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File: locker.webm (3.51 MB, 576x1024)
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Imma start a locker thread from a yt playlist I had found a while ago.
There's lots of 2000s vids
File: freshman jan2006.webm (1.57 MB, 320x240)
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i still have dreams about not remembering my locker number.
File: locker fun.webm (767 KB, 320x240)
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where did you come across such a specific collection
and why is it only girls doing it i thought we were champions in the stupidly dangerous prank category
>i thought we were champions in the stupidly dangerous prank category
google Chris Burden's Five Day Locker Piece
It was a better time. No niggers, no trannies, just cute girl stuffed into lockers.
I found the 1st video on another thread a year ago and tought it was very amusing. Then I searched youtube for more like it.
I did not bother to download the guys doing it, but be my guest if you have any.

4th and 8th videos has brown girls.
good for you that you found another collection. jannies didn't like the girls pretend humping one
what the fuck is this fetish
i just found it interesting and funny. And a little cute tb.h
are those bad dreams or nice dreams
this thread... it will die...
shit this one got cut off at the end
thanks for the bump by the way
OP I have nothing to contribute and no idea why this content exists, but want to congratulate you on creating the best truly novel thread I've seen on /wsg/ in a long time. Bravo.
one time in 5th grade I got mono and missed a week of trumpet practice. I didn't want to go so when they let me out of class I hid in my locker until the bell rang lol
File: whos houdini.webm (1.67 MB, 480x360)
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sounds like an awful position to stay at during an entire class
thanks. I've been wanting to post some of these for a while but was waiting for some '2000s nostalgia' thread or something like it, but there was nothing so created my own.
I stumbled on some very old and unknown channels with dumb videos that I also think are kind of fun like vid rel
it was only about 25 minutes but I was small back then
Oddly nostalgic, though by the time I was in high school it was only done ironically
She’s gorgeous. Why don’t women look like this anymore?
because that make-up and hairstyle have gone out of style and the women who wore them have grown out of it
bad. aside from the stress of trying to remember something, a girl always appears in my school dreams and i always feel like i can't reach her.
i was also known for having beautiful thick, dense hair in my school, but now more than decade later I'm losing volume despite being on meds for it. it hurts to remember.
you should try raping any decent looking girl you see in your dreams
that's what i always do
imagine being stuck inside with only girls trying to help you. we used to bash combo locks off of lockers in middle school all the time. one kid lost so many locks his parents bought him a heavy duty one with a shield to prevent cutting it with a bolt. I got the combo and put it on someone else's locker.
that's hot
oddly specific fetish you got there OP
Did any of you niggas decorate your locker? I didn't really, but some rando put a sharpie with a magnet attached to it in mine, so girls would occasionally come up and write shit on the inside door when I was grabbing books or whatever.
I like how this dumb broad loses her british accent when she's scared
>makes sure to keep recording herself

hello, I hate females
>girls would occasionally come up and write shit on the inside door
i wish i had gotten this much attentions from girls back then
Someone has a fetish for women in lockers.
it's not a fetish.
I just find the videos interesting and it's only women because I am fascinated by them. It's also nostalgic.
It's all spontaneous behavior in these videos, just people goofing around, instead of whoring for likes or whatever like the influencers, 'content creators' and tiktokers of today. when people recorded things for fun not for fame or clout.
It's an anthopological thread on the late 2000s if anything
and as I said earlier, if anyone wants to post dudes in lockers, please do. Sadly it's only me posting.
Yea, I don't believe that one bit.

Definitely not the weirdest collection, but it's pretty far up there.
you people need to stop seeing sex in everything.

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