LXX as our best option.
They wouldn't. The evangelists were all Greeks. None of them could read Hebrew, they all had to rely on the LXX translation as the basis of their gospels, which is how they ended up with bizarre stuff like the virgin birth. Matthew was so ignorant of Hebrew he actually thought Jesus had to ride two donkeys simultaneously to fulfill one of his made-up prophecies because he didn't understand the parallelism in Zechariah 9:9. John didn't even know the difference between Hebrew and Aramaic but at least he got the number of donkeys right.
>Pro hebrew
>Insults the evangelists
>Claims prophecies were made up
>Considers the virgin birth 'bizarre'
Don't stick your nose in this thread
Kek, you don't need to be a kike to know the NT is a shitty fanfic of the OT, just read the bible.
Are you going to post any examples of those "made-up" prophecies though?
>I'm not a jew, I just follow my own interpretation of the OT, act like a talmudic jew and hate the NT much more than the OT
You mean Matthew's made-up prophecies or made-up prophecies in general? I posted some in the previous thread. Matthew is by far the most incompetent of the four evangelists, you can almost see him awkwardly digging through the OT looking for "prophetic" stuff for his version of Jesus to fulfill when you read his gospel. Right off the bat, in Matthew 2:15, he takes Hosea 11:1, a verse about the Exodus, and goes "fuck it, this is a Jesus prophecy now lol" (which is made even worse by the fact it contradicts Luke's account, who says nothing about Jesus and his family ever going to Egypt). He mixes up two entirely different books (Jeremiah and Zechariah) while fabricating a prophecy about Judas' death (Matthew 27:9) and there are apologists still struggling to accept his fuckup nearly 2000 years later. He's also the one who invented the virgin birth (reason why you don't find it in Mark, nor in John, nor anywhere in the epistles, only in Luke who used it as source material).
But to give you an idea how much worse Matthew is there are 27, 24, and 14 direct OT quotations in Mark, Luke, and John respectively, but a whopping 54 in Matthew, who not only copied all of Mark's quotations but added another 27 of his own. It's plausible that the early church decided to put his gospel first in the bible so that readers would think it's the more "complete" version of the four, when it's just filled with a lot more bullshit compared to the others. And that happens even with stuff that didn't come from the OT like "Thou art Peter," the one verse that seems to support the authority of the papacy. It's only found in his gospel, which is weird as fuck. If any one evangelist was supposed to provide an account of the story you'd think it'd be Mark, who was Peter's companion and based his gospel on the information he got from him. But no, it's Matthew making shit up yet again.
For prophecies invented by the other writers Luke 24:46 is a classic one. It's about a prophecy that literally doesn't exist. He cherry picks lines from disconnected OT verses, stitches them together, and there's his "sign of Jonah." The NT writers constantly dismantle OT verses referring to other people to pretend they're prophecies about Jesus throughout the gospels and epistles. Chapter 1 of Hebrews is one of the worst offenders. It's entirely made of verses taken from Psalms, Samuel, Chronicles, etc talking about David, Solomon, and God but removed from context to make it look like they're about Jesus. It goes as far as to directly quote 2 Samuel 7:14 while describing Jesus and casually omit more than half of the verse because it didn't fit with him being sinless. This can be seen whenever they quote Psalm 110 (and they do it A LOT, the first verse is the one OT verse they quote the most), where someone is singing about David and they try to shoehorn Jesus in there to make you think it's David singing about him. Christians who read the bible know this shit but they cope by telling themselves it's all "prefiguring" Jesus. The whole thing is a joke with these build-a-bear prophecies and most Christians have no idea how they're being played by the NT writers because they've never read the book they claim to believe in.
The NT is more egregious because it literally tries to rewrite and repurpose the absolute mess that's the OT with it's countless writers throughout the centuries.
Also why are you saying Jew? Are you afraid of saying kike?
>Are you afraid of saying kike?
Because this site is +18
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Lmao, found the shabbos goy.
I called you out for your jewish behavior but I'm not in puberty anymore so I don't feel the need to be edgy
Nice cope but it won't convince anyone on an anime forum. What's the point of accusing other people of being kikes and acting like you're opposing them if you can't even use a derogatory word for them that they themselves came up with?
>You might insult me for my behavior and call it jewish but you haven't said kike so you actually love them
Please go back to your muslim baiting that was much funnier
>Schizo boomer claims to hate kikes and thinks I'm some mudslime because I don't suck zionist cock and can call them kikes
The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.
Good job, you embarrassed yourself here. Now my job is done. Thus all enemies of Christ
So much for not being in puberty lol
I'm an atheist but genuinely interested in religion, tried to talk to Christian groups/Christians and asked them to explain their faith, how they found God or whatever. Responses I've gotten
>acidhead who took too much acid and suddenly became really spiritual. complete schizophrenic
>"you must find Jesus and accept that he is your lord and savior" etc etc
I just can't understand the mindset. Everything that's happened in my life wasn't due to God, it was due to sheer luck or my own initiative. Bad things happened due to my own mistakes/bad decisions or bad luck. Some people are good people, others are two-faced shitheads.
Things like "love thy neighbour" and forgiveness don't seem to get you very far in life.
Do I need to have some life-changing experience to find God and understand the mindset?
that's a pretty retarded reply
>I just can't understand the mindset
The first one is bad if it's like 'yeah man this chemical made me see God while others see machine elves', if they however get a intervention by God against their drug use I'd not dismiss it. The second group you mentioned follows a correct teaching, that you need to come closer to God in order for Him to move closer to you, but it's not very convincing for someone outside.
The problem you and many others face is that God normally doesn't just say 'I'll visit you so you can confirm my existence' as that would not require any faith. Believing in Him is the most important part for reaching Him, you need to take the first step.
>Everything that's happened in my life wasn't due to God, it was due to sheer luck or my own initiative.
Do you think luck is over God? Is He bound by some arbitrary processes? I'd guess you heard the usual arguments against Christianity that all of our arguments are illogical (they aren't) but your mindset would also not be accepted by those people who cry fallacy at every opportunity. Believing in luck requires a metaphysical framework that allows for something improvable to exist. Something good happens without your doing? Oh, must've been this weird force we call 'luck'. Of course we could say luck is just unaccounted for circumstances and effects but at this point it goes beyond minor materialistic mechanisms towards the idolization of said mechanism despite having no evidence for those working out in that fashion.
>Things like "love thy neighbour" and forgiveness don't seem to get you very far in life.
In a community it helps you get more things as everyone shares, personally it makes you more happy and calm. If you love everyone you can't curse some group of people but instead accept everyone and simply damn bad behavior.
>If we can trust the Jews centuries after Christ's death, then his teachings simply didn't matter to them

