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File: Rusty Chains.webm (4.54 MB, 512x768)
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Last thread (file limit reached)

AI Content General
i'm trying to post more but my internet is puking hold on jannies don't hurt me yet
File: I'll Watch Over You.webm (4.76 MB, 512x768)
4.76 MB
4.76 MB WEBM
There we go. Anyway I write my own shit lyrics
File: Starlight.webm (4.46 MB, 512x768)
4.46 MB
4.46 MB WEBM
Funny how the style prompt can ignore your input entirely but still end up with something you're happy with, this one was supposed to be a vocals only one
File: how2getbanlolxddd.webm (828 KB, 512x768)
828 KB
i spent like 2 hour makin this
File: 1000044925.webm (4.45 MB, 240x240)
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this is a groove
File: You-Will-Never.webm (4.82 MB, 720x576)
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im not sure if anything can beat this gem
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Thoughts on this?
File: Chaos Overload.webm (4.53 MB, 768x768)
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4.53 MB WEBM
posting the best ones in my collection
File: african kids ai song.webm (3.55 MB, 512x768)
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File: lv_0_ ai song.webm (3.15 MB, 256x256)
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File: Skaven Rise.webm (4.83 MB, 512x768)
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File: Bound By Fire.webm (4.65 MB, 512x768)
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File: King of Worms Rework.webm (5.79 MB, 512x768)
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File: Rusty Chains (Cover).webm (3.97 MB, 512x768)
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Suno added a "cover song" feature today and it's pretty cool, but it's really hit or miss. Some of my songs it literally made no changes to no matter what I plugged into the style prompt
File: mGrass on my Mind.webm (3.35 MB, 512x768)
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Anyone have the Bushido Boomer, and any about Trump?
File: Ducks and Cats.webm (5.52 MB, 512x768)
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5.52 MB WEBM
File: 1716652189465826.webm (1.8 MB, 474x474)
1.8 MB
Does anyone have that tendies metalcore song?
>and any about Trump?
File: 1717349782740640.webm (4.16 MB, 512x768)
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Wallah you are gay.
Directly from the oven, rate and h8.
File: Board Culture.webm (4.82 MB, 512x768)
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File: Boobity Do.webm (4.95 MB, 512x768)
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File: Cat Dad.webm (5.76 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Whisper of The End.webm (3.42 MB, 512x768)
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File: Closer (Version 1).webm (5.92 MB, 512x480)
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5.92 MB WEBM
>it's another sunoslop thread
File: six_million.webm (2.2 MB, 512x768)
2.2 MB
An AI classic.
>ai music thread? let's see what's in here
>wtf why is there ai music in here i thought it was gonna be basket weaving tutorials
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File: Testing-Faith-_1_.webm (4.82 MB, 512x768)
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File: Everywhere.webm (4.1 MB, 768x768)
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File: My+Video.webm (2.27 MB, 576x768)
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some more city pop for y'all. this one has lyrics stolen from shining boy song from magical emi. sounds pretty legit. always do a gen in udio first to get vocals right and interesting instrumentals before running it through suno for the whole song. (it is pretty finicky)
File: Beneath The Waves.webm (1.7 MB, 512x480)
1.7 MB
stitched some random lyrics from 2 songs. dont try to make sense. I just liked how the random lyrics fuck ups sounded and went with it
Like all AI models, regardless of their task, suno and udio seem to be deteriorating with time and use. Suno is losing its diversity in sounds when you try to make rap with it; gens now sound really fucking samey compared to several months ago.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
of all the AI music tools, suno is by far the worst one used only by retarded edgelords to make songs about indians shitting in streets or whatever

it's like going to an indie thread on /mu/ and it's entirely some faggot in his basement singing wonderwall on a detuned guitar
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?.....
ok post yours with your superior tool
Good luck using more obscure "big" words on suno, it won't stop inserting an extra syllable to the word "interminable"
And yes I spelled it correctly in the lyric box
It just thinks it's pronounced "interminanable"
spell them phonetically then
That's already pretty phonetic but I guess I'll change it to inturminnabull or something.
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This needs to go on youtube and twitter
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"Russian doomer synthwave, I made this song just to prove you wrong" was the entire prompt and this was the first result
>t. rusgoloid mongoloid

found the pootin pecker licker
File: Way+instain+mother.webm (3.68 MB, 450x676)
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How is babby formed? How girl get pregnant?

