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File: Sounds Fishy.webm (3.96 MB, 576x1024)
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Post your Cat webms
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dudes got anime children in boxes just sitting there lmfao
i love these, thanks
high quality webm
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A modern classic.
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1.5 MB
this is why spray bottles were invented
I knew Haitians would find this thread, stop tenderizing Fluffy
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He has an IQ of 60 so when someone said "beat the pussy" he took it literally.
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chad energy
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Love this one
I have one within easy reach in literally every room of the house. You don't even really have to hit 'em.
Oh, watch your fire when they're fucking with your computer or TV cables.
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it's easy for me, i literally just touch the bottle in his sight and my cat stops being a cunt these days, i only sprayed him for real like three times in his life with an interval of more than a month between each
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shit i would do
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plot armor.
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Oh goodness, someone sells a product and this guy... BOUGHT it?! Wtf? So crazy!
Could have tried to grab it way sooner, reach under the tarp instead of being useless
That's the cutest little black cat I've ever seen.
cat video: cat
cat video by woman: ca woman
he's terrified
>cat video
this nigga is a pedo
You sound like my grandma talking about the neighbors kid.
This is every weeaboo when he finally has to listen to his dream girl.
Her name is Mischief and she's loves going goblin-mode now that she's a few months older.
File: well done cat.webm (1.08 MB, 576x776)
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Wow, the cat is literally me
I'm looking for a webm of a cat being held by its owner and spun around with the camera close to the cat's face following the cat. Party music is playing in the background and the video is in slow motion. cat kind of looks like it's high on drugs
File: Biscuits cat.webm (4.03 MB, 478x850)
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>bro just risk your life for a random cat
Yeah, these days all I have to do is move it to where they can see it and they immediately knock off the dicketry.
How is that risking his life? The cat is hanging by the dude's feet. Squat down and grab it.
That cute little negro boy, Jerome!

She commits crimes as is the duty of all cats
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This cat is blind.
I think a smarter thing to do would be to take off your shirt and lower it down for it to grab onto
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Are there really Haitian immigrants stealing cats and dogs to eat them or is /pol/ just being a paranoid retard again?
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All the locals are reporting it and when the (((fact checkers))) say it isn't happening: It is!

There is a reason there are none left in Haiti. It's just a matter of time until they start eating People.
There are literal cannibals in Haiti.
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God bless America
looks cool but this is such a dump I'd be afraid of it getting hurt on like a piece of broken glass or fence or something
my dog got cut up on broken glass before and shits scary
based cat
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When is the last time the Jew establishment ever told the truth?
So yes orcs are pillaging the country side. They destroy property, they eat small animals and they rape.
But embrace all those things because the clown cult told you to
What a maroon
I feel so bad that my cat doesn't have balls. Why could we not instead have bred cats to produce a single offspring per birth?
That would still leave them with at the absolute least 1 kitten per year. The real solution would be a drug that prevents conception. But no one is going to invest in that because surgery works well enough for the majority.
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what the fuck?!
>they eat animals
They ARE animals
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This is real...!?!?
something is missing..
Odd that not a single person has video footage despite how common cctv and cellphones are
not really. they'd only bother taking the animal if there was no one around to witness it. you need to think for more than 2 seconds before writing down dumb comments.
>writing down
>dumb comments
haitians regularly eat cats in haiti
why would refugees suddenly stop, especially if they're free
We all know the orcs are eating the cats and dogs. That is why it was based of trump to say it.
Now shills have to defend that or try even harder to deny reality
Did you see how jewy jewington tried to gaslight
>Durrr maybe if we have moar cameras
No bitch, cameras always break when the Jew establishment needs them to like with Epstein's death or body cam footage during the trump assassination attempt.
The problem are orcs and Jews. We need to get rid of them. Everything else is gaslighting
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> whatcha doin Rabbi?
Anyone got that original schizo cat webm?
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>akshully a complete lack of evidence is 100% proof
Aw he wants to play. :)
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I can still hear the vine boom sound effect
i think it's just trying to cough up a hairball desu
How is the cat dancing like that?
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vicious beatings
If you time starting this after the opening notes of Dead Kennedys' "Police Truck" it goes so much better.
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uh his ass was in danger
nah the cat was fine, she obviously wouldn't hurt him
That guy filming? he died. From being an insufferable faggot.
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they may not be caught red handed chomping down on kot/dog/duck/goose but there are some indisputable and odd things happening

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Chile has also received some new arrivals.

It’s real anon :( it’s being hidden and has been happening. Not just Haitians either.