>St. Augustine taught that the Jews must be protected for their ability to explain the Old Testament and at the end of the sixth century Pope Gregory the Great brought Augustine’s teachings into Roman Law, with a Papal Bull specifying that, although the Jews had not accepted salvation through Christ, Christians were nevertheless duty-bound to protect the Jews as an important part of Christian civilization.

>Do I need to have some life-changing experience to find God and understand the mindset?
It's hard to turn into a believer, especially since we got this false dichotomy of Religion vs Science/Reason. This stems from a perversion of science in which it got substituted for a weak kind of empiricism. There is no guaranteed way to find God outside of the church but even if you don't wanna believe just try to live like a Christian is supposed to live for a month or two (Giving and helping the poor, not trying to be bad to others in word, deed or your heart, making yourself humble) and you should see the fruits of the way of live. If you can actually go to church and regularly pray it's even better since that builds a direct relation to God. I know this is kind of disappointing to hear, you likely wanted some way to know of God before having to go towards Him but let's not forget that the highly individualistic lives we live now are not healthy. Normally a parent or at least a priest could guide you but modern life has eroded all of these ways. There's a reason we care so much about our communities.
They had no better books that we know of and there was no reason for them not to use the LXX. What more do you want?

>St. Augustine
I'm still not a catholic
Is that you, ortholarper?
Of course it's the ortholarper running his mouth.
He is actually in puberty, it's a kid who larps as some Orthodox priest here. He thinks other denominations are basically Muslims too. A total moron.
>Insults someone he considers a kid
>Doesn't insult the guy who made fun of all the evangelists
Do you think Christ will be proud of you today?
Not surprised at all it's mostly boomers who have kikes and Israel as this sacred cow but that last post of his could only have been written by a zoomer LARPer who believes he's some warrior of Christ yet never even finished reading his own holy book
Are you really asking that question after saying everyone who doesn't belong to the church you discovered 5 minutes ago watching a Jay Dyer video on youtube is a Muslim? Even the atheist didn't do anything like that, you had to bring the discussion down to your level instead of showing him how we interpret the scriptures. I'm glad we don't have that kind of divisive rhetoric in my church and people understand what Mark 9:38-41 means, if I didn't know you're just a kid talking out of your ass I'd think you intentionally want Orthodoxy to sound as unchristian and unappealing as possible.