They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys, becuse these babby cant fright back? It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots
udio is just suno with less customization
suno isn't a bad tool because people keep putting /pol/ shit into it
they are so far away from eachother it isn't funny
suno cannot do clear vocals no matter how hard you try, it exclusively sounds like a bunch of robotic text-to-speeches overlapping at once. it's just all around lower quality, people only think it's "better" because it's got more useless buttons and it lets you have more tokens
ok mongoloid
I'll sacrifice a little clarity for customization any day. Suno is cool because you can bring your lyrics to life when you don't have any vocal ability. And the Cover feature seems to be a step towards being able to plug in your own music if you know how to make it, and put vocals to it. Suno reawakened a long-dead love for music in me. I'm regretful that people keep using it for /pol/ brainrot too but that doesn't make it a bad tool.
Comparison Time! Since there doesn't really seem a consent about which of the two AI tools is better I made two songs with each. For both I used the same AI generated additional tool for the lyrics (Claude AI) with some very specific rules, but of course I didn't generate from the exact same songtext, since this would be silly and a waste of tokens.

And I must say, both are pretty good with some pros and cons for each. Udio very often is a pain in the ass to use and you can almost hear the typical structure with the ~30 sec segments and Udio isn't really that versatile genre-wise IMO but indeed the output (with some luck) his a bit better in terms of fidelity. Udio's version of this song sounds a bit like Orphanage: >>5679580
File: Thou art my master.webm (5.42 MB, 512x768)
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With Suno it's a lot easier to get good songs. Also with Metal and very often also Classical, Neo-Classical, Orchestral stuff, the problems with the Vocals aren't that pronounced in contrast to clean vocals for Pop/Rap etc. songs or other mainstream genres. Also in this case the song is a little bit more on the heavier side, while the Udio one is a bit softer, but that might be just coincident. I personally like both and don't have a clear winner. It really seems just a matter of luck which site generates the better songs.
Here's a new one from the Ancient Roman rap group, SPQR. This time with only two of it's members. Much like what happened with >>5655021 , the word "cum" (Latin for "with") is still too explicit. https://pastebin.com/9rEPzbAs

(Also the captcha I got this time is: JAN2PA)
Also this anon (>>5670689) from the last thread want the romaji lyrics to this.

neither of these are particularly good, but >>5681656 has the better instrumentals by a long way. >>5681657 it's hard to tell due to the vocal style but this has the same issue as all suno tracks, that being the vocals always sound incredibly fake, like how those early deepfakes looked
i appreciate the effort to compare, however.
I will fix your jaw with a hammer, once is broken in half you will no longer have that problem, or teeth in your bloody mouth.
Skill issue.
File: Galactic Champion.webm (3.75 MB, 512x768)
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3.75 MB WEBM
File: 1722998173978596.webm (2.58 MB, 512x768)
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2.58 MB WEBM
still looking for that banger about eating cheese at three am.
I had similar problems with Latin lyrics, but for me it was the word "nigra" in a couple of songs that apparently caused issues (but "nigrum" didn't )... so I changed it to nygra.
We should make an "AI Gold" thread where we repost only the best of AI music.
This was one of my favorites too.
I just genned an acoustic version of >>5682000, and I knew Suno was likely trained on YouTube videos, but I didn't expect "subscribe to this video" at the end of the gen
Kek my sides found my new favorite song
File: Galactic Champion.webm (4.51 MB, 512x768)
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4.51 MB WEBM
Anyone got sauce on this? I was hoping it might have been posted elsewhere possibly with lyrics, if not generated for this video.
My current favorite AI music, had this one stuck in my head for about a week now.
File: where ai.webm (3.88 MB, 1080x810)
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3.88 MB WEBM
repostan again
File: donald_hitler.webm (3.89 MB, 853x480)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
who won?
File: Ebony Wings.webm (4.96 MB, 512x768)
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4.96 MB WEBM
Work in progress, themed after Order of Ecclesia where Shanoa has to kill her brother-in-arms, Albus in a heartwrenching end. I'm happy with the chorus hitting the right tunes but I'm not 100% content with the rest of it.
I enjoyed it mildly but it wasn't great.
File: Flat is Justice.webm (3.1 MB, 512x768)
3.1 MB
A masterpiece...
File: Sea+of+Echoes.webm (5.72 MB, 424x636)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
I write angsty corny shit because I am a 30 year old man with the emotional disposition of a 17 year old boy
Also the song is over 4 minutes so I had to compress it and fuck up the quality, so vocaroo
same catchy based demonflyingfox
aww he's smiling
File: Gangsta for God.webm (5.76 MB, 512x768)
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File: None shall rise.webm (5.92 MB, 768x768)
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5.92 MB WEBM
File: Garden of Lights.webm (4.7 MB, 512x768)
4.7 MB
An existential love song
made a Neco-Arc + Trump duet
File: Galactic Champion.webm (4.76 MB, 512x768)
4.76 MB
4.76 MB WEBM
Actually good
Very good
Wasted on the meme lyrics desu

