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sports any
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"a cute woman is still a woman" : sun tzu
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its always soccer, a bunch of fucking drama queen crybaby failed actors.
>sports any and then posts nothing but boring ass soccer clips
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who do you think was at fault here ? on first look it looks like the player was in the wrong but if u watch the replay the manger (??) was clearly mouthing off and even leaning into him right until he got shoulder checked . if i was the player i think a red card would be worth it . non playing characters should know their place
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who fucking cares. its a sorry excuse for a biff either way.
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just posting this for /sp/
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>amaerican education at work
You really dont understand do you, you burger retard.
I will make it simple for you.
Winning games at this level in the worlds football league is worth millions.
For example, if the team won a game I expect each player gets 100s of thousands in whatever local currency.
So, getting a foul, which can in turn either get a free kick, penalty both having a high chance of getting a goal, i.e points towards winning, or at an even more extreme level a red card for the other team, meaning one of their players not only gets removed from the team but is not allowed to play for X amount of matches, means they have a massive advantage not only in that game turning a 11 v 11 team into a 10 v 11 team or less depending if other players already had been given a red card and removed from the game already) but also the team with the player sent off can lose one of their important players and in turn lose matches which removes the competition for the team in the overall championship of the season. Which in turn winning the season would be worth millions for each of the winning teams players.
Look at the stadiums. Each of those attendees pay shit loads of money to watch the games. The matches make millions just in attendees, let alone sponsorships, advertisings etc

So in short, they are not "drama queens", they are being dishonourable and attempting to gain advantage kin the match by faking and injury to gain advantage, win, and earn shit loads of money.

Ask yourself, would you do what that faggot did for 200k?
If course you would, you would be a retard not to.

Now that being said, apparently, well at least in my countries top leagues, they have now allowed the referees to look at video footage for stoppages like in american hand egg, so the faux pretend diving/fouls/injuries should have all stopped now. though I am not sure as I am not a low test faggot who watches sports. Trivial shit watching grown men play ball games like children.

>I am not a low test faggot who watches sports

First 2 webms are drama related, the other one is an actual injury. you typed so much retarded ramblings that you clearly did NOT watch those webms. fuck off drama queen cunt
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You really dont understand do you, you burger retard.
I will make it simple for you.
Winning games at this level in the worlds football league is worth millions.
For example, if the team won a game I expect each player gets 100s of thousands in whatever local currency.
So, getting a foul, which can in turn either get a free kick, penalty both having a high chance of getting a goal, i.e points towards winning, or at an even more extreme level a red card for the other team, meaning one of their players not only gets removed from the team but is not allowed to play for X amount of matches, means they have a massive advantage not only in that game turning a 11 v 11 team into a 10 v 11 team or less depending if other players already had been given a red card and removed from the game already) but also the team with the player sent off can lose one of their important players and in turn lose matches which removes the competition for the team in the overall championship of the season. Which in turn winning the season would be worth millions for each of the winning teams players.
Look at the stadiums. Each of those attendees pay shit loads of money to watch the games. The matches make millions just in attendees, let alone sponsorships, advertisings etc
So in short, they are not "drama queens", they are being dishonourable and attempting to gain advantage kin the match by faking and injury to gain advantage, win, and earn shit loads of money.
Ask yourself, would you do what that faggot did for 200k?
If course you would, you would be a retard not to.
Now that being said, apparently, well at least in my countries top leagues, they have now allowed the referees to look at video footage for stoppages like in american hand egg, so the faux pretend diving/fouls/injuries should have all stopped now. though I am not sure as I am not a low test faggot who watches sports. Trivial shit watching grown men play ball games like children.
I was mocking the post for being copypasta tier, but now I'm starting to think that he was right and you are a fucking retard for not realizing that
Sure fag, post sports webms or fuck off schizo
he got heeled
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Soccer is fucking gay. I love how the only defense soccerfags have for this gay sport is that it's popular. As if that has ever been the mark of quality.
Im pretty sure the guy in the last one actually got kicked in the head
This shit happens every single time a grappler suddenly decides they want to be a striker.
how that's racing
Ew brush your tongue

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