It's not about Zionism the ortholarper has been called a kike multiple times in this general for arguing like one, that's why he dislikes the word. When he calls people Jews here it's just more projection from him.
At least he replied. All you did was drool on yourself.
So you're doubling down? I must've missed the spot were Jesus said 'Go ahead and insult the kids', maybe it was right next to 'Yeah also fuck my mother and when somebody insults all of the NT, instead insult those rebuke him'. Imagine some new inquirer coming to this thread and seeing either what you consider a kid who discovered the church five minutes ago or someone who prefers insulting said kid instead of the guy who makes fun of his religion. What a sad state of affairs.
A new inquirer will only see you unable to properly address an atheist's points, actually start said insults, and then whine like a little bitch when you're called out on your childish behavior, as always. I can't even defend you as a Christian since you do that to everyone here because you think we're all Muslims except you. This is indeed a sad state of affairs.
So when will you finally start defending Christianity?
hello christchads, do you know some cool obscure quotes from scripture i can quote when i play quasi christian religious types in dnd? can be less known bible verse, gospel or some mysticism, heresy, gnosticism, whatever. I appreciate it, god bless, praise jesus
'So when will you do what I failed to do for me' is what you're asking. You could've tackled the atheist's points instead of calling him a Jew like you call us Muslims, but you had no arguments as always and opted for feigned outrage. I've witnessed atheists say some really nasty shit about Christ and the apostles on this site, and he doesn't come anywhere close to any of that. I didn't see him post anything insulting about Christ specifically, which would still be a forgivable sin. So if you expect me to jump in to save the ass of a dumb kid who's clearly in the wrong, thinks he's the only true Christian around, and does more harm than good to the conversation you'll be sorely disappointed.
>You could've tackled the atheist's points
>They had no better books that we know of and there was no reason for them not to use the LXX. What more do you want? (>>5671168)
>opted for feigned outrage
You mean the same way you do for me except you call me a kid instead?
>I've witnessed atheists say some really nasty shit about Christ and the apostles on this site, and he doesn't come anywhere close to any of that.
He literally said that all of our religion is based on 4 greeks being too dumb to understand hebrew and having to invent prophecies. If this isn't enough to at least rebuke him I fear for you.
>thinks he's the only true Christian around
No, I'm just not one who puts his own interpretation over the text he has. This is the same exact logic that allowed islam to proliferate. This is why you are basically a muslim. You still not standing up for Christ and saying 'Hey maybe that guy who I literally consider a child is retarded but I can tell you where you're wrong'. You got more worked up over being called out for your idolization of your interpretation than defending the religion you claim you are part of.
But I don't consider you a child, you're obviously a larping teenager as you have proven over and over again in these threads. The post you linked is also not part of your discussion with the atheist. And on the topic of putting one's 'own interpretation over the text he has' have you asked anyone in your church about Judges 17 yet?
>But I don't consider you a child, you're obviously a larping teenager
Mindless semantics in order to justify your hatred.
>The post you linked is also not part of your discussion with the atheist.
It is. He said the evangelists made so many mistakes because they were incapable of reading hebrew (>>5670972). I had already stated by then that the LXX was the best option to them available that we know of (>>5670688). >>5671141 did not understand, so I posted >>5671168 to explain it more clearly. That the atheist did not manage to read >>5670688 even though he posted multiple hours later and countering the points he made before they were available to me makes it part of the discussion.
>And on the topic of putting one's 'own interpretation over the text he has' have you asked anyone in your church about Judges 17 yet?
No, I just decided that I'm right and everything you say against it is a well know corruption. Have you made up your mind how God orders us to make what you consider idols and He still remains all good?
>No, I just decided that I'm right
I rest my case, ortholarper.
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Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.

“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.

Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome, and he despised him. He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. “Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!”

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.

David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.
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though it is outside the number
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God of Israel is not real and youre all mentally ill.
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>God of Israel is not real and youre all mentally ill.
The God of those who wrestle with God is not real?
That's silly.
Moses means "drawn out of water"
Water is chaos.
Therefore, Moses is evolution.
Jesus is the manifestation of evolution.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

If "God" is defined as the creator, then he is natural selection. We are made in the image of natural selection. Therefore, we ARE NATURAL SELECTION. our creative design IS natural selection.

We are gods.

Jesus turns chaos into wine.

Israel IS survival of the fittest. It means "wrestle with gods". It's all talking about evolution, but it's a more developed theory with more nuance and wisdom.

Anyway, yeah. It is real. You're just arguing semantics.

