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File: Chinese fast food.webm (2.94 MB, 360x640)
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File: white genocide.webm (1.63 MB, 640x360)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
File: requiem for a dream.webm (2.93 MB, 854x462)
2.93 MB
2.93 MB WEBM
was it autism?
not cool...
Same reason westerners make retarded fake videos. What a retarded question.
File: Tevildo.webm (5.87 MB, 608x1080)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
Kek saw it coming but still got me
File: steamed_vegetable.gif (2.02 MB, 350x434)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB GIF
File: Basement.webm (3.88 MB, 800x450)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
Wrong thread.
most fitting one yet. it really is a basement!
Money laundering
That's hot...
After all, why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?
File: icarus.webm (1.93 MB, 404x558)
1.93 MB
1.93 MB WEBM
File: muh_dick.webm (2.55 MB, 440x280)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB WEBM
the first one could be good for ugly womans
File: albania_dance.webm (3.22 MB, 480x854)
3.22 MB
3.22 MB WEBM
I was listening to "My Desert, My Rose" by the Malva String Quartet and it made this really intense.
File: fly by at the track.webm (1.52 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: order for your mum.webm (1.98 MB, 480x442)
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1.98 MB WEBM
File: Trigger.webm (1.42 MB, 426x426)
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1.42 MB WEBM
That looks more like "US driver in australia.webm"
Without a doubt desgined by some feminist cunt with some retarded "message". Vile.
Cocksucking training
cannot believe i laughed at this shit
File: boondocks.webm (3.22 MB, 590x320)
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3.22 MB WEBM
Haute-couture work made by two men without any feminist message. Go spout your ideological nonsense somewhere else.
yes, "men"
>the horrified screech
It's insane that the entire liberal media apparatus and the muslim world tried to gaslight everyone
into thinking this guy was a female. I could maybe believe this is one of those extremely rare cases of an intersex individual, but fully female? No.
Fake, cat changes color
After the literal tranny last olympics they probably thought they could pull this one off
I don’t know who’s lazier here
File: white supremacy.webm (5.82 MB, 720x398)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
>The Moon is a mysterious mistress...
>OP's delivery has arrived
>on the spot dicesman

you can't make that shit up
>Has a vagina
>Doesn't look female
>Only believes in two genders
This confuses the chud to the point he's now denying that she's a woman or even agreeing to the fact that there are more than two genders.
i think he said "dicespin"
still retarded because "dice spin" is two separate words and that's not even a thing people say.
File: Fuck_you_Bishop.webm (242 KB, 588x360)
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Doesn't she have a chromosome abnormality? why is someone with an unfair genetic advantage playing in the games?
The second one is totally on him since R is already on the board in the word "world's" and he still tries car. Dude literally had 10 points in luck and 0 in intelligence. What a stupid nigger.
I think it's because hood culture has a lot of dice players
Noice. The webm I made. Thanks for saving.
They did him dirty on the first but the other two was on him.
File: he a good boy.webm (1.13 MB, 1024x1024)
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1.13 MB WEBM
Why do they drink milk again
actually sucking cock was the traininer for that video
i hate diabolical inhuman dances like this
the other guy could be a bit of a better actor, christ
lmao filename
File: Anon In 40 Years.webm (2.51 MB, 852x412)
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2.51 MB WEBM
What's happening here? Why does he get back in the car when its on fire?
gee i wonder why
File: white women be like.webm (757 KB, 352x640)
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that hurts anon.
Imagine your father have the personality of teenager well into adulthood.
Well whatever that unfair advantage is didn't kick in until recently because she went to the 2020 games and lost. Either the russian run boxing regulators are corrupt, or she competed for five years with the same testing then suddenly became a man the moment she broke a russian womans undefeated streak.
women can still beat men, it's just not very likely and it doesn't mean that a man's advantage over a woman magically disappears
File: taco bell.webm (2.94 MB, 1280x720)
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2.94 MB WEBM
turbo killer > roller mobster
fight me
that's how you know the kid was raised well so far, they aren't desensitized
nothing scarier to me than a healthy child giving me the blank xanax stare
i suppose there's a gradient, though, you don't want your kid to be a sperg
good god, the vapors 30 feet down-range must have been quite a smell
File: anon gets a job.webm (3.35 MB, 800x400)
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3.35 MB WEBM
File: hotel in thailand.webm (1.11 MB, 824x456)
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1.11 MB WEBM
>bass to bass
a black Vulcan?
This anon speaks the truth
kek you got me
Why are all boomers addicted to slots anyway?
ei viddu mage
Any idea on the song?
At this point, just do a Ginyu Force pose for everything.
Trying to find it for ya
A sensible person would have used the plank as their gimmick and stayed off cam.
This is so depressing.
Very good filename indeed.
Refound the original Tiktok.