The boomer needs to leave and people need to stop trying to get these sites to make metal, its range is gonna be hard rock to power metal tier slop. Good look getting anything out of it that sounds evil.
LMAO, another ESL retard.
Chimp noises
File: 1941.webm (5.21 MB, 512x768)
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5.21 MB WEBM
This one didn't turn out very good but I still like it.
File: Chucks.webm (3.14 MB, 640x480)
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File: O doom and bligh.webm (2.94 MB, 512x768)
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Push out a Log
Yeah all metal should be chunkachunkachunka on the 0th fret in drop C and unintelligible growling
All those extra tags aren't doing anything, anon. You're just wasting characters. Suno is a great and fun tool but it's genuinely quite random with style; it ignores the actual prompt, plugging it into the lyric box won't do anything.
I will agree that the instrument tags won't be doing anything & you only need to put something like [guitar solo] etc when you need something like that or [violin] to change an instrument. The mood tags are for generating it in chatgpt to influence the lyrics generated there & the mood does influence the music as well. As for the 2k character limit, that is not going to be an issue because 4 mins is as long as you can go on the first try & then you can simply extend with any new lyrics anyway. But yes you are correct about it being random. Personally think it is a goofd thing at the moment because it is an AI tool & not in the realm of of Stable Diffusion where you spend a lot of time messing around. The LLM should be intelligent enough to be able to do it all from a prompt. I have not tried the remove styles new feature yet on SUNO where it basically acts like a negative prompt to exclude any styles, instruments etc.
No idea what any of that means but yes real metal should sound ugly and evil
You're talking about a very narrow subgenre of metal, like all self-proclaimed metalheads on the internet you're pedantic and pretentious without actually knowing what you're talking about.
One way to describe the complexity of metal as a genre is the statement that Beethoven was the first metal composer, he just didn't have the right instruments.
File: Into the Abyss.webm (3.42 MB, 512x768)
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3.42 MB WEBM
>pedantic and pretentious without actually knowing what you're talking about
Because I don't give a fuck about music theory. I don't enjoy music written for people who do give a fuck about music theory either. Metal and art in general regardless of the medium is about atmosphere and almost always I like that atmosphere to be ugly and evil, or at least deeply weird. My personal tastes are objectively correct and there's no amount of musical theory that will make Judas Priest or Ministry good. Admit you don't even enjoy metal and go listen to Boston you fucking faggot
It's not about opinions anon it's just a cold hard fact that metal is a very wide genre that doesn't only include your favorite subcategory of it.
deathcore is the worst genre known to mankind and you do not deserve a (you)
>make stub: no
thread is comfy again
anon, his opinion is objectively correct from a certain point of view, just as yours is
objectivity is a meme. even math is incorrect if you look at a problem from a slightly different angle, that's why science has no hard facts and music theory is exactly that - theory; real musicians practise.
File: Slippery king.webm (5.85 MB, 768x768)
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5.85 MB WEBM
File: O quam vana fides!.webm (3.46 MB, 512x768)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB WEBM
I don't even wanna bother fucking around with making the webm fit because the song is over 5 minutes
I wrote the piano intro and made it in LMMS ten years ago and just never did anything but shitty dubstep with it
File: Sancta Bailey.webm (5.97 MB, 768x768)
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5.97 MB WEBM
File: Rhythm of the Forge.webm (4.76 MB, 768x768)
4.76 MB
4.76 MB WEBM
Udio is great for mixing genres
I really enjoyed these lyrics. I hope you write more.
When are we getting more?
File: Untitled.gif (4 KB, 93x194)
4 KB
Thanks for the kindness anon. A lot of the posts here are mine actually and quoting them all flags this post for spam. So here's a screen instead.
I gained an addiction to this fuckin thing.
Soon, the next three are more solo affairs from the other three members of SPQR.

