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Can anyone tell me?
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Nothing wrong with that.
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Any people that don't respect dogs are a failed people.
waahhh you cannot eat le doggerinos
Correct, unless you WANT to be worse than an Indian.
Chinese people are already the least desirable people on the planet lol, the whole better than India ship sailed a LONG time ago
nice loop
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China is such a corrupt and stupid shit hole
How is this intersection suppose to work?
Why wouldn't they? Bet they taste good.
5000+ years of war, droughts, fucked up regimes will make sure you'd eat anything that can be eaten.
Westerners also eat dogs. They just dont tell you on the packaging.
They are dumb just like those filthy mudslimes.
It's a four way stop. So, who ever shows up at the intersection first AND STOPS. Has the right of way, then the next vehicle, so on and so forth. Chinese folk are just... Not capable or able or willing to put value into their lives or others.
beautiful, karma i guess
they're desperate to be dishonest in order to scam others into paying in case of a crash. They risk their lives because there is nothing worth to live for. Even if they're not hurt, they'll stay down on purpose to put blame onto the other parties and have them pay for damages. Dishonesty and corruption, exercised by the common people and also by the CCP.
why don't you?
>nooo not le hecking pupperino chungus
>mmmMM le borger tastes good, chicken nuggers uma delicia
hot dogs aren't actual dogs chang
because I'm not a Chinese/retarded person?
I take it you are vegan then
Classic Chinese retarded person comment lol
they did in times of famine retard, which China suffered the worst ones. Eating dogs just stuck with them probably.
>eating dogs just stuck with them probably
It's another communist imposition to break the soul.
Fun fact: During the Lewis and Clark expedition in the early 1800s, the expedition traded with the local natives for dogs. The natives became quite upset once they found out the white men were eating the dogs.
Also during arctic expeditions in the 1900s, they would butcher and eat the sled dogs along the way as they used up their supplies and had less stuff to carry.
>survival situation vs just being a bugman
try thinking for once, Chang
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>being this gay and chinese at the same time.
Everyone was starving to death during the glorious communist era of the 20th century. It was every man for himself and they had to eat anything and everything they could find because there was no telling if this could be their last meal. This attitude has spread onto further generations as you can see in the webm.
Wrong not how it works. The Chinese creature self pleasures to dog abuse because the trauma of torture """"flavors""" the meat. That's not the same as being lied to and tricked into eating meat without intention.
spent some time in Korea, dog is alright but it's getting harder to find. gotta find those red lights / red bins in the outdoor markets if you really want that pancake dog
great famine
well, we eat chickens, calves, lambs, pigs. rasie them, cook them, then eat them.
great job china
>I have no point
i dont condone eating dogs, however...
have you ever come across a pig at a farm? like, one that hasn't spent its entire life in a stall, that has actually had human interaction?
Pigs are remarkably intelligent creatures. They will respond to their own name, they will give preferential treatment to some humans and not others, and they love tickles, scratches and hugs. They are super affectionate creatures.

Imagine if i said you were a monster for eating pigs.
Muh culture. Younger generation wants to get rid of it, but the conservative groups there think it's western brainwashing and undermining them.
Fuck off shill, still not fighting in Ww3
m83 midnight city
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MGMT - Kids
If you eat animals, you can't be hypocritical moralfag over this
Because all of Chinese history is repeated self-caused famines, they learned to just eat everything including eachother, literally. There is no place on Earth that has a higher rate of cannibalism. Eating pets is nothing to them, in comparison.
And those animals have been raised and domesticated over countless generations specifically to be livestock, none of those animals are kept as pets.
Dogs however, are literally the product of European domestication of wolves, "dogs" literally would not exist today Europeans had not domesticated wolves specifically to be companions, not food.
>thousands of adorable mutts get tortured and killed by chinks every year
>meanwhile american shelters are packed full with deranged ugly pibbles
It's not fair bros
Dogs have been bred for various purposes including meat.
South america also has a history of dogs as a meat source with some of their hairless dog breeds.
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gentle witted
Because Dogs are tasty
>*scarfs down 2 hamburgers and lard infused fries*
erm me thinks there's a bit of hypocrisy
>And those animals have been raised and domesticated over countless generations specifically to be livestock, none of those animals are kept as pets.
Why does it matter? They are still sentient beings.
AI video?
AI song?
They look at all animals as food probably
This is actually a pretty sophisticated design, and you see it all the time in civil engineering.
How it works is that it's designed so that if two mopeds happen to crash, their momentum combines to eliminate any possible third motorist.
>birds die
<3 billion starve to death
fucking china lmao
yes, then they turned cannibal