Does not have the song name. Tried my music finder app AHA music, cant find it either. Might have been a special composition for the Vogue show.
Found the full show with music. Still no luck for the music. But at least you could download the MP3 of it.
File: wsg discusses webms.webm (5.91 MB, 1280x720)
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5.91 MB WEBM
Normally I'd doubt the validity of the black gentleman's claim, but when he said the jew took his phone, I believe him.
Thanks anon I appreciate it, I managed to download it.
I like Le Perv more than both.
When a nigga fight the temptation to commit a crime
Ok so we should strip Phelps of his medals because his muscles produce like 1/3 of the lactic acid of an average human?
>>Has a vagina
Ahhh, someone knows!
leave it to wymyn to bitch and moan instead of monopolizing on that...
If they try to do a 30 year remake all but one will be dead. The only one alive will be wheelchair bound.2v2ah
a man of culture
Saddest shit I've seen in a while...
no we shouldn't retroactively strip medals, but he should not have been able to compete with that advantage. this shouldn't be controversial
File: lidmaxxing.webm (886 KB, 720x872)
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>I'm a woman, give me attention!!!! reeeeeee!!!
File: raccoon city.gif (2.85 MB, 580x616)
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2.85 MB GIF
>this person with an unfair advantage lost, so that advantage doesn't count!
liderally me
kek sauce?
I'd rather just use the good olde paper bag
I dun get it
I assume it's this, but the joke barely works
File: 1700797279131861.webm (2.33 MB, 374x392)
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2.33 MB WEBM
lol rip
>they ran him over with the robot
What an elegant solution.

