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File: Karamja retour.webm (2.93 MB, 640x360)
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/an/ thread
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They put a V8 in an Emu? Aussies are crazy
it's not an emu, it's an even more dangerous bird, a cassowary
>that little walk after putting the runt back in his cage
is that a black elephant?
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very based thread, here's one of mine
Based, fuck tigers.
getting far cry 3 memories now
Toll paid.
Australia once lost a war to Emus but never to Cassowaries. This is because Australians do not dare start a war with Cassowaries in the first place, even Australians aren't this stupid.
>Only in Australia
No shit you stupid bitch.
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fake and gay, you have to be brown to believe this idiocy
Thanks, party pooper.
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i wish it had sound
mom, what's this
birb's totally fucking fucked mate, big time
Gumnut is that you?
That’s a completely rational response.
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I used to foster kittens for a local shelter. Can confirm most of them are retarded like this. It's amazing how they grow up into such perceptive and intelligent creatures.
However, figure for every 1 out of 20, there will be a cat who's always smart, even as a kitten.
now imagine what dinosaurs sounded like
Love me some pork and cabbage.
Is this footage sped-up? I didn't think bears can move that fast...
File: Faceplant.webm (1.7 MB, 1000x1000)
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No, when theyre fighting or hunting, bears can be lightning fast
in slow-mo when they hit you can see their nuts flopping around
There is alot going on in this webm
Idk if cats can feel embarrassment, but the look it fucking gave when the person behind the camera started laughing makes me think they do.
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Most mammals feel emotions like that. It's just way more relatable with cats/dogs/monkeys because we get embarrassed about the same things.
Yes, it's obviously sped up and
is a literal retard.
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Same but that one is a bit too fresh for my taste
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I love everything about this.
The way the mom is instantly concerned when the kid falls over, the way the kid instantly runs back to mom, it's so wholesome
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Ears warning.
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File: Animal friends forever.webm (3.9 MB, 1080x1080)
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imagine enjoying a little back scratch and suddenly you get hit in the nuts
why do you hate fun
most of cats ive seen when they did something stupid or fucked up they were like "oh yeah, thats exactly what i wanted to do, nothing went wrong"
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We should replace radars with elephant nose. He knew precise location if bananas ina moving bus
Considering how often I hear about people who abuse animals for internet clout, this worries me
Kek. Can you do >>5685427 as well?
My mom told me that if you do that too much you go blind.
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t. pajeet
it's slowed down. these fuckers pluck fish out of the water and can debark a tree with their backs in 10 seconds flat, you know.
it's tracking a fly or some other flying bug that fucked off when dog moved. Cats are incapable of being that sly unless it's to be a dickhead.
Did those fuckers produce literal shockwaves with their slaps? Holy fucking shit, I mean, I knew bears were strong, but that's just outright terrifying.
Wish we had their reflexes.
My thoughts exactly, reminiscent of those Chinese “animal rescue” clickbait farms where they break a puppies legs and throw it down a storm drain and then film themselves fishing it out of the drain for sympathy likes. The fucked up lengths some people will go to not even just for money but even a speck of attention should never be underestimated.
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WTF is this real?
You fucking asshole
You fucking asshole
That was very nice of you
That was very nice of you
File: bear attack.webm (5.77 MB, 720x710)
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Thank you Anon.
my pants would be full of piss and shit
hopefully the stench would be enough to scare them away
duh, yeah, but the gist of the webm is that the cat is actually creeping up on the dog and the cat plays it cool when the dog wakes up. it's dishonest, and frankly misinformation that really has no place on 4channel.
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Can anyone provide the pink flamingos herd with the Monty Python Flying Circus music gif please...?
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When you're cold, they're cold. Let them in!
I have a video of a bear chasing wild horses somewhere. He was gaining on them.
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Given she had cubs it's shocking the dogs got out alive.
The ones with the snapping turtle and snakes are particularly impressive. The others humans can achieve with good reflexes.
Oh shit she had cubs, no wonder she was so aggressive. I'm surprised she mock charged a few times rather than actually attacking.