Yeah. It's only shills defending orcs or denying reality.
They did the same playbook during scamflu and the jewkraine war
I think it's deeper than that.
>The illegals are eating pets!
is such a crazy-sounding soundbite at face value, and they want to try and preserve that best they can.
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damn banjo kazooie had good graphics for the time
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I've seen some footage but I'm not sure if they were immigrants or just regular black people.
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actually all cats have terrible near vision
this is why they seldom react to anything that close
nah, it just doesn't care

their vision isn't bad enough to not spot that, plus the fish was touching its whiskers too
they spot things close but they don't react if it's not moving
cats have horizontal eyes and are great at detecting movement along that
but something super close that isn't moving they have a hard time not seeing at all
it's most likely just a giant blurry blob
the blob still moved like 60 degrees across its field of vision, it's not THAT blurry
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Lol, that mouse got caught and killed.
none of the fucking locals are reporting anything of the like, what the actual shit are you on?
italians reported it years ago dumbass
you clearly don't own a fucking cat dude and have a hard time accepting facts
Need some of these in Springfield. The Haitians will starve!
Fighting Moloch is based.
It is reported. Stop trying to gaslight jewy jewington
Head in sand or pretending to be retarded.
Either way, you suck.
sure i do, my cat isn't retarded like yours is apparently
Even if it is happening, what's the big deal? Aren't cats a major invasive species in the States that have devastated the bird population? The local americucks do nothing about strays because cats are "le soooo cute uWu", so fuck it.
>bird population trope
I am an enviromental philosopher, that's my feild, we examine global trends in environmentalism movements and research and discuss their origins.
It's becoming known in the feild that there is an increasing occourence in polluting industies to divert ecological disasters away from their own responsibility. The "cats are killing all the birds!!!1" idea is to deflect from the decline in insect populations being able to feed the avian population. Insect die off is directly caused by industrial pollution and the birds are suffering by famine and poisoning from what remains.
Blaming it on cats is an easy one as everyone understands cats are predators and if they are predators then they are killing all the birds, ignoring the fact that 90% of cats in western countries are house-cats.
Don't blindly trust the media telling you things that absolve polluting industry companies that power their retirement funds.
it's real?
Now that's a kek.
You're literally doing the dance that the media does.
>It isn't happening.
>It happens, but who cares?
>It's happening, and here's why it's a good thing!
Of course it's real.
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this one is golden
the guy is yelling '' Oh! that's fragile, asshole!''
You think people from the shitiest land in the world wouldn't eat cats?
what is it with this cat eating meme all of a sudden? yeah, people sometimes eat cats, it usually coincides with mass starvation and war, in europe it was a meme that italians did it during world war 2
Wow fuck that song brings back memories
Likely because of Trump mentioning it.
It's kinda like the pajeet memes. People have known that shit since forever, but some key person did a thing and it became a meme.
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Absolutely adorable.
The hunter became the hunted. The AI version someone made from this is insanely cool. The cat turns into some mystical creature
ROTFL seriously everything about this
6 minute video, 5.9mb. Fucking superb
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>what's the big deal?
They are Illegal Aliens & live like the animals they are. Need I remind you that once they ran out of native animals (It didn't take long) on their Island they began eating each other?

They are not fit for a Society other than the one of their own making & trying to defend them just proves how much of a Nigger lover you are.

gr8 b8 tho m8
Yeah it's true, got family in Brazil. When an asian restaurant opened the streed dogs started to disappear
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nooo not muh hecking street doggerinoooos
Wait that isn't a cat
File: real.webm (329 KB, 360x640)
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It cat
>I am an enviromental philosopher
Stopped reading there.
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>petting a seemingly friendly wild cat
>it decides it really likes the pets
>puts its arms on yours
>you can feel the twinge of claws every time you pull away to leave
What do you actually do in this situation
pet kot
The easy way to get away from claws is to go with the claws and to the side, rather than directly away. I use such tricks to get toys away from my cats so they don't just lay there with it.
The scenario is more centered around the cat not wanting you to leave and having the ability to kill you more than needing to know how to get out of the claws specifically
Every random cat I've ever petted either got tired of it quickly or rolled around like a retard. The exception are my cats that will lay on my chest and do little claw grabs. Never had one that refused to let me leave. I guess do something a cat couldn't ignore, like throwing something without it seeing. The sudden noise would demand the attention of said cat.
Cat in heat, it wants to fuck.
lack of evidence of what? niggers acting like savage animals? theres evidence all over the world, retard kek
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and so does white trash, and the worst of any other race on the fucking earth. people being dumb animals is not exclusive to anybody no matter how much you want to believe it
found the subhuman
>Post your Cat webms
How many?
No. Your trashy scum and we aren't. You might not like it, but accept it
I can't stand how annoying Karen laughs are.
Tell that annoying sweathog to shut her pie hole
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why is that rat acting like a cat
What's the music?
Blind Dog - Coming To
File: heaterventkot.webm (1.9 MB, 1280x720)
1.9 MB
The Maitro one is better.
and those bumpers are fucking gay
Awesome, thanks anon
why the fuck would you keep raw chicken as a pet
Click on the icon next to the name to play.

Fragility - Flawed Mangoes


oblivion - hozuki & cornwave

Thanks. How do i download tiktok music/videos? I never use tiktok.
I will say it takes some balls to try and threaten an animal 10x your size. Like he's not running away he's standing his ground.
>”oh nonononono”
Fucking kek poor cat is clearly terrified but that was objectively hilarious
My trashy scum? Where?
Little girl needs to be bitch slapped into special ed class.
You can tell just from looking at her face with this godawful piercings and hearing her voice that this chick is undoubtedly an absolute nightmare to be around.
You sheep will relentlessly believe literally whatever they tell you to believe.


Now it makes perfect sense. Story overblown by conservatards, as usual.
you can make this argument about both sides.
just let them have their fun c:
Lorna Shore - Life Of Fear
>Copernicus devises his heliocentric model 16th cent. colourised
>Chihuahua and some raw chicken had a child

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