here you go Anon
File: joker 2.webm (388 KB, 888x482)
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File: nisemonogatari.webm (716 KB, 480x480)
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Based fiets opa
>Dude literally had 10 points in luck
Not really.
You think this guy got the million dollar piece AND managed both 1/2 car pieces? The spins were rigged to get him the best chances at winning, and he still fucked it up.
Australian designer.
File: 1726359164501722.webm (2.02 MB, 460x298)
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2.02 MB WEBM
the bear did nothing wrong, he was just going for a casual walk and showed no aggression at all. why did they all freak out? I bet they wouldn't have the same reaction if an actually dangerous animal came walking by their house.
the animators knew exactly what they were doing
as soon as she says "can I be honest" i just clicked off
we wuz greyz and shieet
They look so happy
File: yoko dogo.webm (742 KB, 224x400)
742 KB
looking 4 unit 731 anime opening
If she's actually a woman I want you to know you guys are the people the children book Harrison Bergeron warns against
actually lost holy kek
mars needs moms
Great post lol
H-he's fast n-nani...!!
Nigger, not everything that looks fucking retarded is "woke" or trying to push some sort of social message.
Sometimes it's just a retard huffing their own farts until they start to think they're the most amazing, creative, artistic genius in the world.
File: oblivion lockpicking.gif (652 KB, 450x120)
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652 KB GIF
better times ;_;
Not a phone in sight, just people enjoying the moment
Seriously what the fuck is that
File: long_live_the_king.webm (925 KB, 460x598)
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File: Commander_shepard.webm (1.96 MB, 720x576)
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tipping it over at the end was hilarious, but it's laughable that anyone would think it would be a good idea to add robotics to fucking froyo. now when that stupid arm breaks you have to call out a tech for $$$ for an industry that was primarily self-serve
>officers were trying to talk to a Andrew Guerrero, 57, around 2 a.m. at the Stassney Food Mart on 5717 South Interstate 35. When officers tried to get closer to Guerrero, he jumped back in his car and said, “I think I’m going to set the car on fire,” according to APD dash camera video. A few seconds later, a loud pop is heard and fire engulfed the vehicle.
>“That car got hot quick,” said Austin Fire Department Cpt. Andy Reardon. “We’re talking thousands of degrees inside there; you saw the force it created right there. For him to get back in the car like that, to do that, he was very dedicated on killing himself.”
5'11 guy with normal mouse
File: captcha.webm (965 KB, 492x360)
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Shelby wants his dick because she knows he's a dimwit
It's a slot tournament.
At the same time, as someone who works at a Casino, yes.
File: cia_sideproject.webm (2.52 MB, 608x1080)
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2.52 MB WEBM
As someone who likes listening to foreign songs I understand not a word of, I think that Prisencolinensinainciusol does a decent enough job of sounding how I imagine English might to someone who doesn't know it (or a particular American accented version at least) and I appreciate it on that level.
Good webm even without a filename.
louisiana literacy test.webm
top kek
File: russian army training.webm (5.8 MB, 720x1280)
5.8 MB
too dumb to play cards
but still smart enough to know gambling is life
she is such a babe
>vn fans be like "yooo this gameplay is fire!"
File: office vending machine1.webm (1.41 MB, 1300x1080)
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1.41 MB WEBM
I dont think they know about 2nd pay walls pippin
what'd you name this?
File: multiboxxing.webm (2.85 MB, 1280x720)
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2.85 MB WEBM
would have been nice to actually hear the song
Silent Hill 2 Remake is lookin' pretty good
>why do top basketball players are over 200cm tall when 99.99% of men are shorter than that? why is someone with an unfair genetic advantage playing in the games?
you retard this video has existed for over a decade
File: technology.webm (370 KB, 352x262)
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File: guy bales on work.webm (966 KB, 480x270)
966 KB
British people are so unfunny.
Clerks 2. You'll love the reaction she makes to bestiality.
File: women can vote.webm (1.88 MB, 480x480)
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File: Dr Fauci.webm (2.37 MB, 640x358)
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File: bad to the dog bone.webm (1.16 MB, 406x720)
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1.16 MB WEBM
>three word horror stories
File: katamari slidey.webm (1.78 MB, 478x360)
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File: almost.webm (1.57 MB, 406x720)
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Bears are dangerous and could kill and then eat the kids pretty easy.
Still black bears are rather timid and will run away from you unless you corner them or tried to go for their cubs.

There is a nice webm of a guy just chilling on his porch and a bear and her cub comes up to him and the cub starts playing with him and the mother bear is completely fine with it
Bears COULD attack but choose not to, because they're honorable creatures.
>what about all those times bears did attack though
People were fucking with them. Bears don't have to put up with that shit.
It's only black bears that are timid, with the exception of russian brown bears which are basically semi domesticated by centries of russians being friendly with them.
All other bears will kill you if you get close afaik.
ik polar bears and grizzlies are especially aggressive.
I think pandas might be timid like black bears too as they both climb tress.
The most aggressive bears are sloth bears, because they live in India and will get raped if they ever relax. North American brown bears aren't really as dangerous as people make them out to be. Treat them with respect and they'll mostly just avoid you.
Fucking hell man, shout at the little nigga after the first time he taunts your murder dog. If he bites him they'll both be dead
bear hands typed this.
That's a cool lady.
...okay? you missed the funny part then, congrats i guess.
Women are social harmony creatures. They don't judge opinions by their inherent truth, but by "will others be okay with me having this opinion". So when a privileged white woman hits you with "can I be honest" she is about to hit you with the mildest, milquetoast opinion you have ever heard in your life
it's a webm she can't hit you
I saw this gif for meme and now I understood what it really means. LMAO. its the one where he jerk off on her when she sleeps
I ran into a few multiboxers during my WoW days. It was crazy shit!
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>fool me twice...
Yes, and they named him Tuvok.
>what kitty gonna do?
lmao what a pussy
That's fucking rude and you know it
did you even read what this thread is about?
pandas are hybrids, artificially created
File: Autothots, roll out.gif (3.75 MB, 432x490)
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3.75 MB GIF
File: crack sparrow.webm (698 KB, 460x678)
698 KB
Audible kek
File: master driver.webm (2.77 MB, 640x360)
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2.77 MB WEBM
At least the bike didn't fall into water, that would have been a total loss. A new front fork is much cheaper than a whole new bike
the process can be automated pretty easily but I suppose the goal was to use the hand robot as an attraction, in a way it was successful even when failed
As far as I looked into this situation the details around if she or he has a penis or a vagina are not fully disclosed to the public. There were some reports that hint that this is a hermaphrodite but even if so it is still very sketchy, because hermaphrodites are not actually "something in the middle" it is usually, still, either a man or a woman with hormonal imbalance and under-developed reproductive organs. And yes, after we literally had 2m tall 100kg+ biological males who were males for 20+ years before transition, competing in women sport, people tend to be very aggravated towards these things. Saying they don't have any reason to be suspicious is very disingenuous.
they should both be killed
1000% pedestrians fault
How about fixing a boat too?
The way you pronounce "Achilles" is wrong too you Anglo nigger, much like you also forget the n in Platon or that Macedon is with a hard c because you're an inbred Angloid incapable of any phoneme outside your miniscule monolingual repertoire

