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and related
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neat, I live close enough to a base that I'll probably get to see the flashes when they fall

Sum of All Fears (2002), based on a Tom Clancy novel
>neat, I live close enough to a base that I'll probably get to see the flashes when they fall
i always wondered how fucked the guys manning these silos would be in an actual full scale nuclear exchange. its probably an easy decent paying job with 99.9% chance nothing will ever happen during your entire career in the air force, but if shit kicks off, and you actually get an order to fire your missiles from your underground control station , what do you do next? is it just assumed that even if you have enough warning time to launch the ICBMs for your silos, a few minutes after that you're going to either die (at best) or get buried into an underground tomb (at worst) when the enemy ICMBs hit you, unless you win the lottery and you don't get targeted/the incoming missile fails etc? would the crew try to escape right after the launch? or maybe before launching? hmmm
It must be terrible being the one having to turn the key
>i always wondered how fucked the guys manning these silos would be in an actual full scale nuclear exchange.
It really depends. Countries with highly developed arsenals and tactics have, generally, graduated approaches to nuclear warfighting. In simple terms, you don't start from 11, but go up or down -- like an escalation ladder. You're wanting 'win' at a minimum cost to your counterforce (nuclear forces) and countervalue (cities and everything else). Two advanced NWSs will continue to exchange in waves until the war's termination is agreed between them -- this is why you don't specifically target the NCA/legitimate leadership, because you need someone to negotiate with.

>what do you do next?
If you're "lucky" and your silo wasn't destroyed you wait until radiation levels subsided, maybe two or so weeks. You can emerge and find new orders. Not that you'd probably care at that point. There's escape hatches built into the silos.
Guess it's just who you are
Do you think they get to browse the internet? Would be the worst job ever if you just had to sit on your ass all day doing absolutely nothing waiting for something that won't happen.
>Sum of All Fears (2002), based on a Tom Clancy novel
The DVD commentary for this movie is hilarious, Tom Clancy is with the director and Clancy is shitting on the movie the entire time. He really hated the aircraft carrier scene because it wasn't in the book since it's unrealistic and stupid for the Russians to be able to find the carrier, let alone get anywhere close to it like that
Fyi modern nukes don't produce much radioactive fallout. You want to get ground troops in there sooner, not later.
I dont get it
That doesn't just depend on the weapon, but at what altitude it explodes -- so for air-burst? Yes. For ground-burst? No.
If you're a missileer, you're almost certainly going to be experiencing ground-bursts.
Except in the present day, when this has become (maybe) an issue again, you have a bunch of diversity hires, women and jews (who have significant ethnic tensions against Russia) "manning" these response teams
Though, if Russians have investments in America and Americans have investments in Russian countries, the threat is reduced
what klauskino is this from?
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>B-B-Baltimore??? My god I'M IN BALTIMORE
hollywood cracks me up
>modern electronic components
Cool It with The antisemitic remarks
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the actual command bunkers aren't that close to the silos. there's also multiple crews in multiple bunkers controlling the same field. they're all stocked with food, water, sanitation, medical supplies and some entertainment for a few months so if they do survive, they can wait out the residual radiation until it becomes "safe" enough to try one of their emergency exits, or they wait it out for rescue.

if you're attacking silos, you're doing ground bursts which produce significant amounts of fallout compared to air bursts
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Underground testing
a sound of thunder?
jewish war crime btw. Yes Whites dropped it but they were commanded to do so by jews.
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That's basically the premise of the movie Wargames. Nobody actually wants to turn the key so they put an AI in charge.
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I laughed everytime one of those pugs got glassed, they'd understand too if they knew their kids were gonna be commie faggots and trannies.
I love how Best Korean music sounds straight out of a late-80s/early-90s anime. This wouldn't be out of place in DBZ.
This interpretation is pretty far off BTW. The whole "lead ball/evil fire" thing is actually just talking about a "basket" and a "flying scroll". This dude is purposely making it sound like an ICBM lol
What movie?
This guy does a better job at explaining how the mistranlations happened:
But yeah, Zechariah was 100% describing nuclear weapons, but he was limited on his understanding, so a heavy metal like plutonium was interpreted as lead (heaviest metal they knew of at the time).
first strike 1979, it was funded by the department of defense due to anxiety about relaxing nuclear war preparedness levels and used actual US military personel, some of the scenes got sampled in
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>nuclear winter is a theory
>yep let's take the unknown but significant chance of 95% of the entire world being wiped
This entire thread: US Kikes and "Russian" kikes: "Let's you and him fight!" LOL.
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yeah but let's be honest, Japan deserved it. they were gettin REAL spicy and wouldn't back down, this was basically the only way to save thousands of americans from dying needlessly in human wave attacks on tiny islands.
>yep let's take the unknown but significant chance
lmao, more like zero chance. Nuclear winter is a meme, nothing more.
If this were demonstrably possible it would have been a moral obligation for the Soviet Union (or United Kingdom) to have done so.

The simplest answer is that this was not possible to do. Probably due to the poor quality of Soviet attack submarines.
The Cure - M
Is there a good documentary in English? I loved watching everything of the AT&T archives about American BMD and I think it would be cool to see the Russian stuff.
this is true kino
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They were an anti-white anti-western power whose generals wrote books about genociding the whites in North America, retarded mutt faggot.
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they probably get to visit a mirrored version of the web
as soon as they request data from a server via http the gatekeeper system of the military intelligence service pulls a copy on display that the isolated high value intelligence target (guy working the nuke keys) will use without knowing that its not the outside version
in case someone goes postal and shitposts something too sensitive they can prevent it and issue some plausible 404 error page or for example freeze the computer/phone/laptop forcing a reboot faking a technical malfunction
same principle as they basically dont 1:1 livestream high sensitivity events on tv anymore and why even live takes on studio are buffered for three minutes or so to be able to prevent some newsanchor anheroing live on primetime for example
there is no reason the beforementioned should not and does not exist, just common sense from the perspective of somebody(the system) who has got to lose a lot

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