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File: Real Life Love Story.webm (2.18 MB, 366x360)
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2.18 MB WEBM
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2.65 MB WEBM
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3.89 MB WEBM
File: bad-break-up-fem.webm (3.9 MB, 406x720)
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File: docing.gif (5.17 MB, 640x640)
5.17 MB
5.17 MB GIF
came here to post this gem
File: te_quiero.webm (2.99 MB, 480x600)
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>truth telling whores who their peers wont shame for degeneracy
isn't that a tranny
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File: flirting gone wtf.webm (3.98 MB, 960x540)
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File: flirt creepy.webm (3.2 MB, 720x720)
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File: who.webm (3.2 MB, 402x720)
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File: austria gym creep.webm (2.91 MB, 406x720)
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1.34 MB WEBM
Why are women like this?
What? Glad she documented that gym creep encounter
He tried to kiss her hand after she accepted a handshake. He let go when she retracted and went on about his business, she acted like she was in danger when he didn't do anything remotely wrong and was ignoring her after.
this anon is either a rapist waiting for his chance or an Andrew Tate fan. there is NO way you don't see the guy in the video being extremely creepy
>He tried to kiss her hand after she accepted a handshake
and you don't see ANYTHING wrong with that? only indians, fedora "gentleman" r*dditors and femdomfags would ever think of doing that shit to anyone, especially someome they just met, making it an extreme redflag either way. The likeliest option here is he's into femdom or just shut-in weirdo, considering he addressed her in the formal german greeting "Sie" instead of the informal one "du", but even those guys usually have enough social awareness to not do that straight away
>went on about his business
>didn't do anything remotely wrong
>was ignoring her after.
He was doing precisely zero (0) of those things. He was awkwardly orbiting around her checking her out.
Don't get me wrong, filming at the gym is bullshit no matter who does it because it's always about needing attention, but unless this was staged she is clearly right.
love is when you find someone very good looking and want to fuck them
that's the actual real life definition
Oh no he kissed her hand, that's almost like raping and killing her
wait until some ugly fat girl kisses your hand out of nowhere and see how you will react
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>wait until some ugly fat girl kisses your hand
Very bad move. I'm a based architect chad so fucking bring it on lol
i dont understand why i have fucking bad skin all the time, yet women that fat who eat shit and dont move at all have way better skin than me. look at that woman in your vid, the skin on her legs looks totally fine.
do women just have better skin by default?
You're not white that's why
>all women are whores
>why don’t women just let strange men kiss them
>why can’t I get a date
It’s a mystery all right
You're replying to 3 different people
people think 4chan is one person with one ideology
Have you tried taking a shower more than once a week?
File: nowwhat.gif (720 KB, 256x128)
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720 KB GIF
hang in there fellow bajs
i shower daily actually, but my skin is just like: "hehe fuck your looksmaxxing"
:skull emoji
start taking estrogen regularly, it wilimprove your skinl

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