Ehkillees is just as wrong as H-illees, his name was Achilleus, with a pause in there, as it's essentially a portmanteau. Illiterate faggot, I bet you haven't even read the Iliad. We used to be allowed to put you lower class uneducated ignoramuses in labor camps. Woe betide the society that allows this smugness from subhuman inferiors, though luckily your material conditions are still such that you will never find happiness in life
There’s other scenes though
He’s almost as strong as Data
so her tits indeed got bigger >>5718110

if only that annoying cunt would shut the fuck up and bring planky back
love that lil nigha like you wouldn't believe bros

all my homies love planky
we ride and die with planky
Next time search it you lazy fuck:
kek you have to vocaroo this i want to hear your indebted medmutt ass struggle to pronounce every english word you typed
Simple, men like a good pair of tits, and Planky's are bigger than her's.
No biological woman will ever win the olympics at anything 8 years from now
File: the best lesson.webm (1.9 MB, 400x300)
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1.8 MB
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2.25 MB WEBM
File: OPvsED.webm (3.81 MB, 360x628)
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3.81 MB WEBM
*Captain* Crack Sparrow
That pussy really wants a weiner!
Happened locally. My friends were still in school when it went down, I had already graduated by then. Absolutely bonkers time to be alive.
>rants about language
>still speaking English on an American imageboard
You give meds a bad name, just let it go bro.
File: HITLER_HITLER_HITLER.webm (3.91 MB, 720x1280)
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3.91 MB WEBM
I bet most everyone who actually clicked that webm didn't get the reference or ever saw the original clip.
>straight piped vt ss startup
File: owen wilson.webm (3.87 MB, 1280x720)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM
perfect Limewire filename
File: two-party system.webm (4.92 MB, 480x854)
4.92 MB
4.92 MB WEBM
>immersive sim combat
i think he was going for "cat"
he IS black after all
on the spot dicespin had me rolling
File: paraplegic_fox.webm (1.63 MB, 1280x720)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
>was primarily self-serve
Yeah, before Uber Jeets
Wow, she even swallows
1) It is a valid English phrase and no one pronounces it like he did within the phrase.
2) The English pronunciation is just an anglicized version of the Greek pronunciation. His pronunciation does not come close to following the rules of English phonetics.
3) 10/10 got me to reply.
Said the grown man who lives with his mom
Even back then people were obsessed with Americans
lol you're an egy boi huh
kamala appreciates your vote
>so many file names just describing what's in the webm instead of a joke
Christ, go to any other thread
Perfect kek
(but truly a horror)
Glad he got the bitch behind the camera too
File: level5rat.webm (4.04 MB, 640x608)
4.04 MB
4.04 MB WEBM
Greatest redemption arc I ever saw in American politics
Arrival On Phobos Doom Eternal OST
not a filename webm but keked

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