Holy shit.
First person view of punching a bear while hanging on a cliff side. That video's insane.
"We're not locked in here with you... You're locked in here with US !"
How 'bout them apples?
Canadians are such cucks. Even their bears.
Those fucks can run 60kmh anon
thats usual cat play though
i read it more like:
what are you looking at, retard?

day 23: they still don't suspect i'm not a cat

i bet how often homeinsurance companies deal with something like

brave woman, tackling a bear with cubs like that
i kek every time
>waiting for them to leave so he can rob the place
smart bear
holy shit
tom and jerry tier
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treadwell was sick in the mind
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To all the anons I see who misuse “ESL” when critiquing posts with a simple spelling error or a typo, posts like this are the correct time to use the term.
>i bet how often homeinsurance companies deal with something like
Yes, I bet.
Damn did he just impale that fish straight through the spine with his beak? Impressive
hah, that's not being esl
that's my adhd resulting in "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?" gaffe
I prefer the Blat Skibidy Britbong rap one.
Bro cats "act casual" all the fucking time
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such a gentlemanly duel
that's some genuine fear in his voice
That's a gator, not a croc
Damn, dude, this is a blue board.
Insects are not animals you disgusting fuck.
Bears have shorter legs so they have issues with varying elevation. They have a harder time moving sideways along steep inclines on rocky hills. Not like you'd have the option in the circumstance though.
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Impalement is one of nature's cooler weapons
Birds must have absolutely shredded core muscles.
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The great grey shrike is probably the best example of a natural impaler. They impale their prey on large thorns or barbed wire to eat later. It can even imitate other birds to fool prey.
wholesome? that little elephant will grow up to be a faggot I swear.
Goes to show how resilient these fags are, I bet a single claw from a bear would rip my face off and yet, they tank multiple of that shit like it's nothing.
There's a reason bears are at the top of my list of things to never fight with. Damn near anything else there's some chance against, but bears are like trying to fight with a meat tank.
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you think you can take on an elephant?
that's amore
File: Eyy,gtfo outta here.webm (513 KB, 1280x720)
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At the very least, evade.
Man, they're even mean to the other flying assholes.
File: who.webm (276 KB, 576x1024)
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i like amimals
Might be water.
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that dog has some kind of parasite growing on it
That's nuts!

>Pepper spray bear for no reason
>Why are you breaking my kayak? ;_;
What a dumbass with an incomprehensibly annoying voice. Part of me wishes this video would have ended in a statistic.
Sounds like the same woman.
>I actually laughed at this
Fuck you
First time seeing this
yes, but that wasn't an example of it in the way that >>5690224 is. You are a predator, watch the video again and tell me the cat wasn't tracking a moving thing.
You could probably take a few punches from another person, yet a cat would be fucked. Just goes to show how resilient humans are. How interesting. It really makes you think.
That first axe kick is beautiful.
Funny how the cat saw the correct cup, when they see in a lower frame rate.
A dog being able to get it would make sense since they see in a higher frame rate, and thus things move slightly slower for them.
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Anyone have this with sound?
polar bears are actually very friendly and gentle, if one is trying to get into your house or whatever just let them in
>This a toll road, see?
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File: Apex predator ru.webm (390 KB, 406x720)
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>battle of kiev 2023 colorized
File: pitty.webm (2.68 MB, 1280x720)
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Liberals claim a T-rex couldn't roar like in Jurassic Park, imagine if this thing was 30 feet tall
She sounds white, I'm inclined to believe this one is real
Polar bear paws typed this
>retard sees cockroach eating glue
>wow what a cool animal
Not an animal, faggot.
Create another thread for your shithead insects and bugs, nobody wants to go from elephants and tigers and monkeys to looking at fucking insects.
is that the same girl as with the kayak or is it ai?
sounds pretty much the same
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its the same audio
ah you are right, when i tried comparing it, i listened only to the beginning
Fucking good thread. Thanks.
you have my condolences retard-kun
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File: Weird Dog.webm (466 KB, 854x480)
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i'm so scared of bears, man
how can people live with them
I feel so bad for the wildlife having to live and deal with these Western-equipped subhumans in their habitate
What is this bird and why does it come up to him? It seems excited.
looks like a modern toyota
Wow, nice throw and nice catch. I thought for sure one of the birds was going to get it.
Love this little dude's eyebrows
I could kill a bear with my bare hands.
Oh yeah? Well I can kill a bear with my bear hands!
Rock ptarmigan.
Maybe it mistook the pair of red poles for another ptarmigan?
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reminder to moisturise ur chicken before cooking
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Anteaters have play behaviour? Huh. First time seeing this in like, ever. The buddy here seems pretty happy considering he doesn't do the T power stance at any point. Just when you think you know all about them...
>Just when you think you know all about them...
You thought you knew all about them? Do you work in a zoo? I also have never seen them play, and when the webm started I thought that person was a goner.
Americans lost a war to a food chain fast food restaurant
yeah, babies are retarded. more news at 8, faggot
keep crying bitch
keep crying faggot
That is willow ptarmigan most likely during lekking season, sometimes hormones make grouses do weird things
Fuck, I thought it's leg was another head and it was some weird mutant wolf anteater.
that's why it looks like that, so predators attack its leg instead of its face
Do it and livestream it, pussy
Hello Joe Rogan
it's sad abbos killed off the moa, we need more ratites in the world
classic nanners strat
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I love you.
Archtually that is not quite the norm in animals, a good number are ready to survive just days or even moments out of the womb, herd animals commonly can walk and run not too long after being born.
Some take it even a step further, sharks will hunt and kill (their siblings) while still in the womb.
There's a whole classification for it, called Precociality.
File: Dirty_Parrot.webm (187 KB, 406x720)
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Shouldn't have cucked Popeye all those years
File: Brutal borzoi attack.webm (3.31 MB, 720x1280)
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3.31 MB WEBM
I have some bad news anon..
Like most selfish people, if i'm awake you should be awake.
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2.4 MB
it is water

