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fuck shes hot
>Stealth is optional for this mission
Weird cops but they are Nips so
Who's the perv here?
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my exact question.
Both of those cops hurried back to the station to furiously jack their tiny dicks to the mere thought of her panties being within 2 feet of them.
why the fuck are they holding hands that the beginning?
>be secuurity
>know there are cameras
>know where the cameras are
>still do this nasty ass dog behavior
full on retard
imagine the smell tho GAT DAMN SON

some girls are genuinely naive and think the guy might be nice but maybe he's just lonely.
nobody saw nothin

I really hate western faggots who go to Japan thinking it's their playground. It's no different from all of the other people who come to our countries thinking it's their playground. Why doesn't anything make sense anymore? Where is the respect? Why isn't there anything to fight over anymore? Globalism. Yay let's just be mediocre because there are nukes aimed at all of our cities so lets just be prideless dickworms until the day we die.
What are you even bitching about when it comes to the OP webm? If it was dumbasses treating the city like shit, i'd agree but this chick simply doesnt want to show her underwear to cops and the cops completely understood once she explained.
>It's no different from all of the other people who come to our countries thinking it's their playground.
Not really. On one hand you have the libtard minority of whites being mildly puckish. On the other you have the majority of non-whites being destructive, robing and raping. It's not even close.
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>schizo perv detected
who would even stalk this guy?
She doesn't like faggots like you, so
Why protect the perv's identity?
Cuz Japan privacy laws, other people's faces are blurred as well
I don't think he's remorseful
nothing she did was bothersome
t. gook
Because women are afraid to be murdered when alone so they allow men to do smaller creepy gestures and then the man thinks they're leading them on when they refuse to make out or fuck.
Pakis and Turks are always raping women in asian countries. Always Pakis and Turks.
That's not true, see here : >>5682809
this guy isn't hurting anyone even if that's a bit sad and weird.
Japs are Indian tier pervs; they're just sneakier about it. Really fucked up.
so you get rewarded for being a pervert?
The most fucked up thing about that video is her having a peephole you can "push in" and deciding to use it for online clout instead of just replacing it even though she believes she's being stalked and her apartment's been broken in.
this is why people laugh at weebs
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shut up pervert
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Yes she is a pervert. She knows her society and lives as if it is not in existence. Whether her society is right or wrong, she is using its codes and signals to invite abuse.
if only she covered her tits with clothing like every other woman in japan
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same, whaitto piggu go hommu
Does anyone have a video of that guy saying he is from India?
odds are this guy really was trying to cop a feel but honestly? it's actually hard to tell, headkicks were unwarranted and the faggot recording probably goes about his day just looking to react like this, bet it was the 40 bus too
How is he a perv? they just suspect all foreigners because foreigners commit crime at a much higher rate than the japanese
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the cope is strong here
found the corean dog eater
The gambler's curse
police just tryna do their job senpai
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She is going to have a BLAST in India
I have a weird feeling that that thing isn't a kid... Still revolting, don't get me wrong.
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Inaccurate filename
I can confirm this is all true as I've been living in her walls for two months now.
Those perverted bastards just won't leave this poor innocent girl alone.
This is still my favourite WebM of all time.
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I see why american education has been on a campaign to trivialize HIV to the public, because shitbags like this are spreading it everywhere, and we can't have the public hating poor ol' homos for being disease-superhighways of society.
You see the shills on our boards always spam muh STDs when anyone talks about hookers.
Why don't they spam muh STDs when talking about butt pirates or orcs? Because they actually have STDs and the bad reputation would stop people from fucking them and getting the diseases.
Shills are always trying to harm you
Honestly I can't blame the Japanese for their feelings about foreigners. Their culture which has stood the test of time for millennia has been slowly watered down by people coming into their country and imposing their will.
On one hand Japan is known for having peeping toms, but on the other hand the idea of the Japanese being perverted has become such a meme at this point that I cant deny that she might just be making it the fuck up for views.
>Literally knows exactly what's going to happen
>Does it anyway
>because foreigners commit crime at a much higher rate than the japanese
Except they don't.
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This one? I can't find the source of webmrel with audio
Why doesn't this slut just go home lol?
She hasn't had enough experiences lol.
Who is this?
Lack of self control is consignant on low intelligence. People who do this are retarded. This means pajeets and thirdies.
>it's actually hard to tell
What the fuck manner of autism is this? It's plain as day.
what the hell is even the point?
please ban all tourists from Japan post haste
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Serial ass grabber, wtf lol
What the absolute fuck?
>acts like a pajeet
>complains about pajeets
Why are big city people so apathetic?
tourists like that should just be executed
Okay but why is this hot?
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still gets me everytime
Probably gonna get beaten, bullied, and humiliated the JKs
I think he won
you mean you all
Lol some day he's going to flash his dick to someone and he's going to get beaten to within an inch of his life, then go get thrown in jail. Creepy degenerate like this deserve the rope. Stop including other unwilling people in your fucked up fetish
isnt there women only train cars?
I usually hate living in America, but seeing these webms and knowing that if you pulled this shit in the US some random bystander would drop kick you into next week (if not shoot you to death) makes me feel proud to be an American.
Speak that way to the lg-alphagettoes.
Whacking off is natural. He should be featured as a proud fighter for his sexual orientation during pride month
Does anybody have the one of a kid walking down the street grabbing guys’ junk? I think Bitter Sweet Symphonyis playing
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This is the Destiny of the last white woman in Paris
>waaaaah!!! they're ruining the faggot scene!!

