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>we have a great ancestry
I hate the spanish so much it's unreal
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Get this actual faggot off my screen if you'd please.
>The jews made the call and Tucker Carlson responded
Or. You cunts are so mind-shatteringly embarrassing that you'll undermine any cause you support with your mere presence.
If a group of full-suited neon-colored furries wanted to attend, same thing. Same toxic radiation. Just get the fuck out.
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Are those groypers?
If they've been barred from attending I wouldn't assume they were anything else.
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has anyone got the full 'I'm epic and based and redpilled' post? I can only find that specific section on the internet but I remember the full thing involving him saying that he's not gay and italian and there's an italian I want to send that bit to
Why did Catboy Kami breakup with Nick? Can Nick win him back?
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Destiny stopped talking to Nick because he knows Nick is smarter than him and has better arguments .
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kek what is this from
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Why do women hate these 2 so much, lol
normal women hate incels and fags
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He's so creepy
Is a gay, homosexual mexican and a fed. His followers are getting fleeced and he openly supports known pedophile Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar.
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females love him
>Nick Fuentes
The most based man on the internet.
There's never been anything close to him.
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>since you've never dated a woman I assume you've never talked or interacted with one
A roundabout way of telling "shut up, incel" which makes it worse, since she's supposed to an educated, conservative women, but the core of her reasoning is still that of a dumb cunt that doesn't know better.
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>she's supposed to an
>a woman who cut her tits off to spite men
I forget.
>>a woman who cut her tits off to spite men
why do women mutilate themselves?

sameUNCUTfag seething
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/ourguy/ Destiny
Nick gets the kids he's been grooming to make these threads. it's just spam
>hey guys, this Nick dude is pretty cooollll!
fuck off Nick. Calling people a jew when they call you a pedophile isn't winning
>The Baptist Regime
He's a jew sponsored fed.
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this is not an argument, fagboi
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Anyone has the lil nick edit where he says drop that ass for a nigga
death to nick fuentes
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The Century of the Self. 3 Hours long, youtube just deleted it.
i love nick now. defend nick at all costs.
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Mogged by Metokur. He still hasn't recovered.
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mister metokur isn't better
i like steven AND nick for DIFFERENT reasons ok
The greatest story that never happened
>nick the spick
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He's definitely not a fed. There is way too much institutional opposition to him.
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>I can't talk to NF because he has a cohesive, well-thought-out alternative to our GAE-ZOG system. Worst of all, his alternative would work and he can articulate why.
Is this guy seriously retarded? You can't force people to stay together.
Listen to what he actually said retard
He's talking about incentives and ease of divorce.
people will always take the easiest option available and with divorce you can simply abandon the relationship instead of fixing it
>inb4 whats wrong with that?
the children end up being fucked up like you
more like spic fagentes lol
I do not understand people who think like this guy. Why not move to Russia or something if you genuinely believe this? Or better yet just blow your fucking head off. These worthless, anti-American losers need to get the fuck out of my country.
Wanna bet?
>israel first
What is wrong with you? Do you not care about your country?
no way this is real
It's real Nick is a K-On Chad
Look up Waifu Pillow on YouTube
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One of the only online people left who isn't e-begging, isn't a shill, isn't a pussy, and makes original content.
all of this is besides the point. im white, i value my group (whites), so i want a state by and for only whites as that is the best means to promote white interests. east asians may be smart and economically beneficial to the countries they migrate to, as well as having low crime rates, but nigerians wouldnt want their country flooded with hundreds of millions of them or even any at all, since what makes nigeria, nigeria, is that fact that nigerians live there - and as soon as Nigerian (black west African) blood is mixed with east Asian blood, it is no longer nigerian, and thus your people no longer exist. miscegenation and or racial conflict means the potential death of a race, and multiple races living in close proximity is the perfect catalyst for both of those racially destructive things.

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