Now the Haitians can join in too. Cats/dogs.
If you want to eat some dog
I have good news
There's an annual dog festival
Where you can eat all the dog you want
And it's located in Yulin Guangxi China
And the festival spans about ten days
With fifteen thousand dogs consumed
And it goes from the twenty-first to the thirtieth of June
I just wanna let you know
I'm just tryna' be a bro
So you first take a flight to Guangzhou China
Once you get off at that airport
You wanna ask around for the Guangxi provincial bus
And it costs twenty US dollars
And it's a four and a half hour ride
And you get off at Maoming West
Just remember Maoming West
Now you might have to stay there a full night
Depending on the time you arrive
Because the next bus that goes to Yulin only runs like once a day
And you have to buy another ticket
It's about another twenty two bucks
But from there it goes straight to Yulin
Soon enough you'll be eating some dog
Now there are about eight available hotels in Yulin
I'm checking online now
I suggest the Yulin Lijing International Hotel
Offering a sauna, fitness center
Wow it's not too bad at all
Nevermind, it's fifty bucks a night
But with free complementary breakfast
And a free cancelation fee
So it's not a bad as I thought
When you're ready the concierge will know exactly which festival you're talking about
And he or she will give you directions
So take a cab
But don't get ripped off
If you're white, they'll charge you double
I shit you not
I shit you not
But anyways enjoy your flight
Enjoy the dog festival
Decisive Tang Victory mentioned
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Dont listen to anon, dogs are just another animal. The only reason people are fags for them is due to the biology of some humans being retards for "cute" creatures, something that would get them killed in ancient times. In reality, Dogs would kill and eat humans if they were allowed to run in proper packs. Everything is fair game.
At least they eat them. In Turkey right now the citizens are killing stray dogs en masse and leaving them on the side of their road with their throats slit to decompose.
The clown cult now defends dog eating because trump called out the orcs eating dogs.
I don't know about you, but the ideology of defend orcs and hook noses at all times and at all cost: turns out to be the most evil religion
>defend hook noses
trump is pro-israel albeit
Maybe it tastes nice. Meat is meat, idgaf if it barks or moos - it's meat. If it's edible, then eat it.
Literal subhumans is why
they are truly low iq subhumans lmao
If this came out as a video clip in the 90s, everyone would have been mesmerized
They eat everything because their government is so inept that they're afraid of starving. They have a saying that goes like "just eat it because you never know when you'll be able to eat again" or something. Sucks to suck.
Shills now support eating dogs to worship orcs. Will they lick every boot?
The meat is lean and good for your health.
If it's a leather boot and I'm hungry, then maybe. There is nothing that you can say, no mean name that you can call me, which change my mind. Go eat some onions lmao.
3d animation, can spot those free mixamo animations a mile away
People forget that what we now know as china, for millenia was separate warring countries.
Similar to africa we just clump all the nigs together but in reality they are all warring tribes with distinct cultures and ethnicities. Same with china.
That type of deep seeded hatred and differentiation does not go away in a few decades or even centuries.
Look at the rawanda genocide for example.
it's the same with the jeets, we see them all as jeets but they have a massive deep seeded caste and racism culture.
There's a lot wrong with it.
>Why do China people eat dogs?
Don't call the bourgeoisie dogs. You can feed pig shit to a dog, and you can use dog shit to fertilise a field.
Post the Haitans.
>no don't eat the ones we bred specifically for companionship, and have lacking nutrition
>yes eat the ones we've bred for food that are nutritious and taste good
Dog is delicious though. And i know farmers who are completey in love with certain cows. Your arguement is bullshit.
As soon as some "pet" animals get eaten in some chink country everyone loses their minds lmao. What is this shit.
I hate China so much it's unreal
No, your reading comprehension is bullshit. Cows are food animals and have been bred to be so, just because someone likes a cow doesn't make them pets. Dogs are companion animals bred for skill and temperament, just because someone eats a dog doesn't make them food. Yosemite?
>Dog is delicious though
Larping 15 year old who lives in flyover nowhere
The mic was already dropped bro. I'll eat your delecious dog in front of you mfer.
>The mic was already dropped bro
I mean, you don't have to respect a dog. It's a fucking dog. Eating them is just backward bug people behaviour though. They're not even delicious.
>Indian Invasion of China.webm
Same reason haitians do - cheap protein

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