kill yourself libtard
that one's a classic
these are good questions
this is like the drinking & driving of smartphones
he looks like the head of some geurrilla warfare organization
>Why doesn't anything make sense anymore? Where is the respect? Why isn't there anything to fight over anymore?
these are the only questions that matter for the foreseeable future, but i don't think the answers are going to be found here
how the FUCK did this guy have enough money/power to do this?
i guess anything can happen if you go outside enough
that's a free man
it's his world and we are just living in it
>when lolis attack
she voted for it
jesus fucking christ
He's a native (strangely enough).
Hello, poojeet. Heres 1 rupee for your valiant fight against pakis and turks. Kindly gangrape cow instead of a woman
Yes tyrone. You didn't do nuffin
desmond got famous for being a child drag queen
japan is a slightly cleaner phillipines when you get right down to it. delusional nationalists who's main industry is whoring.
There needs to be a Mishima incident-tier uprising against foreigners and tourists in Japan
What a faggot, makes me hate being Australian.
File: Creep-Fzo-3Nrm6vartb8r.webm (2.03 MB, 576x1024)
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whats with the audio
poor kid probably got molested
Blame Meiji and Hirohito, not the waito piggus, Kenji-kun.
You know he went back without the camera or his buddy
Aww he got a stiffy
Pretty sure it only applies during rush hour
Been on the women only carriage with my gf, nobody even looked
Yeah that ones a guy
That was a tranny, kicks to the face are always warranted.
DNC backed funding
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you guys don't know her this girl sushi potato is a sicko attention whore her entire irl twitch was centered around her look for men that would do perv stuff to her and caught them off guard with the camera
i thought polish people wanted more white americans to go to poland kek
Disgusting but...based.
He's canadian (looksmaximus)
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i thought the police was gonna show up but instead its brothers and uncles, kekk
>refugees welcomed

not so welcomed anymore? stupid bitches.
Can someone post Bittersweet Symphony?
9/10 its a jeet or arab... as usual.
show enjoys the attention
>Hey boys and gals, it's me Mutahar
brown Subhumans
It's a brown nigger walking around Europe harassing girls
the english are such cucks that they let pakis rape women in broad daylight with 10s of observers lol
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That is in Berlin
Who cares. Just attack orcs. That's the important part
youre more pathetic than a jeet, Ahmed
I don't diaagree, but being "respectful" while in Japan often just means walking around apologetic for mistakes, for saying the wrong thing, for not knowing how things work, for being in the wrong place, for existing.

And I sort of envy the people who just go there to use it as a playground because they probably have a better holiday than i do.
Hey it's the "I have autism in LA" guy.
filthy, attention-seeking slut.
there was a restaurant near where I used to live that had this with a fig leaf covering it, and when someone would move the fig leaf lights and an alarm would go off
not the 95% JABBED rate?
Based, keep them bitches on their toes
the fuck is wrong with you
>be security
>know there are cameras
>have access to all the footage
>do this behavior and delete the footage after
>only get caught months later when someone turns around
full on genius
Meanwhile, when I visited there, during rush hour, OLs would push their butt against my crotch on purpose. One of the times, I couldn't resist and got a half-chub. The girl looked back at me and winked! I should have followed her off the train but I was late for a kabuki show.
I love the japanese kind of creeps.
Kawabata's the lake kind of feels
He didn't realise it at the time, but the guy took a video of an anime scene happening right there in front of him.
Fuck off retard
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that dude jumping over them to stop the guy is fucking crazy, holy shit
kek based
>@politicalawake colenal otaku gatekeeper
Ecchis hate this one weird trick
It's an american thing
American go to Paris, London, Thailand and everywhere around the world like the cities and countries are one giant theme park.
lol its just the NHK guys trying to make you pay for TV
It's a common fact
What did he say here?
> how old are you?
> I’m 15
> 15. Perfect age for ???
Those jackasses just sitting there watching
If you tried to intervene the whore would've falsely accused (You) of unwanted contact.
Daily reminder that the Taliban formed to kill these bacha bazi faggots. They sided with the USA in the war and many got political asylum in western countries.
That's another level of jeropa
A Paki Kanye?
that's it, i don't feel safe and effective anymore.
omg, same, stacy. I'm a 50-year-old guy and get stalked constantly in Japan. I decided to make a Ticketi-Tock channel about it and also a Myspace site to share my experiences so others can stay safe and effective.
to be fair... she pretty hot
she asked for it>>5685987
Now, THAT's alpha. Kang.
became a crime when that Nazi stepped on the Israeli flag. We're gonna charge Germany 5Trillion more in reparations for that.

