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File: Bike 1722189263 567 46.webm (2.34 MB, 1280x720)
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2 wheels
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le sigma
what the fuck did he do?
It's just cause he went from the sidewalk around the circle into the road right in front of the car and it scared the driver. Why his goofy ass fell over? Idk. Maybe he just barely saw the manhole in his peripheral and freaked out.
Or maybe he was on the road and passed the driver by going up on the sidewalk, idk.
Or maybe he was just wondering how someone could honk on a man before he falls out off his bike
Reminds me of that movie with a kid who keeps getting into worse accidents throughout the story before he could recover from a previous one
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>get on /wsg/
>2 wheels thread
aw yiss
At least you can honk
Was getting honked part of your plan?
based thot destroyer
one one hand chinese said to have hight iq. on the other hand their accidents are most brutal and stupid
interesting beheading device
Of course!
>Why his goofy ass fell over?
He put his left foot on the rear tire, who knows why.
I didn't sell the rights to that, wtf movie?
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that little car fared well despite the impact.
>Tons of Anarchy.webm
le kek
If he had hit that midget it would have been one of the funniest videos ever
Needs a buttrock version of the Dr Eggman theme
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This guy survived. The driver was an old man (on his meds?) and missed the red light. The rider was slipping in and out of consciousness until he woke up in a hospital. This was years ago so he probably recovered know.
Why do we let old people drive?
>and missed the red light
He did a bit more than that, considering it was a T section.
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What am i looking at?
Strange. The motorcyclist is waiting at a red light, in full control of his vehicle and yet is still somehow to blame for the crash. How do motorcyclists manage to cause so many accidents?
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stop making things up retard
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the bike is riding him
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So many questions.
dude tries to run him over, hops out with knife and keeps yelling "fuck your mother"

what questions do you have? he obviously did something to piss him off.
was he ok
did it get runned over
fucking kek
>What am i looking at?
Are you a baby?
How does the sweat hog fit into leather
It's because they expect other cars to move for them. Like boomers
>I have the right way, everyone must move for me

I tell you that is boomer mentality
Jump off your bike.
Don't forget the bike you stole orc boi
Man, I'd not yet noticed the absolute insanity that is the texting-while-driving issue spread from cars to scooters.. Retarded.
Overtaking in the right-hand lane: smart.
Overtaking on the sidewalk: genius.
Freddy Got Fingered, there is a running gag about a kid that gets increasingly hurt through the film, and by the end he runs into an airplane propeller. Its pretty good.
Once you hit 65, you should have to take the driving test again. Hell, I think everyone should have to take it again every 5-10 years. Far too many retards out there that don't know basic rules.
>see the car turning
>veer into him
Is this a fucking insurance scam, or just a typical retard?
People who choose to ride motorbikes prove themselves to be bad decision makers by choosing to ride the bike. Nothing that they do after that decision should be a surprise.
born to be wide
Amen to that
Orcs have proven to be bad decision makers. Why aren't you bitchy and whiny about orcs?
It's grab drivers or the equivalent delivery drivers. They don't learn the roads so they always need to check the map function
I can hear your nasally voice and your hook nose.
Or join the holohoax you won't shut up about
Yeah, it tends to be a good, if slightly counterintuitive (if you're smoothbrained and don't like to think about things), idea to aim behind the vehicle cutting you off with the assumption that they'll keep going, leaving more and more of an opening.
That can cut both ways tho, cause, if the driver notices you and panics, they can hit the brakes, and even start reversing.