The LORD is the "name" of natural selection. Name means "definition". It is the communication. The Code. The DNA. The 2nd commandment is " Do not communicate with vanity". Seek to understand the meaning, and stop arguing semantics. Stop arguing with strawman, and instead, wrestle with God. That is how to become fit. Or, you can chose to deny the way, the truth, and the life, and become unfit (unchosen).

Chosen ones are selected ones. Everyone is selected at birth. Accept the gift, and stop rejecting your life. Find what it is that you were selected for, and do that.
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Do not worship the Lords name in vain.
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Anon, Jesus literally says in the NT that He came to build upon the Laws.
this is why stuff like lust and adultery are the same thing now. or why hate is considered murder, because hate can lead to murder, etc.
you are Jewish, that's the pathetic part, you aren't even trying to hide it. and you act edgy just to seem like you're the biggest jew hater or something. it's weird.
Nothing in the NT changes the OT, but builds upon it. You no longer need to kill a lamb, Jesus died for you. You no longer need to do an eye for an eye, because Jesus died for you. Etc.
You don't ignore OT text either just because. Just because jews can no longer kill gentile babies doesn't mean the NT is flawed, my big nose fiend.
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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Watch Pulp Fiction and use that one.
Every time you attack a chaotic character, you can say something that God says about Leviathan (chaos) in the book of Job.

Job 41:

I will pulled him in with a fishhook
and tie down his tongue with a rope.
I will put a cord through his nose
and pierced his jaw with a hook.
He will beg me for mercy.
He will speak to me with gentle words for mercy.
I will make him agree with me
and I will take him as my slave for life.
I will make a pet of him like a bird.
I will make a leash for the young women in my house to play with.
I will fill its hide with harpoons
and its head with fishing spears.

I will penetrate its double coat of armor.
I will pry open the doors of its mouth,
ringed about with fearsome teeth?
I will part the scales on it's back.

I will extinguish the flames from its mouth.
I will remove the Strength from its neck.
I will move the folds of its flesh.
Its chest is like butter to me.
This was a response to this >>5671966
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I feel like the majority of Christians did not read the same bible I did. Specifically, I feel like most of them skipped over Romans 12:19. There is too much hatred and violence in the name of God in today's America.
I understand.

It's just as Jesus said. Narrow is the path and gate that leads to life and few take it. Wide is the path that leads to destruction and many take it.

Many know about Christ today, but few actually follow him. I had a habit of watching the news on YouTube often and reading the comments. There were always so many people cursing the criminals, wishing for misery and death upon them. The comments had hundreds if not thousands of likes. I wondered how many of those people in the comments called themselves Christians and went to church frequently and then went on to disagree with Jesus about loving your enemies and hoping for their repentance and salvation.
Good post
The hubris of the oppressed is what summons hasatan/nemesis into the courtroom. Therefore, if you feel oppressed by your job, do not accuse the Lord, but instead, retract your code, and repent in dust and ashes.