Also, Mossad is going to abduct his family for a show trial in Israel.
I love Jewish culture.
Not getting beaten up by Japanese schoolgirls on a train platform... why even live?

Oh, that's right, to work and pay money to our Jewish overlords.
pfff... trick is: you have to assert dominance by dropping a bigger load than him in the street. Then they leave you alone.
white women don't know that they can't be cunts to Arabs like they are to white guys. Still this is what attracts them to Arabs. I bet 50 Euro she later went back and seduced her assaulter to reclaim her beautiful agency. Safe and effective.
Oh, I know that guy. That's the guy who got castrated and skinned in that one video. i thught it was drug violence, but it's just angry family matters.
they know the whole story: she left her boyfriend when she saw him arriving at the beach. fast forward 5min later and she realizes she can get more attention claiming he's raping her instead of only sucking his wanger.
that's... because you're so effeminate, Officer.
Here he is. This guy know what's what.
Fuck. No paki has ever tried to touch me. Am I not sexy? I think I'm pretty sexy.
I dunno. If she had proof he has a high income this would be the video shown at their wedding about how they met.
>not saying "want to feel me shoes, huh?"
missed opportunity
don't really believe it and it would make a better video if she recorded it moving instead
she can record but the only thing that's shown is her sneaking shots on train passengers
they probably cornered him in the toilet
>just risk a fight with a head taller nigger for a random foid
hope she sees this bro
god her accent is so hot. he shouldve just pretended to have autism. he looks like he does
as they should. im not gonna risk my life to save a roastie from some african savage. not my problem. i sure wouldve loved to see u step in there tho and get your head split open. would make for good entertainment
like always, they didn't consider that they would have to live with them/live with the consequences
this is why we didn't let women vote
>help me!
>bitch i voted against this
poojets and mushits same thing
The nips are still polite even when catching an opposing lawbreaker. If this were in america they'd be on their moral high horse and yelling and throw insults at him throughout the whole process, and would even continue to berate him after it settled down and he stopped resisting.
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they know she voted for this
Moids truly are disgusting creatures.
What even is this? An illegal movie theater?
Why aren't these men screaming and crying and seeking vengeance now that they've had their lives ruined by sexual assault?
Anime IRL
>Listen to me, LISTEN TO ME, I'm alone, I'M ALONE, come with me!
Calm down. He doesn't want to harm you, he just wants to watch you taking a shit.
the jap cops saw her come out of a sauna and stopped her to check her bag, you may think the treacherous nip is a high IQ "honorary aryan", but they are pajeet tier pervs and 2 wasn't enough
>Girls shyly touch it
>Tranny goes full degenerate and tries to impale itself on it
Nobody tell this guy about jenkem
No drugs? That's fucking lame.
Okay so whoever shot this video suspected he would do that, which means the girl is probably a plant, which means she chooses to get photographed up her skirt.