either bait or absolute retard
1-FPS animal.
I can't believe fags can see stuff like this and say animals don't actually smile when happy.
What an insufferable cunt
Centipede mom that's pretty neat
That's cute
I love Borzoi dogs so fucking much man. Idk what it is about them, but they're easily my fav dog breed.
theres a audio version of that vid too
yes, I actually know that girl irl. she really doesn't like that it went viral, it was traumatic for her cuz she was on a really remote island and the kayak was her only way to go home. she could have starved to death, ended up having to swim out to a passing fishing boat.
good bear
reeeeeeeee what the fuuuuuck
what a pleasant pig family
fuck bears with a capital FUCK. I'd really like to move to the great white north one day, but bears are reason #1 though 50 on why I never will, followed closely after by meth heads and somalians.
is that bee shitting uncontrollably
cant tell if its bait or unironic retard
agree, they are very tasty
File: kittenmittens.webm (5 MB, 576x1024)
5 MB
is your cat making TOO MUCH NOISE all the time??
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This little guy was sitting on top of my monitors and hopping between them. It disappeared for a bit, then reappeared next to my mouse. It scurried away when I moved my hand, then reappeared later crawling on the screen. It climbed to the top and hopped back and forth some more and then I didn't see it again. It kept turning to face me like it was staring at me.
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STRETCHED and PULLED snakeline dog
women don't understand what "pov" means
I hypothesize this is because "POV porn" show's the man's perspective, which to a woman makes the term confusing.
What language is that?
>black bear
>breaks into car
Good point
Good point of view, you mean.
totally true and believable
Ursanine video
Can't even bear to watch it
What animal is this?
looks like a stoat or mink
I think I found it; a sable =)
congrats, you've bruin'd the thread
I love you, anon
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Those new DJI gimbals are looking pretty good
giant dogs
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I am currently feeding a Southern House spider living above my stove top in the range hood cabinet any fly that dares trespass the soveriegn food service air space in my kitchen. If I can find him a muscle mommy I might relocate him to my room and build a tiny nation with them.
Homosexuality (as opposed to lack of opportunity with opposite sex) in animals has only been observed in giraffes and domesticated sheep
Wrong. No such thing as sodomy in nature. Prove it with something other than jew links or accept the truth they are just schizo perverts
Just because something is nature is broken doesn't make it natural.
>skyrim gameplay.webm
oh hi spirit
Why the fuck wouldn't you pull the trigger? There's literally a giant monster coming through your ceiling that wants to eat you alive. Kill that bastard, wtf
To record the situation
Great tits on a stick
Sentient cock and balls
My old cat had a cast on his arm for a few months and learned to smack me in the face like it was a club. He sounded like a pirate walking around the house.
RIP Jack, ya lil shit

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