Isa is like a rock that melts in the fire. He evaporates into the sky, and then, after three days, he rains down to water the plants.
If vengeance must be enacted, that is the domain of the LORD. As a member of his flock, it is not my place to enact my human idea of justice upon my enemy. While I agree with the idea of imprisonment for violent crimes, I believe it should be a place of redemption and rehabilitation. Ideally, they will realize the error of their ways, seek His light, become a vessel for His will, and the thought of harming another will never again fill their mind.
Brutalizing people who have strayed from His path only begets more violence. There is nothing to be gained when lambs of God strike at each other. The wolf still yet lurks among the flock, seeking the injured and downcast to snatch up for his treacherous machinations. The enemy loves nothing more than when the Lord's flock turns against each other.
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Lord I believe. Help me in my unbelief.
The pumice stone is good for removing calloused skin, and ingrown hairs, but it is the living water that cleans the body, and washes away the dust.
The pumice stone is like the cloud computing model being pushed by prvate interests. Corporations prioritize money above truth and life and they control the information, thus, directinf the egregore to priorities moneybober truth and life.
The living water is a P2P cypherspace structure that allows individuals to focus on truth and life, and seperate themselves from Mammon.
>The pumice stone is like the cloud computing model being pushed by prvate interests. Corporations prioritize money above truth and life and they control the information, thus, directing the egregore to prioritize money over truth and life.
>The living water is a P2P cypherspace structure that allows individuals to focus on truth and life, and seperate themselves from Mammon.
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i thought it was to show off the cumstains
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Praise Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God!
Came here to say God’s a certified faggot for giving me a shitty life.
Praise Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God!
Does someone have the "Jesus edit" webm of Jesus in different places while the song "Lost Kitten" by METRIC plays on the background. I really need that video i could really use some motivation to be a christian right now
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This one?
Extremely similar to this one but it had different background settings for each image like one was of Jesus' tomb and the others were of nature IIRC. Thanks for this anyway anon
you're all retarded children. shut the fuck up.
How do I stop watching porn. I've been trying for well over a year now and I'm tired of failing each attempt miserably and really angry at my own weakness. It's insane that some people question the existence of porn addiction this is very real and very destructive.
For any great endeavour an important first step is to pray. Not only before going to bed or after getting up but also when ever you feel the draw. Another thing is to make it hard for yourself to give in. So stuff like setting up DNS filters, removing all bookmarks/download you might have had, not going to some place that shows similar stuff etc. The more steps you need to take to see it, the less inclined you will be and the more time you will have to turn back. If you spent a lot of time watching porn or do it on a regular basis (like after coming home, before going to bed etc) you should fill that time with something else. Find some fulfilling hobby, ideally something that keeps you away from the computer. If it's more erratic, pray. Also don't forget that many of the people we consider great stayed away from it - Christ, Mary, John the Forerunner just to name three. Take these to inspire you. Another thing that could hinder you is that your social sphere might be very porn focused. If that's the case, try to cut down on time with those people or change the topic whenever it comes up.
My favorite Jesus story is the one about his childhood, where another boy runs into him and boy Jesus straight up Power Word Kills him.
I personally find it pretty inspiring how little pornography the above mentioned 1st century Palestinian Jews used. They must've had good imaginations to get them through alone time.
Yeah I'm really the routine watcher type of guy and one big contributor is probably that my life is kind of empty. I'm just in this limbo state waiting to graduate so I can start working and now my days consist of going to school if I slept enough, making and eating the same meal every day and spending the rest of the day watching random youtube videos and jerking off. The problem is I kind of don't know what else to do. I don't really have friends to hang out with and I'm really so I have a hard time even getting outside to do anything in the first place. Before I spent most of the day playing videogames but I've lost all interest in them and started watching movies/series instead. I know I have to fill that time with something but I always justify this laziness to myself with "once I graduate I will start living my life" but I realize that most likely thinga will continue to be the same except I go to work instead of school and the rest of the day is spent like it is now. I don't know man I will try praying about it since I usually don't pray a lot and it could be useful in many ways since I can feel the connection to God in that weak moment and maybe I'll even be too embarrased after that to watch porn. I'll definitely give it a try. Sorry for the wall of text, I lurk most of the time but now I just had to rant a bit when the post nut clarity hit.
Sorry, I was in /gif so I didn't see this right away.
>The problem is I kind of don't know what else to do.
I'd recommend something productive like soldering or cooking or something community driven like a sports club. Ideally you should find both since communities can pull you back in by having a schedule and people looking after you, however, those scheduled meetings are often at most once per week, so you need something productive not only to occupy your mind in those down times but also so you can look at something and say 'I made this or I can do something with this'.
>I don't know man I will try praying about it since I usually don't pray a lot and it could be useful in many ways since I can feel the connection to God in that weak moment and maybe I'll even be too embarrased after that to watch porn.
The praying really helps in the beginning just to get away from porn. It's often hard to start praying for people who might be interested but don't really believe yet but it's just the first step towards God. That's why it's less about singing or saying specific things but just conversing with God.
>Sorry for the wall of text, I lurk most of the time but now I just had to rant a bit when the post nut clarity hit.
Don't worry about it bro. Also look into getting a family friendly DNS (most are free) so you simply get hindered more to succumbing to porn. It's really hard to escape it's clutches so any help you can get is one you should take. This webm >>5672861 often motivates a lot, I hope it might help you too. May God give you strength!
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What is he brewing with the ocean this day?
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turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque ˹on holy ground˺—
wherever you are,
turn your faces towards it.

Even if you were to bring every proof to the People of the Book, they would not accept your direction ˹of prayer˺, nor would you accept theirs; nor would any of them accept the direction ˹of prayer˺ of another. And if you were to follow their desires after ˹all˺ the knowledge that has come to you, then you would certainly be one of the wrongdoers.

You shall worship no other God before ME! I AM the God who freed you from the slavery of Egypt.
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When it is said to them, “Follow what All Law has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.”

They ask for Bar Abbas, and HE is crucified.
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religion is a mental illness
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the mentally ill in a group
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