And I'm supposed to feel what? Outrage?
Kek so true
I love how part of their argument is that men are "making huge profits"
I bet that's her boyfriend
This guy's fucking based
This kid's going to be a millionaire if he isn't already. Let that sink in.
and their privates too
Have they EVER made ANY programs about the mudslime grooming gangs in their own country?
Nice try, ching chong.
who wouldn't?
I've already spent millions thanks to him...
Why lie? Foreigners are ALWAYS more criminal than local residents.
No matter what place and what country of origin we are talking about.
If you are a foreigner in your current location, you are statistically more likely to commit a crime than the people living there all their life for generations.
And I'd prefer, if police took that into consideration while doing their job.
That's due to laws from the post-war American occupation, though.
yeah, how so?
When lolis attack?
Dude took a heavy whiff in #3
japan seems pretty based
This is my personal 9/11
>police tries to do a routine check on passerbys
>passerby happened to be someone holding a personal item
>both sides get bashful over it and it ends as a funny encounter
nigga it's not that deep. neither side did anything wrong. it's wholesome if anything
you never see black people doing this shit
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>tfw when you want to make a creepshot but you end with a crimeshot
Weirdo freaks like you deserve to be brutally r4ped & mu.rdered by n1ggers.
he tested the tranny enough times.
i want to kill every single person in that room
>The Jeets, chinks and other brownoids ITT trying to psyop white people into hating the Japanese
Fuck off, everyone knows you subhuman races are the biggest coinnoseurs of sexual assault and rape.
what did he tell the cops when he surrendered this evidence?
>police tries to do a routine check on passerbys
Is that sort of thing normal in other countries? I've never had a "routine check" of my bags done to me while walking on any city street in America. Seems like an invasion of privacy.
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She probably saw him creeping and then started filming.
>calling children lolis
I lived in Japan for four years and never had it happen to me, but I know other foreigners who got searched by the cops pretty regularly. Mainly blacks, guys in flashy clothing, women dressed like whores hanging out in areas with a lot of foreigner crime like Roppongi and Kabukicho. Years ago the cops in Shinjuku and Shibuya were doing random checks on obvious tourists for pocket knives, but there are so many foreign tourists in Japan now that I doubt it's still happening very much.
You are compared a faggot touching casually penis for 1 sec to a life of objectivation. There is a heavy psychological factor of being a victim, your perpetrator is bigger and has more social power than you, that means that he could rape you virtually anywhere anyday and you could only scream. He would see you as an object not as human.
Just because you don't valorate your body and soul. Seek Jesus and stop molesting women.
>a life of objectivation
The psychological factor of being a victim is much much much heavier because of active participation and legitimization of it.
I'm reasonably proud of my body, I don't fear people seeing or stealing grabs of it. Nor, to be totally frank, have I been conditioned to EXPECT other people to respect my boundaries or bodily autonomy. No shortage of times in my youth was I physically or sexually assaulted by peers, and it's never something anyone wants to help you with and it's always your fault too when you defend yourself. You can see comparing these videos and reactions to them, men are safer targets. People don't even consider it sexual assault if it happens to a man. If you sperg out and beat the shit out of the guy, you're a psycho you're overreacting, you're at risk of imprisonment. But he also won't stop if you don't and nobody's going to help you that's for damn sure.
If you're a woman being filmed, people intervene and threaten violence and make arrests.
I get that the frequency of risk is an order of magnitude worse for women, and I agree there's no good for society in letting assaulters run rampant in our streets.
But in absolute sincerity a majority of the harm is from having way too much emotional investment in your sexual desirability combined with unreasonable expectations of deference from others. "Feeling sexy" is about feeling power over others, and getting filmed or grabbed takes away that feeling of power.
You can't control other peoples behavior, but you can absolutely choose not to invest so much self worth in others wanting-but-not-getting you or defining yourself so much by the times you were a victim.
>njom njom njom njom njom
wow we are reddit now
wow fuck those cops, totally folded because they heard the word "panties". could've been some whitoid muslim terrorist's slut plotting an attack and stumped the japanese military by embarrassing them with 3rd grade level discomfort.

wtf is so embarrassing about underwear when you're in your 30s??? god these people are retarded
Thought this was WorldOfTshirts
10 years late comment
is there a version without this music
The more I watch this, the cuter she seems~
It's a tranny idiot
He had probably already done it once you fool. Its easy to tell when creeps are doing this shit. Their body language gives them away
Hookers need to avoid STDs because it hurts their bottom line. Fags don't care about STDs because they all have them and don't care about spreading them to each other

I'll give you one guess where the YOLO shit started...
Head on collision
any white pervs?
Apparently you can be a terrorist and get away with this!? Next time I'm stopped by cops, I'll tell them I have panties in my bag.
I thought you get stoned til your bloody for crimes in these shithole countries
At 1:10, the old man that shoulder checks him, what does he say?
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>Costs nothing to do
>Charge 10 a head to an invite to a server
I mean yeah theyre not gonna ping the IRL over it but yes it technically is huge profit
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For info her story was proven fake on Japanese twitter. Her mansion (that's how modern apartment complexes are called) have cameras but she never reported anything, and her peep hole only shows the genkan (isolated entrance), so there's nothing to see by looking inside.

She's just excited at the idea that she's so hot that someone would stalk her. (Nobody does)
Typical brown behavior.
Yes but the rules only apply during rush hours. You can use them when it's not norming and evening rush hours.
The federal law was 13 but the regional law everywhere was 16 to 18 for a long time.
It has been 18 in Tokyo for like 30 years.
People refuse to acknowledge this because they want to to go with the Japan is a perv nation narrative. re writing laws costs time and money and it's easier to create a new law that contradicts the other

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