The cager asshat's just doing a u-turn on a double yellow in the middle of nowhere disregarding multiple vehicles that it's cutting off, 3rd world style. That and the sun was clearly in the rider's eyes, making it more difficult to see what's going on on time.
Then again, if they weren't speeding, they'd probably have had no issue avoiding the situation, like the other riders they passed. Even with their evident smoothbrainedness.
So, just 3rd world squid things here.
Because this isn't an orc thread. Start an orc thread and I'll bitch until the elves come home - I fucking hate orcs, the big toothed ugly bastards. They look like a Brit bred with a boar.
He's ok
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Yes I am. What am I looking at?
Out of all the dangers on the road, old people are the least of it.
Old people are about as threatening as basketball americans.
popo cordon street
2-wheeling sanic meets the cord neck first
popo load the sanic into their rucks while a 2rd sanic pops up to assists
Hyundai drivers are so strange. had one trying to race me on the highway and I ignored him. both took the and exit and met at the red light. he starts inching forward still looking to race. light goes green, i see him take off so I floor my Tesla M3P leaving him behind. gradually come to a stop at the next red light. he pulls up yells something and takes off running the red light nearly hitting another car. I just started laughing as I made my left turn. thanks for reading my blog
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Why are third worlders so fucking stupid with their vehicles?
aka the cleveland cleaver only on certain days of the week
is that china? it looks way too clean
that could have went way worse for her
>building with giant Chinese characters on it
>is that china
Are you blind or just retarded?
sick save desu
what the fuck is up with those noises?
At least he has tons of grip on the wet roads
driving around the block for another license will do what exactly? everyone knows american drivers licenses are worth as much as toilet paper
>"hyundai drivers" probably seen like 2 in his life and generalises based on his pathetic experiences.
>"he pulls up yells something and takes off running the red light nearly hitting another car. I just started laughing as I made my left turn." and then everyone clapped and stopped next to you to give you a fist bump. someones wife probably offered to suck your cock too right
Revamp the test so it includes a 4-way stop, malfunctioning traffic lights, roundabout, lane changes, lane turn into a multi-lane road, school zone portion, etc.
Sounds like he got the wind knocked out of him, and then just sort of whimpering/panic in the same fashion afterward. It's easy to call it a pussy sort of noise, but if you've never had the wind knocked out of you it can be scary for a bit.
What's up retard?
Not much, wbu?
I'm guessing that hyundai driver was you, regardless you seem jealous
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>oh no, my vegetals!
The optimism of people like you never ceases to amaze me. You really think that all those absolute psychopaths on the roads are just driving like they're invincible because they don't know better, and not because they're fucking psychopaths. People don't forget how to safely drive, they simply choose to ignore it.
>"Yeah I meant to do that haha"
Yeah the shark called him an ambulance

when the 2nd dose of the vaccine kicks in
bro look closely..... theres no where for the car to turn into..... it just turned in the middle of the road for no reason. dude is probably getting kidnapped by organ traffickers.
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I don't let signs and lines define my life, faggot.
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damn I'm glad these guys weren't around when I was a kid. I'd be dead long ago
i fucking hate pajeets like the best of em but that is a fucking nightmare
>People don't forget how to safely drive
nice, he almost missed him
Another buck broken
>You really think that all those absolute psychopaths on the roads are just driving like they're invincible because they don't know better, and not because they're fucking psychopaths. People don't forget how to safely drive, they simply choose to ignore it.

This. They play chicken on the road to gain the right of way in all situations. Most people will yield to the aggressive driver so it feeds their psycho thinking. But then another driver doesn't yield the way to the psycho and an accident happens
File: Danny Hart.webm (3.99 MB, 400x224)
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>Stunt Jump failed
>50 stunt jumps remaining
Top marks on imitating the siren.
Did it already bite him? Why is he recording?
Oh i think i know whats going on now. He has the camera on his head and is already recording.
So did he survive?
File: eye fields of vision.webm (3.47 MB, 640x360)
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they can't see shit with their squint eyes, have terrible awareness, lack empathy gene which mean that they also lack imagination and are natural born psychopaths which mean they are natural born narcissists
Real gta npc behavior
may be Taiwan(not china)
>he have no trust in his mighty (moto)steed
looks like they were trying to block the road but instead of barricades they used a rope
Why do two wheels always make those with low impulse control and sociopathic traits rage?
They don't get mad at the semi or bus that blocks the lane, but at the bike that easily cuts through traffic

What's the psychology behind this behavior
File: Bike 1726064254 Add 31.webm (1.18 MB, 1274x608)
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go play in traffic fagboi
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>Fall off bike
>Snek come to protec
>Cry like bloody bitch bastard
??? did the snake looneytunes his ass and stretch itself across some trees to trip him? how the fuck do you end up in this situation.
more like another bus broken, who cares about the rest
lol he dented the hood of that Lada, I guess the soviets didn't use flexible materials