A song about partying by Patricius Magnus (PATRICIVS MAGNVS (30 year old Roman patrician))
A song about a life of a gladiator by Heracles Black Hearted (Ηρακλής Μαύρη Καρδιά (Iraklís Mávri Kardiá (25 year old gladiator of Greek origin)) featuring a special guest
And a self hype song by Pompeii Caesaris (POMPEII CAESARIS (33 year old Roman governor))

In the meantime check out the other songs I've made here: https://suno.com/@historia_musica
File: Echoes of Progress.webm (5.34 MB, 768x724)
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File: Into the Abyss.webm (3.11 MB, 512x768)
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File: faded_lines.webm (5.85 MB, 522x368)
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Not very original lyrics but alas.
File: Sacris Solemniis.webm (5.87 MB, 512x576)
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5.87 MB WEBM
I'm at over 1000 songs now myself
File: Vril Up.webm (5.72 MB, 336x434)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
tried my hand at some lyrics real quick just to test it out
Boomers lend dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar thread.
I'm sure I've genned that and well above but I only save and publish the ones I think turn out good.
File: Sterile dreams.webm (5.98 MB, 768x768)
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5.98 MB WEBM
I agree there are way too many Indian songs and it got beaten into the ground pretty fucking quick, but I think Suno can sound fine, if anything I feel it has way more genres I want then Udio does plus it has way more freedom with lyrics. Udio just spits out literal gibberish at times which pisses me off.
Sorry I'm late af, the link's dead unfortunately.. or was it just me? Anyway glad you actually replied xD
Tho I'll be more glad if you can repost it somewhere else (Rentry sounds good to me)
Wait, nvm
Just found your account >>5687479
I got the lyrics there, thanks again, anon
Keep up the good work
File: 1715384121085119.webm (3.71 MB, 852x720)
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repostan month old gems by anons
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File: 1724927978800936.webm (2.8 MB, 1280x720)
2.8 MB
german hymn metal edition
Haven't you been asperger syndrome posting about your udio shit in multiple threads now? Nobody cares.
Does anyone have 'a gentle lullaby' was posted a while back but i lost the webm.
I think it was some gothic lullaby it sounded pretty good.
Anyone have have the ai music going "xixixixixi" and in the video an anime girl is writing a 4chan post?
Stopped reading right there.
Write your own lyrics, faggot. Suno gens suck ass.
File: 1711981525537813_full.webm (5.83 MB, 1024x1024)
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5.83 MB WEBM
>I write angsty corny shit because I am a 30 year old man with the emotional disposition of a 17 year old boy
Hello, fellow me
I was gonna find this but it's gone somewhere. Also /r/ "Fell off my chair because I couldn't stop laughing" with that girl from Amagi Brilliant Park I think
erdogan gets finger blasted by hamass into Xi's anus

File: abigailShapiroSong.webm (1.56 MB, 512x768)
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>/pol retard detected
File: grave_well.webm (5.97 MB, 502x348)
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File: 1572172940998.webm (3.34 MB, 1298x690)
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I really only like the ones that are extensions of other songs
this might be the only good one I've heard so far, it helps that its also funny

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