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File: 1725384138838g.webm (2.76 MB, 320x376)
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What is going on in india??
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What ISN'T going on in India?
the neastiest vile unhygenic shit imaginable polluting the rest of the world
Indians are nsfw
oh wow much edge so freethinker
Why does your post smell like shit?
the truth is edgy now?
I think you overdosed on copium right there.
Benchod detected, enyoy recieving discipline in this life and next bastard
maybe if (You) some fucking discipline which you so highly regard, your country wouldnt be such a fuckign shithole.
Saaar approved.
That would be the PRC.
That's some of the least edgy shit ever posted on this site. Maybe you should fuck off if that offends you, bitch.
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>jeet truckers
yeah but india is right up there
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It's part of their culture you racist cracka.
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Is anyone going to explain this? What in the street shitting fuck
Tbh similar stuff happened in the west when anyone still cared about religion.
Real religion, not the mellowed down deism we got today
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The swastika originates in India, chud.
what is the context?
the saars were trying to get a picture and the roachette seethed because she couldnt get the perfect for her instagram?
i hate 'oids.
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Pajeets trying to sneak a photo with the women and posting them on social media claiming they're their gf, obviously.
Fucking retard.
they are harassing the women you dolt
This board is for work-safe content
they're gonna create hyperborea since the whites are too distracted rn
that fucking headbob
she should have busted his noe right there
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I don't speak Roachistani. What does that say?
File: donotredeem.webm (1.65 MB, 480x324)
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gift cards shall not be redeemed
>25 LMAOs
That doesn't look like what's happening in the video. One has his hand on his friend's shoulder, they are obviously taking the pic together.
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Why do I want to uppercut their little prayer headbob begging so hard.
this is really disturbing lmao
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it's a normal reaction to tiktok body language
Based jeet. Fuck tiktok roastoids
there are too many Indians, and their ideals, their country beliefs equate to communism and slavery
how do we, america that is, fix them and make sure to benefit China along the way?
We don't want to fix them, not our problem. We (humans) just need to make sure they stay in their containment subcontinent, ideally with no communication with the outside world.
they have all the ingredients for regular food, why make poop cakes??
Sir, I need to look like poop, please understand
imagine the curry poo stink
sped up 4x
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Imagine being this alpha

Pajeet master race
File: Pajeet_dogfucker.webm (2.18 MB, 480x852)
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File: Cow_BJ4mb.webm (3.79 MB, 480x848)
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