my dad always told me: the cemetery is full of people who had the right of way.
Here lies the body of William Jay,
Who died maintaining his right of way.
He was in the right as he sped along,
But he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong.
you're telling me these bitches never widened their eye with their fingers to see if they could see me more? They needed some youtuber with a clockwork orange clamp to do it?
For me personally it’s that people on two wheels are more likely to be assholes. Bicyclists generally demand to slow down traffic by riding in the road like a vehicle but conveniently forget the rules of the road where right of way is concerned. Motorcyclists generally act like cars are such a danger and they have to drive with their high beam on yet tailgate and weave in and out of traffic like assholes. Occasionally they’ll also ride twenty miles under the speed limit in all lanes creating a rolling road block. Of course there’s also the growing trend of mini bike and full size bike assholes forming mobs where they take over city blocks. If you want to be technical though, 4 wheelers often round out that particular group of assholes so not 2 wheels.
Any snake bros wanna educate me on what type of snek this is?
>Any snake bros wanna educate me on what type of snek this is?
I'm pretty sure it's a Lumbricus Natrix. They have that coloring to scare off predators but they're completely harmless since they rarely bite and don't even carry poison. The guy is most likely filming for clout.
I don't know what the road rules are wherever that was taken, but I imagine there are common elements. You can't (or shouldn't) just ride onto a pedestrian crossing like that, you have to stop first. Some places you have to walk the bike across too, but that's not really necessary. The driver there can't be expected to avoid someone zooming across a crossing designed for walking speed.
Yeah. It's a mutual understanding that if a motorist comes up to a ped crossing, you look around for a pedestrian and slow down if someone is close, because they MIGHT cross. The same way MOST pedestrians look before crossing to see if it's safe, because only a braindead fuck thinks right of way is immunity to physics.

Especially where I live, most of the asians can't even see over the 50 foot steering wheel in their 2023 SUV's.
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Buck status: broken
It looks like a Banded Krait, which is highly venomous. He's speaking Indonesian, not Hindi, so I'm assuming he's in Indonesia.
Sorry, not a Banded Krait, a Boiga Dendrophilia. They're both venomous though.
That's attempted murder, if the biker mag dumped into that car here he wouldn't even be charged.
God I wish my gf could pick a place to eat that quickly.
man, this really warms the heart and brings back a little bit of that hope for humanity
It’s a cruel world in here for an iPhone poster.
File: biker-2.webm (1.2 MB, 720x720)
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he fucked his car for that?
This shill chat bot is busted. The only thing broken was the buck
Bitch about orcs low impulse control you hook nose
>may be Taiwan

No such thing shill bot
File: Tiger chase.webm (1.3 MB, 198x360)
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that was badass
>Gripping the front brakes
>Verification not required
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Here's what actually happened. The SUV driver had stolen the thing and was on the run.
yup, 70% of two wheel braking force is at the front wheel , rear is 30%.
it may be formoza, rightfull imperial clay
front brakes are far more effective, you just have to be careful not to use them too hard... otherwise that happens
holy shit
File: Road elephant.webm (1.22 MB, 640x640)
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Bike riders are just so fucking retarded. Every crash looks like a toddler blindly stumbling into trouble. 0 spacial awareness or thought outside of "I'm going forward as fast as I can". Why??
I'm warrking here!
I don't know. I ride, less now days but I'm always looking for the next thing to kill me and how I can avoid it. But talking to other riders they literally think like that, faster faster, faster. Complete retards. The one positive is drivers look out for you a bit more since you're seen as an unpredictable land torpedo.
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man that buck was broken
Well developed drama.
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goofy short legs on that woman, almost dwarf proportions
not beating the low impulse control stereotype
what was the goal here?
a(n) hero and isekai'd
Probably some stupid base jumping trick and the parachute didn't have time to deploy.
>what was the goal here?

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>not China
Not yet, soon though.
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>Bike riders
That was a fucking motorcycle, he shouldn't have been trying to use the bicycle lane to begin with and he sure as shit shouldn't have tried to drive on the sidewalk.
Who was at fault here?
If this thread is anything to go by then it seems the vast majority of accidents involving bikers and bicyclists is due to them not following basic traffic laws or paying attention to their surroundings.
That's only 1 wheel
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Yes they're fags
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Got banned for my last response to this post for a few days, I learned my lesson. Let me try again.
Had some FUTURE ROCKET SCIENTIST come at me on his bike like this. Goddamn I wanted to kindly introduce that GOOD BOY WHO GOES TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY to the concrete.
That person 100 % is a registered member of Reddit
Also gotta add the fact that people buy their licenses. If you live in Canada and see a paki or chink driving, chances are they paid someone off and know jack shit about how to drive.
Not anymore.
If I had some nigger come at me on his bike like this. I would've goddamn wanted to push that stupid nigger over, too.

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